- Josh Unger
- Software Engineer at IdeaRoom - http://www.idearoominc.com
- Let's talk about 2017 in review with a bunch of graphs 🤓
- If you know more about a topic shout out 30 seconds on it and ask any questions
- This is going to be interactive!
Everything below is bi winning - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5aSa4tmVNM&t=0m58s
- React is winning ... why? license? state?
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/front-end/results/
- https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2017-01-01%202017-12-31&q=react,angularjs,angular2,angular
- https://medium.freecodecamp.org/facebook-just-changed-the-license-on-react-heres-a-2-minute-explanation-why-5878478913b2
- Compare Angular1 and Angular2 for I've USED it before, and would NOT use it again
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/front-end/results/
- Progressive JavaScript Framework
- Already beating Angular2 in "I've USED it before, and WOULD use it again"
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/front-end/results/
- https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=react,vuejs,vue.js
- https://npmcharts.com/compare/vue,angular
- But https://npmcharts.com/compare/vue,angular,react
- Anyone using it? GitLab is using it
- Stack Overflow Jobs
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/front-end/developers/
- Years of Experience
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/flavors/developers/
- Salary Ranges for Reason / etc.
- "Reason lets you write simple, fast and quality type safe code while leveraging both the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems."
- https://reasonml.github.io/
- Most people work during the week
- https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Winning over Atom, Sublime, and WebStorm
- Not surprised that Atom is less since it is slow when opening that huge file
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/other-tools/
- Turns out people (including devs) care about performance
- Demo!
- https://yarnpkg.com/en/
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/other-tools/
- A query language for your API
- http://graphql.org/
- I've HEARD of it, and WOULD like to learn it
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/state-management/results/
- Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/flavors/results/
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/front-end/worldwide/
- Vue creator Evan You born in China
- https://medium.freecodecamp.org/i-just-asked-23-000-developers-what-they-think-of-javascript-heres-what-i-learned-9a06b61998fa
- Mocha and Jest!
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/testing/results/
- Flexbox is mainsteam
- CSS grids will make it https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-grid
- Mainstream
- https://caniuse.com/#feat=wasm
- https://reasonml.github.io/
- http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/775616/2017-reason-trend#graph
- https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=reasonml
- CSS in JS
- Glamor https://github.com/threepointone/glamor
- Radium
- TypeScript - up or down for 2018?
- Zero config web application bundlers (just because of webpack)
- Facebook is killing it and we'll see more libraries from them
- Who has any predictions for 2018?
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/back-end/results/
- https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/10/saying-goodbye-to-firebug/
- https://medium.freecodecamp.org/a-look-back-at-the-state-of-javascript-in-2017-a5b7f562e977
- https://dzone.com/articles/a-front-end-development-review-of-2017-javascript
- https://medium.com/javascript-scene/top-javascript-libraries-tech-to-learn-in-2018-c38028e028e6
- https://stateofjs.com/2017/introduction/
- https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2017
- https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2017/11/14/introducing-firefox-quantum/