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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


In order to setup local development, you must have docker installed and if you want to run it locally you must have python 3.9.6 or greater installed


make a folder called /data as well as inside that /bulk and inside that a folder for any usernames you wish it to work with

data -bulk -username -username

if you want to run locally you must install requirements.txt for python3


to run locally run /deployment/bin/

to run inside docker run /


  • to test use ./
  • requires python 3.9.6 or higher
  • requires installation on mac of libmagic brew install libmagic


Included configurations for the Visual Studio Code debugger for python that mirror what is in the and testing configuration to run locally in the debugger, set breakpoints and if you open the project in VSCode the debugger should be good to go. The provided configurations can run locally and run tests locally


When releasing a new version:

expected command line utilities

to run locally you will need all of these utils on your system: tar, unzip, zip, gzip, bzip2, md5sum, head, tail, wc

in the docker container all of these should be available


all paths should be specified treating the user's home directory as root

Test Service


local URL : localhost:3000/test-service

Method : GET

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

This is just a test. This is only a test.

Test Auth


local URL : localhost:3000/test-auth

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

I'm authenticated as <username>

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

File Lifetime

URL : local URL : localhost:3000/file-lifetime

Method : GET

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example number of days a file will be held for in staging service before being deleted this is not actually handled by the server but is expected to be performed by a cron job which shares the env variable read here


List Directory

defaults to not show hidden dotfiles

URL :{path to directory}

URL :{path to directory}?showHidden={True/False}

local URL : localhost:3000/list/{path to directory}

local URL : localhost:3000/list/{path to directory}?showHidden={True/False}

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

        "name": "testFolder",
        "path": "nixonpjoshua/testFolder",
        "mtime": 1510949575000,
        "size": 96,
        "isFolder": true
        "name": "testfile",
        "path": "nixonpjoshua/testfile",
        "mtime": 1510949629000,
        "size": 335,
        "isFolder": false

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 404 Not Found

Content :

path <username>/<incorrect path> does not exist

Download file

URL :{path to file}

URL :{path to file}

local URL : localhost:3000/download/{path to file}

local URL : localhost:3000/download/{path to file}

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK Content : <file content>

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 400 Bad Request

Content :

<username>/<incorrect path> is a directory not a file

Code : 404 Not Found

Content :

path <username>/<incorrect path> does not exist

Search files and folders

defaults to not show hidden dotfiles

URL :{search query}

URL :{search query}?showHidden={True/False}

local URL : localhost:3000/search/{search query}

local URL : localhost:3000/search/?showHidden={True/False}

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

        "name": "testfile",
        "path": "nixonpjoshua/testfile",
        "mtime": 1510949629000,
        "size": 335,
        "isFolder": false
        "name": "testFolder",
        "path": "nixonpjoshua/testFolder",
        "mtime": 1510949575000,
        "size": 96,
        "isFolder": true
        "name": "testinnerFile",
        "path": "nixonpjoshua/testFolder/testinnerFile",
        "mtime": 1510949575000,
        "size": 0,
        "isFolder": false

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

File and Folder Metadata

URL :{path to file or folder}

local URL : localhost:3000/metadata/{path to file or folder}

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "name": "testFolder",
    "path": "nixonpjoshua/testFolder",
    "mtime": 1510949575000,
    "size": 96,
    "isFolder": true
    "md5": "73cf08ad9d78d3fc826f0f265139de33",
    "lineCount": "13",
    "head": "there is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom",
    "tail": "there is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nthere is stuff in this file\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom\nstuff at the bottom",
    "name": "testFile",
    "path": "nixonpjoshua/testFile",
    "mtime": 1510949629000,
    "size": 335,
    "isFolder": false

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 404 Not Found

Content :

path <username>/<incorrect path> does not exist

Upload File


local URL : localhost:3000/upload

Method : POST

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Body constraints

first element in request body should be

destPath: {path file should end up in}

second element in request body should be multipart file data

uploads: {multipart file}

Files starting with whitespace or a '.' are not allowed

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

        "name": "fasciculatum_supercontig.fasta",
        "path": "nixonpjoshua/fasciculatum_supercontig.fasta",
        "mtime": 1510950061000,
        "size": 31536508,
        "isFolder": false

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Define/Create UPA for file which has been imported

URL :{path to imported file}

local URL : localhost:3000/define-upa/{path to imported file}

Method : POST

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Body constraints

first element in request body should be

UPA: {the actual UPA of imported file}

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

successfully update UPA <UPA> for file <Path>

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 400 Bad Request


must provide UPA field in body

Delete file or folder (will delete things contained in folder)

URL :{path to file or folder}

local URL : localhost:3000/delete/{path to file or folder}

Method : DELETE

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

successfully deleted UPA <Path>

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 404 Not Found


could not delete <Path>

Code : 403 Forbidden


cannot delete home directory
cannot delete protected file

Move/rename a file or folder

URL :{path to file or folder}

local URL : localhost:3000/mv/{path to file or folder}

Method : PATCH

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Body constraints

first element in request body should be

newPath : {the new location/name for file or folder}

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

successfully moved <path> to <newPath>

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 400 Bad Request


must provide newPath field in body

Code : 403 Forbidden


cannot rename home or move directory
cannot rename or move protected file

Code: 409 Conflict


<newPath> allready exists

Decompress various archive formats

supported archive formats are: .zip, .ZIP, .tar.gz, .tgz,, .tar.bz2, .tar, .gz, .bz2, .bzip2 URL :{path to archive

local URL : localhost:3000/decompress/{path to archive}

Method : PATCH

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

successfully decompressed <path to archive>

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Code : 400 Bad Request


Must supply token

Code : 400 Bad Request


cannot decompress a <file extension> file

Add Globus ACL

After authenticating at this endpoint, AUTH is queried to get your filepath and globus id file for linking to globus.


local URL : localhost:3000/add-acl

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "success": true,
    "principal": "KBase-Example-59436z4-z0b6-z49f-zc5c-zbd455f97c39",
    "path": "/username/",
    "permissions": "rw"

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Condition : If issue with Globus API or ACL Already Exists

Code : 500 Internal Server Error


    'success': False, 
    'error_type': 'TransferAPIError',
    'error': "Can't create ACL rule; it already exists",
    'error_code': 'Exists', 'shared_directory_basename': '/username/'

Remove Globus ACL

After authenticating at this endpoint, AUTH is queried to get your filepath and globus id file for linking to globus.


local URL : localhost:3000/remove-acl

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "message": "{\n  \"DATA_TYPE\": \"result\",\n  \"code\": \"Deleted\",
    "message\": \"Access rule 'KBASE-examplex766ada0-x8aa-x1e8-xc7b-xa1d4c5c824a' deleted successfully\", 
    "request_id\": \"x2KFzfop05\",\n  \"resource\": \"/endpoint/KBaseExample2a-5e5b-11e6-8309-22000b97daec/access/KBaseExample-ada0-d8aa-11e8-8c7b-0a1d4c5c824a\"}",
    "Success": true

Error Response

Condition : if authentication is incorrect

Code : 401 Unauthorized

Content :

Error Connecting to auth service ...

Condition : If issue with Globus API or ACL Already Exists

Code : 500 Internal Server Error


    'success': False, 
    'error_type': 'TransferAPIError',
    'error': "Can't create ACL rule; it already exists",
    'error_code': 'Exists', 'shared_directory_basename': '/username/'

Parse bulk specifications

This endpoint parses one or more bulk specification files in the staging area into a data structure (close to) ready for insertion into the Narrative bulk import or analysis cell.

It can parse .tsv, .csv, and Excel (.xls and .xlsx) files. Templates for the currently supported data types are available in the templates directory of this repo. See the file for instructions on template usage.

See the import specification ADR document for design details.


local URL : localhost:3000/bulk_specification

Method : GET

Headers : Authorization: <Valid Auth token>

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

GET bulk_specification/?files=file1.<ext>[,file2.<ext>,...]

<ext> is one of csv, tsv, xls, or xlsx.


    "types": {
        <type 1>: [
            {<spec.json ID 1>: <value for ID, row 1>, <spec.json ID 2>: <value for ID, row 1>, ...},
            {<spec.json ID 1>: <value for ID, row 2>, <spec.json ID 2>: <value for ID, row 2>, ...},
        <type 2>: [
            {<spec.json ID 1>: <value for ID, row 1>, <spec.json ID 2>: <value for ID, row 1>, ...},
    "files": {
        <type 1>: {"file": "<username>/file1.<ext>", "tab": "tabname"},
        <type 2>: {"file": "<username>/file2.<ext>", "tab": null},
  • <type N> is a data type ID from the file and the Narrative staging area configuration file - it is a shared namespace between the staging service and Narrative to specify bulk applications, and has a 1:1 mapping to an app. It is determined by the first header line from the templates.
  • <spec.json ID N> is the ID of an input parameter from a KB-SDK app's spec.json file. These are determined by the second header line from the templates and will differ by the data type.
  • <value for ID, row N> is the user-provided value for the input for a given spec.json ID and import or analysis instance, where an import/analysis instance is effectively a row in the data file. Each data file row is provided in order for each type. Each row is provided in a mapping of spec.json ID to the data for the row. Lines > 3 in the templates are user-provided data, and each line corresponds to a single import or analysis.

Error Response

Error reponses are of the general form:

    "errors": [
        {"type": <error code string>,
            ... other fields depending on the error code ...

Existing error codes are currently:

  • cannot_find_file if an input file cannot be found
  • cannot_parse_file if an input file cannot be parsed
  • incorrect_column_count if the column count is not as expected
    • For Excel files, this may mean there is a non-empty cell outside the bounds of the data area
  • multiple_specifications_for_data_type if more than one tab or file per data type is submitted
  • no_files_provided if no files were provided
  • unexpected_error if some other error occurs

The HTTP code returned will be, in order of precedence:

  • 400 if any error other than cannot_find_file or unexpected_error occurs
  • 404 if at least one error is cannot_find_file but there are no 400-type errors
  • 500 if all errors are unexpected_error

The per error type data structures are:


    "type": "cannot_find_file",
    "file": <filepath>


    "type": "cannot_parse_file",
    "file": <filepath>,
    "tab": <spreadsheet tab if applicable, else null>,
    "message": <message regarding the parse error>


    "type": "incorrect_column_count",
    "file": <filepath>,
    "tab": <spreadsheet tab if applicable, else null>,
    "message": <message regarding the error>


    "type": "multiple_specifications_for_data_type",
    "file_1": <filepath for first file>,
    "tab_1": <spreadsheet tab from first file if applicable, else null>,
    "file_2": <filepath for second file>,
    "tab_2": <spreadsheet tab for second file if applicable, else null>,
    "message": <message regarding the multiple specification error>


    "type": "no_files_provided"


    "type": "unexpected_error",
    "file": <filepath if applicable to a single file>
    "message": <message regarding the error>

Write bulk specifications

This endpoint is the reverse of the parse bulk specifications endpoint - it takes a similar data structure to that which the parse endpoint returns and writes bulk specification templates.


local URL : localhost:3000/write_bulk_specification

Method : POST

Headers :

  • Authorization: <Valid Auth token>
  • Content-Type: Application/JSON

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

POST write_bulk_specification/
    "output_directory": <staging area directory in which to write output files>,
    "output_file_type": <one of "CSV", "TSV", or "EXCEL">,
    "types": {
        <type 1>: {
            "order_and_display: [
                [<spec.json ID 1>, <display.yml name 1>],
                [<spec.json ID 2>, <display.yml name 2>],
            "data": [
                {<spec.json ID 1>: <value for ID, row 1>, <spec.json ID 2>: <value for ID, row 1>, ...},
                {<spec.json ID 1>: <value for ID, row 2>, <spec.json ID 2>: <value for ID, row 2>, ...}
        <type 2>: {
            "order_and_display: [
                [<spec.json ID 1>, <display.yml name 1>],
            "data": [
                {<spec.json ID 1>: <value for ID, row 1>, <spec.json ID 2>: <value for ID, row 1>, ...},
  • output_directory specifies where the output files should be written in the user's staging area.
  • output_file_type specifies the format of the output files.
  • <type N> is a data type ID from the file and the Narrative staging area configuration file - it is a shared namespace between the staging service and Narrative to specify bulk applications, and has a 1:1 mapping to an app. It is included in the first header line in the templates.
  • order_and_display determines the ordering of the columns in the written templates, as well as mapping the spec.json ID of the parameter to the human readable name of the parameter in the display.yml file.
  • <spec.json ID N> is the ID of an input parameter from a KB-SDK app's spec.json file. These are written to the second header line from the import templates and will differ by the data type.
  • data contains any data to be written to the file as example data, and is analagous to the data structure returned from the parse endpoint. To specify that no data should be written to the template provide an empty list.
  • <value for ID, row N> is the value for the input for a given spec.json ID and import or analysis instance, where an import/analysis instance is effectively a row in the data file. Each data file row is provided in order for each type. Each row is provided in a mapping of spec.json ID to the data for the row. Lines > 3 in the templates are user-provided data, and each line corresponds to a single import or analysis.


    "output_file_type": <one of "CSV", "TSV", or "EXCEL">,
    "files": {
        <type 1>: <staging service path to file containg data for type 1>,
        <type N>: <staging service path to file containg data for type N>,
  • output_file_type has the same definition as above.
  • files contains a mapping of each provided data type to the output template file for that type. In the case of Excel, all the file paths will be the same since the data types are all written to different tabs in the same file.

Error Response

Method specific errors have the form:

{"error": <error message>}

The error code in this case will be a 4XX error.

The AioHTTP server may also return built in errors that are not in JSON format - an example of this is overly large (> 1MB) request bodies.

Get Importer Mappings

This endpoint returns:

  1. a mapping between a list of files and predicted importer apps, and
  2. a file information list that includes the input file names split between the file prefix and the file suffix, if any, that was used to determine the file -> importer mapping, and a list of file types based on the file suffix. If a file has a suffix that does not match any mapping (e.g. .sys), the suffix will be null, the prefix the entire file name, and the file type list empty.

For example,

  • if we pass in nothing we get a response with no mappings
  • if we pass in a list of files, such as ["file1.fasta", "file2.fq", "None"], we would get back a response that maps to Fasta Importers and FastQ Importers, with a weight of 0 to 1 which represents the probability that this is the correct importer for you.
  • for files for which there is no predicted app, the return is a null value
  • this endpoint is used to power the dropdowns for the staging service window in the Narrative


local URL : localhost:3000/importer_mappings

Method : POST

Headers : Not Required

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

data = {"file_list": ["file1.txt", "", "file3.gff3.gz"]}
    async with AppClient(config, username) as cli:
        resp = await
            "importer_mappings/", data=data


    "mappings": [
            "id": "decompress",
            "title": "decompress/unpack",
            "app_weight": 1,
            "app_weight": 1,
            "id": "gff_genome",
            "title": "GFF/FASTA Genome",
            "app_weight": 1,
            "id": "gff_metagenome",
            "title": "GFF/FASTA MetaGenome",
    "fileinfo": [
        {"prefix": "file1.txt", "suffix": null, "file_ext_type": []},
        {"prefix": "file2", "suffix": "zip", "file_ext_type": ["CompressedFileFormatArchive"]},
        {"prefix": "file3", "suffix": "gff3.gz", "file_ext_type": ["GFF"]}

Error Response

Code : 400 Bad Request


must provide file_list field 

Get importer filetypes

This endpoint returns information about the file types associated with data types and the file extensions for those file types. It is primarily of use for creating UI elements describing which file extensions may be selected when performing bulk file selections.


local URL : localhost:3000/importer_filetypes

Method : GET

Headers : Not Required

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

GET importer_filetypes/


    "datatype_to_filetype": {
        <type 1>: [<file type 1>, ... <file type N>],
        <type M>: [<file type 1>, ... <file type N>],
    "filetype_to_extensions": {
        <file type 1>: [<extension 1>, ..., <extension N>],
        <file type M>: [<extension 1>, ..., <extension N>],
  • <type N> is a data type ID from the file and the Narrative staging area configuration file - it is a shared namespace between the staging service and Narrative to specify bulk applications, and has a 1:1 mapping to an import app. It is included in the first header line in the templates.
  • <file type N> is a file type like FASTA or GENBANK. The supported file types are listed below.
  • <extension N> is a file extension like *.fa or *.gbk.

Autodetect App and File Type IDs

App type IDs

These are the currently supported upload app type IDs:


Note that decompress is only returned when no other file type can be detected from the file extension.

File type IDs

These are the currently supported file type IDs. These are primarily useful for apps that take two different file types, like GFF/FASTA genomes.



No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Python 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%