My personal starter for WordPress theme and plugin development with Docker and Kubernetes.
You might find it useful if you prefer hiding "unnecessary" core-files into kubernetes volumes and focus only on plugin/theme specific files.
Tip: Find and replace all my-isolated-ns strings from configs and launch new isolated WP instances.
minikube start --vm=true &&
minikube addons enable ingress &&
eval $(minikube docker-env) &&
docker build . -t custom-wordpress &&
kubectl apply -Rf ./kubernetes/
Wait and check that each pod STATUS is: Running.
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=my-isolated-ns &&
kubectl get pods
After all the pods are running, get ip address and append /etc/hosts
kubectl get ingress
sudo echo "<ip_address_here>" >> /etc/hosts
Launch interactive shell to the WordPress container. You can access /var/www/html
and use wp
(WP-CLI) there.
kubectl get pods
kubectl exec -it <pod_name_here> -- bash
wp --info