- CelebA
- Getchu
- Base class
- image_generation
- image_translation_sc
- classifier(optional)
- pggan runner
- rename image_translation_sc to twin_gan.
- Add command to do eval.
- Add script to do inference
- Double check all scripts provided works.
- util_io
- util_misc
- pggan
- pggan_utils
- nn libs
- refine_sketch script. Decide what to do with it.
- neural style script.
- object detection script.
- Tutorial. (Postponed.)
- Dataset
- Inference
- Train
- Clean classifier code.
- Eval
- Interface
- Inference actual example images with trained model and used command.
- Add human-to-cat model.
- Random cropping during eval does not work, therefore the real image observed at training and at eval will be different.