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args_n args_k args_L args_iterations args_curve net_file_size_bytes runtime_setup_seconds runtime_file_generation_seconds runtime_all_column_commitments_seconds runtime_per_column_commitment_seconds runtime_all_row_encodings_seconds runtime_per_row_encoding_seconds runtime_all_chunk_verifications_seconds runtime_per_chunk_verification_seconds runtime_all_downloaded_chunk_verifications_seconds runtime_per_downloaded_chunk_verification_seconds runtime_all_row_decodings_seconds runtime_per_row_decoding_seconds runtime_prepare_decoding_seconds num_column_commitments num_row_encodings num_chunk_verifications num_downloaded_chunk_verifications num_row_decodings size_file_uncoded_bytes size_column_commitments_bytes size_file_coded_bytes scenario_disperse_runtime_client_seconds scenario_disperse_runtime_node_seconds scenario_disperse_communication_bytes scenario_disperse_storage_bytes scenario_retrieve_runtime_client_seconds scenario_sampling_num_openings scenario_sampling_runtime_prover_seconds scenario_sampling_runtime_verifier_seconds scenario_sampling_runtime_proof_size_bytes
128 32 512 1 bn254 518144 0.069442 0.003161 0.849971 0.026562 0.077600 0.000152 5.284300 0.041284 0.936748 0.029273 0.043648 0.000085 0.026684 32 512 128 32 512 524288 2304 2097152 0.927571 0.041284 2392064 2392064 1.007079 32 0.031059 0.007709 2424
256 64 512 1 bn254 1036288 0.064767 0.005341 1.952471 0.030507 0.133659 0.000261 12.262504 0.047900 2.217944 0.034655 0.183397 0.000358 0.129398 64 512 256 64 512 1048576 4608 4194304 2.086129 0.047900 5373952 5373952 2.530739 64 0.032216 0.008068 4728
512 128 512 1 bn254 2072576 0.065042 0.008743 3.386715 0.026459 0.279855 0.000547 29.798929 0.058201 4.526394 0.035362 0.783962 0.001531 0.601492 128 512 512 128 512 2097152 9216 8388608 3.666569 0.058201 13107200 13107200 5.911848 128 0.032872 0.008035 9336
1024 256 512 1 bn254 4145152 0.063232 0.013459 6.808684 0.026596 0.539162 0.001053 92.464350 0.090297 7.911836 0.030906 3.089012 0.006033 3.468803 256 512 1024 256 512 4194304 18432 16777216 7.347846 0.090297 35651584 35651584 14.469651 256 0.031542 0.007734 18552
128 32 1024 1 bn254 1036288 0.105638 0.004289 1.331140 0.041598 0.170345 0.000166 7.155390 0.055901 1.412195 0.044131 0.087283 0.000085 0.025704 32 1024 128 32 1024 1048576 2304 4194304 1.501484 0.055901 4489216 4489216 1.525182 32 0.045819 0.007732 2424
256 64 1024 1 bn254 2072576 0.107931 0.007668 2.651929 0.041436 0.285923 0.000279 15.617735 0.061007 2.855000 0.044609 0.346341 0.000338 0.108765 64 1024 256 64 1024 2097152 4608 8388608 2.937852 0.061007 9568256 9568256 3.310105 64 0.045905 0.007840 4728
512 128 1024 1 bn254 4145152 0.110310 0.015250 5.748778 0.044912 0.499959 0.000488 38.683483 0.075554 6.539377 0.051089 1.478167 0.001444 0.591857 128 1024 512 128 1024 4194304 9216 16777216 6.248737 0.075554 21495808 21495808 8.609401 128 0.048026 0.008099 9336
1024 256 1024 1 bn254 8290304 0.108134 0.027294 10.603006 0.041418 1.079123 0.001054 107.466143 0.104947 11.719789 0.045780 6.180785 0.006036 3.467654 256 1024 1024 256 1024 8388608 18432 33554432 11.682128 0.104947 52428800 52428800 21.368228 256 0.046177 0.007847 18552
128 32 2048 1 bn254 2072576 0.176560 0.008724 2.534855 0.079214 0.312710 0.000153 11.174227 0.087299 2.559808 0.079994 0.174509 0.000085 0.026409 32 2048 128 32 2048 2097152 2304 8388608 2.847565 0.087299 8683520 8683520 2.760725 32 0.078770 0.007101 2424
256 64 2048 1 bn254 4145152 0.180598 0.016944 5.011850 0.078310 0.572851 0.000280 23.720616 0.092659 5.280554 0.082509 0.692891 0.000338 0.106798 64 2048 256 64 2048 4194304 4608 16777216 5.584701 0.092659 17956864 17956864 6.080243 64 0.081472 0.007568 4728
512 128 2048 1 bn254 8290304 0.176607 0.031252 9.780396 0.076409 1.015355 0.000496 54.677089 0.106791 10.537161 0.082322 2.956525 0.001444 0.564402 128 2048 512 128 2048 8388608 9216 33554432 10.795750 0.106791 38273024 38273024 14.058088 128 0.079349 0.007423 9336
1024 256 2048 1 bn254 16580608 0.174722 0.056202 19.991648 0.078092 2.085721 0.001018 141.684318 0.138364 21.679130 0.084684 12.081761 0.005899 3.462005 256 2048 1024 256 2048 16777216 18432 67108864 22.077369 0.138364 85983232 85983232 37.222896 256 0.079173 0.007041 18552
128 32 4096 1 bn254 4145152 0.300265 0.013721 4.880874 0.152527 0.676098 0.000165 19.186308 0.149893 4.826281 0.150821 0.348695 0.000085 0.026819 32 4096 128 32 4096 4194304 2304 16777216 5.556972 0.149893 17072128 17072128 5.201795 32 0.143883 0.008409 2424
256 64 4096 1 bn254 8290304 0.300944 0.030271 9.784648 0.152885 1.147389 0.000280 39.169534 0.153006 9.713026 0.151766 1.388174 0.000339 0.108229 64 4096 256 64 4096 8388608 4608 33554432 10.932037 0.153006 34734080 34734080 11.209429 64 0.143118 0.007912 4728
512 128 4096 1 bn254 16580608 0.299549 0.055376 17.566473 0.137238 1.482743 0.000362 88.726710 0.173294 18.039755 0.140936 5.908205 0.001442 0.567515 128 4096 512 128 4096 16777216 9216 67108864 19.049216 0.173294 71827456 71827456 24.515476 128 0.144017 0.007828 9336
1024 256 4096 1 bn254 33161216 0.298869 0.113050 37.823349 0.147747 4.145118 0.001012 203.454548 0.198686 38.409822 0.150038 24.151428 0.005896 3.466178 256 4096 1024 256 4096 33554432 18432 134217728 41.968467 0.198686 153092096 153092096 66.027428 256 0.142495 0.007427 18552