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We give here some embedding times and AUC for the link prediction task.

We estimate AUC as described in:
Link Prediction in complex Networks : A survey
Lü, Zhou. Physica 2011.

The AUC runs with a fraction of edges deleted.
The real fraction of edge deleted can be smaller than asked for as we avoid disconnecting nodes form which nothing can be learned. We ask for deleting 15% of edges. The real fraction of edges deleted is given in the column "ratio discarded".

Edges of symetric graphs are treated as 2 different edges, one for each orientation. For link prediction, in the symetric case the 2 orientated edges are deleted, in asymetric case, only one edge is deleted.

Computation times are wall clock times those for one embedding with the same parameters as the validation and not the time for the whole validation iterations. Cpu times depends on the level of parallelism of each algorithm. Timings are given for a 24-core (32 threads) i9 laptop with 64Gb memory

Symetric Graphs size

Graph nodes edges
ca-AstroPh 18772 396 160
Amazon 334 000 925 000
Dblp 317079 1 049 866
youtube 1 134 890 2 987 624
orkut 3 072 441 117 185 083

Hope embedding results

Adamic Adar mode

The eigenvalue range give the range between higher and lower extracted singular value.

The column svd specify how the randomized approximation of the svd was done.

  • (1) means rank subcommand
  • (2) means precision subcommand AUC is run with at least 5 runs (depending on time needed by embedding).

Symetric Graphs

graph svd ratio discarded eigenvalue range AUC (link) time(s)
ca-AstroPh rank 100, bkiter 3 (2) 0.15 34 - 3 0.93 <1
ca-AstroPh rank 100, nbiter 5 (1) 0.15 35 - 5 0.938 <1
amazon rank 200, nbiter 5 (1) 0.15 150 - 9.9 0.84 63
dblp rank 400, nbiter 5 (1) 0.19 44 - 8 0.926 190
youtube rank 75, bkiter 3 (2) 0.12 4270 - 140 0.64 834
youtube rank 30, nbiter 5 (1) 0.12 4270 - 471 0.90 1150

The rank subcommand of Hope embedding is more efficient

Centric Auc for Amazon : 0.834, std-dev = 0.006. Centric Auc is within 3 $\sigma$.
correlation(degree, auc) = 0.008

Asymetric Graphs

AUC is estimated on 10 passes.

graph nb nodes nb edges svd(rank/epsil) ratio discarded eigenvalue range AUC (link) time(s)
Cora 23166 91500 maxrank 50, bkiter 10 0.144 ~ 6. - 1. 0.81 0.3
Cora 23166 91500 maxrank 200, bkiter 10 0.144 ~ 7. - 0.8 0.837 1.7
Cora 23166 91500 rank 200, bkiter 10 0.144 ~ 7.5 - 1.5 0.86 5.9
Cora 23166 91500 rank 400, bkiter 10 0.144 ~ 7.5 - 1.1 0.84 14.4

Sketching embedding results

The decay coefficient is the factor of reduction of edge weight at each new edge traversed during exploration around a node.

Sketching: Symetric Graphs

embedding results

graph dimension nb hops decay ratio discarded AUC +- sigma time(s)
ca-AstroPh 100 5 0.2 0.148 0.947 0.5
ca-AstroPh 200 5 0.2 0.148 0.96 +- 0.0004 0.6
Dblp 100 5 0.5 0.19 0.9013 +- 6.6E-4 4
Dblp 400 4 0.4 0.19 0.9611 +- 4.4E-4 13.8
amazon 200 3 0.3 0.118 0.963 +- 2.3 E-4 5
youtube 200 2 0.2 0.119 0.914 +- 0.001 13
youtube 200 3 0.2 0.119 0.899 +- 0.002 18
youtube 1000 5 0.5 0.119 0.908 +- 0.002 145
orkut 200 3 0.2 0.149 0.924 +- 0.0008 240
orkut 200 5 0.2 0.149 0.948 +- 0.0011 260
orkut 200 5 0.3 0.149 0.953 +- 0.0007 260
orkut 300 5 0.4 0.149 0.96 +- 0.0004 260

Sketching: Asymetric Graphs

standard deviation on AUC is around 8.E-4 with 20 AUC pass

wiki vote graph nb nodes : 7115, nb edges : 103689

dimension nb AUC pass nb hops decay ratio AUC time(s)
100 20 5 0.1 0.147 0.883 0.5
200 20 5 0.1 0.147 0.896 ~1
500 20 5 0.1 0.147 0.922 ~1.5
500 20 2 0.25 0.147 0.94 ~1.5

cora graph. nb nodes : 7115, nb edges : 103689

dimension nb AUC pass nb hops decay ratio AUC time(s)
200 20 5 0.2 0.143 0.924 ~1.
300 40 5 0.5 0.143 0.932 ~2.

mmunmun_twitter graph. nb nodes : 465017, nb edges : 834797

dimension nb AUC pass nb hops decay ratio AUC time(s)
500 20 5 0.1 0.085 0.78 73
500 20 5 0.2 0.085 0.787 74
1000 20 5 0.2 0.085 0.80 160
1000 20 5 0.5 0.085 0.788 160

The munmun_twitter graph has characteristics,known in the litterature dedicated to large sparse directed graphs, that make it difficult:

  • very asymetric nodes having for example in degree of 2 but an out degree more than 450

  • low mean degree.

  • huge imbalance between a small number of existing directed edges (less than $10^{6}$ ) and a much larger set of potential edges (here more than $4 \cdot 10^{11}$).

In fact there are only 1257 edges that are bidirectional in the munmun graph so we can measure the impact of symetrization and make all edges bidrectional. Keeping decay at 0.2, nb_hop = 5, we get AUC = 0.91 with dim = 500 and AUC = 0.942 with dim = 1000.