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Creating a consistent environment for for the River-dl repository.

We've set up a workflow to use Docker and Singularity images to standardize the environment across computing systems and users for river-dl. The workflow uses a base docker image that can be run locally on CPU or converted into a Singularity image on Tallgrass or other HPC system with access to GPU. For an introduction to Docker, check out the Docker tutorial. The following walks through pulling the river-dl docker image locally and on Tallgrass as well as two examples of how to run the associated snakemake workflow.

1) Pull the Docker image and run River-dl locally

Pull the river-dl image from Gitlab. Versions can be specified by adding the version tag (i.e. v1.1) after river-dl in the format image:tag. By default, it will pull river-dl:latest.

docker pull

Navigate to the river-dl repsository. Once there, create a container from the image and open it with the river-dl repository mounted as volume.

docker run --entrypoint bash -it --mount "src=$(pwd),target=/river-dl,type=bind" -w '/river-dl' river-dl

Above, the -it flag creates an interactive container, --mount mounts the container to your current working directory (with read/write access), and -w sets the working directory within the docker container.

Once in the container, run the snakemake file just as you would within terminal.

snakemake --configfile config.yml --cores all

If you get a cryptic Killed return, you may need to increase the memory usage allowed by docker. The default on a mac is 2GB. To change this, go to docker and select Settings > Resources and increase the allowed memory.

Once your done, exit the container by typing exit.

After exiting, you can view the container ID by typing docker container ls -a and either remove it with docker rm [container id] or reactivate it with docker start -i [container id]. The above script recreates the container each time, so if you don't remove it be aware you'll end up with multiple containers

2) Convert the Docker image to a Singularity image and run River-dl on Tallgrass.

If you've already pulled the image to Tallgrass, skip to "2.1) Running River-dl in the singularity container"

On Tallgrass, load singularity

module load singularity

Navigate to your river-dl directory

cd river-dl/

Pull the river-dl container image from GitLab and convert it to a singularity image. Versions can be specified by adding the version tag (i.e. v1.1) after river-dl in the format image:tag.

singularity pull --docker-login docker://

You should now have a .sif file in the river-dl directory. This is the singularity image.

2.1) Running River-dl in terminal within the singularity container

Allocate a GPU node and open a bash script within that node

salloc -N 1 -n 1 -c 8 -p gpu -A <Account> -t 2:00:00 --gres=gpu:1

srun -A <Account> --pty bash

Set up the environment and specify paths to necessary nvidia libraries

module load singularity cuda10.0 cuda10.0/blas cuda10.1

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cm/shared/apps/nvidia/TensorRT-$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Move to the river-dl directory cd <path to river-dl>

Start the singularity container and bind the necessary nvidia libraries and your river-dl directory.

singularity shell --nv --bind /cm/local/apps,/cm/shared/apps,[path to river-dl]:/river-dl/ river-dl_latest.sif

Run the snakemake workflow

snakemake --configfile config.yml --cores 1

Currently, running the snakemake with more than 1 core causes tensorflow to overload the GPU memory. We think this is because snakemake is trying to allocate the entire memory of the GPU to each task/cpu. We're working on specifying computing resources in the snakefile to avoid this, but it will likely require larger modifications to the pipeline.

2.2) Submitting a batch script to run River-dl within the singularity container

You can also submit a batch script that will run the snakemake pipeline within your river-dl container. An example slurm file is below:

#SBATCH -J train_riv_dl_sing
#SBATCH -t 4:00:00   # time
#SBATCH -o tmp/snakemake-%j.out
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH -A watertemp          # your account code
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -c 16
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --mem=32GB
module load singularity cuda10.0 cuda10.0/blas cuda10.1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cm/shared/apps/nvidia/TensorRT-$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
srun singularity exec --nv --bind /cm/local/apps,/cm/shared/apps,/home/stopp/river-dl:/river-dl river-dl_latest.sif snakemake --configfile config.yml --cores all --rerun-incomplete'

3) Updating the docker image

First, you'll need to create an access token to push the updated container to the Gitlab registry.

  • Create your access token on Gitlab

  • Authenticate gitlab using your access token by running the following command and entering your generated token when prompted for your password.

    docker login -u <username>

To update the container image (i.e. add an additional package), you'll need to re-build the image locally on your laptop or desktop using the Dockerfile in the base directory of river-dl. Then you'll need to push the new image to the container repository on Gitlab. To do this, open up the dockerfile and add the packages you need to the list, then build the container by running the following and replacing the tag with your version tag:

docker build -t<tag> .

Push the rebuilt container to Gitlab

docker push<tag>

At this point, repull the new container/tag and follow instructions in steps 1 and 2 to run the container.