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relaxation. +function generate_moi_problem(model, data::PMedianData) + facility_variables = MOI.add_variables(model, data.num_locations) + for v in facility_variables + MOI.add_constraint(model, v, MOI.GreaterThan(0.0)) + MOI.add_constraint(model, v, MOI.LessThan(1.0)) + end + assignment_variables = [MOI.add_variable(model) for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations] + for v in assignment_variables + MOI.add_constraint(model, v, MOI.GreaterThan(0.0)) + # "Less than 1.0" constraint is redundant. + end + objective = MOI.ScalarAffineFunction( + [MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(abs(data.customer_locations[i] - j), assignment_variables[i,j]) + for i in 1:data.num_customers for j in 1:data.num_locations], + 0.0) + MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveFunction{MOI.ScalarAffineFunction{Float64}}(), objective) + MOI.set(model, MOI.ObjectiveSense(), MOI.MIN_SENSE) + for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations + # assignment_variables[i,j] <= facility_variables[j] + MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.ScalarAffineFunction( + [MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, assignment_variables[i,j]), + MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(-1.0, facility_variables[j])], 0.0), + MOI.LessThan(0.0)) + end + for i in 1:data.num_customers + # sum_j assignment_variables[i,j] = 1 + MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.ScalarAffineFunction( + [MOI.ScalarAffineTerm(1.0, assignment_variables[i,j]) for j in 1:data.num_locations], + 0.0), + MOI.EqualTo(1.0) + ) + end + # sum_j facility_variables[j] = num_facilities + MOI.add_constraint(model, MOI.ScalarAffineFunction( + MOI.ScalarAffineTerm.(1.0, facility_variables), 0.0), + MOI.EqualTo{Float64}(data.num_facilities) + ) + return assignment_variables, facility_variables +end + +function generate_glpk_problem(prob, data::PMedianData) + facility_variables = [GLPK.glp_add_cols(prob, 1) for i in 1:data.num_locations] + assignment_variables = [GLPK.glp_add_cols(prob, 1) for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations] + for j in 1:data.num_locations + GLPK.glp_set_col_bnds(prob, facility_variables[j], GLPK.GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0) + end + for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations + GLPK.glp_set_col_bnds(prob, assignment_variables[i, j], GLPK.GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0) + GLPK.glp_set_obj_coef(prob, assignment_variables[i, j], abs(data.customer_locations[i] - j)) + end + GLPK.glp_set_obj_dir(prob, GLPK.GLP_MIN) + + I = Cint[0] # Extra padding because GLPK starts reading from the second element + J = Cint[0] + V = Float64[0.0] + for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations + # assignment_variables[i,j] <= facility_variables[j] + index = GLPK.glp_add_rows(prob, 1) + GLPK.glp_set_row_bnds(prob, index, GLPK.GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0) + push!(I, index) + push!(J, assignment_variables[i, j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + push!(I, index) + push!(J, facility_variables[j]) + push!(V, -1.0) + end + for i in 1:data.num_customers + # sum_j assignment_variables[i,j] = 1 + index = GLPK.glp_add_rows(prob, 1) + GLPK.glp_set_row_bnds(prob, index, GLPK.GLP_FX, 1.0, 1.0) + for j in 1:data.num_locations + push!(I, index) + push!(J, assignment_variables[i, j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + end + end + # sum_j facility_variables[j] = num_facilities + index = GLPK.glp_add_rows(prob, 1) + GLPK.glp_set_row_bnds(prob, index, GLPK.GLP_FX, data.num_facilities, data.num_facilities) + for j in 1:data.num_locations + push!(I, index) + push!(J, facility_variables[j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + end + GLPK.glp_load_matrix(prob, length(I) - 1, I, J, V) +end + +function solve_glpk_direct(data::PMedianData; time_limit_sec=Inf) + @timeit "GLPK direct" begin + prob = GLPK.glp_create_prob() + param = GLPK.glp_smcp() + GLPK.glp_init_smcp(param) + param.msg_lev = GLPK.GLP_MSG_ERR + if isfinite(time_limit_sec) + param.tm_lim = 1000 * time_limit_sec + end + + @timeit "generate" generate_glpk_problem(prob, data) + @timeit "solve" GLPK.glp_simplex(prob, param) + objval = GLPK.glp_get_obj_val(prob) + GLPK.glp_delete_prob(prob) + end + return objval +end + +function generate_scs_problem(data::PMedianData) + # Equalities must be ordered first. + num_variables = 0 + facility_variables = [num_variables += 1 for i in 1:data.num_locations] + assignment_variables = [num_variables += 1 for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations] + + b = Float64[] + I = Int[] + J = Int[] + V = Float64[] + + num_constraints = 0 + for i in 1:data.num_customers + # sum_j assignment_variables[i,j] = 1 + num_constraints += 1 + push!(b, 1.0) + for j in 1:data.num_locations + push!(I, num_constraints) + push!(J, assignment_variables[i, j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + end + end + # sum_j facility_variables[j] = num_facilities + num_constraints += 1 + push!(b, data.num_facilities) + for j in 1:data.num_locations + push!(I, num_constraints) + push!(J, facility_variables[j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + end + + # Now inequality constraints in the form b - a'x >= 0. + + for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations + # assignment_variables[i,j] <= facility_variables[j] + num_constraints += 1 + push!(b, 0.0) + push!(I, num_constraints) + push!(J, assignment_variables[i, j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + push!(I, num_constraints) + push!(J, facility_variables[j]) + push!(V, -1.0) + end + + # All variables are nonnegative. + for v in 1:num_variables + num_constraints += 1 + push!(b, 0.0) + push!(I, num_constraints) + push!(J, v) + push!(V, -1.0) + end + + # facility_variables <= 1 + for j in 1:data.num_locations + num_constraints += 1 + push!(b, 1.0) + push!(I, num_constraints) + push!(J, facility_variables[j]) + push!(V, 1.0) + end + + c = zeros(num_variables) + for i in 1:data.num_customers, j in 1:data.num_locations + c[assignment_variables[i, j]] = abs(data.customer_locations[i] - j) + end + num_zero_cones = data.num_customers + 1 + num_positive_orthants = num_constraints - num_zero_cones + + A = sparse(I, J, V, num_constraints, num_variables) + + return num_constraints, num_variables, A, b, c, num_zero_cones, num_positive_orthants, + Int[], Int[], 0, 0, Float64[] +end + +function solve_scs_direct(data::PMedianData; max_iters) + @timeit "SCS direct" begin + @timeit "generate" scs_prob = generate_scs_problem(data) + @timeit "solve" solution = SCS.SCS_solve(SCS.IndirectSolver, + scs_prob...; max_iters=max_iters, + acceleration_lookback=0, verbose=0) + end + objval = scs_prob[5]'*solution.x + return objval +end + +function solve_moi(data::PMedianData, optimizer; params) + model = MOI.Bridges.full_bridge_optimizer(MOI.Utilities.CachingOptimizer( + MOI.Utilities.UniversalFallback(MOI.Utilities.Model{Float64}()), + optimizer()), Float64) + for (param, value) in params + MOI.set(model, param, value) + end + @timeit "generate" x, y = generate_moi_problem(model, data) + @timeit "solve" MOI.optimize!(model) + return MOI.get(model, MOI.ObjectiveValue()) +end + + +function solve_glpk_moi(data::PMedianData; time_limit_sec=Inf) + params = [] + if isfinite(time_limit_sec) + push!(params, (MOI.TimeLimitSec(), time_limit_sec)) + end + @timeit "GLPK MOI" solve_moi(data, GLPK.Optimizer, params=params) +end + +function solve_scs_moi(data::PMedianData; max_iters) + params = [(MOI.RawParameter("max_iters"), max_iters), + (MOI.Silent(), true), + (MOI.RawParameter("acceleration_lookback"), 0)] + @timeit "SCS MOI" solve_moi(data, SCS.Optimizer, params=params) +end + + + +function run_benchmark(;num_facilities, num_customers, num_locations, + time_limit_sec, max_iters) + Random.seed!(10) + reset_timer!() + data = PMedianData(num_facilities, num_customers, num_locations, rand(num_customers) .* num_locations) + + glpk_moi_obj = solve_glpk_moi(data, time_limit_sec=time_limit_sec) + @show glpk_moi_obj + + glpk_direct_obj = solve_glpk_direct(data, time_limit_sec=time_limit_sec) + @show glpk_direct_obj + + scs_moi_obj = solve_scs_moi(data, max_iters=max_iters) + @show scs_moi_obj + + scs_direct_obj = solve_scs_direct(data, max_iters=max_iters) + @show scs_direct_obj + + print_timer() + println() +end + +# JIT warm-up +run_benchmark(num_facilities=5, num_customers=20, num_locations=10, + time_limit_sec=Inf, max_iters=10000) + +run_benchmark(num_facilities=5, num_customers=20, num_locations=10, + time_limit_sec=Inf, max_iters=10000) + +run_benchmark(num_facilities=10, num_customers=2000, num_locations=1000, + time_limit_sec=5, max_iters=10)