Author | Title |
Jason Lowe-Power |
Single Stepping through DINO CPU tests |
To run a test in single stepping mode you can use the following command:
sbt:dinocpu> runMain dinocpu.singlestep ...
The singlestep
main (found at src/main/scala/singlestep.scala
) takes two parameters: the test to run and the CPU design to run.
For instance, if you wanted to single step through the add1
test with the single cycle CPU, you would use the following:
sbt:dinocpu> runMain dinocpu.singlestep add1 single-cycle
When you run the single step application, it will give you a command prompt. This command prompt will take a variety of different inputs:
Printing registers
print reg <num> : print the value in register
print regs : print values in all registers
print pc : print the address in the pc
print inst [addr]: print the disassembly for the instruction at addr.
If no addr provided then use the current pc.
Printing module I/O (wires)
dump all : Show all modules and the values of their I/O
dump list : List the valid modules to dump
dump [module] : Show values of the I/O on a specific module
Controlling the simulator
step [num] : move forward this many cycles, default 1
Other commands
? : print this help
q : quit
When quitting, the end conditions of the test are checked and the single step application will tell you if the test passed or failed.
The file src/main/scala/testing/InstTests.scala
has a set of lists which shows each of the tests.
The test name is the binary name + the "extra name" or the first and last parameters to each InstTest
For example:
Map("single-cycle" -> 2, "pipelined" -> 6),
Map(0 -> 0, 10 -> 17, 11 -> 93),
Map(), Map())
Map("single-cycle" -> 3, "pipelined" -> 9),
Map(5 -> 1234, 6 -> 1, 7 -> 5678, 28 -> 9012),
Map(5 -> 0, 6 -> 1, 7 -> 5678, 28 -> 9012),
Map(), Map(), "-False"),
The first test, the name would be "addi2" and the second test the name would be "beq-False".
You can also get these names from failed tests. For instance,
- should run branch bne-False *** FAILED ***
Means the test name "bne-False" failed.
Now, let's go over a brief step-by-step example of running the addfwd
test in single stepping mode, highlighting the values in the registers and wires. As a heads up, this test adds the values between two registers (5 & 10) and places the result into one of them (10) about ten times. Initially, register 5 will have a value of 1 and register 10 with 0.
When you first run the test, you should see something along these lines:
sbt:dinocpu> runMain dinocpu.singlestep addfwd single-cycle
[info] Updating ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 35 Scala sources to /home/jtoya/Git Repositories/UC Davis/Winter2019/TA/dinocpu/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
[warn] there were 6 deprecation warnings (since 1.2)
[warn] there was one deprecation warning (since since )
[warn] there were 7 deprecation warnings in total; re-run with -deprecation for details
[warn] there were 564 feature warnings; re-run with -feature for details
[warn] four warnings found
[info] Done compiling.
[warn] Multiple main classes detected. Run 'show discoveredMainClasses' to see the list
[info] Packaging /home/jtoya/Git Repositories/UC Davis/Winter2019/TA/dinocpu/target/scala-2.12/dinocpu_2.12-0.5.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Running dinocpu.singlestep addfwd single-cycle
Running test addfwd on CPU design single-cycle
[info] [0.001] Elaborating design...
[info] [1.387] Done elaborating.
Total FIRRTL Compile Time: 1827.6 ms
file loaded in 0.273723526 seconds, 1019 symbols, 981 statements
Help for the single stepper:
Note: Registers print the value *stored* in that register. The wires print
the *current* value on the wire for that cycle.
Printing registers
print reg <num> : print the value in register
print regs : print values in all registers
print pc : print the address in the pc
print inst [addr]: print the disassembly for the instruction at addr.
If no addr provided then use the current pc.
Printing module I/O (wires)
dump all : Show all modules and the values of their I/O
dump list : List the valid modules to dump
dump [module] : Show values of the I/O on a specific module
Controlling the simulator
step [num] : move forward this many cycles, default 1
Other commands
? : print this help
q : quit
Single stepper>
If ran correctly, you should notice an interface guide and be given a command prompt. Let's start running some of the commands and looking at our values.
Cycle 0
Printing the initial PC, instruction, and registers:
Single stepper> print pc
PC: 0
Single stepper> print inst
0 : add x10, x10, x5 (0x00550533)
Single stepper> print reg 5
reg5: 1
Single stepper> print reg 10
reg10: 0
We can see that the Pc is at 0 and we're going to add the values in register 5 and 10, which are 1 and 0, and store the result back into register 10. How about the values in the wires?
In order to see them, you'll need to dump each of the modules you are interested in. For our example, we only care about the ALU Control, ALU, register file, and the PC increment unit.
Dumping the module wires:
Single stepper> dump aluControl 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 2 (0x2)
Single stepper> dump alu 0 (0x0) 1 (0x1) 1 (0x1) 2 (0x2)
Single stepper> dump registers 0 (0x0) 1 (0x1) 10 (0xa) 10 (0xa) 5 (0x5) 1 (0x1) 1 (0x1)
Single stepper> dump pcPlusFour 4 (0x4) 0 (0x0) 4 (0x4)
As we expected from the instruction, the ALU Control determined the operation to be an add (from the opcode 0010) and the ALU added the values 0 and 1 (inputx and inputy) which produced the result 1. Peeking at the register file, we can see that that the registers being read are 10 and 5, their respective values are 0 and 1, and the register to be written to, along with its value, are 10 and 1. The PC will get incremented by 4 for the next cycle.
Cycle 1
Next, we step 1 cycle and print the following cycle's PC, instruction, and registers:
Single stepper> step 1
Current cycle: 1
Single stepper> print pc
PC: 4
Single stepper> print inst
4 : add x10, x10, x5 (0x00550533)
Single stepper> print reg 5
reg5: 1
Single stepper> print reg 10
reg10: 1
Above shows the instruction to be the same, but the PC incremented by 4 and the value in register 10 is now 1 (just like what we expected).
The following cycle's module wires:
Single stepper> dump aluControl 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 2 (0x2)
Single stepper> dump alu 1 (0x1) 2 (0x2) 1 (0x1) 2 (0x2)
Single stepper> dump registers 1 (0x1) 1 (0x1) 10 (0xa) 10 (0xa) 5 (0x5) 2 (0x2) 1 (0x1)
Single stepper> dump pcPlusFour 8 (0x8) 4 (0x4) 4 (0x4)
Similar to above, the only changes we expect are the updated value from register 10 and the new result being 2. (As well as the PC incrementing by 4 again). To make things a bit more interesting, let's step by 9 cycles.
Cycle 10
Last look at the PC, instruction, and registers:
Single stepper> step 9
Current cycle: 10
Single stepper> print pc
PC: 40
Single stepper> print inst
40 : addi x0, x0, 0 (0x00000013)
Single stepper> print reg 5
reg5: 1
Single stepper> print reg 10
reg10: 10
Having a look at the tenth cycle, we can see that we've executed the last of the ten add instructions by the nop instruction we've reached and the final value in register 10 being 10.
Last look at the module wires:
Single stepper> dump aluControl 1 (0x1) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 2 (0x2)
Single stepper> dump alu 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 2 (0x2)
Single stepper> dump registers 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0) 0 (0x0)
Single stepper> dump pcPlusFour 44 (0x2c) 40 (0x28) 4 (0x4)
With a nop, you can see that a majority of the wire values have been changed to 0. Considering that the following instructions will be nothing but nops, we can effectively quit the mode. Which you should see:
Single stepper> q
Test passed!
[success] Total time: 462 s, completed Jan 6, 2020 11:56:35 PM
Of course you could keep stepping, but eventually the PC will stop incrementing, indicating the end of the test. (Which you still have to quit by typing q)
Right now, there are two public and one private implementation. There may be more in the future.
: The single cycle DINO CPUpipelined
: The fully pipelined DINO CPU with forwarding and hazard detection
See CPU Test Case.
Disassembly is supported by asserting the debug flag to be true in src/main/scala/configurations.scala
You can find the disassembler in src/main/scala/utils/disassembler.scala
To create a trace, you can drive the stdin
of the single stepper by redirecting a file and then parsing the output.
For instance, if you store the following into a file called tmp
, you can get the first 4 cycles.
print regs
print inst
print regs
print inst
print regs
print inst
print regs
print inst
print regs
print inst
Then, you can execute the following code to capture the trace.
This will redirect the file tmp
to the stdin
of the single stepper, drop the first help lines, remove all of the command lines (i.e., Single stepper >
), and remove all registers that aren't 0.
singularity exec library://jlowepower/default/dinocpu sbt "runMain dinocpu.singlestep naturalsum single-cycle" < tmp | tail -n +39 | sed 's/Single stepper> //g' | grep -v ": 0" > output