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DSpot for dummies


Install and set-up these programs:

  1. Java 8
  2. GIT
  3. Maven
  4. Gradle

DSpot Set-Up

Clone DSpot and create jar

  1. From the root folder, clone the project:
git clone
  1. Access to the dspot project directory
cd dspot
  1. Create DSpot jar (eg dspot/target/dspot-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar)
mvn package -DskipTests

Execute an analysis with DSpot on a Maven Project

Clone and Compile Maven Project (DHELL)

  1. From the root folder, clone the project
git clone
  1. Access to the project directory
cd dhell
  1. Compile application and tests, and run tests:
mvn clean package
Execute DSpot
  1. Go to the dhell folder, copy below configuration to the file
#relative path to the target project root from the folder where dspot is executed
#relative path to the source project from the project properties
#relative path to the test source project from the project properties
#java version used
# (optional) path to the output folder, default to "output_diversify"
# (optional) filter on the package name for mutation analysis ("example" => "example.*")
  1. Execute DSpot
java -jar ../dspot/dspot/target/dspot-1.0.5-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -p ./ -i 1 -t eu.stamp.examples.dhell.HelloAppTest -a MethodAdd

The execution uses these parameters:

  • jar: [mandatory] specify the path to the DSpot library
  • p: [mandatory] specify the path to the DSpot configuration file.
  • i: specify the number of amplification iterations.
  • t: fully qualified names of test classes to be amplified.
  • a: specify the list of amplifiers to use.
  1. Check the Output The result of the amplification consists of 15 new tests, as shown in the output below. Those new tests are written to the output folder specified by configuration property outputDirectory (dspot-out/).
======= REPORT =======
The original test suite kills 104 mutants
The amplification results with 15 new tests
it kills 15 more mutants

2018-01-11 12:50:04,540 INFO fr.inria.diversify.dspot.DSpot - Print AmplHelloAppTest with 15 amplified test cases in dspot-out/
81162 ms

DSpot produces 3 outputs in the (default: outputDirectory) specified in the properties file.

  • a textual report of the result of the amplification also printed on the standard output (see dspot/dspot-out/*.HelloAppTest_mutants_report.txt)
  • a json file summarizing the amplification (see dspot/dspot-out/*.HelloAppTest_mutants_killed.json)
  • the amplified tests augmented with comments (see dspot/dspot-out/*/

Execute an analysis with DSpot on a Gradle Project

Clone and Compile Maven Project (DHEG)

  1. From the root folder, clone the project
git clone
  1. Access to the project directory
cd dheg
  1. Init Gradle
gradle init
  1. Configure Gradle. Open build.gradle file and uncomment row 9 and 31
 * This build file was generated by the Gradle 'init' task.
 * This generated file contains a commented-out sample Java project to get you started.
 * For more details take a look at the Java Quickstart chapter in the Gradle
 * user guide available at

// Apply the java plugin to add support for Java
apply plugin: 'java'

// In this section you declare where to find the dependencies of your project
repositories {
    // Use 'jcenter' for resolving your dependencies.
    // You can declare any Maven/Ivy/file repository here.

// In this section you declare the dependencies for your production and test code
dependencies {
    // The production code uses the SLF4J logging API at compile time
    compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25'

    // Declare the dependency for your favourite test framework you want to use in your tests.
    // TestNG is also supported by the Gradle Test task. Just change the
    // testCompile dependency to testCompile 'org.testng:testng:6.8.1' and add
    // 'test.useTestNG()' to your build script.
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
  1. Build the project
gradle build
Execute DSpot
  1. From the root folder copy the configuration to the file dheg/
#relative path to the project root from dspot project
#relative path to the source project from the project properties
#relative path to the test source project from the project properties
#java version used
# (optional) path to the output folder, default to "output_diversify"
# (optional) filter on the package name for mutation analysis ("example" => "example.*")
  1. Execute DSpot
cd dspot
java -jar target/dspot-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar  -p ../dheg/ -i 1 -t eu.stamp.examples.dhell.HelloAppTest -b GradleBuilder -a MethodAdd

The execution uses these parameters:

  • p: [mandatory] specify the path to the configuration file.
  • i: specify the number of amplification iteration.
  • t: fully qualified names of test classes to be amplified.
  • b: specify the automatic builder to build the project.
  • a: specify the list of amplifiers to use.
  1. The result of the amplification consists of 15 new tests, as shown in the output below. Those new tests are written to the output folder specified by configuration property outputDirectory (dspot-out/).
======= REPORT =======
The original test suite kill 103 mutants
The amplification results with 15 new tests
it kill 13 more mutants

01:25 INFO: Print AmplHelloAppTest with 15 amplified test cases in dspot-out/
46032 ms

DSpot produces 3 outputs in the (default: outputDirectory) specified in the properties file.

  • a textual report of the result of the amplification also printed on the standard output (see dspot/dspot-out/*.HelloAppTest_mutants_report.txt)
  • a json file summarizing the amplification (see dspot/dspot-out/*.HelloAppTest_mutants_killed.json)
  • the amplified tests augmented with comments (see dspot/dspot-out/*/


We hope this quick overview has increased your interest in DSpot usage. Note that this is a very truncated quick-start guide. Now you are ready for more comprehensive details concerning the actions you have just performed. Check out the DSpot Readme Guide.