diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index be1ef40f72..8493c6364b 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -35229,7 +35229,9 @@
String.prototype.split ( _separator_, _limit_ )
1. Return CreateArrayFromList(« _S_ »).
1. Let _separatorLength_ be the length of _R_.
1. If _separatorLength_ = 0, then
- 1. Let _head_ be the substring of _S_ from 0 to _lim_.
+ 1. Let _strLen_ be the length of _S_.
+ 1. Let _outLen_ be the result of clamping _lim_ between 0 and _strLen_.
+ 1. Let _head_ be the substring of _S_ from 0 to _outLen_.
1. Let _codeUnits_ be a List consisting of the sequence of code units that are the elements of _head_.
1. Return CreateArrayFromList(_codeUnits_).
1. If _S_ is the empty String, return CreateArrayFromList(« _S_ »).