Install Beekeeper dependencies:
# apt install libanyevent-perl libjson-xs-perl libnet-ssleay-perl libterm-readkey-perl procps
Install Beekeeper from CPAN:
# apt install make cpanminus
# cpanm --sudo --notest Beekeeper
Create an user beekeeper
# adduser beekeeper
Copy the provided configuration templates:
# cd /tmp
# git clone
# mkdir /etc/beekeeper
# cp beekeeper/doc/config/beekeeper/*.config.json /etc/beekeeper/
# cp beekeeper/doc/config/beekeeper/*.environment /etc/beekeeper/
# chown beekeeper: /etc/beekeeper/*
# chmod 0600 /etc/beekeeper/*
# cp beekeeper/doc/config/beekeeper/beekeeper.logrotate /etc/logrotate/beekeeper
# cp beekeeper/doc/config/beekeeper/[email protected] /lib/systemd/system/
# systemctl daemon-reload
Copy the examples to /home/beekeeper
# cp beekeeper/doc/config/beekeeper/myapp /home/beekeeper/
# cp beekeeper/examples /home/beekeeper/
# chown -R beekeeper: /home/beekeeper/myapp /home/beekeeper/examples
Edit pool.config.json
and bus.config.json
as needed, and ensure that credentials are correct:
# nano /etc/beekeeper/pool.config.json
# nano /etc/beekeeper/bus.config.json
When starting a service beekeeper@{POOL_ID}
the provided systemd unit template loads PERL5LIB
and any other environment variable from {POOL_ID}.environment
, then starts the pool {POOL_ID}
defined in pool.config.json
Start the test pool myapp
# service beekeeper@myapp start
Check that everything is ok:
# service beekeeper@myapp status
# tail /var/log/beekeeper/myapp.pool.log
# bkpr-top -b
Enable the service to start it at boot:
# systemctl enable beekeeper@myapp