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http-01 self check failed for domain #656

AmbroiseCouissin opened this issue Jun 14, 2018 · 67 comments

http-01 self check failed for domain #656

AmbroiseCouissin opened this issue Jun 14, 2018 · 67 comments


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AmbroiseCouissin commented Jun 14, 2018


Uncomment only one, leave it on its own line:

/kind bug

/kind feature

What happened:
I get the message: http-01 self check failed for domain ""

$ kubectl describe certificates website-cert

Name:         website-cert
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Certificate
  Cluster Name:
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-06-14T14:56:48Z
  Generation:          0
  Resource Version:    14514530
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 2a172bc7-6fe3-11e8-a23d-00163e0067a2
      Http 01:
        Ingress:  ingress
  Common Name:
  Dns Names:
  Issuer Ref:
    Name:       letsencrypt-issuer-staging
  Secret Name:  website-cert
        Authz URL:
        Domain:     <redacted>.com
        Http 01:
          Ingress:  ingress
        Key:        VPf6GKhjZO3CZ4VNjlv6yjg4_7W38X5FZ78pXVJ56Bw.UYrPMOqVi1SlKjy8hYE4t6mdtpuoNxCAANIaDzkZhw0
        Token:      VPf6GKhjZO3CZ4VNjlv6yjg4_7W38X5FZ78pXVJ56Bw
        Type:       http-01
        Wildcard:   false
    Last Transition Time:  2018-06-14T14:56:56Z
    Message:               http-01 self check failed for domain "<redacted>.com"
    Reason:                ValidateError
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
  Type    Reason       Age   From          Message
  ----    ------       ----  ----          -------
  Normal  CreateOrder  4s    cert-manager  Created new ACME order, attempting validation...

If I get all the events:

I0614 15:03:16.667525       1 controller.go:177] certificates controller: syncing item 'default/website-cert'
I0614 15:03:16.667660       1 sync.go:239] Preparing certificate default/website-cert with issuer
I0614 15:03:16.667674       1 acme.go:159] getting private key (letsencrypt-issuer-staging->tls.key) for acme issuer default/letsencrypt-issuer-staging
I0614 15:03:16.668072       1 logger.go:27] Calling GetOrder
I0614 15:03:16.876856       1 logger.go:52] Calling GetAuthorization
I0614 15:03:17.065635       1 logger.go:72] Calling HTTP01ChallengeResponse
I0614 15:03:17.065678       1 prepare.go:263] Cleaning up old/expired challenges for Certificate default/website-cert
I0614 15:03:17.065696       1 logger.go:47] Calling GetChallenge
I0614 15:03:17.266766       1 helpers.go:162] Found status change for Certificate "website-cert" condition "Ready": "False" -> "False"; setting lastTransitionTime to 2018-06-14 15:03:17.266752283 +0000 UTC m=+20046.828096097
I0614 15:03:17.266805       1 sync.go:241] Error preparing issuer for certificate default/website-cert: http-01 self check failed for domain "<redacted>.com"
E0614 15:03:17.272906       1 sync.go:168] [default/website-cert] Error getting certificate 'website-cert': secret "website-cert" not found
E0614 15:03:17.272958       1 controller.go:186] certificates controller: Re-queuing item "default/website-cert" due to error processing: http-01 self check failed for domain "<redacted>.com"

What you expected to happen:
The self check to succeed

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible):
Here is my Ingress:

    - hosts:
        - <redacted>.com
      secretName: website-cert
    - host: <redacted>.com
          - backend:
              servicePort: 80
              serviceName: website
            path: /
          - backend:
              servicePort: 8089
              serviceName: cm-acme-http-solver-7lvgt
            path: >-
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
      - ip: {IP}
kind: Ingress
  uid: 6c304201-6fe2-11e8-8294-00163e020142
  resourceVersion: '14515959'
  name: ingress
  creationTimestamp: '2018-06-14T14:51:30Z'
  selfLink: /apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses/ingress
  generation: 4
  namespace: default

Here is my Issuer:

kind: Issuer
  name: letsencrypt-issuer-staging
  namespace: default
    email: <redacted>

    # Name of a secret used to store the ACME account private key
      name: letsencrypt-issuer-staging
    http01: {}

Here is my certificate:

kind: Certificate
  name: website-cert
  secretName: website-cert
  - <redacted>.com
    - http01:
        ingress: ingress
      - <redacted>.com
    name: letsencrypt-issuer-staging

Anything else we need to know?:
When I navigate to


I get:


Also, if I look at the logs of the cm-acme pod:

2018/06/14 17:31:58 [<redacted>.com] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=VPf6GKhjZO3CZ4VNjlv6yjg4_7W38X5FZ78pXVJ56Bw
2018/06/14 17:31:58 [<redacted>.com] Comparing actual host '<redacted>.com' against expected '<redacted>.com'
2018/06/14 17:31:58 [<redacted>.com] Got successful challenge request, writing key...


  • Kubernetes version (use kubectl version):
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.1", GitCommit:"d4ab47518836c750f9949b9e0d387f20fb92260b", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-04-12T14:26:04Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.7", GitCommit:"dd5e1a2978fd0b97d9b78e1564398aeea7e7fe92", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-04-18T23:58:35Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
  • Cloud provider or hardware configuration**: Aliyun Container Service
  • Install tools:
  • Others:

I've been struggling for two days. It's probably something really stupid from my side :)

Any idea?

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The problem solved by itself today. I don't know how.

Thanks for cert-manager. It's really a great tool!

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I'm running into the same thing. I see in the logs say writing key..., but if I look at the certificate, it says its still validating it.

Super buggy

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munnerz commented Jun 19, 2018 via email

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I am running into this same issue, How long does it take?

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It took me two-three days. But now when generate certificates for other subdomains, it takes less than a minute.

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oanogin commented Jun 27, 2018

it's strange behavior, i have 2 dns names ( and, and interesting points are:

  • with domain - everything works fine
  • with certbot on this machine and both dns - everything works fine
  • both domains is also accessible ( http version of service works fine )

And only for i can't obtain cert by cert-manager, but with certbot on this machine everything works fine


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I encountered the same issue. Any address I choose for my app works, except a single one whose validation is blocked by http-01 self check failed for domain error. In particular doesn't work, but for example works like a charm and can be validated in less than a minute.

I'm trying to figure our from logs what could be a reason for this single subdomain to fail self check validation.

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gabx commented Jul 28, 2018

Same error as the OP. Here is my certificate.yaml file. certificate has been created, but since then, no LTS certificate from let's encrypt.

% cat longhorn-certificate.yaml 
kind: Certificate
  name: longhorn-thetradinghall-com
  namespace: default
  secretName: longhorn-thetradinghall-com-tls
    name: letsencrypt-cluster
    kind: ClusterIssuer
    - http01:
        ingressClass: nginx

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Same error as OP.(2)

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Zetanova commented Aug 3, 2018

updated now from v2.5
I tried ingressClass: nginx and ingress: my-ingress

With the last the ingress get with the acme collange extended
and can be quired successfully in the browser.

cert-manager still logs:
http-01 self check failed for domain ""

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Zetanova commented Aug 3, 2018

I could solve it.

The hairpin mode of the NLB in front of the cluster didnt work.

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ngo275 commented Aug 10, 2018

I ran into the same problem.. but I tried it again after a while then it succeeded..!
This is weird..

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i just have same problem today.
I have 5 domains to validate.,,,, and

only 3 of those validated,, and

other not.

all of those refer to same IP, i could access all of them, but only 3 validated, that's weird.

i'm using helm chart version 0.4.1
with ingress on GKE

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Having the same issue. I have two clusters tuned absolutely identically in terms of nginx-ingress and cert-manager and the third one is lagging. all three domains self check failed. I have clusters for prod and staging - now it's QA turn. Nothing works. Logs don't say anything useful

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I'm on the GCP using GKE. Removing nginx-ingress and turn on it back helped. Ephemeral external IP seems preserved magically.

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innovia commented Aug 26, 2018

same issue here - the pod of the challenge are up running with no logs, and cert manager is failing the self check.

I manually deleted the secret for the TLS and it successfully generated the cert.

I have tested a pod with the same service account name to create and update a secret and it succeeded so its not an RBAC solution.

here's my log:

sync.go:127] Certificate "web-backend-prod-tls" for ingress "backend-web-gunicorn-nginx-ingress-config" is up to date
controller.go:152] ingress-shim controller: syncing item 'backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-gp4h8'

logger.go:52] Calling GetChallenge

sync.go:49] Not syncing ingress backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-cr47k as it does not contain necessary annotations

controller.go:166] ingress-shim controller: Finished processing work item "backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-cr47k"

logger.go:52] Calling GetChallenge

controller.go:152] ingress-shim controller: syncing item 'backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-tmz4r'

logger.go:52] Calling GetChallenge

controller.go:152] ingress-shim controller: syncing item 'backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-srrjm'

controller.go:166] ingress-shim controller: Finished processing work item "backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-srrjm"

controller.go:195] certificates controller: Finished processing work item "backend-prod/web-backend-prod-tls"

controller.go:152] ingress-shim controller: syncing item 'backend-prod/backend-web-gunicorn-nginx-ingress-config'

service.go:35] No existing HTTP01 challenge solver service found for Certificate "backend-prod/web-backend-prod-tls". One will be created.

sync.go:124] Certificate "web-backend-prod-tls" for ingress "backend-web-gunicorn-nginx-ingress-config" already exists

helpers.go:188] Found status change for Certificate "web-backend-prod-tls" condition "Ready": "False" -> "False"; setting lastTransitionTime to 2018-08-25 19:55:25.649155183 +0000 UTC m=+23.060496450

sync.go:174] Certificate backend-prod/web-backend-prod-tls scheduled for renewal in -728 hours

sync.go:49] Not syncing ingress backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-gp4h8 as it does not contain necessary annotations

ingress.go:33] Looking up Ingresses for selector,

ingress.go:86] No existing HTTP01 challenge solver ingress found for Certificate "backend-prod/x-server-backend-prod-tls". One will be created.

controller.go:166] ingress-shim controller: Finished processing work item "backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-tmz4r"

ingress.go:86] No existing HTTP01 challenge solver ingress found for Certificate "backend-prod/web-backend-prod-tls". One will be created.

sync.go:49] Not syncing ingress backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-srrjm as it does not contain necessary annotations

controller.go:166] ingress-shim controller: Finished processing work item "backend-prod/backend-web-gunicorn-nginx-ingress-config"

controller.go:166] ingress-shim controller: Finished processing work item "backend-prod/cm-acme-http-solver-gp4h8"

pod.go:49] No existing HTTP01 challenge solver pod found for Certificate "backend-prod/web-backend-prod-tls". One will be created.

sync.go:282] Error preparing issuer for certificate backend-prod/web-backend-prod-tls: [http-01 self check failed for domain "", http-01 self check failed for domain ""]

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I ran into the same issue today

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I have the same issue too

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jpfaria commented Sep 1, 2018

me too

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xaralis commented Sep 5, 2018

@munnerz Could this issue be reopened? Seems to be happening to a lot of people, myself included.

Kubectl reports "http-01 self check failed" while solver logs claim "Got successfull challenge request, writing key ..." and seem to be stuck in loop.

xaralis@h90-dockertest1-gateway1:~$ kubectl describe certificate cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt
Name:         cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Certificate
  Creation Timestamp:  2018-09-05T12:16:48Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    5504
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 90110fb7-b105-11e8-8c33-00163e000206
      Http 01:
        Ingress Class:  nginx
  Common Name:
  Dns Names:
  Issuer Ref:
    Kind:       ClusterIssuer
    Name:       letsencrypt-staging
  Secret Name:  test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt-tls
        Authz URL:
        Http 01:
          Ingress Class:  nginx
        Key:              r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0.TIJdwGgLPcC8d-Ki7ofbRruiCs47RHeBVc2TttYrT34
        Token:            r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
        Type:             http-01
        Wildcard:         false
    Last Transition Time:  2018-09-05T12:23:17Z
    Message:               http-01 self check failed for domain ""
    Reason:                ValidateError
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
  Type    Reason       Age   From          Message
  ----    ------       ----  ----          -------
  Normal  CreateOrder  6m    cert-manager  Created new ACME order, attempting validation...

Solver log:

2018/09/05 12:19:37 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Comparing actual host '' against expected ''
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Comparing actual host '' against expected ''
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Comparing actual host '' against expected ''
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Comparing actual host '' against expected ''
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Comparing actual host '' against expected ''
2018/09/05 12:19:39 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...
2018/09/05 12:19:40 [] Validating request. basePath=/.well-known/acme-challenge, token=r7Lj-NqP1KWqmn76ccJdt-2nApm1WNFcVOUCjlyFzV0
2018/09/05 12:19:40 [] Comparing actual host '' against expected ''
2018/09/05 12:19:40 [] Got successful challenge request, writing key...

Cert-manager log (repeats this again and again):

I0905 12:31:22.735124       1 sync.go:242] Preparing certificate default/cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt with issuer
I0905 12:31:22.735137       1 acme.go:169] getting private key (letsencrypt-staging->tls.key) for acme issuer kube-system/letsencrypt-staging
I0905 12:31:22.735520       1 logger.go:27] Calling GetOrder
I0905 12:31:22.952199       1 logger.go:57] Calling GetAuthorization
I0905 12:31:23.137759       1 logger.go:77] Calling HTTP01ChallengeResponse
I0905 12:31:23.137792       1 prepare.go:263] Cleaning up old/expired challenges for Certificate default/cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt
I0905 12:31:23.137826       1 logger.go:52] Calling GetChallenge
I0905 12:31:23.356645       1 ingress.go:33] Looking up Ingresses for selector,
I0905 12:31:23.356919       1 helpers.go:188] Found status change for Certificate "cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt" condition "Ready": "False" -> "False"; setting lastTransitionTime to 2018-09-05 12:31:23.35691253 +0000 UTC m=+1534.926270721
I0905 12:31:23.357090       1 sync.go:244] Error preparing issuer for certificate default/cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt: http-01 self check failed for domain ""
E0905 12:31:23.357267       1 sync.go:165] [default/cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt] Error getting certificate 'test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt-tls': secret "test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt-tls" not found
E0905 12:31:23.379806       1 controller.go:190] certificates controller: Re-queuing item "default/cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt" due to error processing: http-01 self check failed for domain ""
I0905 12:32:23.379648       1 controller.go:181] certificates controller: syncing item 'default/cert-test-rancher-f-app-it-letsencrypt'

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munnerz commented Sep 5, 2018

Hey @xaralis - this issue has been closed as this error message is expected whilst the self check is failing, and otherwise issues like this can become catch-alls for common misconfiguration by users.

If you are experiencing issues, please try and put together a reproducible test case and open a new issue with instructions for how it can be reproduced, if you think you've encountered an actual bug in the self checking flow so we can (1) encode that test case into an actual automated test and (2) fix that test 😄

There's a real wide variety of issues that can cause this message to be printed - although your case, with the self check pod clearly receiving requests, does seem odd. That said, the timestamps between the two differ by 12-13 minutes, so it seems like you may be looking at different self check attempts here.

We are trying to keep the repositories issue board clean of "support" related issues, and so would prefer if you could post on Slack in order to help debug the problem. Once we've identified that it is in fact a bug, and not simply a misconfiguration, opening an issue will then be the best route so we can track and triage an actual fix 😄

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sjbarrio commented Sep 5, 2018

Mi problem persists only in prod server ( in stanging server it works good ( How can I obtain more information ?

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xaralis commented Sep 5, 2018

@munnerz OK, I'll try the slack tomorrow if this doesn't fix itself. What is the reasonable amount of time to wait?

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saward commented Sep 5, 2018

Just in case it's helpful, I had a situation where the well-known path was set for both my main ingress and the one created by cert-manager. I think what happened is that the path set for my main ingress was the chosen one, and was automatically redirecting to SSL and failing because the certificate wasn't found.

Removing the main ingress completely and recreating seemed to resolve the issue for me.

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innovia commented Sep 5, 2018

@saward what do you mean the main ingress for the well-known path? is this a bug? did you manually set it up before cert manager? for me once the secret was deleted it was created immediately on the already running challenge pod

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saward commented Sep 5, 2018

It might be a bug. I'll explain a bit clearer, but I am not great with the terminology and concepts yet so I may not describe things well.

I have my own ingress I've created with a few rules. cert-manager appears to create its own ingress for the domain with a rule matching a specific path, the 'well-known' path, used by let's encrypt to verify ownership.

While cert-manager was trying and failing with the self check, I checked all ingresses (kubectl describe ing). I noticed that a 'well-known' path rule existed for both the ingress I'd created as well as the one created by cert manager, even though I had never added such a rule to my own ingress. I can only assume that cert manager created the rule under both ingresses, but why and under what conditions, I'm not sure.

Edit: I just remembered, this may have been a result of me misconfiguring the certificate object, leading to the creation of an extraneous rule.

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xaralis commented Sep 6, 2018

For the record, my problem was:

I've been following Rancher HA setup guide which suggests having public-facing nginx load balancer. That is OK, but the problem is: their sample nginx config redirects all the HTTP traffic to HTTPS. I was having HTTPS enabled using their default self-signed certificate. That was obviously stopping let's encrypt from reaching the challenge URL.

So, if you bump into this, make sure your traffic either allows HTTP or has HTTPS with a trusted cert.

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szymonpk commented Sep 6, 2018

@xaralis I had the same issue, and it wasn't the case. Nginx redirected http traffic to well-known location without a problem. Still, validation failed. I am using nginx-ingress-0.23.0 and cert-manager-v0.4.1 helm charts.

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ernoaapa commented Sep 7, 2018

@saward I faced the same problem. What misconfiguration you had?

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EIrwin commented Feb 25, 2019

I know there is a lot of chatter on this topic and wanted to give what I was seeing as well as what fixed it.

In my case, I have had ingress successfully setup with cert-manager for two domains and running for awhile without an issue.

I recently added another host/rule/backend so that my ingress.yaml looks like the following

kind: Ingress
  name: web
  annotations: nginx letsencrypt-prod
    - hosts:
        - <-- THIS IS WHAT WAS ADDED
      secretName: letsencrypt-prod
    - host:
          - backend:
              serviceName: web
              servicePort: 80
    - host:
          - backend:
              serviceName: web
              servicePort: 80
    - host: <-- THIS IS WHAT WAS ADDED
          - backend:
              serviceName: api
              servicePort: 80

I also saw the following in the ingress logs

W0225 03:46:38.166926       7 controller.go:1080] Validating certificate against DNS names. This will be deprecated in a future version.
W0225 03:46:38.166932       7 controller.go:1085] SSL certificate "default/letsencrypt-prod" does not contain a Common Name or Subject Alternative Name for server "": x509: certificate is valid for,, not

Additionally, (and what led me to this thread) was the output of kubectl describe certificate showed there was an issue with self check

http-01 self check failed for domain ""

Upon trying different things, within seconds of running a command to delete the letsencrypt-prod seret, it was regenerated and now everything works.

kubectldo delete secret letsencrypt-prod

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Hello I've the same problem described in this issue, waited for 5 days but cert-manager loop on "http-01 self check failed for domain" don't know what can I do in order to figure out the problem, on the same machine if I shutdown the docker enviroment and try to use the certbot client everithing works fine, I'm using the http-01 challenge.

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rbq commented Apr 17, 2019

I'd try curl-ing the challenge endpoint from within your cluster. Had a similar problem and in my case it was the missing NAT reflection (or split DNS) that prevented cert-manager inside my cluster from verifying that the challenge was available.

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bertoost commented May 5, 2019

@rbq can you explain how to do that? I am facing kinda same issue and getting these errors;

I0505 20:10:05.505800       1 controller.go:206] challenges controller: syncing item 'example/letsencrypt-3860812899-1'
I0505 20:10:05.506489       1 ingress.go:49] Looking up Ingresses for selector,
I0505 20:10:05.545080       1 sync.go:176] propagation check failed: wrong status code '404', expected '200'

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rbq commented May 6, 2019

@bertoost My Ingress was available from my workstation via HTTP, yet cert-manager complained that it couldn't verify that the HTTP challenge it added was visible to letsencrypt. So I finally figured out that it couldn't reach my WAN address from behind the NAT.

To verify, I started a container with curl (something like kubectl run -it --rm my-test --namespace=test --image=ubuntu -- bash) and tried to request anything from my Ingress using its public DNS name: curl

But yours looks like a totally different problem to me—it seems to be stuck before it even gets to the self-check.

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bertoost commented May 6, 2019

Hm okay. It's on my hosted VPS (not my local machine) and the weird thing is, I can access the host and view the website. Therefor I have successfully requested more certificates earlier for other projects, the same way, the same setup etc.. So, I really don't understand why this one is not working

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rbq commented May 6, 2019

@bertoost I think it would make sense to open a separate issue and post some configuration details.

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bertoost commented May 6, 2019

somehow it is working .. just want to continue working on it, and suddenly it has a valid certificate retrieved from LetsEncrypt.. weird, but okay

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alepaez commented Jun 14, 2019

Just got into this error

wrong status code '404', expected '200'

This is my config:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: api
  namespace: production
  annotations: "nginx" "letsencrypt-prod" http01
  - hosts:
    - my.domain
    secretName: api-tls
  - host: my.domain
      - path: /
          serviceName: api
          servicePort: 3000

Found this on my nginx ingress logs:

conflicting server name "my.domain" on, ignored

"GET /.well-known/acme-challenge/AK94LF_RCdMq_yriPKU7IlAdxPclVzNmIAxpIfEkX-c HTTP/1.1" 404 209 "http://my.domain/.well-known/acme-challenge/AK94LF_RCdMq_yriPKU7IlAdxPclVzNmIAxpIfEkX-c" "Go-http-client/1.1" "-"

Just changed the host option on my ingress rule and the issue was fixed:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: api
  namespace: production
  annotations: "nginx" "letsencrypt-prod" http01
  - hosts:
    - my.domain
    secretName: api-tls
  - host: my2.domain
      - path: /
          serviceName: api
          servicePort: 3000

After that I had to put it back in place.

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Also encountered could not reach 'http://HOST.domain.NET/.well-known/acme-challenge/NldjKBM648vvka9A7VCSIKqqFwBCxM2DP5rIBgNr80s': wrong status code '404', expected '200' in kubectl -n istio-system logs -f certmanager-1c1c1c1c1c1-xnxxnnxnx

After looking at all ingresses kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces I realized that istio had created its own ingress to intercept the .well-known/acme-challenge/ call from letsencrypt.

This "letsencrypt cm-acme-http-solver" ingress is a temporary one and apparently there to intercept and answer the call to .well-known/acme-challenge/ - its rules configuration for matching a particular backend is identical to the original ingress needed for my service, except the paths: section contains the very specific path matching rule; my service was initially without a path match and probably chosen as the catch all, preventing the acme challenge from resolving.

Not working:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  annotations: istio
  name: my-dashboard-ingress
  namespace: frontend
    - host: ""
          - backend:
              serviceName: dashboard
              servicePort: 80


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  annotations: istio
  name: my-dashboard-ingress
  namespace: frontend
    - host: ""
          - backend:
              serviceName: dashboard
              servicePort: 80
            path: /

(notice the very last line path: / )

Not sure if this is just a lucky coincidence now, or if it is really needed - ymmv

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MakG10 commented Nov 16, 2019

My case: I changed NS DNS records, but after TTL expired, the nameserver set in kubernetes node was still pointing to the old server, which obviously was returning 404 for the HTTP challange. You can verify this using curl from node machine.

As a quick workaround, I temporally changed the nameserver in the node that was running cert-manager in /etc/resolv.conf to Google's and set dnsPolicy to Default in cert-manager deployment. I guess you could also set dnsConfig for the cert-manager deployment instead of modyfing node's resolv.conf

If there is a better solution, then I'd be happy to hear it.

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Removing the NGINX ingress, the cert manager and the deployment that had a failing certificate, and adding it all back afterwards, fixed it for me too.

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ac10n commented May 6, 2020

I had this problem, I was following a tutorial that suggested to install nginx-ingress as well as cert-manager using kubectl apply -f .

I installed everything using helm and things worked like a charm:

helm install my-nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update 
helm install  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager  --namespace cert-manager --version v0.15.0 --set installCRDs=true

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jsangco commented May 26, 2020

I encountered this problem and the issue ended up being due to the fact that I was the setting loadBalancerSourceRanges on my ingress controller.

This caused the self check GET request to return a "connection timed out" error.

Removing the IP restrictions allowed the certificate to be successfully granted.

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ghost commented May 31, 2020

I had this problem, I was following a tutorial that suggested to install nginx-ingress as well as cert-manager using kubectl apply -f .

I installed everything using helm and things worked like a charm:

helm install my-nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update 
helm install  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager  --namespace cert-manager --version v0.15.0 --set installCRDs=true

I was using also yaml files, installing with helm fixed the issue.

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hvaoc commented Aug 5, 2020

@AlirezaHaghshenas & @jc-delvalle comments helped. For anyone who have wasted enough time using kuberctl appy with yaml and getting the this issue, here are the full set of commands

# Install Nginx Ingress using Helm
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install my-nginx-ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
kubectl --namespace default get services -o wide -w my-nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller

# Install cert-manager using Helm
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm install \
  cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
  --namespace cert-manager \
  --version v0.16.0 \
  --set installCRDs=true 

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@rbq I have the same problem as you it seems. I can't reach the endpoint from within the cluster, but I can reach it from my local workstation.

From within the cluster vs from local workstation:

How did you fix it?

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bergkvist commented Sep 8, 2020

Turns out the internal services in the cluster were not able to reach things within the cluster through external IP because I had enabled PROXY protcol in my load balancer.

When I disabled PROXY protocol, the certificates were issued almost immediately.

kubectl patch -ngitlab-managed-apps service/ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"false"}}}'
kubectl patch -ngitlab-managed-apps configmap/ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -p '{"data":{"use-proxy-protocol":"false"}}'

Which meant I could turn PROXY protocol back on:

kubectl patch -ngitlab-managed-apps service/ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
kubectl patch -ngitlab-managed-apps configmap/ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -p '{"data":{"use-proxy-protocol":"true"}}'

My application requires the use of PROXY protocol in order to check the users IP addresses. Is there a way of fixing this without having to switch PROXY protcol on and off every 90 days to renew my certs?

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ashleydavies commented Sep 11, 2020

Huge thanks @bergkvist, same issue here, appreciate you sharing the solution; spent all day trying everything except that it seems 😅

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stopsopa commented Sep 25, 2020

Patch for this definitely needed, and it seems that there are people/organizations willing and knowing how to help:
kubernetes/kubernetes#66607 (comment)
I hope it will be addressed soon because @bergkvist solution is brilliant but also pretty nasty but at the moment it looks like that's all what we have.

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bergkvist commented Sep 25, 2020

@stopsopa So there is actually another alternative, which makes the self-checks work even with PROXY protocol enabled.

kubectl patch -ngitlab-managed-apps service/ingress-nginx-ingress-controller -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":""}}}'

Notice that you have to explicitly write your hostname ("") in order for the kubernetes iptables issue to be worked around. Not sure how this would work if you have multiple hostnames pointing to the same loadbalancer.

Subdomains work fine though (like, etc.)

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stopsopa commented Sep 25, 2020

Thanks @bergkvist mate I spent two evenings trying to make it work (cert-manager together with ip address), pulling my hair off, and actually I've been doing this too but with other configuration. I have created new cluster and tried only do-loadbalancer-hostname and... Finally worked. 🎉

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Hi all, I ran into the same issue. I've just published hairpin-proxy which works around the issue, specifically for cert-manager self-checks.

It uses CoreDNS rewriting to intercept traffic that would be heading toward the external load balancer. It then adds a PROXY line to requests originating from within the cluster. This allows cert-manager's self-check to pass.

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nabsul commented Oct 24, 2020

What a coincidence. Just today I published with instructions on how to manually issue certificates in your Kubernetes cluster. The hope being that I'll only need to manually issue certs a few times until this issue is fixed.

I wish I'd seen @compumike 's solution sooner!!

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@compumike Thanks so much!! 🥇

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I was able to fix this, the chain of issues started as follow:

I had the following in the annotation in my ingress controller "true" /

this caused all URLs to be rewritten to /
this caused the cert-manager to fail on self-check before communicating to let's encrypt
this caused certificate generation not to start at all
this also caused the DNS resolution from inside the cluster to fail

commenting these 2 lines made things work

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SacMV commented Apr 26, 2022

In my case:
Error message: cert manager challenge remote error: tls: unrecognized name
I added in my ingress annotations: "true" "true"

It worked.

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As @ahmed-adly-khalil said:

Removing /$1


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