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File metadata and controls

342 lines (251 loc) · 14.3 KB

Joint KBase / JGI Assembly Homology Service

This repo contains the KBase / JGI Assembly Homology Service (AHS). The service provides sequence assembly matching based on implementations of the MinHash algorithm.



MinHash sketch databases are organized by namespaces, where there is a 1:1 relationship between a sketch database and a namespace. A namespace has the following properties:

  • A unique string ID set by the creator of the namespace
  • A string uniquely identifying the source of the data (e.g. JGI, KBase, etc)
  • A string uniquely identifying the source database within the data source
  • An optional free text description
  • The implementation used to create the sketch database (e.g. Mash, Sourmash)
    • The parameters used to create the sketch database (kmer size and sketch size or scaling factor)

Note that searches against a namespace may not be reproducible over time.

The service is expected to contain <1000 namespaces, although there is no hard limit.

Most input strings do not allow empty strings and have a maximum size of 256 unicode code points.

MinHash implementations

Currently only Mash v2.0 is supported. Mash is configured to never return sequences with a distance greater than 0.5.


Java 8 (OpenJDK OK)
MongoDB 2.6+ (
Jetty 9.3+ ( (see for version used for testing)
This repo (git clone


cd [assembly homology repo directory]
./gradlew buildAll

Build artifacts reside in the build directory.

Load data

These instructions assume

  • MongoDB is running in a location accessible to the AHS.
  • The mash binary is available in the system path.

Loading data is accomplished via the assembly_homology CLI. Get CLI help via the -h option:

$ ./assembly_homology -h
Usage: assembly_homology [options] [command] [command options]
    -c, --config

Currently only Mash sketch database uploads are supported. An upload requires 4 files:

  • The assembly homology configuration file
  • The sketch database
  • A YAML file containing information about the namespace that will be created or updated at the end of the load
  • A file containing, on each line, a JSON string containing metadata about each sequence in the sketch database.

Assembly homology configuration file

The assembly homology configuration file contains the configuration information required for the loader to run. Copy the deploy.cfg.example file to deploy.cfg and fill it in appropriately.

Namespace YAML file

The namespace YAML file contains up to 5 keys in a top level map:

id: mynamespace
datasource: KBase
sourcedatabase: CI Refdata
description: some reference data
filterid: kbaseprod

id is the id of the namespace. This is an arbitrary string consisting of ASCII alphanumeric characters and the underscore, with a maximum length of 256 Unicode code points.

datasource is an identifier for the source of the data, like KBase or JGI.

sourcedatabase (optional) is an identifier for the database within the datasource from which the sketch database was generated. If sourcedatabase is omitted the value default is used.

description (optional) is a free text description of the namespace.

filterid (optional) is the ID of the filter to associate with the namespace. The nature of the ID depends on the filter implementation. For more information, see Filters below.

Sequence metadata file

The sequence metadata file contains multiple lines, each one corresponding to a sequence in the sketch database. Each line is a JSON string:

{"sourceid": "15792/1/3", "id": "15792_1_3", "relatedids": {"NCBI": "GCF_000518705.1"}}
{"sourceid": "15792/4/3", "id": "15792_4_3", "relatedids": {"NCBI": "GCF_001735525.1"}}

id is the ID of the sequence in the sketch database. The loader will match the sequence metadata to the sequence sketches with this ID.

sourceid is the ID of the sequence at the data source. This ID can be used to retrieve the original sequence along with any other data available from the data source.

sciname (optional)(not shown) is the optional scientific name of the organism corresponding to the sequence.

relatedids (optional) are IDs other than the source ID for the sequence, contained in a mapping from the type or source of the ID (NCBI in this example) to the ID.


An optional load ID may be provided to the loader. If a load ID is not provided, a random load ID will be generated. Load IDs separate loads within a particular namespace and provide instantaneous switches from one load to another. For example, if two data sets, one with load ID A and one with load ID B are loaded into namespace NS:

  • A is loaded and NS is created with load ID A. Users can now run queries against NS.
  • The B load starts. The data in the load is kept separate from the A load in the database so queries against NS are not affected by the load.
  • The B load completes and NS's load ID is updated to B. Now any queries against NS will run against the B load.
  • Eventually the A load will be reaped from the database after a period long enough to allow any in progress queries to complete.

Using a currently active load ID will affect any queries run or running against the namespace while the load is in progress and may leave orphan data in the database (e.g. if the new sketch database does not contain sequences in the prior load) and is generally not recommended, although there are special cases where it may be useful, such as if a load partially completed.

Once the required data is assembled, load the data:

./assembly_homology load -k [path to sketch database] -n [path to namespace YAML file]
  -s [path to sequence metadata file]

The AHS expects that the sketch database will exist at the specified path once the load is complete, so place the sketch database in a permanent location. The other files can be deleted once the load is complete (although it may be advisable to retain them for reloads).


A filter can be optionally attached to a namespace on load by specifying the filter ID in the namespace YAML file. The filter ID depends on the filter implementation - consult the documentation of the filter to determine the appropriate ID. The filter must be configured and enabled in the deploy.cfg file used by the loader and the service.

A filter receives Minhash distances from the Minhash implementation and chooses, based on the filter implementation, whether to pass them on to the rest of the system for further processing and eventual presentation to the user.

If a user provides an authentication token to the service when requesting a Minhash search (see API below), the token is passed to any filters attached to namespaces involved in that search. Filters that make use of the token are expected to provide a name for their authentication source. For a single search, all the filters activated in the search must share the same authentication source. It is permissible to mix filters that have no authentication source with filters with an authentication source. If a filter requires a token and no token is provided, it will throw an error.

If a filter is specified for a namespace, on load the filter also validates that the sequence IDs in the sketch database are acceptable. This validation is again implementation specific.

KBase Authenticated Filter

The KBase authenticated filter accepts a KBase authentication token and filters out any distances for sequences for which the user does not have access. If no token is supplied, it filters out all distances except those for public sequences.

The filter expects the sketch database IDs to have the format W_O_V, where Wis the integer workspace ID, O is the integer object ID, and V is the version. The filter checks W is contained in the set of workspace IDs to which the user has read access (either via public workspaces or specific read grants), and if not, does not pass on the distance for that sequence. Note that on load, the filter does not contact the workspace to validate the IDs; it validates the format only.

The filter ID for the filter is either kbaseprod, kbaseappdev, kbasenext, or kbaseci depending on how the filter is configured in the deploy.cfg file. The authentication source for each filter is identical to the filter ID.

Only one filter per KBase environment (prod, appdev, next, or ci) can be configured.

The deploy.cfg.example file contains an example configuration for the KBase filter, but the filter is not enabled by default.

Implementing new filters

To add a new filter to the system:

  • Implement us.kbase.assemblyhomology.core.MinHashDistanceFilterFactory.
    • See us.kbase.assemblyhomology.filters.KBaseAuthenticatedFilterFactory for an example.
  • The factory must have a constructor that accepts a Map<String, String> as its only argument. The configuration supplied in the deploy.cfg file will be provided to the filter in this map.
  • Be careful when specifying the authsource name. If filters already exist for the authentication source, follow their conventions. Using an incorrect name means that either
    • Users will encounter errors as their tokens are sent to the wrong authentication source or
    • Users will be unable to search namespaces from the same authentication source at the same time as their authsource names are different.
  • Provide documentation regarding how to configure the filter, the ID of the filter, and the authsource of the filter.

Note that filters may buffer Minhash distances for batched processing if desired. If so the MinHashDistanceFilter.flush() method must be implemented and must complete all pending processing and either discard or pass on all distances to the collector.

Start service

ensure mash is available on the system path
start mongodb
cd into the assembly homology repo

./gradlew buildAll
mkdir jettybase/webapps
cp build/libs/AssemblyHomologyService.war jettybase/webapps/ROOT.war

copy deploy.cfg.example to deploy.cfg and fill in appropriately
export ASSEMBLY_HOMOLOGY_CONFIG=<path to deploy.cfg>
export KB_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG=<path to deploy.cfg>

cd jettybase
./jettybase$ java -jar -Djetty.http.port=<port> <path to jetty install>/start.jar


Note that although namespace kmer sizes are returned in a list to support potential future improvements, currently the service only supports one kmer size per namespace.


General server information including git commit, version, and server time.

GET /namespace

List all namespaces.

GET /namespace/<namespace id>

Returns information about a specific namespace.

HEADER (optional):
Authorization: <token>

POST /namespace/<namespace id,namespace id,...>/search[?notstrict&max=<integer>]

Performs a search with the sketch database provided in the POST body against the sketch databases associated with the given namespaces. curl -T is useful for this:
curl -X POST -T kb_refseq_ci_1000_15792_446_1.msh http://localhost:20000/namespace/mynamespace/search
Currently the input sketch database must contain only one sequence with a single kmer size.
Query parameters:

  • notstrict - if omitted, the server will return an error if the query sketch size is greater than any of the namespace sketch sizes. If notstrict is included, the server will return warnings instead. Any other parameter mismatches will result in an error.
  • max - defines the maximum number of returned results. If missing, < 1, or > 1000, max is set to 10.

Some namespaces may allow, or require, an authorization token if the filter they're associated with allows or requires one. If a token is allowed the authsource field in the namespace listing will be populated with the name of the authentication source from which a token is expected (for example, kbaseprod, kbaseci, jgi, etc.). In this case the user can provide the token in the Authorization header. To determine whether the token is required or merely allowed consult the server administrator or this documentation for filters provided with the core system.
TODO: add a field noting this in the namespace data structure?

Authorization sources may not be mixed together in a single search, but namespaces without an authorization source specified may be searched at the same time as namespaces with one.

Developer notes

Adding and releasing code

  • Adding code
    • All code additions and updates must be made as pull requests directed at the develop branch.
      • All tests must pass and all new code must be covered by tests.
      • All new code must be documented appropriately
        • Javadoc
        • General documentation if appropriate
        • Release notes
  • Releases
    • The master branch is the stable branch. Releases are made from the develop branch to the master branch.
    • Update the version as per the semantic version rules in src/us/kbase/assemblyhomoloy/service/api/
    • Tag the version in git and github.

Running tests

  • Copy test.cfg.example to test.cfg and fill in the values appropriately.
  • ./gradlew test


Most text fields are arbitrary text entered by a data uploader. These fields should be HTML-escaped prior to display.

Use common sense when displaying a field from the server regarding whether the field should be html escaped or not.

Exception mapping

In us.kbase.assemblyhomology.core.exceptions:
AssemblyHomologyException and subclasses other than the below - 400
AuthorizationException and subclasses - 401
NoDataException and subclasses - 404

JsonMappingException (from Jackson) - 400

Anything else is mapped to 500.


  • Search namespaces (no free text search)
  • HTTP2 support
  • (Semi-?) realtime data updates
    • May be scheduled batch updates rather than near instantaneous
  • Other implementations (SourMash, FastANI)
  • Return implementation specific statistics (e.g. mash p-values etc)
  • Collapsing closely related sequences