This Guide is specific to Informatica Process developer currently available for download on IICS CLoud platforms.
Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers Version: Kepler Service Release 2 Build id: 20140224-0627
Process Developer Component Versions:
- Informatica Process Developer com.activevos.complete.product
- Informatica Process Developer Add-on Components
- Informatica Process Developer Screenflow Components
- Install Process Developer
- Download Installers
- Installation alternatives
- Installing Open JDK on Windows
- Installing on Linux Using Oracle JDK
- Installing on Linux Using Open JDK (Ubuntu)
- Example eclipse.ini
- Installing on Mac OS
- Informatica Cloud Process Developer Plug-in Installation
- Process Developer Issues on macOS and Linux
- Release Notes
Informatica Process Developer is distributed in two ways
- Windows Installer which Includes JRE, Eclipse And Informatica Process Developer plug-in
- Standalone plug-ins in zip archive
Windows distribution is only 32 bit which limits your eclipse runtime use to relatively small JVM size. You should prefer plug-in based distribution. To Download Process Developer go to you Informatica Cloud Org Console/ Process Designer and select the Forms Tab on the left Navigation pane
If you work on lager projects and 32 bit distribution is useful to install 64 bit version of eclipse. You will need a specific version of Eclipse to install plug-ins based distribution Eclipse Kepler SR2 Packages.
Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers
NOTE: Do not use any other version of Eclipse, process Developer will not work on other versions.
You will also need to download and install JDK 1.7 or newer
Download and install JDK specific to your system from
Use a specific installation for your system
Install Open JDK Direct download
I install JDK to /c/opt/java/jdk-15.0.2
Run following if you your msys2+packages installed
curl -o ~/Downloads/
unzip -d /c/opt/java ~/Downloads/
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\")
Expand-Archive "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\" -DestinationPath C:\opt\java\library
- Download JDK (tgz distribution)
- expand tgz
sudo tar -xvf jdk-7u80-linux-x64.tar.gz -C '/opt/java'
- Download Eclipse Distribution
- Unzip Eclipse
tar -xf eclipse-rcp-kepler-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C 'your_directry of choice'
- Edit the /eclipse/eclipse.ini to set the -vm to pint the eclipse to a specific jdk
- Run Eclipse
- Download the Process Developer Plug-ins
- Unzip the plug-ins
- Install the plug-ins following the Informatica Cloud Process Developer Plug-in Installation
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
- Download Eclipse Distribution
- Unzip Eclipse
tar -xf eclipse-rcp-kepler-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C 'your_directory of choice'
recommended is/opt/tools
- Optionally Edit the /eclipse/eclipse.ini to set the -vm to pint the eclipse to a specific jdk (this is not necessary whe using OpenJDK installed by apt)
- Run Eclipse
- Download the Process Developer Plug-ins
- Unzip the plug-ins
- Install the plug-ins following the Informatica Cloud Process Developer Plug-in Installation
Installation on Mac can be tricky as Kepler Eclipse Release is not very well supported in recent Mac OS Versions if you try to run Eclipse Kepler on macOS Sierra or High Sierra even with Oracle JDK installed, it will refuse to start when you have JDK 1.7 or newer installed and show following dialog
Do not install Legacy Java as suggested, it is unsafe and also broken on latest macOS High Sierra, instead use following steps:
Download JDK
Install JDK
Download Eclipse Distribution
DO NOT unzip the distribution using double click on the tar.gz archive (mac will not expand the files correctly and you will not be able to run the Eclipse successfully)
Open terminal and expand the archive to
directory -
Unzip Eclipse
tar -xf eclipse-rcp-kepler-SR2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64.tar.gz -C '/Applications'
Be careful if you already have other versions of eclipse installed in Applications You may want to rename the default 'eclipse' directory to something likeipd
Edit the
, enter the -vm just before the -vmargs argument to point the Eclipse to a specific jdk and make sure the -vm an path are on separte lines-vm /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_80.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib
Set other jvm parameters such as xmx and xms
Download the Process Developer Plug-ins
Unzip the plug-ins
Install the plug-ins following the Informatica Cloud Process Developer Plug-in Installation
Example eclipse.ini on Mac
Select the
install new software
option from the help menu. -
Click the add button to add new update site repository
Enter a name and click the local button and browse for a location of the Expanded Plugin Zip/updatesite
Select the
folder included with this distribution -
Click the OK button.
Uncheck the
Group items by category
checkbox. -
Click "Select All"
Click next and follow the prompts to complete the install.
Review The Install Details Summary and continue with next step.
Agree to License Terms and User Agreement
Plugin includes unsigned Libraries, accept and dismiss the warning
You might be asked to trust the provided certificates, accept and confirm provided certs to trust
Confirm Eclipse IDE restart
Installing the Informatica Cloud Process Developer License
Start Eclipse.
When Eclipse first starts, select the
button when prompted. -
Enter your name and
to the license.lic file included with this distribution inCloud_Process_Developer_plugins/license
Select the
button. -
on the update confirmation dialog. -
Switch to the Process Developer perspective (Window / Open Perspective / Other / Process Developer)
There are several known issues running Process Developer on Mac but I have found some workarounds
I have tried almost everything to make the editors runtime working under macOS and Linux, but it does not work, just throwing following exception when running main module
Error: Could not find or load main class
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Only way to workaround this was to run the XQuery Saxon runtime as external tool. I created xq script in ~/bin directory.
You can also put this script into /usr/local/bin directory or create an alias to it in your shell configuration whichever method you prefer.
This script runs the Saxon externally. Note that the JAVA_HOME
can be different in your environment depending which version of JAVA and Process Developer you have.
Script is designed to run on macOS, Linux, Windows+Cygwin
# you can define these variables also globally in .profile or .bashrc, .zshrc
# this path might be different if you download newer version of Process Developer
case "$UNAME" in
CYGWIN*) cygwin=true;;
Darwin*) darwin=true;;
# PRGDIR=$(dirname "$0")
if [ -z "$AE_RUNTIME_LIB" ]; then
echo 'AE_RUNTIME_LIB variable must be set in order to run this command'
echo 'In case of developer machine set this variable to AE_DESIGNER_HOME/Bunit Ant Runtime/lib'
exit 1
# on cygwin ensure unix path is used
if $cygwin; then
[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && JAVA_HOME=$(cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME")
[ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] && CLASSPATH=$(cygpath --path --unix "$CLASSPATH")
[ -n "$AE_RUNTIME_LIB" ] && AE_RUNTIME_LIB=$(cygpath --path --unix "$AE_RUNTIME_LIB")
#set AE classpath
# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if $cygwin; then
JAVA_HOME=$(cygpath --absolute --windows "$JAVA_HOME")
CLASSPATH=$(cygpath --path --windows "$CLASSPATH")
AE_RUNTIME_LIB=$(cygpath --path --windows "$AE_RUNTIME_LIB")
# echo "$RUN_JAVA" "$JAVA_OPTS" -cp "$CLASSPATH" org.activebpel.rt.bpel.ext.expr.impl.xquery.AeQuery -qversion:3.0 "$@"
"$RUN_JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -cp $CLASSPATH org.activebpel.rt.bpel.ext.expr.impl.xquery.AeQuery -qversion:3.0 "$@"
This script will allow you to run Saxon from command line as shown below (assuming you put your ~/bin
on system path in your shell)
$ xq
No query file name
Saxon-PE from Saxonica
Usage: see
Format: org.activebpel.rt.bpel.ext.expr.impl.xquery.AeQuery options params
Options available: -? -backup -catalog -config -cr -dtd -expand -explain -ext -init -l -mr -now -o -opt -outval -p -pipe -projection -q -qs -quit -qversion -r -repeat -s -sa -strip -t -T -TJ -TP -traceout -tree -u -update -val -wrap -x -xi -xmlversion -xsd -xsdversion -xsiloc
Use -XYZ:? for details of option XYZ
param=value Set query string parameter
+param=filename Set query document parameter
?param=expression Set query parameter using XPath
!param=value Set serialization parameter
Then Setup Saxon XQuery interpreter as external tool in Eclipse as follows
Create External Tool
Configure External Tool pointing to your script and resource in your editor
Now you should be able to run saxon by selecting external tool from the drop down when editing the main Saxon modules.
It is tested on following OS Versions but it should work on any macOS 10.12.x or higher or Linux with 1.7.x or higher JDK installed
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- macOS 10.12.6 (16G1212)
- macOS 10.13.4 (17E199)
- macOS 10.13.6 (17G65)
- macOS 10.14.5 (18F132)
- macOS 10.15.3 (19D76)
- Windows 10