Flutter plugin for HyperSDK which enables payment orchestration via different dynamic modules.
Add flutter plugin dependency in pubspec.yaml
Get dependency from pub.dev
Provide the cutomer and merchant details in the example/lib/screens/home.dart file
var customerDetails = {
"customerId" : "",
"customerPhone" : "",
"customerEmail": ""
var merchantDetails = {
"clientId": "",
"merchantId": "",
"action": "",
"returnUrl": "",
"currency": "INR",
"privateKey": "",
"merchantKeyId": "",
"environment": "",
"service": ""
Navigate to example/android/build.gradle -> buildscript -> ext -> clientId, provide the clientId given to you by Juspay team.
Navigate to example/ios/MerchantConfig.txt, provide the clientId provided by the Juspay team.
Navigate to example ( cd example). Run the command
flutter run