- Remove blue LED?
- Make page readable on a phone
- Add a button to trigger an immediate query?
- Make parameters configurable through web?
- Try to add a last polled time or similar so one can investigate whether the script is still working
- Check for valid format parameter at the beginning of the index.php
- Get systemd to run the python script at the right time and remove the initial sleep delay from the python script
In an effort to reduce the number of calls being made to directory servers, I'll only check the ones I am likely to find people to jam with. In my case, I think that's the "any genre" servers and rock. We'll take that as a simple, optional parameter in the request.
- Add servers parameter to request URL, pass it in the python script.
- Change the LED behavior some more. Turn off blue light altogether and stop blinking the green.
- Change the LED behavior, turn blue on only when polling server, blink green.
- Clean up instrument listing so it's more readable.
- Remove extraneous comments from index.php
- Turn off automatic refresh
- Get ambient display working
- Return JSON from the PHP page if requested
- Move server scripts into a 'server' directory
- Create script that queries JSON for the jam_time_is_now flag
- Get python client script working on Raspberry Pi at boot time
- Get GPIO working on raspberry pi
- Use associative array so JSON makes more sense
- Move configs to config.php, add client directory with the most basic of python scripts.
- Update readme with some pictures of the prototype.
Helpful for re-imaging raspberry pi: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/raspberry-pi-headless-setup-how-to,6028.html
Helpful for setting up Apache and PHP: https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-apache/
Raspi Pinouts: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/raspberry-pi.html
Helpful for getting systemd set up: https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/
Note that I had to add a delay to the python script since systemd was starting the script too early. A copy of the systemd file is in client directory of this repository.
Initial script that creates a simple page that shows servers with acceptable ping times with people on them. They get highlighted if there's a drummer and no bassist.
This is the data returned from jamulus-php:
- numip
- port
- country
- maxclients
- perm
- name
- ipaddrs
- city
- ip
- ping
- os
- version
- versionsort
- nclients
- clients
- chanid
- country
- instrument
- skill
- name
- city
- index