This repository is code I wrote during my 2018 summer internship at MIX in Beijing. It creates a cleaned version of data downloaded from 百度贴吧 (BaiduTieba), the Chinese version of Reddit. In the folder baidutieba/ are the original data files. Each data file contains 100,000 lines of QA pairs where the questions are the posts and the answers are the comments from BaiduTieba. These files are used to train a NLP model at MIX.
Currently cannot upload baidutieba/ because of slow WiFi.
The data is first cleaned by removing lines of "garbage" that weren't useful for the model. The next task was to remove ads. I did this by finding specific phrases typically found in ads and rarely found in regular comments. For example, any comment including the phrases "点此进入" which translates to "click here to enter" was flagged as an ad. To do this, run which creates the directory clean/ which contains the cleaned versions of each data file. It also creates garbage.txt and ads.txt which stores the garbage and ads found.
manually_found_ads.txt contains a bunch of ads I found by hand.
Next, I implemented a Naive Bayes classifer to supplement my inital ad detection method. With reference from: I implemented NB classifier in The training data is generated by which takes a filename (I used baidutieba/baidutieba_aa). This file separates the 100,000 lines into three cases found in the data/ folder. The three cases are garabage, ads, and regular comments that can be used to train the NLP model. From here, the ads.txt and comments.txt files were used to train the NB classifier. I then ran the NB classifer using on all the cleaned baidutieba files which separats each clean file into a "more clean" file and the ads found using the NB classifier.
An example of an ad found using the NB classifier is: 别再买假学历了!4月起,北京正式开放成人大学录取通道,毕业就是本科学历. As this ad does contain any of the "classical" ad phrases, it went undetected until I used the NB classifer
jieba is used to parse sentences in Chinese into phrases. For example, list(jieba.cut("我新欢吃水果")) = ['我', '喜欢', '吃水果']. To install on macOS, run
pip install jieba