Node/NestJS REST API for adding achievements, checking into achievements, uploading photos, and many other features.
- Progressvive Node framework NestJS. This framework was inspired by Angular and wraps Typescript around Express
- MongoDB for storage and Mongoose for object mapping
- AccessControl for attribute based access control
- Passport and JWT for token authentication
- Add "check" endpoint for pingdom monitoring
- Implement flow for approving users and not automatically granting a token
- Generate documentation
- Gulp task to update shared project (delete folder in node modules, build shared project, npm install Shared)
- Websocket leaderboard/notifications
- Multitenancy
- Revoking JWT tokens with some event based system
- Created/updated by
- Validate model before uploading photo
- Restrict uploads behind ACL
- Partial match search for achievements using $regex
- Decouple endpoints from photo uploads
- The reason for this is that the permissions gaurd is unable to parse the req.body of a multipart form request
- the req.body is important because this determines if entity is owned by the user
- Dynamic permissions and roles using some cacheing mechanism