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Using Azure Files share with GitHub Actions and Kubernetes Tutorial

On this tutorial, you can learn how to use Azure File share to enable caching and dynamic volume creation in your GitHub pipelines when using Self Hosted Agents running on Kubernetes. We are using GitHub ARC - Actions Runner Controller and ARC Runner Scale sets on AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services to manage and scale your self-hosted github runners.

Solution Architecture

Learn more here about GitHub ARC and Azure File share running on Kubernetes.

On this solution we are using Metadata caching for premium SMB file shares. It's an enhancement for SMB Azure premium file shares aimed to reduce metadata latency, increase available IOPS, and boost network throughput. This preview feature improves the following metadata APIs and can be used from both Windows and Linux clients: Create, Open, Close and Delete. To onboard, sign up for the public preview and they will provide you with additional details. Currently this preview feature is only available for premium SMB file shares (file shares in the FileStorage storage account kind). There are no additional costs associated with using this feature.


We are using 3 CLI tools: Azure CLI, Kubectl and Helm. If you are running in CloudShell, these tools are already available there for you.

Defining parameters

Make sure to replace the following mandatory placeholders :

  • AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG with the name of the resource group used by storage account and AKS cluster
  • AKS_CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services cluster to be created
  • STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME with the name of the storage account to be created
  • AKS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_LOCATION with the name of the region to create the resources in. we are deploying on the same region as the AKS cluster nodes to facilitate performance and cost.
  • GITHUB_CONFIG_URL the URL to GitHub organisation or repository

and these are optional, please keep these default values if possible :

  • NAMESPACE_ARC_CONTROLLER the name of Kubernetes namespace to run Arc runners scaleset controller
  • ARC_CONTROLLER_NAME the name of Arc runners scaleset controller
  • NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS the name of Kubernetes namespace to run Arc self-hosted runners
  • ARC_RUNNER_SCALESET_NAME the name of Arc runners scaleset
# please fill these env variables with your details

# optional, changes maybe require aditional chnages on ./install/*.yaml files

Create AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services Cluster

Please follow the Quickstart: Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) cluster using Azure CLI to create the required Azure Kubernetes Services.

Run the following command to create your AKS Cluster:

# Create Resource Group used by AKS and Storage account
az group create --name "${AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG}" --location "${AKS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_LOCATION}"

# Create AKS Cluster
az aks create -g "${AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG}" -n "${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME}" \
       --os-sku AzureLinux \
       --node-count 1 \
       --enable-cluster-autoscaler \
       --min-count 1 \
       --max-count 3 \       
       --node-vm-size standard_d4s_v5 \
       --max-pods=100 \
       --network-plugin azure \
       --network-plugin-mode overlay \

To manage a Kubernetes cluster, use the Kubernetes command-line client, [kubectl][kubectl]. kubectl is already installed if you use Azure Cloud Shell. To install kubectl locally, use the az aks install-cli command.

  1. Configure kubectl to connect to your Kubernetes cluster using the az aks get-credentials command. This command downloads credentials and configures the Kubernetes CLI to use them.

    az aks get-credentials -g "${AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG}" -n "${AKS_CLUSTER_NAME}"
  2. Verify the connection to your cluster using the kubectl get command. This command returns a list of the cluster nodes.

    kubectl get nodes

Create an Azure file share

Before you can use an Azure Files file share as a Kubernetes volume, you must create an Azure Storage account and the file share. We are using Azure file share Premium SMB with support for metadata caching. The minimal is 100 Gb for each share you create.

  1. Create a storage account using the az storage account create command with the --sku parameter. The following command creates a storage account using the Premium_LRS SKU.

    az storage account create -n "${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME}" -g "${AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG}" -l "${AKS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_LOCATION}" --sku Premium_LRS --kind FileStorage
  2. Export the connection string as an environment variable using the following command, which you use to create the file share.

    export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING=$(az storage account show-connection-string -n ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} -g ${AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG} -o tsv)
  3. Create the 100Gb premium file share using the az storage share create command. We are using metadatacaching as share name. If you change this name, you also have to change arc-runners-set-pv.yaml file to reflect this change.

    az storage share create -n metadatacaching --quota 100 --connection-string $AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING

Installing ARC Runners Scaleset Controler

helm install "${ARC_CONTROLLER_NAME}" \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE_ARC_CONTROLLER}" \
    --create-namespace \
    --version "0.9.3" \

Please remove the --version "0.9.3" parameter to install the latest version. The Arc runner-set need to have the same version of the Arc controler.

Creating Kubernetes Secrets

Azure File Share Storage Key Secret

Azure Files requires a secret to be created on AKS with the Storage key used to connect the Azure File share from the AKS pod container.

STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group ${AKS_AND_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RG} --account-name ${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} --query "[0].value" -o tsv)

kubectl create namespace "${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS}"

kubectl create secret generic azure-storage-secret \
   --namespace "${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS}" \
   --from-literal=azurestorageaccountname=${STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME} \

GitHub App Secret

Create a GitHub App to allow the self-hosted runner to access your GitHub organisation or repository. Please follow the instructions here

These are the parameters provide by GitHub App creation process:

  • GITHUB_APP_ID Github App ID created
  • GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID GitHub App Installation ID created
  • github_app_private_key replace the whole '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- section with your Private key

kubectl create secret generic ${ARC_RUNNER_GITHUB_SECRET_NAME} \
   --namespace=${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS} \
   --from-literal=github_app_id=${GITHUB_APP_ID} \
   --from-literal=github_app_installation_id=${GITHUB_APP_INSTALLATION_ID} \
   --from-literal=github_app_private_key='-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Azure File share configurations

Azure Files fileshare can be mounted in multiple pods at same time. We can use this capability called AcccessMode: ReadWriteMany to mount the same fileshare in all pods created by the Arc kubernetes replicateset.

We are going to use Azure Files share in 2 different ways:

  1. As a persistent SMB File share to cache Nuget packages used by our .NET example Application. The arc-runners-set-pv-pvc.yaml file will create the required PV and PVC for this File Share. We recomend Azure File Premium for this first option. Please customize volumeAttributes and any namespaces parameter on both PV - Persistent Volume and PVC - Persistent volume claim manifests as showed here:

      resourceGroup: metadata-agroves  # optional, only set this when storage account is not in the same RG group as node
      shareName: metadatacaching
      name: azure-storage-secret
      namespace: arc-runners      
    # Create PV and PVC on your cluster
    kubectl apply -f ./install/arc-runners-set-pv-pvc.yaml --namespace "${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS}" --wait
  2. As Ephemeral volume for the GitHub Runners _work folder. We are also going to create 2 storage classes - Azure Files Standard called github-azurefile and Azure File Premium called github-azurefile-premium. These classes will allow volumes to be created and deleted on demand. When a GitHub Jobs runs, a new runner pod will be created on Kubernetes and a new Azure File share will be created and mounted. The volume will live only during the job run. Standard class allows any volume size and Premium allows a minimum of 100Gb volume. Only one will be used and the decision is yours. Premium will give you a better performance. The arc-runners-storage-class-files.yaml file can be customized, but not required.

    kubectl apply -f ./install/arc-runners-storage-class-files.yaml --wait

Installing ARC Runner Scale Set

Install ARC Runner Scale Set using the official GitHub Helm chart and manually mount your Azure Files share on Kubernetes

This is a code snippet from the arc-runners-set-values.yaml file on the Install folder that can be customized before installing the Runner set Helm Chart.

We are using a customized version the Kubernetes containerMode, to include Azure File share volume mountings to Nuget packages and to ephemeral _work folder volume.

The only not mandantory changes are:

  • storageClassName choose between "github-azurefile-premium" and "github-azurefile"
  • storage choose the size of the storage. 100Gb minimum to premium.

The other helm parameters will be set on the helm install command using --set option.

  type: "kubernetes"  ## type can be set to dind or kubernetes
  ## the following is required when containerMode.type=kubernetes
    accessModes: ["ReadWriteMany"]
    storageClassName: "github-azurefile-premium" # or "github-azurefile" for Standard_LRS
        storage: 100Gi # 100Gi minimum to premium or any size when using Standard_LRS "github-azurefile" storage class

    fsGroup: 123 # Group used by GitHub default agent image
  - name: runner
    command: ["/home/runner/"]
        value: "false"
        value: "/home/runner/container-config/container-podspec.yaml"
      - name: "container-podspec-volume"
        mountPath: "/home/runner/container-config"
      - name: azurefile
        mountPath: /home/runner/.nuget/             
    - name: "container-podspec-volume"
        name: hook-extension
    - name: azurefile
        claimName: azurefile

For compatibility with GitHub Workflow container feature that allows you to run containers inside your pipeline, we are mounting a container-podspec-volume with the pod spec for the workflow pod created by ARC when running workflows with the container feature. This pod spec is mounted from a config map created on arc-runners-set-container-pod-spec.yaml file on the install folder. No changes are required.

kubectl apply -f ./install/arc-runners-set-container-pod-spec.yaml

ARC Runner Scaleset Helm Chart Parameters

kubectl apply -f ./install/arc-runners-set-container-pod-spec.yaml

The Arc Runner Scaleset Helm Chart provides a few parameters, these are the most important ones to install a Scaleset with Azure File share volume mount on AKS - Azure Kubernetes Services.

These are the parameters:

  • githubConfigUrl your Github Organisation or repository. We are using repository on our example.
  • githubConfigSecret the GitHub App Secret to access Github from the self-hosted runner
  • minRunners Minimal number of runners on the scale set, waiting for new jobs from GitHub
  • maxRunners Maximal number of runners, running jobs or waiting for new jobs from GitHub
  • runnerGroup Github runner Group supported used by the Arc runnerset.

Arc runner set helm chart is available to download here oci://

To instal the Helm Chart on AKS, please run "helm install" command on your AKS Cluster

helm install "${ARC_RUNNER_SCALESET_NAME}" \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS}" \
    --create-namespace \
    --values ./install/arc-runners-set-values.yaml \
    --set githubConfigUrl="${GITHUB_CONFIG_URL}" \
    --set githubConfigSecret="${ARC_RUNNER_GITHUB_SECRET_NAME}" \
    --set minRunners=1 \
    --set maxRunners=3 \
    --set runnerGroup=default \
    --version "0.9.3" \

Please remove the --version "0.9.3" parameter to install the latest version. The Arc runner-set need to have the same version of the Arc controler.

Upgrading a Runner scale set installation

If you want to upgrade any configuration on the Arc Runner Scaleset, re-run the last helm install command onyl replacing the firt line to "helm upgrade --install".

helm upgrade --install "${ARC_RUNNER_SCALESET_NAME}" \
    --namespace "${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS}" \
    --create-namespace \
    --values ./install/arc-runners-set-values.yaml \
    --set githubConfigUrl="${GITHUB_CONFIG_URL}" \
    --set githubConfigSecret="${ARC_RUNNER_GITHUB_SECRET_NAME}" \
    --set minRunners=1 \
    --set maxRunners=3 \
    --set runnerGroup=default \
    --version "0.9.3" \

Please remove the --version "0.9.3" parameter to install the latest version. The Arc runner-set need to have the same version of the Arc controler.

Running your Workflows - GitHub Actions

I have created 3 workflows on this repository, under the default GitHub workflow folder .github/workflows for you to test the self-hosted ARC runners created on AKS.

  • .NET Build using containers install .NET SDK and restore/build/publish application on the runner itself. File name is dotnet-using-container.yml
  • .NET Build without containers use workflow container feature to run a .NET SDK container and build inside the application inside the container. NUGET Caching is mounted by default on this container. File name is dotnet-wihout-container.yml
  • Container and Service Test testing workflows also using containers feature to create a ubuntu container and a redis service. Both containers run on the same AKS Pod. NUGET Caching is also mounted by default on this container. File name is container-service-test.yml

All 3 workflows have an input parameter for the Arc runner name to be used on the runs-on: field of your workflow. This is the ARC_RUNNER_SCALESET_NAME="arc-runner-set" variable defined before, called arc-runner-set. To facilitate testing, we are using workflow_dispatch: option on the 3 workflows to only run those workflows when it is requested manually. On GitHub Actions tab of your repository, select one of the workflows and click on Run worflow button.

Once the workflow is running, it will request a runner to ARC running on AKS cluster. Once this runner, a pod on Kubernetes, is allocated for the job, the workflow will run in there to completion. As we are using the Ephemeral runner approach, the pod running your workflow will be destroyed at the end and a new one will be created for your next workflow run.

Removing resources

If you want to remove all resources created on your AKS - Azure Kubernetes Cluster, run these commands.

# Deleting ARC Runner Scalesets

# Deleting ARC Runners Scaleset Controler

# Delete Azure File share configurations
kubectl delete -f ./install/arc-runners-set-pv-pvc.yaml --wait
kubectl delete -f ./install/arc-runners-storage-class-files.yaml --wait

# Delete secrets
kubectl delete secret azure-storage-secret -n arc-runners --wait
kubectl delete secret ${ARC_RUNNER_GITHUB_SECRET_NAME} -n arc-runners --wait

# Delete container runner configmap pod spec
kubectl delete -f ./install/arc-runners-set-container-pod-spec.yaml --wait

# Deleting Namespaces
kubectl delete namespace ${NAMESPACE_ARC_RUNNERS}
kubectl delete namespace ${NAMESPACE_ARC_CONTROLLER}

If you don't plan on going through this guideline, clean up unnecessary resources to avoid Azure charges. Remove the resource group, AKS container service, Azure File share and all related resources.









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