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MSBuild properties reference for the "BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build"

MSBuild properties list for the "BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build"

Property name Ddefault value Description
BlazorWasmPrerendering Set the disable to suppress prerendering.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingRootComponentType $(RootNamespace).App Set the full name (including namespace) of a root component class.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingRootComponentSelector #app,app Set the DOM element selector for attaching the root component.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingHeadOutletComponentSelector head::after Set the DOM element selector for attaching the <HeadOutlet> component of the Blazor.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingOutputStyle IndexHtmlInSubFolders When it is set to AppendHtmlExtension, the page of the URL path foo/bar will be saved as the foo/bar.html instead of the foo/bar/index.html.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingDeleteLoadingContents false When it is set to true, the "Loading..." contents will be deleted from prerendered output HTML files, and prerendered contents to be visible immediately even before the Blazor WebAssembly runtime has warmed up.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingUrlPathToExplicitFetch Set the semicolon-separated URL paths explicitly that are not linked from anywhere, such as easter-egg pages, to be prerendered.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingEnvironment Prerendering Set a name of a host environment that can retrieve via IWebHostEnvironment.Environment.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingEmulateAuthMe true When it is set to true, prerendering server emulates Azure App Services Auth. That means the ULR endpoint "/.auth/me" will return the JSON content {"clientPrincipal":null}
BlazorWasmPrerenderingLocale en Set a comma-separated locale list such as "en", "ja-JP,en-US", etc., those used when crawling. ⚠️Attention: when you specify this MSBuild property via "dotnet" command line, you have to replace , (comma) with %2c.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingMode Static Set the render mode in which Static or WebAssemblyPrerendered.
BlazorWasmPrerenderingKeepServer false When it is set to true, the dotnet publish command will not be exited, and the prerendering server process will keep running until Ctrl + C is pressed.

Appendix: How to set those MSBuild property values?

1. Specify it in a project file (.csproj)

You can specify MSBuild properties and their values inside of a project file (.csproj) like this:

<!-- This is the .csproj file of your Blazor WebAssembly app -->
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.BlazorWebAssembly">
    <{Property name 1}>{Property value 1}</{Property name 1}>
    <{Property name 2}>{Property value 2}</{Property name 2}>

2. Specify it in command-line arguments when the dotnet publish command executing

When you execute the dotnet publish command, you can specify MSBuild properties and their values by the -p command-line option with -p:{name}={value} syntax like this:

dotnet publish -c:Release -p:{Property name 1}={Property value 1} -p:{Property name 2}={Property value 2} ...

If you want to specify a comma-separated value as a property value, you must replace , (comma) with %2c.
ex.) dotnet publish -c:Release -p:BlazorWasmPrerenderingLocale=ja%2cen

3. Specify it in environment variables of the OS platforms

You can specify MSBuild properties and their values via environment variables of the OS platforms like this:

# An example for PowerShell
> $env:{Property name 1} = "{Property value 1}"
> $env:{Property name 2} = "{Property value 2}"
# An example for Bash
> export {Property name 1}="{Property value 1}"
> export {Property name 2}="{Property value 2}"