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kazuho edited this page Jul 2, 2012 · 11 revisions

Literals of JSX is mostly the same to that of JavaScript.


Keyword Description
null [: type] declares null, may have the type attributed
false a boolean constant
true a boolean constant

Contrary to JavaScript, there is no distinction between undefined and null.

Number Literal

Identical to JavaScript.

String Literal

Identical to JavaScript.

RegExp Literal

Identical to JavaScript.

Function Literal

// a function that takes no arguments, and returns void
function () : void {}

// a function that takes one argument (of number) and returns a number that in incremented by one
function (n : number) : number {
    return n + 1;

// the argument types and return types may be omitted (if it is deductable from the outer expression)
var sum = 0;
[ 1, 2, 3 ].forEach(function (e) {
    sum += e;
log sum; // 6

// short-handed
var sum = 0;
[ 1, 2, 3 ].forEach((e) -> { sum += e; });
log sum; // 6

// short-handed, single-statement function expression
var s = "a0b1c".replace(/[a-z]/g, (ch) -> ch.toUpperCase());
log s; // A0B1C

See also: Member Function in Class, Interface, and Mixin.

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