The following is a set of example SQL queries that can be run against the db-sync
These queries are run using the psql
executable distributed with PostgreSQL. Connecting to the
database can be done from the cardano-db-sync
git checkout using:
PGPASSFILE=config/pgpass-mainnet psql cexplorer
Some of these queries have Haskell/Esqueleto equivalents in the file Query.hs and where they exist, the names of those queries will be included in parentheses.
select * from meta ;
id | start_time | network_name
1 | 2017-09-23 21:44:51 | mainnet
(1 row)
Note: 1 ADA == 1,000,000 Lovelace
This just queries the UTxO set for unspent transaction outputs. It does not include staking rewards that have have not yet been withdrawn. Before being withdrawn rewards exist in ledger state and not on-chain.
select sum (value) / 1000000 as current_supply from tx_out as tx_outer where
not exists
( select from tx_out inner join tx_in
on tx_out.tx_id = tx_in.tx_out_id and tx_out.index = tx_in.tx_out_index
where =
) ;
select slot_no from block where block_no is not null
order by block_no desc limit 1 ;
(1 row)
select pg_size_pretty (pg_database_size ('cexplorer'));
4067 MB
(1 row)
To get a rough estimate of how close to fully synced the database is, we can use the time stamps on the blocks as follows:
100 * (extract (epoch from (max (time) at time zone 'UTC')) - extract (epoch from (min (time) at time zone 'UTC')))
/ (extract (epoch from (now () at time zone 'UTC')) - extract (epoch from (min (time) at time zone 'UTC')))
as sync_percent
from block ;
(1 row)
Note: The value returned by this query can be rather misleading as it operates on block time stamps and early epochs contain much less data (eg Byron era did not have staking) and much fewer transactions.
In general the database is operated on in an append only manner. Pool certificates can be updated so that later certificates override earlier ones. In addition pools can retire. Therefore to get the latest pool registration for every pool that is still valid:
select * from pool_update
where registered_tx_id in (select max(registered_tx_id) from pool_update group by hash_id)
and not exists
( select * from pool_retire where pool_retire.hash_id = pool_update.hash_id
and pool_retire.retiring_epoch <= (select max (epoch_no) from block)
) ;
To include the pool hash in the query output:
select * from pool_update inner join pool_hash on pool_update.hash_id =
where registered_tx_id in (select max(registered_tx_id) from pool_update group by hash_id)
and not exists
( select * from pool_retire where pool_retire.hash_id = pool_update.hash_id
and pool_retire.retiring_epoch <= (select max (epoch_no) from block)
) ;
select as stake_address_id, tx_out.address, stake_address.view as stake_address
from tx_out inner join stake_address on tx_out.stake_address_id =
where address = 'addr1qx2kd28nq8ac5pr...08ly3tu9sy0f4qd' ;
stake_address_id | address | stake_address
42 | addr1qx2kd28nq8ac5p...8ly3tu9sy0f4qd | stake1u9ylzsgxaa6xct...nljg47zctvm3rc
select, tx.fee from tx
where tx.hash = '\xf9c0997afc8159dbe0568eadf0823112e0cc29cd097c8dc939ff44c372388bc0' ;
id | fee
1000000 | 172433
select tx_out.* from tx_out inner join tx on tx_out.tx_id =
where tx.hash = '\xf9c0997afc8159dbe0568eadf0823112e0cc29cd097c8dc939ff44c372388bc0' ;
id | tx_id | index | address | value | address_raw | payment_cred
2205593 | 1000000 | 1 | DdzFFzCqrh...u6v9fWDrML | 149693067531 | \x82d8185842...1a20a42e6f |
2205592 | 1000000 | 0 | DdzFFzCqrh...DoV2nEACWf | 8991998000 | \x82d8185842...1a150033dc |
select tx_out.* from tx_out
inner join tx_in on tx_out.tx_id = tx_in.tx_out_id
inner join tx on = tx_in.tx_in_id and tx_in.tx_out_index = tx_out.index
where tx.hash = '\xf9c0997afc8159dbe0568eadf0823112e0cc29cd097c8dc939ff44c372388bc0' ;
id | tx_id | index | address | value | address_raw | payment_cred
2195714 | 996126 | 4 | DdzFFzCqrh...dtq1FQQSCN | 158685237964 | \x82d8185842...1a330b42df |
There are many ways this query can be written, but this is the one which so far has the best performance (runs in a little over 10 minutes at epoch 270):
select epoch_no, max (seconds) as sync_secs, sum (tx_count) as tx_count, sum (sum_tx_size) as sum_tx_size,
sum (reward_count) as reward_count, sum (stake_count) as stake_count
from (
select epoch_no, 0 as sync_secs, 0 as tx_count, 0 as sum_tx_size, count (reward) as reward_count,
0 as stake_count from reward group by epoch_no
select epoch_no, 0 as sync_secs, 0 as tx_count, 0 as sum_tx_size, 0 as reward_count,
count (epoch_stake) as stake_count from epoch_stake group by epoch_no
select epoch_no, 0 as sync_secs, count (tx) as tx_count, sum (tx.size) as tx_sum_size, 0 as reward_count,
0 as stake_count
from block inner join tx on tx.block_id =
where epoch_no is not null
group by epoch_no
select no as epoch_no, seconds, 0 as tx_count, 0 as tx_sum_size, 0 as reward_count,
0 as stake_count
from epoch_sync_time
as derived_table group by epoch_no ;
epoch_no | sync_secs | tx_count | sum_tx_size | reward_count | stake_count
0 | 0 | 33 | 6093 | 0 | 0
1 | 28.256384637 | 12870 | 2256995 | 0 | 0
2 | 19.462634986 | 4292 | 830307 | 0 | 0
3 | 18.302536512 | 3293 | 658490 | 0 | 0
209 | 177.122253524 | 36916 | 19098427 | 0 | 0
210 | 188.630659101 | 36267 | 19694637 | 0 | 17305
211 | 160.841826393 | 29083 | 16330473 | 17988 | 24252
212 | 146.277991679 | 24691 | 13503603 | 24421 | 30628
268 | 3491.985000071 | 208164 | 127281166 | 527806 | 557805
269 | 3234.034316171 | 197254 | 118772706 | 0 | 577352
270 | 0 | 120754 | 70076543 | 0 | 595592
(271 rows)
Withdrawals are a feature of some transactions of the Shelley era and later.
select withdrawal.* from withdrawal
inner join tx on withdrawal.tx_id =
where tx.hash = '\x0b8c5be678209bb051a02904dd18896a929f9aca8aecd48850939a590175f7e8' ;
id | addr_id | amount | tx_id
27684 | 30399 | 154619825 | 2788211
Simplest query is:
select pool_id, sum (amount) from epoch_stake
where epoch_no = 216 group by pool_id ;
pool_id | sum
1 | 25326935163066
2 | 112825285842751
1172 | 498620686
1173 | 15024987189
(1114 rows)
Or, to use the Bech32 pool identifier instead of the Postgres generated pool_id
select pool_hash.view, sum (amount) as lovelace from epoch_stake
inner join pool_hash on epoch_stake.pool_id =
where epoch_no = 216 group by ;
view | lovelace
pool10p6wd9k0fwk2zqkqnqr8efyr7gms627ujk9dxgk6majskhawr6r | 789466838780
pool1vvh72z8dktfy2x965w0yp5psmnyv3845pmm37nerhl6jk6m2njw | 1427697660218
pool1tq03j8aa5myedlr8xj6tltstdsn5eprxq4cd4qr54mhv25unsyk | 50297430457
pool1nux6acnlx0du7ss9fhg2phjlaqe87l4wcurln5r6f0k8xreluez | 5401615743207
(1114 rows)
select delegation.active_epoch_no, pool_hash.view from delegation
inner join stake_address on delegation.addr_id =
inner join pool_hash on delegation.pool_hash_id =
where stake_address.view = 'stake1u8gsndukzghdukmqdsd7r7wd6kvamvjv2pzcgag8v6jd69qfqyl5h'
order by active_epoch_no asc;
active_epoch_no | view
212 | pool1hwlghkwnjsjk8370qt3dvp23d7urwm36f95fmxcz3np2kghknj9
214 | pool1xxhs2zw5xa4g54d5p62j46nlqzwp8jklqvuv2agjlapwjx9qkg9
216 | pool1hwlghkwnjsjk8370qt3dvp23d7urwm36f95fmxcz3np2kghknj9
217 | pool15yyxtkhz64p7a8cnax9l7u82s9t9hdhyxsa3tdm977qhgpnsuhq
(4 rows)
This shows that the first delegation became active (ie earning rewards) in epoch 212 and that the address owner subsequently re-delegated their stake with those re-delegations becoming active in epochs 214, 216 and 217.
select reward.epoch_no, pool_hash.view as delegated_pool, reward.amount as lovelace
from reward inner join stake_address on reward.addr_id =
inner join pool_hash on reward.pool_id =
where stake_address.view = 'stake1u8gsndukzghdukmqdsd7r7wd6kvamvjv2pzcgag8v6jd69qfqyl5h'
order by epoch_no asc ;
epoch_no | delegated_pool | lovelace
212 | pool1hwlghkwnjsjk8370qt3dvp23d7urwm36f95fmxcz3np2kghknj9 | 2953284
213 | pool1hwlghkwnjsjk8370qt3dvp23d7urwm36f95fmxcz3np2kghknj9 | 3333940
214 | pool1xxhs2zw5xa4g54d5p62j46nlqzwp8jklqvuv2agjlapwjx9qkg9 | 3005843
215 | pool1xxhs2zw5xa4g54d5p62j46nlqzwp8jklqvuv2agjlapwjx9qkg9 | 3552293
216 | pool1hwlghkwnjsjk8370qt3dvp23d7urwm36f95fmxcz3np2kghknj9 | 3130673
217 | pool15yyxtkhz64p7a8cnax9l7u82s9t9hdhyxsa3tdm977qhgpnsuhq | 34339994
218 | pool15yyxtkhz64p7a8cnax9l7u82s9t9hdhyxsa3tdm977qhgpnsuhq | 30384189
219 | pool15yyxtkhz64p7a8cnax9l7u82s9t9hdhyxsa3tdm977qhgpnsuhq | 27293239
220 | pool15yyxtkhz64p7a8cnax9l7u82s9t9hdhyxsa3tdm977qhgpnsuhq | 36947267
221 | pool15yyxtkhz64p7a8cnax9l7u82s9t9hdhyxsa3tdm977qhgpnsuhq | 27016952
(10 rows)
select block.block_no, block.epoch_no, pool_hash.view as pool_view
from block inner join slot_leader on block.slot_leader_id =
inner join pool_hash on slot_leader.pool_hash_id =
where block.epoch_no = 220
and pool_hash.view = 'pool137x32lrkprphrd0aa8x4jqz98z6lc0wawlc88hdjeps4qe408ad' ;
block_no | epoch_no | pool_view
4760198 | 220 | pool137x32lrkprphrd0aa8x4jqz98z6lc0wawlc88hdjeps4qe408ad
4759847 | 220 | pool137x32lrkprphrd0aa8x4jqz98z6lc0wawlc88hdjeps4qe408ad
(2 rows)
select block.epoch_no, count (*) as block_count
from block inner join slot_leader on block.slot_leader_id =
inner join pool_hash on slot_leader.pool_hash_id =
where pool_hash.view = 'pool1nux6acnlx0du7ss9fhg2phjlaqe87l4wcurln5r6f0k8xreluez'
group by block.epoch_no, pool_hash.view ;
epoch_no | block_count
212 | 1
213 | 2
214 | 2
215 | 4
select as tx_id, tx.block_id as tx_block_id, tx_out.address as tx_out_address
from tx inner join tx_out on = tx_out.tx_id
where tx.hash = '\x9053a4cf0c6c9fb29792c78e688c5915a02909d0073371d8fff1abba0bed3065';
tx_id | tx_block_id | tx_out_address
3192730 | 5083822 | addr1vy6d0htdaa9k8du2262p2ju74s25g6rjyjsc9x2fky9r6jq402r08
to find your transaction hash of your voter registration:
cardano-cli transaction txid --tx-file metadata.txsigned
select stake_address.view as stake_address, epoch_stake.epoch_no, epoch_stake.amount
from stake_address inner join epoch_stake on = epoch_stake.addr_id
where stake_address.view = 'stake1u8mt5gqclkq0swmvzx9lvq4jgwsnx9yh030yrxwqwllu0mq2m0l4n' ;
stake_address | epoch_no | amount
stake1u8mt5gqclkq0swmvzx9lvq4jgwsnx9yh030yrxwqwllu0mq2m0l4n | 211 | 1561003730
stake1u8mt5gqclkq0swmvzx9lvq4jgwsnx9yh030yrxwqwllu0mq2m0l4n | 212 | 1561003730
Orphaned rewards for epoch N
are rewards that acrue to a stake address that was registered in
before the end of epoch N - 2
but for which the stake address has been de-registered before the
rewards could be distributed (which happens at the start of epoch N + 2
select max (epoch_no) as max_epoch_no, sum (amount) / 1000000 as orphaned_reward_ada
from orphaned_reward ;
max_epoch_no | orphaned_reward_ada
238 | 67129.771592000000
Reward payments can come from two places; staking rewards which are in the reward
table and payments
from the treasury. These can be coalesced into single query via an SQL union
select addr_id, amount, NULL as reward_epoch_no, tx_id as treasury_tx_id from treasury
select addr_id, amount, epoch_no as reward_epoch_no, NULL as treasury_tx_id from reward ;
addr_id | amount | reward_epoch_no | treasury_tx_id
3 | 1071786 | 216 |
3 | 1148596 | 212 |
3 | 1363094 | 215 |
3 | 1527849 | 214 |
3 | 2336874 | | 3557307
3 | 2439495 | 213 |
3 | 3204796 | 241 |
3 | 3518828 | 221 |
The UTxO set is dependent on time, this will return it for a given timestamp
# with const as (select to_timestamp ('2020-10-10 17:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as effective_time_)
select tx_out.address as address, tx_out.value as lovelace, generating_block.time as timestamp
from const
cross join tx_out
inner join tx as generating_tx on = tx_out.tx_id
inner join block as generating_block on = generating_tx.block_id
left join tx_in as consuming_input on consuming_input.tx_out_id =
and consuming_input.tx_out_index = tx_out.index
left join tx as consuming_tx on = consuming_input.tx_in_id
left join block as consuming_block on = consuming_tx.block_id
where ( -- Ommit outputs from genesis after Allegra hard fork
const.effective_time_ < '2020-12-16 21:44:00'
or generating_block.epoch_no is not null
and const.effective_time_ >= generating_block.time -- Only outputs from blocks generated in the past
and ( -- Only outputs consumed in the future or unconsumed outputs
const.effective_time_ <= consuming_block.time or IS NULL
) ;
address | lovelace | timestamp
Ae2tdPwUPEZFdcW8MaYNxoJJkKmkSwJD5D4AdJPBLLn7PCVMenKMvwtWV8K | 1000000 | 2017-09-23 21:44:51
Ae2tdPwUPEZ1pRs1gSidtoRGMpJR54UyNrdVDMFxXu2pBkhxitAWhqrGqd9 | 715399000000 | 2017-09-23 21:44:51
Ae2tdPwUPEZJn5QH1xKqNFmtEfvBXFHJ5RacD1xtR9kcvndvebirJHG7Sam | 380723000000 | 2017-09-23 21:44:51
Ae2tdPwUPEZBZRPzrsCvbaG3HH89AUtAkBwjeR4pC2WZvXYZ4Ab7J7JNpLz | 469809000000 | 2017-09-23 21:44:51
Ae2tdPwUPEYyvoxws84ogrBf7CqRjiGaqP6yKeb2gsLZaKPaDWKdxiQn1Pm | 1838066000000 | 2017-09-23 21:44:51
The genesis block contains multiple addresses, this query will tag them with their origin.
genesis_output.address as address,
floor (genesis_output.value / 1000000) as ada,
redemption_block.time as redeemed_at,
cast ((case
when genesis_output.value = 1000000 then 'Test Ada'
when genesis_output.address in (
) then 'Development Pool'
else 'Pre-Sale'
end) as varchar) as origin
from block as genesis_block
inner join tx as genesis_tx on genesis_tx.block_id =
inner join tx_out as genesis_output on genesis_output.tx_id =
left join tx_in as redemption_input on redemption_input.tx_out_id =
left join tx as redemption_tx on = redemption_input.tx_in_id
left join block as redemption_block on = redemption_tx.block_id
where genesis_block.epoch_no is null ;
address | ada | redeemed_at | origin
Ae2tdPwUPEZJkVfTW9cFmxAxsp1WtgV4hde53p5eLccUUFzQu8amyrLHcTL | 385509 | 2017-11-19 06:36:11 | Pre-Sale
Ae2tdPwUPEZM65iaQ1jYtgmtTSvjrcPXfXcFBineY27wYot6t2ToY8FqkXu | 1923076 | 2017-09-30 16:40:31 | Pre-Sale
Ae2tdPwUPEZMeLeeSL9Lq2Kr3UhBt1a23KhCMqFWvjYGXxGjkvV9giSQAeH | 832476 | 2017-09-29 07:47:31 | Pre-Sale
Ae2tdPwUPEYwQuL8cXMVstbEUvfdxwWpjepjKTD9BYQbcXJG8BdLjEpuD8Y | 409116 | 2017-10-08 06:27:31 | Pre-Sale
Ae2tdPwUPEZApyHh2AfjfSyCRYhwDLoWo91WvmjE9fQKo6VB9BjWk6N7eXv | 384615 | 2017-09-30 03:58:51 | Pre-Sale
select sum (value) / 1000000 as script_locked from tx_out as tx_outer where
tx_outer.address_has_script = true and
not exists
( select from tx_out inner join tx_in
on tx_out.tx_id = tx_in.tx_out_id and tx_out.index = tx_in.tx_out_index
where =
) ;
(1 row)
select as tx_id, tx.fee as fees, SUM(redeemer.fee) as script_fees, SUM(units_mem) as units_mem,
SUM (units_steps) as units_steps, tx.valid_contract as valid, count( scripts, tx.script_size
from tx join redeemer on = redeemer.tx_id group by;
tx_id | fees |script_fees |units_mem |units_steps| valid|scripts|script_size
11812 |200193089 | 200000000 | 100000000| 100000000| t | 1| 92
11909 | 5000000 | 4000000 | 2000000| 2000000| f | 1| 565
11931 | 5000000 | 4000000 | 2000000| 2000000| f | 1| 92
11983 |255089500 | 204089500 | 39500| 204050000| t | 1| 92
11987 |102635800 | 81635800 | 15800| 81620000| t | 1| 92
11992 |102635800 | 81635800 | 15800| 81620000| t | 1| 92
12004 |822865300 | 791865300 | 195300| 791670000| t | 1| 4559
12010 |822865300 | 791865300 | 195300| 791670000| t | 1| 4559
select SUM(value)/1000000 as lost_amount
from tx
join tx_in on = tx_in.tx_in_id
join tx_out on tx_in.tx_out_id =
where tx.valid_contract = false ;
select as tx_id, tx_out.value as tx_out_value, redeemer.units_mem, redeemer.units_steps, redeemer.fee, redeemer.purpose
from tx join redeemer on redeemer.tx_id =
join tx_in on tx_in.redeemer_id =
join tx_out on tx_in.tx_out_id = tx_out.tx_id and tx_in.tx_out_index = tx_out.index
where redeemer.script_hash = '\x8a08f851b22e5c54de087be307eeab3b5c8588a8cea8319867c786e0';
tx_id | tx_out_value | units_mem | units_steps | fee | purpose
10184 | 200000000 | 70000000 | 70000000 | 140000000 | spend
11680 | 1000000000 | 700000000 | 700000000 | 1400000000 | spend
11812 | 512000000 | 100000000 | 100000000 | 200000000 | spend
11983 | 300000000 | 39500 | 204050000 | 204089500 | spend
11987 | 200000000 | 15800 | 81620000 | 81635800 | spend
11992 | 120000000 | 15800 | 81620000 | 81635800 | spend
select redeemer.tx_id as tx_id, redeemer.units_mem, redeemer.units_steps, redeemer.fee as redeemer_fee, redeemer.purpose, ma_tx_mint.policy,, ma_tx_mint.quantity
from redeemer join ma_tx_mint on redeemer.script_hash = ma_tx_mint.policy
and redeemer.tx_id = ma_tx_mint.tx_id
where purpose = 'mint';
tx_id |units_mem|units_steps|redeemer_fee|purpose| policy | name | quantity
11728|700000000|700000000 |1400000000 |mint |\x3f216fc1b7a9cdfa2ee964f44a6718e108fb131d36011e3fdbfcfd21 | \x7161636f696e |5
17346|700000000|700000000 |1400000000 |mint |\x3f216fc1b7a9cdfa2ee964f44a6718e108fb131d36011e3fdbfcfd21 | \x7161636f696e |5
(2 rows)