diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a780c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Contribution Guidelines + +Please submit all issues and pull requests to the [laravel/framework](http://github.com/laravel/framework) repository! diff --git a/README.md b/README.md deleted file mode 100755 index 36e2ac3..0000000 --- a/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -## Seime.lt ## - -[Seime.lt](http://seime.lt) projekto posistemės PHP kodas, kuris surenka Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo narių -Seimo posėdžių lankomumo ir balsavimų duomenisfrom iš [Seimo svetainės](http://lrs.lt). - -**** - -PHP backend code of the [Seime.lt](http://seime.lt) project, which scrapes participation & voting data -from the website of the [Lithuanian parliament](http://lrs.lt). - -### Vietoj įžangos / Overview ### - -PHP kodas nėra detaliai dokumentuotas, tad mes siūlome - - -The code is not documented extensively, thus we suggest the following path for understanding it: - - Take a look into our database docs (schema + description), available at - diff --git a/app/commands/.gitkeep b/app/commands/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/app/config/app.php b/app/config/app.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffdc27d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/app.php @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ + false, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application URL + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using + | the Artisan command line tool. You should set this to the root of + | your application so that it is used when running Artisan tasks. + | + */ + + 'url' => '', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application Timezone + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify the default timezone for your application, which + | will be used by the PHP date and date-time functions. We have gone + | ahead and set this to a sensible default for you out of the box. + | + */ + + 'timezone' => 'Europe/Copenhagen', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application Locale Configuration + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The application locale determines the default locale that will be used + | by the translation service provider. You are free to set this value + | to any of the locales which will be supported by the application. + | + */ + + 'locale' => 'en', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Application Fallback Locale + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The fallback locale determines the locale to use when the current one + | is not available. You may change the value to correspond to any of + | the language folders that are provided through your application. + | + */ + + 'fallback_locale' => 'en', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Encryption Key + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This key is used by the Illuminate encrypter service and should be set + | to a random, 32 character string, otherwise these encrypted strings + | will not be safe. Please do this before deploying an application! + | + */ + + 'key' => 'YourKeyHere', + + 'cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Autoloaded Service Providers + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The service providers listed here will be automatically loaded on the + | request to your application. Feel free to add your own services to + | this array to grant expanded functionality to your applications. + | + */ + + 'providers' => array( + + 'Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Session\CommandsServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Log\LogServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\ReminderServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Database\SeedServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider', + 'Illuminate\Workbench\WorkbenchServiceProvider', + 'Barryvdh\Debugbar\ServiceProvider', + + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Service Provider Manifest + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The service provider manifest is used by Laravel to lazy load service + | providers which are not needed for each request, as well to keep a + | list of all of the services. Here, you may set its storage spot. + | + */ + + 'manifest' => storage_path().'/meta', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Class Aliases + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This array of class aliases will be registered when this application + | is started. However, feel free to register as many as you wish as + | the aliases are "lazy" loaded so they don't hinder performance. + | + */ + + 'aliases' => array( + + 'App' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App', + 'Artisan' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan', + 'Auth' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth', + 'Blade' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade', + 'Cache' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache', + 'ClassLoader' => 'Illuminate\Support\ClassLoader', + 'Config' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Config', + 'Controller' => 'Illuminate\Routing\Controller', + 'Cookie' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie', + 'Crypt' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt', + 'DB' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB', + 'Eloquent' => 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model', + 'Event' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event', + 'File' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\File', + 'Form' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Form', + 'Hash' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash', + 'HTML' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\HTML', + 'Input' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input', + 'Lang' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang', + 'Log' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log', + 'Mail' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail', + 'Paginator' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Paginator', + 'Password' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Password', + 'Queue' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue', + 'Redirect' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect', + 'Redis' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis', + 'Request' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request', + 'Response' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response', + 'Route' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route', + 'Schema' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema', + 'Seeder' => 'Illuminate\Database\Seeder', + 'Session' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session', + 'SoftDeletingTrait' => 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletingTrait', + 'SSH' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\SSH', + 'Str' => 'Illuminate\Support\Str', + 'URL' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\URL', + 'Validator' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator', + 'View' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\View', + 'Debugbar' => 'Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade', + + ), + +); diff --git a/app/config/auth.php b/app/config/auth.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eacbbfa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/auth.php @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ + 'eloquent', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Authentication Model + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "Eloquent" authentication driver, we need to know which + | Eloquent model should be used to retrieve your users. Of course, it + | is often just the "User" model but you may use whatever you like. + | + */ + + 'model' => 'User', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Authentication Table + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "Database" authentication driver, we need to know which + | table should be used to retrieve your users. We have chosen a basic + | default value but you may easily change it to any table you like. + | + */ + + 'table' => 'users', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Password Reminder Settings + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may set the settings for password reminders, including a view + | that should be used as your password reminder e-mail. You will also + | be able to set the name of the table that holds the reset tokens. + | + | The "expire" time is the number of minutes that the reminder should be + | considered valid. This security feature keeps tokens short-lived so + | they have less time to be guessed. You may change this as needed. + | + */ + + 'reminder' => array( + + 'email' => 'emails.auth.reminder', + + 'table' => 'password_reminders', + + 'expire' => 60, + + ), + +); diff --git a/app/config/cache.php b/app/config/cache.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce89842 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/cache.php @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ + 'file', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | File Cache Location + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "file" cache driver, we need a location where the cache + | files may be stored. A sensible default has been specified, but you + | are free to change it to any other place on disk that you desire. + | + */ + + 'path' => storage_path().'/cache', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Database Cache Connection + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "database" cache driver you may specify the connection + | that should be used to store the cached items. When this option is + | null the default database connection will be utilized for cache. + | + */ + + 'connection' => null, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Database Cache Table + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "database" cache driver we need to know the table that + | should be used to store the cached items. A default table name has + | been provided but you're free to change it however you deem fit. + | + */ + + 'table' => 'cache', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Memcached Servers + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Now you may specify an array of your Memcached servers that should be + | used when utilizing the Memcached cache driver. All of the servers + | should contain a value for "host", "port", and "weight" options. + | + */ + + 'memcached' => array( + + array('host' => '', 'port' => 11211, 'weight' => 100), + + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Cache Key Prefix + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When utilizing a RAM based store such as APC or Memcached, there might + | be other applications utilizing the same cache. So, we'll specify a + | value to get prefixed to all our keys so we can avoid collisions. + | + */ + + 'prefix' => 'laravel', + +); diff --git a/app/config/compile.php b/app/config/compile.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5e5518 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/compile.php @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + PDO::FETCH_CLASS, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Default Database Connection Name + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify which of the database connections below you wish + | to use as your default connection for all database work. Of course + | you may use many connections at once using the Database library. + | + */ + + 'default' => 'mysql', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Database Connections + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here are each of the database connections setup for your application. + | Of course, examples of configuring each database platform that is + | supported by Laravel is shown below to make development simple. + | + | + | All database work in Laravel is done through the PHP PDO facilities + | so make sure you have the driver for your particular database of + | choice installed on your machine before you begin development. + | + */ + + 'connections' => array( + + 'sqlite' => array( + 'driver' => 'sqlite', + 'database' => __DIR__.'/../database/production.sqlite', + 'prefix' => '', + ), + + 'mysql' => array( + 'driver' => 'mysql', + 'host' => 'localhost', + 'database' => 'seimas', + 'username' => '', + 'password' => '', + 'charset' => 'utf8', + 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', + 'prefix' => '', + ), + + 'pgsql' => array( + 'driver' => 'pgsql', + 'host' => 'localhost', + 'database' => 'forge', + 'username' => 'forge', + 'password' => '', + 'charset' => 'utf8', + 'prefix' => '', + 'schema' => 'public', + ), + + 'sqlsrv' => array( + 'driver' => 'sqlsrv', + 'host' => 'localhost', + 'database' => 'database', + 'username' => 'root', + 'password' => '', + 'prefix' => '', + ), + + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Migration Repository Table + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This table keeps track of all the migrations that have already run for + | your application. Using this information, we can determine which of + | the migrations on disk haven't actually been run in the database. + | + */ + + 'migrations' => 'migrations', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Redis Databases + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store that also + | provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value systems + | such as APC or Memcached. Laravel makes it easy to dig right in. + | + */ + + 'redis' => array( + + 'cluster' => false, + + 'default' => array( + 'host' => '', + 'port' => 6379, + 'database' => 0, + ), + + ), + +); diff --git a/app/config/live/.gitkeep b/app/config/live/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/app/config/mail.php b/app/config/mail.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76fd9e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/mail.php @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ + 'smtp', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | SMTP Host Address + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may provide the host address of the SMTP server used by your + | applications. A default option is provided that is compatible with + | the Mailgun mail service which will provide reliable deliveries. + | + */ + + 'host' => 'smtp.mailgun.org', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | SMTP Host Port + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This is the SMTP port used by your application to deliver e-mails to + | users of the application. Like the host we have set this value to + | stay compatible with the Mailgun e-mail application by default. + | + */ + + 'port' => 587, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Global "From" Address + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | You may wish for all e-mails sent by your application to be sent from + | the same address. Here, you may specify a name and address that is + | used globally for all e-mails that are sent by your application. + | + */ + + 'from' => array('address' => null, 'name' => null), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | E-Mail Encryption Protocol + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify the encryption protocol that should be used when + | the application send e-mail messages. A sensible default using the + | transport layer security protocol should provide great security. + | + */ + + 'encryption' => 'tls', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | SMTP Server Username + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | If your SMTP server requires a username for authentication, you should + | set it here. This will get used to authenticate with your server on + | connection. You may also set the "password" value below this one. + | + */ + + 'username' => null, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | SMTP Server Password + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may set the password required by your SMTP server to send out + | messages from your application. This will be given to the server on + | connection so that the application will be able to send messages. + | + */ + + 'password' => null, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Sendmail System Path + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "sendmail" driver to send e-mails, we will need to know + | the path to where Sendmail lives on this server. A default path has + | been provided here, which will work well on most of your systems. + | + */ + + 'sendmail' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Mail "Pretend" + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When this option is enabled, e-mail will not actually be sent over the + | web and will instead be written to your application's logs files so + | you may inspect the message. This is great for local development. + | + */ + + 'pretend' => false, + +); diff --git a/app/config/packages/.gitkeep b/app/config/packages/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/app/config/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/config.php b/app/config/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/config.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6dc07e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/config.php @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ + Config::get('app.debug'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Storage settings + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | DebugBar stores data for session/ajax requests in a directory. + | You can disable this, so the debugbar stores data in headers/session, + | but this can cause problems with large data collectors. + | + */ + 'storage' => array( + 'enabled' => true, + 'path' => storage_path() . '/debugbar', + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Vendors + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Vendor files are included by default, but can be set to false. + | This can also be set to 'js' or 'css', to only include javascript or css vendor files. + | Vendor files are for css: font-awesome (including fonts) and highlight.js (css files) + | and for js: jquery and and highlight.js + | So if you want syntax highlighting, set it to true. + | jQuery is set to not conflict with existing jQuery scripts. + | + */ + + 'include_vendors' => true, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Capture Ajax Requests + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The Debugbar can capture Ajax requests and display them. If you don't want this (ie. because of errors), + | you can use this option to disable sending the data through the headers. + | + */ + + 'capture_ajax' => true, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Capture Console Commands + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The Debugbar can listen to Artisan commands. You can view them with the browse button in the Debugbar. + | + */ + + 'capture_console' => false, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | DataCollectors + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Enable/disable DataCollectors + | + */ + + 'collectors' => array( + 'phpinfo' => true, // Php version + 'messages' => true, // Messages + 'time' => true, // Time Datalogger + 'memory' => true, // Memory usage + 'exceptions' => true, // Exception displayer + 'log' => true, // Logs from Monolog (merged in messages if enabled) + 'db' => true, // Show database (PDO) queries and bindings + 'views' => true, // Views with their data + 'route' => true, // Current route information + 'laravel' => false, // Laravel version and environment + 'events' => false, // All events fired + 'default_request' => false, // Regular or special Symfony request logger + 'symfony_request' => true, // Only one can be enabled.. + 'mail' => true, // Catch mail messages + 'logs' => false, // Add the latest log messages + 'files' => false, // Show the included files + 'config' => false, // Display config settings + 'auth' => false, // Display Laravel authentication status + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Extra options + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Configure some DataCollectors + | + */ + + 'options' => array( + 'auth' => array( + 'show_name' => false, // Also show the users name/email in the debugbar + ), + 'db' => array( + 'with_params' => true, // Render SQL with the parameters substituted + 'timeline' => false, // Add the queries to the timeline + ), + 'mail' => array( + 'full_log' => false + ), + 'views' => array( + 'data' => false, //Note: Can slow down the application, because the data can be quite large.. + ), + 'route' => array( + 'label' => true // show complete route on bar + ), + 'logs' => array( + 'file' => null + ), + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Inject Debugbar in Response + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Usually, the debugbar is added just before , by listening to the + | Response after the App is done. If you disable this, you have to add them + | in your template yourself. See http://phpdebugbar.com/docs/rendering.html + | + */ + + 'inject' => true, + +); diff --git a/app/config/queue.php b/app/config/queue.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..940a4cd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/queue.php @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ + 'sync', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Queue Connections + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may configure the connection information for each server that + | is used by your application. A default configuration has been added + | for each back-end shipped with Laravel. You are free to add more. + | + */ + + 'connections' => array( + + 'sync' => array( + 'driver' => 'sync', + ), + + 'beanstalkd' => array( + 'driver' => 'beanstalkd', + 'host' => 'localhost', + 'queue' => 'default', + 'ttr' => 60, + ), + + 'sqs' => array( + 'driver' => 'sqs', + 'key' => 'your-public-key', + 'secret' => 'your-secret-key', + 'queue' => 'your-queue-url', + 'region' => 'us-east-1', + ), + + 'iron' => array( + 'driver' => 'iron', + 'host' => 'mq-aws-us-east-1.iron.io', + 'token' => 'your-token', + 'project' => 'your-project-id', + 'queue' => 'your-queue-name', + 'encrypt' => true, + ), + + 'redis' => array( + 'driver' => 'redis', + 'queue' => 'default', + ), + + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Failed Queue Jobs + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | These options configure the behavior of failed queue job logging so you + | can control which database and table are used to store the jobs that + | have failed. You may change them to any database / table you wish. + | + */ + + 'failed' => array( + + 'database' => 'mysql', 'table' => 'failed_jobs', + + ), + +); diff --git a/app/config/remote.php b/app/config/remote.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2169c43 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/remote.php @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + 'production', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Remote Server Connections + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | These are the servers that will be accessible via the SSH task runner + | facilities of Laravel. This feature radically simplifies executing + | tasks on your servers, such as deploying out these applications. + | + */ + + 'connections' => array( + + 'production' => array( + 'host' => '', + 'username' => '', + 'password' => '', + 'key' => '', + 'keyphrase' => '', + 'root' => '/var/www', + ), + + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Remote Server Groups + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may list connections under a single group name, which allows + | you to easily access all of the servers at once using a short name + | that is extremely easy to remember, such as "web" or "database". + | + */ + + 'groups' => array( + + 'web' => array('production') + + ), + +); diff --git a/app/config/services.php b/app/config/services.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8aba2a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/services.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + array( + 'domain' => '', + 'secret' => '', + ), + + 'mandrill' => array( + 'secret' => '', + ), + + 'stripe' => array( + 'model' => 'User', + 'secret' => '', + ), + +); diff --git a/app/config/session.php b/app/config/session.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae34302 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/session.php @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + 'file', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Lifetime + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify the number of minutes that you wish the session + | to be allowed to remain idle before it expires. If you want them + | to immediately expire on the browser closing, set that option. + | + */ + + 'lifetime' => 120, + + 'expire_on_close' => false, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session File Location + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the native session driver, we need a location where session + | files may be stored. A default has been set for you but a different + | location may be specified. This is only needed for file sessions. + | + */ + + 'files' => storage_path().'/sessions', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Database Connection + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "database" or "redis" session drivers, you may specify a + | connection that should be used to manage these sessions. This should + | correspond to a connection in your database configuration options. + | + */ + + 'connection' => null, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Database Table + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | When using the "database" session driver, you may specify the table we + | should use to manage the sessions. Of course, a sensible default is + | provided for you; however, you are free to change this as needed. + | + */ + + 'table' => 'sessions', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Sweeping Lottery + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Some session drivers must manually sweep their storage location to get + | rid of old sessions from storage. Here are the chances that it will + | happen on a given request. By default, the odds are 2 out of 100. + | + */ + + 'lottery' => array(2, 100), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cookie Name + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may change the name of the cookie used to identify a session + | instance by ID. The name specified here will get used every time a + | new session cookie is created by the framework for every driver. + | + */ + + 'cookie' => 'laravel_session', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cookie Path + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The session cookie path determines the path for which the cookie will + | be regarded as available. Typically, this will be the root path of + | your application but you are free to change this when necessary. + | + */ + + 'path' => '/', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Session Cookie Domain + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may change the domain of the cookie used to identify a session + | in your application. This will determine which domains the cookie is + | available to in your application. A sensible default has been set. + | + */ + + 'domain' => null, + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | HTTPS Only Cookies + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | By setting this option to true, session cookies will only be sent back + | to the server if the browser has a HTTPS connection. This will keep + | the cookie from being sent to you if it can not be done securely. + | + */ + + 'secure' => false, + +); diff --git a/app/config/testing/cache.php b/app/config/testing/cache.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66a8a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/testing/cache.php @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + 'array', + +); diff --git a/app/config/testing/session.php b/app/config/testing/session.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0364b63 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/testing/session.php @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + 'array', + +); diff --git a/app/config/view.php b/app/config/view.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34b8f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/view.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + array(__DIR__.'/../views'), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Pagination View + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | This view will be used to render the pagination link output, and can + | be easily customized here to show any view you like. A clean view + | compatible with Twitter's Bootstrap is given to you by default. + | + */ + + 'pagination' => 'pagination::slider-3', + +); diff --git a/app/config/workbench.php b/app/config/workbench.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87c5e38 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/config/workbench.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + '', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Workbench Author E-Mail Address + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Like the option above, your e-mail address is used when generating new + | workbench packages. The e-mail is placed in your composer.json file + | automatically after the package is created by the workbench tool. + | + */ + + 'email' => '', + +); diff --git a/app/controllers/.gitkeep b/app/controllers/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/app/controllers/BaseController.php b/app/controllers/BaseController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bee464 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/BaseController.php @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +layout)) + { + $this->layout = View::make($this->layout); + } + } + +} diff --git a/app/controllers/HomeController.php b/app/controllers/HomeController.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37935c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/controllers/HomeController.php @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->string('number', 20); + $table->time('start_time'); + $table->time('end_time'); + $table->char('type', 20); + $table->text('url')->index('url'); + $table->boolean('total_participants'); + $table->char('outcome', 20)->index('outcome'); + $table->text('voting_topic'); + $table->text('title'); + $table->integer('questions_id')->index('questions_id'); + $table->text('dom'); + $table->unique(['number','questions_id'], 'number'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('actions'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_items_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_items_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..472db68 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_items_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +integer('id', true); + $table->boolean('number'); + $table->integer('questions_id')->index('questions_id'); + $table->text('title'); + $table->text('document_url'); + $table->text('related_doc_url'); + $table->unique(['number','questions_id'], 'number'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('items'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_members_notes_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_members_notes_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5bd1a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_members_notes_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +integer('members_id'); + $table->enum('sittings_cadency', array('2008-2012','2012-2016','1996-2000','2000-2004','2004-2008')); + $table->date('cadency_start')->nullable(); + $table->date('cadency_end')->nullable(); + $table->char('notes', 100); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('members_notes'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_members_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_members_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9d0548 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_members_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +integer('id')->primary(); + $table->char('fraction', 20); + $table->text('image_src'); + $table->char('name', 100); + $table->date('cadency_start'); + $table->date('cadency_end')->index('cadency_end'); + $table->string('notes', 100); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('members'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_participation_data_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_participation_data_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..944ff54 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_participation_data_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +bigInteger('id', true)->unsigned(); + $table->integer('sittings_id')->index('sittings_id_2'); + $table->integer('members_id')->index('members_id'); + $table->float('hours_available', 10, 0); + $table->float('hours_present', 10, 0); + $table->boolean('official_presence')->index('official_presence'); + $table->unique(['sittings_id','members_id'], 'sittings_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('participation_data'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_presenters_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_presenters_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07e7725 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_presenters_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +integer('id', true); + $table->boolean('number'); + $table->integer('items_id')->index('items_id'); + $table->text('presenter'); + $table->unique(['number','items_id'], 'number'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('presenters'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_questions_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_questions_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e5ab5c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_questions_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +integer('id', true); + $table->dateTime('start_time'); + $table->dateTime('end_time'); + $table->text('url'); + $table->text('title'); + $table->integer('sittings_id')->index('sittings_id_2'); + $table->time('effective_length'); + $table->boolean('number'); + $table->unique(['sittings_id','number'], 'sittings_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('questions'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_registrations_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_registrations_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b75a6fd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_registrations_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->integer('actions_id'); + $table->integer('members_id'); + $table->boolean('presence'); + $table->unique(['actions_id','members_id'], 'actions_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('registrations'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sessions_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sessions_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2245308 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sessions_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +boolean('id')->primary(); + $table->text('url'); + $table->char('type', 20); + $table->enum('kadencija', array('1996-2000','2000-2004','2004-2008','2008-2012','2012-2016')); + $table->boolean('number'); + $table->date('start_date'); + $table->date('end_date'); + $table->time('effective_length'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('sessions'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sitting_participation_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sitting_participation_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31039a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sitting_participation_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->boolean('presence')->index('presence'); + $table->integer('sittings_id')->index('sittings_id_2'); + $table->integer('members_id')->index('members_id'); + $table->unique(['sittings_id','members_id'], 'sittings_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('sitting_participation'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sittings_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sittings_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4fb745 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_sittings_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +integer('id', true); + $table->boolean('number'); + $table->text('type'); + $table->text('transcript_url'); + $table->text('recording_url'); + $table->text('protocol_url'); + $table->dateTime('start_time'); + $table->time('effective_length'); + $table->text('url'); + $table->dateTime('end_time'); + $table->text('participation_url'); + $table->boolean('sessions_id'); + $table->enum('cadency', array('2008-2012','2012-2016','2004-2008','1996-2000','2000-2004'))->default('2012-2016')->index('cadency'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('sittings'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_speakers_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_speakers_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00b42ce --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_speakers_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->integer('members_id'); + $table->integer('actions_id')->index('actions_id'); + $table->unique(['members_id','actions_id'], 'members_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('speakers'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_subquestions_participation_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_subquestions_participation_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5277284 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_subquestions_participation_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->integer('subquestions_id')->index('subquestions_id_2'); + $table->integer('members_id')->index('members_id'); + $table->boolean('presence'); + $table->unique(['subquestions_id','members_id'], 'subquestions_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('subquestions_participation'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_subquestions_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_subquestions_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8f1462 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_subquestions_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->integer('questions_id')->index('questions_id_2'); + $table->boolean('number')->index('number'); + $table->dateTime('start_time'); + $table->dateTime('end_time'); + $table->unique(['questions_id','number'], 'questions_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('subquestions'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_votes_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_votes_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f90f5d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_votes_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->integer('actions_id')->index('actions_id_2'); + $table->integer('members_id')->index('members_id'); + $table->char('fraction', 10); + $table->char('vote', 10)->index('vote'); + $table->unique(['actions_id','members_id'], 'actions_id'); + $table->index(['actions_id','vote'], 'actions_id_3'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('votes'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_voting_registration_table.php b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_voting_registration_table.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e86ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/migrations/2014_08_14_223444_create_voting_registration_table.php @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +increments('id'); + $table->integer('registration_id'); + $table->integer('voting_id')->unique('voting_id'); + }); + } + + + /** + * Reverse the migrations. + * + * @return void + */ + public function down() + { + Schema::drop('voting_registration'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/database/seeds/.gitkeep b/app/database/seeds/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/app/database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php b/app/database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1989252 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +call('UserTableSeeder'); + } + +} diff --git a/app/filters.php b/app/filters.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd0b4bc --- /dev/null +++ b/app/filters.php @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + '« Previous', + + 'next' => 'Next »', + +); diff --git a/app/lang/en/reminders.php b/app/lang/en/reminders.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e42148e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/lang/en/reminders.php @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + "Passwords must be at least six characters and match the confirmation.", + + "user" => "We can't find a user with that e-mail address.", + + "token" => "This password reset token is invalid.", + + "sent" => "Password reminder sent!", + +); diff --git a/app/lang/en/validation.php b/app/lang/en/validation.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e621614 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/lang/en/validation.php @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ + "The :attribute must be accepted.", + "active_url" => "The :attribute is not a valid URL.", + "after" => "The :attribute must be a date after :date.", + "alpha" => "The :attribute may only contain letters.", + "alpha_dash" => "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.", + "alpha_num" => "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.", + "array" => "The :attribute must be an array.", + "before" => "The :attribute must be a date before :date.", + "between" => array( + "numeric" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max.", + "file" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.", + "string" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.", + "array" => "The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.", + ), + "boolean" => "The :attribute field must be true or false", + "confirmed" => "The :attribute confirmation does not match.", + "date" => "The :attribute is not a valid date.", + "date_format" => "The :attribute does not match the format :format.", + "different" => "The :attribute and :other must be different.", + "digits" => "The :attribute must be :digits digits.", + "digits_between" => "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.", + "email" => "The :attribute must be a valid email address.", + "exists" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.", + "image" => "The :attribute must be an image.", + "in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.", + "integer" => "The :attribute must be an integer.", + "ip" => "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.", + "max" => array( + "numeric" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.", + "file" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.", + "string" => "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.", + "array" => "The :attribute may not have more than :max items.", + ), + "mimes" => "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.", + "min" => array( + "numeric" => "The :attribute must be at least :min.", + "file" => "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.", + "string" => "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.", + "array" => "The :attribute must have at least :min items.", + ), + "not_in" => "The selected :attribute is invalid.", + "numeric" => "The :attribute must be a number.", + "regex" => "The :attribute format is invalid.", + "required" => "The :attribute field is required.", + "required_if" => "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.", + "required_with" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.", + "required_with_all" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.", + "required_without" => "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.", + "required_without_all" => "The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.", + "same" => "The :attribute and :other must match.", + "size" => array( + "numeric" => "The :attribute must be :size.", + "file" => "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.", + "string" => "The :attribute must be :size characters.", + "array" => "The :attribute must contain :size items.", + ), + "unique" => "The :attribute has already been taken.", + "url" => "The :attribute format is invalid.", + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Custom Validation Language Lines + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the + | convention "attribute.rule" to name the lines. This makes it quick to + | specify a specific custom language line for a given attribute rule. + | + */ + + 'custom' => array( + 'attribute-name' => array( + 'rule-name' => 'custom-message', + ), + 'vote' => ['in' => 'Vote value needs to be one of ":values" '] + ), + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Custom Validation Attributes + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders + | with something more reader friendly such as E-Mail Address instead + | of "email". This simply helps us make messages a little cleaner. + | + */ + + 'attributes' => array(), + +); diff --git a/app/models/Action.php b/app/models/Action.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49a45c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Action.php @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +belongsTo('Seimas\Question', 'questions_id', 'id'); + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/DefaultParameterTrait.php b/app/models/DefaultParameterTrait.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ed087f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/DefaultParameterTrait.php @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ + $value], [$parameter => $validation]); + if ($value === null) { + return $pivotQuery; + } elseif ( + ($validation === null) or + ($validator->passes()) + ) { + return $pivotQuery->wherePivot($parameter, $value); + } else { + throw new \InvalidArgumentException($validator->messages()->first()); + } + } + +} diff --git a/app/models/Item.php b/app/models/Item.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a58213 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Item.php @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +belongsTo('Seimas\Question', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + + public function presenters() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Presenter', 'items_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/Member.php b/app/models/Member.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac28e49 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Member.php @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Sitting', 'sitting_participation', 'members_id', 'sittings_id') + ->withPivot('presence'), + 'presence', + $participated, + 'boolean' + ); + } + + public function sittingsWithData($participated = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Sitting', 'participation_data', 'members_id', 'sittings_id') + ->withPivot('official_presence', 'hours_present', 'hours_available'), + 'official_presence', + $participated, + 'boolean' + ); + } + + public function speeches() { + return $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Speech', 'speakers', 'members_id', 'actions_id'); + } + + public function votes($voteType = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Vote', 'votes', 'members_id', 'actions_id') + ->withPivot('fraction', 'vote'), + 'vote', + $voteType, + Vote::validVoteRule() + ); + } + + public function registrations($presence = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Registration', 'registrations', 'members_id', 'actions_id') + ->withPivot('presence'), + 'presence', + $presence, + 'boolean' + ); + } + + public function subquestions($participated = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Subquestion', 'subquestions_participation', 'members_id', 'subquestions_id') + ->withPivot('presence'), + 'presence', + $participated, + 'boolean' + ); + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/Presenter.php b/app/models/Presenter.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cde4bf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Presenter.php @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +belongsTo('Seimas\Item', 'items_id', $this->primaryKey); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/Question.php b/app/models/Question.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84f2fc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Question.php @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +belongsTo('Seimas\Sitting', 'sittings_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + + public function subquestions() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Subquestion', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + + public function actions() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Action', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + + public function registrations() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Registration', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey) + ->where('type', Action::REGISTRATION); + } + + public function votes() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Vote', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey) + ->where('type', Action::VOTE); + } + + public function speeches() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Speech', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey) + ->where('type', Action::SPEECH); + } + + public function unanimousVotes() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Vote', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey) + ->where('type', Action::UNANIMOUS_VOTE); + } + + public function items() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Item', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/Registration.php b/app/models/Registration.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77862a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Registration.php @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Member', 'registrations', 'actions_id', 'members_id') + ->withPivot('presence'), + 'presence', + $presence, + 'boolean' + ); + } + public function votes() { + return $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Vote', 'voting_registration', 'registration_id', 'voting_id'); + } +} + diff --git a/app/models/Session.php b/app/models/Session.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b32fb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Session.php @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +hasMany('Seimas\Sitting', 'sessions_id', $this->primaryKey); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/Sitting.php b/app/models/Sitting.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77fea03 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Sitting.php @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +belongsTo('Seimas\Session', 'sessions_id', 'id'); + } + + public function questions() { + return $this->hasMany('Seimas\Question', 'sittings_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + + public function members($participated = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Member', 'sitting_participation', 'sittings_id', 'members_id') + ->withPivot('presence'), + 'presence', + $participated, + 'boolean' + ); + } + + public function membersWithData($participated = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Member', 'participation_data', 'sittings_id', 'members_id') + ->withPivot('official_presence', 'hours_available', 'hours_present'), + 'official_presence', + $participated, + 'boolean' + ); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/Speech.php b/app/models/Speech.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d9623e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Speech.php @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +belongsToMany('Seimas\Member', 'speakers', 'actions_id', 'members_id')->first(); + } +} + diff --git a/app/models/Subquestion.php b/app/models/Subquestion.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e71f4f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/Subquestion.php @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +belongsTo('Seimas\Question', 'questions_id', $this->primaryKey); + } + + public function members($participated = null) { + return + $this->defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Member', 'subquestions_participation', 'subquestions_id', 'members_id') + ->withPivot('presence'), + 'presence', + $participated, + 'boolean' + ); + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/models/User.php b/app/models/User.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af00a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/models/User.php @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +defaultPivotParameter( + $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Member', 'votes', 'actions_id', 'members_id') + ->withPivot('fraction', 'vote'), + 'vote', + $voteType, + self::validVoteRule() + ); + } + + public function registration() { + return $this->belongsToMany('Seimas\Registration', 'voting_registration', 'voting_id', 'registration_id') + ->first(); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/routes.php b/app/routes.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e10dcf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/routes.php @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +client->request('GET', '/'); + + $this->assertTrue($this->client->getResponse()->isOk()); + } + +} diff --git a/app/tests/TestCase.php b/app/tests/TestCase.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d367fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/tests/TestCase.php @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + + + + + +

Password Reset

+ +
+ To reset your password, complete this form: {{ URL::to('password/reset', array($token)) }}.
+ This link will expire in {{ Config::get('auth.reminder.expire', 60) }} minutes. +
+ + diff --git a/app/views/hello.php b/app/views/hello.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6484242 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/views/hello.php @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + Laravel PHP Framework + + + +
+ Laravel PHP Framework +

You have arrived.

+ + diff --git a/artisan b/artisan new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c408ad --- /dev/null +++ b/artisan @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env php +setRequestForConsoleEnvironment(); + +$artisan = Illuminate\Console\Application::start($app); + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Run The Artisan Application +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| When we run the console application, the current CLI command will be +| executed in this console and the response sent back to a terminal +| or another output device for the developers. Here goes nothing! +| +*/ + +$status = $artisan->run(); + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Shutdown The Application +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| Once Artisan has finished running. We will fire off the shutdown events +| so that any final work may be done by the application before we shut +| down the process. This is the last thing to happen to the request. +| +*/ + +$app->shutdown(); + +exit($status); diff --git a/bootstrap/autoload.php b/bootstrap/autoload.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b32931 --- /dev/null +++ b/bootstrap/autoload.php @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ + __DIR__.'/../app', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Public Path + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The public path contains the assets for your web application, such as + | your JavaScript and CSS files, and also contains the primary entry + | point for web requests into these applications from the outside. + | + */ + + 'public' => __DIR__.'/../public', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Base Path + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The base path is the root of the Laravel installation. Most likely you + | will not need to change this value. But, if for some wild reason it + | is necessary you will do so here, just proceed with some caution. + | + */ + + 'base' => __DIR__.'/..', + + /* + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | Storage Path + |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | + | The storage path is used by Laravel to store cached Blade views, logs + | and other pieces of information. You may modify the path here when + | you want to change the location of this directory for your apps. + | + */ + + 'storage' => __DIR__.'/../app/storage', + +); diff --git a/bootstrap/start.php b/bootstrap/start.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e8ce2f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/bootstrap/start.php @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +detectEnvironment(array( + + 'local' => array('MUKASWARE'), + +)); + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Bind Paths +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| Here we are binding the paths configured in paths.php to the app. You +| should not be changing these here. If you need to change these you +| may do so within the paths.php file and they will be bound here. +| +*/ + +$app->bindInstallPaths(require __DIR__.'/paths.php'); + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Load The Application +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| Here we will load this Illuminate application. We will keep this in a +| separate location so we can isolate the creation of an application +| from the actual running of the application with a given request. +| +*/ + +$framework = $app['path.base']. + '/vendor/laravel/framework/src'; + +require $framework.'/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php'; + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Return The Application +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| This script returns the application instance. The instance is given to +| the calling script so we can separate the building of the instances +| from the actual running of the application and sending responses. +| +*/ + +return $app; diff --git a/classes/Action.php b/classes/Action.php deleted file mode 100755 index d877a38..0000000 --- a/classes/Action.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,428 +0,0 @@ -PDO) { - if ($params['dom'] instanceof DOMElement) { - $this->dom = $params['dom']; - } - else { - throw new Exception('No valid DOM Element provided to the Action Object'); - } - $this->number = $params['id']; - $this->url = ''; - $this->questions_id = $this->getParentInfo('getId'); - } - else { - $this->dom = $this->unserialise($this->dom); - } - } - - protected function saveData() { - $this->saveMainData(); - if (!empty($this->additional_data)) { - $this->saveAdditionalData(); - } - } - - public function saveMainData() { - $array = get_object_vars($this); - unset($array['PDO']); - unset($array['Factory']); - unset($array['parent']); - unset($array['items']); - unset($array['children']); - unset($array['additional_data']); - $array['dom'] = $this->serialise($this->dom); - $id = $this->Factory->SaveObject('actions', $array, array('id', 'questions_id')); - if ($id != 0) { - $this->id = $id; - } - else { - $this->id = $this->Factory->getVar('SELECT id FROM actions WHERE questions_id = ? and number = ?', array($this->questions_id, $this->number)); - if ($this->id == 0) echo 'blah!'; - } - } - - protected function saveAdditionalData() { - if (empty($this->id)) { - $this->show(); - return; - } - - - switch($this->type) { - - /* speaker saving */ - case 'speech': - if (isset($this->additional_data['speaker'])) { - $data = array('members_id' => $this->additional_data['speaker'], 'actions_id' => $this->getId()); - $this->Factory->saveObject('speakers', $data, array('actions_id')); - } - break; - - /* registration data saving */ - case 'registration': - $data = array(); - foreach ($this->additional_data['participation'] as $members_id => $presence) { - $data[] = array('actions_id' => $this->getId(), 'members_id' => $members_id, 'presence' => $presence); - } - if (!empty($data)) { - $this->Factory->saveObjects('registrations', $data, array('members_id', 'id', 'actions_id')); - } - break; - /* voting data saving */ - case 'voting': - $data = array(); - foreach ($this->additional_data['voting'] as $vote) { - $data[] = array( - 'actions_id' => $this->getId(), - 'members_id' => $vote['id'], - 'fraction' => $vote['fraction'], - 'vote' => $vote['vote']); - } - if (!empty($data)) { - $this->Factory->saveObjects('votes', $data, array('members_id', 'id', 'actions_id')); - } - break; - } - } - - protected function populateData() { - if ($this->PDO) { - $this->populateAdditionalData(); - if (!in_array($this->type, array('voting', 'registration'))) { - //everything should be here, only load and save additional data - return true; - } - elseif (empty($this->additional_data)) { - echo 'here!'; - //no data present for registrations and voting - initial DB run - return false; - } - else { - //all data loaded - we are good to go - return true; - } - } - else { - //not loaded via DB - need to parse additional data - return false; - } - } - - protected function populateAdditionalData() { - - switch($this->type) { - - /* populate speaker data */ - case 'speech': - $speakers = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$speaker_sql, array($this->getId())); - if (is_array($speakers)) { - foreach ($speakers as $speaker) { - $this->additional_data['speaker'] = $speaker['members_id']; - } - } - break; - - /* populate registration data */ - case 'registration': - $registrations = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$registrations_sql, array($this->getId())); - if (is_array($registrations)) { - $this->additional_data['participation'] = array(); - foreach ($registrations as $registered) { - $this->additional_data['participation'][$registered['members_id']] = $registered['presence']; - } - } - break; - - /* populate voting data */ - case 'voting': - $votes = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$votes_sql, array($this->getId())); - if (is_array($votes)) { - $this->additional_data['votes'] = array(); - foreach ($votes as $vote) { - $array = array('id' => $vote['members_id'], 'fraction' => $vote['fraction'], 'vote' => $vote['vote']); - $this->additional_data['votes'][$array['id']] = $array; - } - } - break; - } - } - - public function initialiseChildren($recursive = false) { - return; - } - - protected function scrapeData($reload = FALSE) { - - /* parse additional urls */ - if (!empty($this->url)) { - $function = "get" . ucfirst($this->type) . 'Data'; - $this->$function(); - } - } - - public function parseData() { - $tds = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('td'); - if ($tds->length != 2) { - log_f('parsing error: Action table td count', $this->getId()); - } - else { - /* Set start time */ - $this->start_time = $this->clean($tds->item(0)->nodeValue); - - /* set end time */ - try { - $this->end_time = $this->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->number, +1, 'getStartTime'); - } - catch(Exception $e) { - $this->end_time = $this->start_time; - } - - /* determine action type & additional data */ - - $this->title = $this->decode($tds->item(1)->nodeValue); - - if (stripos($this->title, 'Kalbėjo') !== false) { //action type - speech - $this->type = 'speech'; - $this->additional_data['speaker'] = $this->getMemberId($tds->item(1)); - } - - elseif (stripos($this->title, 'bendru sutarimu') !== false) { //action type - voting (together) - $this->type = 'u_voting'; - if (stripos($this->title, 'pritarta') !== false) { - $this->outcome = 'accepted'; - } - else { - $this->outcome = 'rejected'; - } - } - - elseif (stripos($this->title, 'Įvyko registracija') !== false) { //action type - registration - $this->type = 'registration'; - $matches = array(); - preg_match('/užsiregistravo.\s*(\d+)/u', $this->title, $matches); - if (isset($matches[1])) { - $this->total_participants = $matches[1]; - } - - $reg_link = $tds->item(1)->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0); - if (!is_object($reg_link)) { - log_f('parsing error: question - registration link', $this->getId()); - } - else { - $link = self::BASE_URL . $reg_link->getAttribute('href'); - $this->url = $link; - } - } - elseif (stripos($this->title, 'Įvyko balsavimas') !== false) { //action type voting - $this->type = 'voting'; - - /* general outcome of voting */ - if (stripos($this->title, 'pritarta') !== false) { - $this->outcome = 'accepted'; - } - else { - $this->outcome = 'rejected'; - } - - /* individual outcome of voting */ - $voting_link = $tds->item(1)->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0); - if (!is_object($voting_link)) { - log_f('parsing error: question - voting link', $this->getId()); - } - else { - $link = self::BASE_URL . $voting_link->getAttribute('href'); - $this->url = $link; - } - } - } - } - - protected function getRegistrationData() { - $reg_dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->url); - $xpath = new DOMXPath($reg_dom); - $members = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@cellpadding, '1')]//table[contains(@width, '100%')]/tr"); - $this->additional_data['participation'] = array(); - foreach ($members as $member_data) { - - $tds = $member_data->getElementsByTagName('td'); - if ($tds->length != 2) { - log_f('parsing error: action lankomumo lentele - participation . ', $this->getId()); - } - else { - $member_id = $this->getMemberId($tds->item(1)); - if ($this->clean($tds->item(0)->nodeValue) == '') $participation = 0; - else $participation = 1; - $this->additional_data['participation'][$member_id] = $participation; - } - } - unset($reg_dom); - } - - protected function getVotingData() { - $voting_dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->url); - - //get voting topic - $inner_html = $this->decode(DOMinnerHTML($voting_dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0))); - preg_match("/Formuluot.+?\s+(.*?)<\/b>/msu", $inner_html, $matches); - if (isset($matches[1])) { - $this->voting_topic = $matches[1]; - } - - //get voting data - $this->additional_data['voting'] = array(); - $xpath = new DOMXPath($voting_dom); - $voting_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@class, 'basic')]/tr[td]"); - foreach ($voting_dom as $member_data) { - $member = array(); - $td2 = ''; - $td3 = ''; - $td4 = ''; - $tds = $member_data->getElementsByTagName('td'); - if ($tds->length != 5) { - log_f('parsing error: voting data', $this->getId()); - } - else { - $member['id'] = $this->getMemberId($tds->item(0)); - $member['fraction'] = $this->clean($tds->item(1)->nodeValue); - $member['vote'] = ''; - $td2 = $this->clean($tds->item(2)->nodeValue); - $td3 = $this->clean($tds->item(3)->nodeValue); - $td4 = $this->clean($tds->item(4)->nodeValue); - if (!empty($td2)) { - $member['vote'] = 'accept'; - } - elseif (!empty($td3)) { - $member['vote'] = 'reject'; - } - elseif (!empty($td4)) { - $member['vote'] = 'abstain'; - } - else { - $member['vote'] = 'not present'; - } - $this->additional_data['voting'][$member['id']] = $member; - } - } - unset($xpath); - } - - public function getEndTime() { - if (empty($this->end_time)){ - $this->parseData(); - } - if ($this->end_time == $this->start_time) { - $this->end_time = date('H:i:s', strtotime($this->end_time) + 60); - /* - It is possible to obtain the end time from next question, but there's an issue of breaks (not seen in statistics). - Thus, for now we just assume that the last action took 60 seconds. - try { - $end = $this->parent->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->parent->getId(), 1, 'getStartTime'); - $end_date = substr($end, 0, 10); - if (strtotime($end) > strtotime($end_date . ' ' . $this->end_time)) $this->end_time = date('H:i:s', strtotime($end)); - else $this->end_time = date('H:i:s', strtotime($this->end_time) + 60); - } - catch(Exception $e) { $this->end_time = date('H:i:s', strtotime($this->end_time) + 60); } - */ - } - return $this->end_time; - } - - public function getStartTime() { - if (empty($this->start_time)){ - $this->parseData(); - } - return $this->start_time; - } - - public function getType() { - return $this->type; - } - - public function getNumber() { - return $this->number; - } - - public function getTitle() { - return $this->title; - } - - public function getParticipation() { - if (isset($this->additional_data['participation'])) { - return $this->additional_data['participation']; - } - else { - return false; - } - } - - public function getVoting($type = 'present') { - switch($type) { - case 'accepted': return $this->Factory->getVar('SELECT count(id) FROM votes WHERE actions_id = ? AND vote = ?', array($this->getId(), 'accept')); - case 'rejected': return $this->Factory->getVar('SELECT count(id) FROM votes WHERE actions_id = ? AND vote = ?', array($this->getId(), 'reject')); - case 'abstain': return $this->Factory->getVar('SELECT count(id) FROM votes WHERE actions_id = ? AND vote = ?', array($this->getId(), 'abstain')); - case 'not present': return $this->Factory->getVar('SELECT count(id) FROM votes WHERE actions_id = ? AND vote = ?', array($this->getId(), 'not presen')); - case 'present': return $this->Factory->getVar('SELECT count(id) FROM votes WHERE actions_id = ? AND vote != ?', array($this->getId(), 'not presen')); - } - } - - public function getVotingTopic() { - return $this->voting_topic; - } - - public function getVotingOutcome() { - return $this->outcome; - } - - protected function serialise(DOMElement $dom) { - $newDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - $root = $newDom->createElement('root'); - $root = $newDom->appendChild($root); - $domNode = $newDom->importNode($dom, true); - $root->appendChild($domNode); - return $newDom->saveXML($root); - } - - protected function unserialise($dom) { - $newDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - $newDom->loadXML($dom); - return $newDom->getElementsByTagName('tr')->item(0); - } - -} - -?> diff --git a/classes/DB.php b/classes/DB.php deleted file mode 100755 index ea14e85..0000000 --- a/classes/DB.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $class_name, $construct_params); - $q->execute($exec_params) or $this->throwError($q); - $this->logQuery(func_get_args(), $start_time, microtime(true)); - return $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS); - } - - public function createObjects($sql_to_prepare, $exec_params, $class_name, $construct_params = array()) { - $start_time = microtime(true); - $q = parent::prepare($sql_to_prepare); - $q->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $class_name, $construct_params); - $q->execute($exec_params) or $this->throwError($q); - $array = array(); - while ($object = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_CLASS)) { - $array[$object->getId()] = clone $object; - } - $this->logQuery(func_get_args(), $start_time, microtime(true)); - return $array; - } - - - public function getArray($sql_to_prepare, $exec_params) { - $start_time = microtime(true); - $q = parent::prepare($sql_to_prepare); - $q->execute($exec_params) or $this->throwError($q); - $this->logQuery(func_get_args(), $start_time, microtime(true)); - return $q->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); - } - - public function getVar($sql_to_prepare, $exec_params) { - $start_time = microtime(true); - $q = parent::prepare($sql_to_prepare); - $q->execute($exec_params) or $this->throwError($q); - //$q->debugDumpParams(); - $this->logQuery(func_get_args(), $start_time, microtime(true)); - $a = $q->fetch(); - return $a[0]; - } - - protected function prepareInsert($table, $keys, $excluded_keys) { - $update_fields = ''; - if (false !== $excluded_keys) { - list($keys, $placeholders, $update_fields) = $this->getPlaceholders($keys, $excluded_keys); - } - else { - list($keys, $placeholders) = $this->getPlaceholders($keys, $excluded_keys); - } - if (empty($update_fields)) $on_duplicate = ''; - else $on_duplicate = 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' . $update_fields; - $sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` $keys VALUES $placeholders $on_duplicate"; - //print_f($sql); - $q = parent::prepare($sql); - return $q; - } - - public function insertOne($table, $data, $excluded_keys = false) { - $start_time = microtime(true); - $q = $this->prepareInsert($table, array_keys($data), $excluded_keys); - foreach ($data as $key => $value) { - $q->bindValue(':' . $key, $value); - } - $q->execute() or $this->throwError($q); - $this->logQuery(func_get_args(), $start_time, microtime(true)); - return $this->lastInsertId(); - } - - public function insertMany($table, $data, $excluded_keys = false) { - - if (!isset($data[0])) throw new Exception('empty data set provided!'); - - $start_time = microtime(true); - $q = $this->prepareInsert($table, array_keys($data[0]), $excluded_keys); - foreach ($data as $row) { - foreach ($row as $key => $value) { - $q->bindValue(':' . $key, $value); - } - $q->execute() or $this->throwError($q); - } - $this->logQuery(func_get_args(), $start_time, microtime(true)); - } - - protected function throwError($handler) { - $error = $handler->errorInfo(); - throw new Exception($error[2]); - return true; - } - - protected function getPlaceholders($keys, $excluded_keys) { - $key_brackets = '(`' . implode('`, `', $keys) . '`)'; - $pl_brackets = '(:' . implode(', :', $keys) . ')'; - if (false === $excluded_keys) { - return array($key_brackets, $pl_brackets); - } - else { - $update_fields = array(); - foreach ($keys as $key) { - if (!in_array($key, $excluded_keys)) { - $update_fields[] = "`$key` = VALUES(`$key`)"; - } - } - $update_fields = implode(', ', $update_fields); - return array($key_brackets, $pl_brackets, $update_fields); - } - } - - protected function logQuery($args, $start_time, $end_time) { - $this->queries[] = array('length' => round(($end_time - $start_time) * 1000, 3) ,'args' => $args[0]); - } - - public function showQueries() { - print_f($this->queries); - } - - public function exec($sql) { - $a = parent::exec($sql); - if (false === $a) { - print_f($this->errorInfo()); - } - } -} -?> diff --git a/classes/Factory.php b/classes/Factory.php deleted file mode 100755 index c100307..0000000 --- a/classes/Factory.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ - 'Session', 'sitting' => 'Sitting', 'question' => 'Question', 'action' => 'Action'); - private $allowed_types; - protected $DB = NULL; - - private function __construct($sql_params, $allowed_types) { - - /* populate known Object Types */ - $this->allowed_types = $allowed_types; - - /* initiate DB connection */ - try { - list($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options) = $sql_params; - $this->DB = new DB($dsn, $username, $password, $driver_options); - } - catch (PDOException $e) { - $this->DB = false; - trigger_error('Connection to DB failed with ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); - } - } - - static public function getInstance($sql_params, $allowed_types = array()) { - if (empty($allowed_types)) $allowed_types = self::$default_allowed_types; - if (empty(self::$instance)) { - self::$instance = new Factory($sql_params, $allowed_types); - } - return self::$instance; - } - - public function getObject($type, $url = NULL, $id = NULL, Seimas $parent = NULL, $parameters = array()) { - if (isset($this->allowed_types[$type])) { - $class_name = $this->allowed_types[$type]; - - /* if url provided - initiate object without DB */ - if (false !== filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { - return new $class_name($url, $parent, $parameters, $this); - } - elseif (!empty($id)) { - $class = new ReflectionClass($class_name); - $sql = $class->getStaticPropertyValue('create_sql'); - $Object = $this->DB->createObject($sql, array($id), $class_name, array('', $parent, $parameters, $this)); - if ($Object instanceof Seimas) return $Object; - else throw new Exception ('Object with the id provided was not found!'); - } - else { - throw new Exception('No object identifier (url / id) provided'); - } - } - else { - throw new Exception('unknown object type to be initiated'); - } - } - - public function getObjectChildren($class, $child_type, $id, $parent, $parameters = array()) { - //get urls and IDs of all children - $class_name = $this->allowed_types[$child_type]; - try { - $class = new ReflectionClass($class); - $sql = $class->getStaticPropertyValue('children_sql'); - $array = $this->DB->CreateObjects($sql, array($id), $class_name, array('', $parent, $parameters, $this)); - return $array; - } - catch (Exception $e) { - echo $e->getMessage(); - } - } - - public function saveObject($table, $data, $excluded_keys = false) { - - /* try saving 1 object */ - try { - return $this->DB->insertOne($table, $data, $excluded_keys); - } - catch (Exception $e) { - echo $e->getMessage() . '
'; - } - } - - public function saveObjects($table, $data, $excluded_keys = false) { - /* try saving many objects */ - try { - $this->DB->insertMany($table, $data, $excluded_keys); - } - catch (Exception $e) { - echo $e->getMessage(); - } - } - - public function getArray($sql, $exec_params) { - try { - return $this->DB->getArray($sql, $exec_params); - } - catch (Exception $e) { - echo $e->getMessage(); - echo $sql; - } - } - - public function getVar($sql, $exec_params) { - try { - return $this->DB->getVar($sql, $exec_params); - } - catch (Exception $e) { - echo $e->getMessage(); - } - } - - public function showQueries() { - $this->DB->showQueries(); - } - -} - -?> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/classes/Klausimas_.php b/classes/Klausimas_.php deleted file mode 100755 index 9739ce0..0000000 --- a/classes/Klausimas_.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,390 +0,0 @@ -PDO) { //if object created not via DB - $this->start_time = $params['start_time']; - $this->title = $this->decode($this->clean($params['title'])); - $this->number = $params['number']; - $this->sittings_id = $this->getParentInfo('getId'); - } - $this->date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->start_time)); - } - - protected function populateData() { - if ($this->PDO) { - //loaded via DB - if (empty($this->end_time)) { - //initial run - let's scrape additional data - return false; - } - else { - //all data loaded, only populate children / etc - $this->PopulateChildren(); - $this->PopulateItems(); - return true; - } - } - else { - //not loaded via DB - scrape all data - return false; - } - } - - protected function populateItems() { - $items = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$items_sql, array($this->getId())); - foreach ($items as $item) { - $presenters = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$presenters_sql, array($item['id'])); - if (false != $presenters) { - $item['presenters'] = $presenters; - } - else { - $item['presenters'] = array(); - } - $this->items[$item['number']] = $item; - } - } - - protected function saveData() { - $array = get_object_vars($this); - unset($array['PDO']); - unset($array['Factory']); - unset($array['parent']); - unset($array['items']); - unset($array['children']); - unset($array['date']); - - $this->Factory->SaveObject('questions', $array, array('id')); - $this->saveItems(); - $this->saveChildren(); - } - - protected function saveItems() { - foreach ($this->items as $number => $item) { - $presenters = $item['presenters']; - unset($item['presenters']); - $item['questions_id'] = $this->getId(); - $item['number'] = $number; - $item_id = 0; - $item_id = $this->Factory->saveObject('items', $item, array('id', 'questions_id')); - if (0 == $item_id) { - if (isset($item['id'])) { //some random anomaly of some items being here twice... - $item_id = $item['id']; // if DB returns 0, the item was in DB before, thus ID attrib. should be present in array - } - } - /* save presenters data */ - if (0 != $item_id ) { - foreach ($presenters as $number => $presenter) { - $this->Factory->saveObject('presenters', array('presenter' => $presenter, 'items_id' => $item_id, 'number' => $number), array('id', 'items_id')); - } - } - } - } - - protected function saveChildren() { - - } - - protected function scrapeData() { - $dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->url); - $this->getItems($dom); - echo 'here!'; - $this->getActions($dom); - } - - protected function getItems(DOMDocument $dom) { - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $questions_dom = $xpath->query("//li[preceding::h4 and following::h4]"); - if ($questions_dom->length > 0) { //if more than one inner question - $i = 0; - foreach ($questions_dom as $question_dom) { - //get data for each inner question - $this->items[$i++] = $this->getItemMetaData($question_dom); - } - } - else { - $questions_dom = $xpath->query("//node()[preceding::h4 and following::h4]"); - if ($questions_dom->length > 0) { //if one question only, need to create a new DOMElement (shame on you, XPATH!) - $newDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - $root = $newDom->createElement('root'); - $root = $newDom->appendChild($root); - $prev = ''; - foreach ($questions_dom as $question_dom) { - if ($question_dom->nodeValue != $prev) { - $domNode = $newDom->importNode($question_dom, true); - $root->appendChild($domNode); - } - $prev = $question_dom->nodeValue; - } - $this->items[0] = $this->getItemMetaData($root); - } - else - log_f('klausimo lentele: metadata not found', $this->getId()); - } - unset($xpath); - } - - protected function getItemMetaData(DOMElement $dom) { - - $data = array(); - - //find document links - $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); - foreach ($links as $link) { - $db_field = $this->getLinkType($this->decode(str_replace(array(chr(160), chr(194)), ' ', $link->nodeValue))); - $data[$db_field] = $link->getAttribute('href'); - } - - //find title of question - $title = $dom->getElementsByTagName('b')->item(0); - if (is_object($title)) - $data['title'] = $this->decode($title->nodeValue); - - //find speakers - $decoded = $this->decode(DOMinnerHTML($dom)); - $data['presenters'] = array(); - $pos = stripos($decoded, 'Pranešėja'); - if ($pos !== false) { - preg_match_all('/(.*?)<\/b>/u', substr($decoded, $pos + 9), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); - foreach ($matches as $match) { - if (isset($match[1])) - $data['presenters'][] = $match[1]; - } - } - return $data; - } - - protected function getLinkType($lithuanian_string) { - switch($lithuanian_string) { - case 'dokumento tekstas': return 'document_url'; - case 'susiję dokumentai': return 'related_doc_url'; - default: return 'other_url'; - } - } - - protected function getActions($dom) { - - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $actions_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@class, 'basic')]/tr[td]"); - $i = 0; - foreach ($actions_dom as $action_dom) { - /* Action parsing */ - $tds = $action_dom->getElementsByTagName('td'); - if ($tds->length != 2) - log_f('parsing error: Action table td count', $this->getId()); - else { - $this->children[$i]['start_time'] = $this->clean($tds->item(0)->nodeValue); - list($type, $meta) = $this->parseAction($tds->item(1)); - $this->children[$i]['type'] = $type; - $this->children[$i]['meta'] = $meta; - if ($i !== 0) { - $this->children[$i - 1]['end_time'] = $this->children[$i]['start_time']; - } - else { - $this->start_time = $this->date . ' ' . $this->children[$i]['start_time']; - } - $i++; - } - /* Action parsing end */ - } - if ($i > 0) { - /* If at least 1 action - set last action start time = end time & question end_time = action end time */ - $this->children[$i - 1]['end_time'] = $this->children[$i - 1]['start_time']; - $this->end_time = $this->date . ' ' . $this->children[$i - 1]['end_time']; - } - else { - /* if no actions - set end time as the start time of the next question */ - $this->end_time = $this->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->getId(), +1, 'getStartTime'); - } - unset($xpath); - } - - protected function parseAction(DOMElement $element) { - $meta = array(); - $type = 'other'; - //action type - speech - if (strpos($element->nodeValue, 'Kalbėjo') !== false) { - $type = 'speech'; - $meta['speaker'] = $this->getMemberId($element); - } - //action type - voting (together) - elseif (strpos($element->nodeValue, 'bendru sutarimu') !== false) { - $type = 'u_voting'; - $meta['text'] = $this->decode($element->nodeValue); - if (strpos($element->nodeValue, 'pritarta') !== false) { - $meta['outcome'] = 'accepted'; - } - else { - $meta['outcome'] = 'rejected'; - } - } - //action type - registration - elseif (stripos($element->nodeValue, 'Įvyko registracija') !== false) { - $type = 'registration'; - $matches = array(); - $total_participants = preg_match('/užsiregistravo.*?(\d+)/u', $element->nodeValue, $matches); - if (isset($matches[1])) - $meta['total_participants'] = $matches[1]; - - $reg_link = $element->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0); - if (!is_object($reg_link)) - log_f('parsing error: question - registration link', $this->getId()); - else { - $link = self::BASE_URL . $reg_link->getAttribute('href'); - $meta['link'] = $link; - $query = parse_url($link, PHP_URL_QUERY); - $variables = array(); - parse_str($query, $variables); - if (isset($variables['p_reg_id'])) - $meta['id'] = -$variables['p_reg_id']; - $meta['participation'] = $this->getRegistrationData($link); - } - } - //action type voting - elseif (stripos($element->nodeValue, 'Įvyko balsavimas') !== false) { - $type = 'voting'; - /* general outcome of voting */ - if (strpos($element->nodeValue, 'pritarta') !== false) { - $meta['outcome'] = 'accepted'; - } - else { - $meta['outcome'] = 'rejected'; - } - /* individual outcome of voting */ - $voting_link = $element->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0); - if (!is_object($voting_link)) - log_f('parsing error: question - voting link', $this->getId()); - else { - $link = self::BASE_URL . $voting_link->getAttribute('href'); - $meta['link'] = $link; - $query = parse_url($link, PHP_URL_QUERY); - $variables = array(); - parse_str($query, $variables); - if (isset($variables['p_bals_id'])) - $meta['id'] = -$variables['p_bals_id']; - list($meta['voting_topic'], $meta['individual_voting']) = $this->getVotingData($link); - } - } - else { - $meta['text'] = $element->nodeValue; - } - - return array($type, $meta); - } - - protected function getRegistrationData($url) { - $lankomumas_dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($url); - $xpath = new DOMXPath($lankomumas_dom); - $nariai = array(); - $nariai_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@cellpadding, '1')]//table[contains(@width, '100%')]/tr"); - //echo $nariai_dom->length; - foreach ($nariai_dom as $nario_data) { - - $tds = $nario_data->getElementsByTagName('td'); - $participation = false; - $person_id = false; - - $state = $tds->item(0); - if (is_object($state)) { - $value = $this->clean($state->nodeValue); - if (empty($value)) - $participation = 0; - else - $participation = 1; - } - else - log_f('parsing error: action lankomumo lentele - participation . ', $this->getId()); - - $person_id = $this->getMemberId($tds->item(1)); - - if (($participation !== false) && ($person_id !== false)) { - $nariai[$person_id] = $participation; - } - } - unset($lankomumas_dom); - return $nariai; - } - - protected function getVotingData($url) { - $lankomumas_dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($url); - $nariai = array(); - $formuluote = ''; - - //get formuluote - $inner_html = $this->decode(DOMinnerHTML($lankomumas_dom->getElementsByTagName('body')->item(0))); - preg_match("/Formuluot.+?\s+(.*?)<\/b>/msu", $inner_html , $matches); - if (isset($matches[1])) $formuluote = $matches[1]; - - //get voting data - $xpath = new DOMXPath($lankomumas_dom); - $voting_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@class, 'basic')]/tr[td]"); - foreach ($voting_dom as $member) { - $narys = array(); - $td2 = ''; - $td3 = ''; - $td4 = ''; - $tds = $member->getElementsByTagName('td'); - if ($tds->length != 5) log_f('parsing error: voting data', $this->getId ()); - else { - $narys['id'] = $this->getMemberId($tds->item(0)); - $narys['frakcija'] = $this->clean($tds->item(1)->nodeValue); - $td2 = $this->clean($tds->item(2)->nodeValue); - $td3 = $this->clean($tds->item(3)->nodeValue); - $td4 = $this->clean($tds->item(4)->nodeValue); - if (!empty($td2)) $narys['vote'] = 'accept'; - elseif (!empty($td3)) $narys['vote'] = 'reject'; - elseif (!empty($td4)) $narys['vote'] = 'abstain'; - else $narys['vote'] = 'missing'; - $nariai[$narys['id']] = $narys; - } - } - unset($xpath); - return array($formuluote, $nariai); - } - - public function getStartTime() { - return $this->start_time; - } - - public function getEndTime() { - if (empty($this->end_time)) { - $this->initialise(); - } - return $this->end_time; - } -} - -?> diff --git a/classes/Posedis.php b/classes/Posedis.php deleted file mode 100755 index 77f65eb..0000000 --- a/classes/Posedis.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ -PDO) { - //loaded via DB - if (empty($this->number) || ($this->end_time == '0000-00-00 00:00:00')) { - //initial run - let's scrape additional data - return false; - } - else { - //all data from DB present - let's only add children, participation & date - $this->populateChildren(); - $this->populateParticipation(); - $this->date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->end_time)); - return true; - } - } - else { - $this->sessions_id = $this->getParentInfo('getId'); - return false; //not loaded via DB - scrape everything - } - } - - protected function populateParticipation() { - $participation = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$participation_sql, array($this->getId())); - foreach ($participation as $pair) { - $this->participation[$pair['members_id']] = $pair['presence']; - } - } - - protected function saveData() { - //added check if the data is correct (e.g. end-time = 0000-00-00 00:00:00 - if ($this->end_time == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { - $this->clearCache($this->transcript_url); - $this->clearCache($this->recording_url); - $this->clearCache($this->protocol_url); - $this->clearCache($this->participation_url); - $this->clearCache($this->url); - return; - } - else { - $array = get_object_vars($this); - unset($array['PDO']); - unset($array['Factory']); - unset($array['parent']); - unset($array['date']); - - /* parse children data */ - $children_array = array(); - foreach ($array['children'] as $child) { - $children_array[] = array('id' => $child->getId(), 'url' => $child->getUrl(), 'sittings_id' => $this->getId()); - } - unset($array['children']); - - /* parse parcitipation data */ - $participation_array = array(); - foreach ($array['participation'] as $member_id => $presence) { - $participation_array[] = array('members_id' => $member_id, 'presence' => $presence, 'sittings_id' => $this->getId()); - } - unset($array['participation']); - $this->Factory->SaveObject('sittings', $array, array('id')); - $this->Factory->SaveObjects('questions', $children_array, array('sittings_id', 'id')); - - $this->Factory->SaveObjects('sitting_participation', $participation_array, array()); - } - } - - protected function scrapeData($reload = FALSE) { - $dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->url, $reload); - $this->getMetaData($dom); - $this->extractParticipation($dom); - $this->extractQuestions($dom); - } - - protected function getMetaData($dom) { - - /* title parsing */ - $title = $dom->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue; - $matches = array(); - preg_match("/Seimo posėdis\s+Nr\.(\d+)\s+\((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}), (.+)\)/u", $title, $matches); - if (count($matches) < 4) { - throw new Exception('Something wrong with Sitting parsing @' . $this->url); - } - $this->number = trim($matches[1]); - $this->date = trim($matches[2]); - $this->type = trim($matches[3]); - - /* finding links to content */ - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $a_dom = $xpath->query("//a[.='Protokolas']")->item(0); - if (is_object($a_dom)) $this->protocol_url = $a_dom->getAttribute('href'); - $a_dom = $xpath->query("//a[.='Stenograma']")->item(0); - if (is_object($a_dom)) $this->transcript_url = $a_dom->getAttribute('href'); - $a_dom = $xpath->query("//a[.='Garso įrašas']")->item(0); - if (is_object($a_dom)) $this->recording_url = $a_dom->getAttribute('href'); - unset($xpath); - - } - - protected function extractParticipation($dom) { - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $a_dom = $xpath->query("//a[.='Lankomumas']")->item(0); - if (is_object($a_dom)) $this->participation_url = self::BASE_URL . $a_dom->getAttribute('href'); - unset($xpath); - if (!empty($this->participation_url)) { - $lankomumas_dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->participation_url); - $xpath = new DOMXPath($lankomumas_dom); - $nariai_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@cellpadding, '1')]//table[contains(@width, '100%')]/tr"); - foreach ($nariai_dom as $nario_data) { - - $tds = $nario_data->getElementsByTagName('td'); - $participation = false; - $person_id = false; - - $state = $tds->item(0); - if (is_object($state)) { - $value = $this->clean($state->nodeValue); - if (empty($value)) $participation = 0; - else $participation = 1; - } - else log_f('parsing error: lankomumo lentele - participation . ', $this->getId ()); - $person_id = $this->getMemberId($tds->item(1)); - - if (($participation !== false) && ($person_id !== false)) { - $this->participation[$person_id] = $participation; - } - } - unset($lankomumas_dom); - } - } - - protected function extractQuestions($dom) { - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $table_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@class,'basic')]/tr[td]"); - $i = 0; - $klausimas = false; - foreach ($table_dom as $row) { - $data = array(); - $url = ''; - $klausimas = false; - $tds = $row->getElementsbyTagName('td'); - if ($tds->length < 3) log_f('parsing error: darbotvarkes lentele', $this->getId()); - else { - $data['start_time'] = $this->getDate() . ' ' . $this->clean($tds->item(0)->nodeValue); - //$data['number'] = $this->clean($tds->item(1)->nodeValue); replaced with actual number in the list - $data['number'] = $i; - $data['title'] = $this->clean($tds->item(2)->nodeValue); - $link_dom = $tds->item(2)->getElementsByTagName('a'); - if (is_object($link_dom->item(0))) { - $url = self::BASE_URL . $link_dom->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); - } - else log_f('parsing error: darbotvarkes lentele - klausimas a', $this->getId()); - - if (!empty($url)) { - $klausimas = $this->Factory->getObject(self::$child_class, $url, '', $this, $data); - $this->children[$klausimas->getId()] = $klausimas; - if ($i++ == 0) $this->start_time = $this->date . ' ' .$klausimas->getStartTime(); - } - } - } - if (is_object($klausimas)) $this->end_time = $klausimas->getEndTime(); - unset($xpath); - unset($table_dom); - } - - public function getDate() { - return $this->date; - } - - public function getParticipation() { - return $this->participation; - } -} - -?> diff --git a/classes/Question.php b/classes/Question.php deleted file mode 100755 index 1585af9..0000000 --- a/classes/Question.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ -PDO) { //if object created not via DB - $this->start_time = $params['start_time']; - $this->title = $this->decode($this->clean($params['title'])); - $this->number = $params['number']; - $this->sittings_id = $this->getParentInfo('getId'); - } - $this->date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($this->start_time)); - } - - protected function populateData() { - if ($this->PDO) { - //loaded via DB - if (empty($this->end_time)) { - //initial run - let's scrape additional data - return false; - } - else { - //all data loaded, only populate children / etc - $this->PopulateChildren(); - $this->PopulateItems(); - return true; - } - } - else { - //not loaded via DB - scrape all data - return false; - } - } - - //modified implementation of abstractions.php - public function populateChildren($initialiseSearch = false) { - $class = get_class($this); - $class_ = new ReflectionClass($class); - $token = $class_->getStaticPropertyValue('child_class'); - $children = $this->Factory->getObjectChildren($class, $token, $this->getId(), $this); - foreach ($children as $child) { - $this->children[$child->getNumber()] = $child; - } - if (empty($this->children) && ($initialiseSearch)) { - $this->scrapeData(); - $this->saveData(); - } - } - - protected function populateItems() { - $class = get_class($this); - $class_ = new ReflectionClass($class); - $items_sql = $class_->getStaticPropertyValue('items_sql'); - $presenters_sql = $class_->getStaticPropertyValue('presenters_sql'); - $items = $this->Factory->getArray($items_sql, array($this->getId())); - foreach ($items as $item) { - $presenters = $this->Factory->getArray($presenters_sql, array($item['id'])); - if (false != $presenters) { - $item['presenters'] = $presenters; - } - else { - $item['presenters'] = array(); - } - $this->items[$item['number']] = $item; - } - } - - protected function saveData() { - $array = get_object_vars($this); - unset($array['PDO']); - unset($array['Factory']); - unset($array['parent']); - unset($array['items']); - unset($array['children']); - unset($array['date']); - - $this->Factory->SaveObject('questions', $array, array('id')); - $this->saveItems(); - - foreach ($this->children as $child) { - $child->saveMainData(); - } - } - - protected function saveItems() { - foreach ($this->items as $number => $item) { - $presenters = $item['presenters']; - unset($item['presenters']); - $item['questions_id'] = $this->getId(); - $item['number'] = $number; - $item_id = 0; - $item_id = $this->Factory->saveObject('items', $item, array('id', 'questions_id')); - if (0 == $item_id) { - if (isset($item['id'])) { //some random anomaly of some items being here twice... - $item_id = $item['id']; // if DB returns 0, the item was in DB before, thus ID attrib. should be present in array - } - } - /* save presenters data */ - if (0 != $item_id ) { - foreach ($presenters as $number => $presenter) { - $this->Factory->saveObject('presenters', array('presenter' => $presenter, 'items_id' => $item_id, 'number' => $number), array('id', 'items_id')); - } - } - } - } - - protected function scrapeData($reload = FALSE) { - $dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->url, $reload); - $this->getItems($dom); - $this->getActions($dom); - } - - protected function getItems(DOMDocument $dom) { - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $questions_dom = $xpath->query("//li[preceding::h4 and following::h4]"); - if ($questions_dom->length > 0) { //if more than one inner question - $i = 0; - foreach ($questions_dom as $question_dom) { - //get data for each inner question - $this->items[$i++] = $this->getItemMetaData($question_dom); - } - } - else { - $questions_dom = $xpath->query("//node()[preceding::h4 and following::h4]"); - if ($questions_dom->length > 0) { //if one question only, need to create a new DOMElement (shame on you, XPATH!) - $newDom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - $root = $newDom->createElement('root'); - $root = $newDom->appendChild($root); - $prev = ''; - foreach ($questions_dom as $question_dom) { - if ($question_dom->nodeValue != $prev) { - $domNode = $newDom->importNode($question_dom, true); - $root->appendChild($domNode); - } - $prev = $question_dom->nodeValue; - } - $this->items[0] = $this->getItemMetaData($root); - } - else - log_f('klausimo lentele: metadata not found', $this->getId()); - } - unset($xpath); - } - - protected function getItemMetaData(DOMElement $dom) { - - $data = array(); - - //find document links - $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a'); - foreach ($links as $link) { - $db_field = $this->getLinkType($this->decode(str_replace(array(chr(160), chr(194)), ' ', $link->nodeValue))); - $data[$db_field] = $link->getAttribute('href'); - } - - //find title of question - $title = $dom->getElementsByTagName('b')->item(0); - if (is_object($title)) - $data['title'] = $this->decode($title->nodeValue); - - //find speakers - $decoded = $this->decode(DOMinnerHTML($dom)); - $data['presenters'] = array(); - $pos = stripos($decoded, 'Pranešėja'); - if ($pos !== false) { - $matches = array(); - preg_match_all('/(.*?)<\/b>/u', substr($decoded, $pos + 9), $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); - foreach ($matches as $match) { - if (isset($match[1])) - $data['presenters'][] = $match[1]; - } - } - return $data; - } - - protected function getLinkType($lithuanian_string) { - switch($lithuanian_string) { - case 'dokumento tekstas': return 'document_url'; - case 'susiję dokumentai': return 'related_doc_url'; - default: return 'other_url'; - } - } - - protected function getActions($dom) { - - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $actions_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@class, 'basic')]/tr[td]"); - $i = 0; - foreach ($actions_dom as $action_dom) { - /* Create Children Actions */ - // dirty hack for avoiding Factory exception of no ID & URL - $this->children[$i] = $this->Factory->getObject(self::$child_class, 'http://fake-url.lt/', '', $this, array('dom' => $action_dom, 'id' => $i)); - $i++; - } - $this->initialiseChildrenParse(); - /* get end_time of a question */ - try { - //try to get the start time of next question - $this->end_time = $this->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->getId(), +1, 'getStartTime'); - } - catch(Exception $e) { - //if no success - probably last question. Try end time of last children, if any - if ($i > 0) { - $this->end_time = $this->date . ' ' . $this->children[$i - 1]->getEndTime(); - } - else { - //if no actions - set end time as the start time of the next question - $this->end_time = $this->start_time; - } - } - unset($xpath); - } - - protected function initialiseChildrenParse() { - foreach ($this->children as $child) { - $child->parseData(); - } - } - - public function getStartTime() { - return $this->start_time; - } - - public function getEndTime() { - if (empty($this->end_time)) { - $this->initialise(); - } - return $this->end_time; - } - - public function getTitle() { - return $this->title; - } - -} - -?> diff --git a/classes/Sesija.php b/classes/Sesija.php deleted file mode 100755 index 67e7711..0000000 --- a/classes/Sesija.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -PDO) { - $this->populateChildren(); - return true; - } - else return false; - } - - public function saveData() { - $array = get_object_vars($this); - unset($array['PDO']); - unset($array['Factory']); - unset($array['parent']); - unset($array['url_token']); - $children_array = array(); - foreach ($array['children'] as $child) { - $children_array[] = array('id' => $child->getId(), 'url' => $child->getUrl(), 'sessions_id' => $this->getId()); - } - unset($array['children']); - $this->Factory->SaveObject('sessions', $array, array('id')); - $this->Factory->SaveObjects('sittings', $children_array, array('id', 'sessions_id')); - } - - public function scrapeData($reload = FALSE) { - $dom = $this->getHTMLDOM($this->url, $reload); - $this->getMetaData($dom); - $this->getSittings($dom); - } - - private function getSittings(DOMDocument $dom) { - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $sittings = array(); - $sittings_dom = $xpath->query("//table[contains(@class, 'basic')]/tr/td[last()]/a[contains(@href, 'p_fakt_pos_id')]/@href"); - foreach ($sittings_dom as $link) { - $sitting = $this->Factory->getObject(self::$child_class, self::BASE_URL . $link->nodeValue, '', $this); - $sittings[$sitting->getId()] = $sitting; - } - $this->children = $sittings; - unset($xpath); - } - - private function getMetaData(DOMDocument $dom) { - $title = $dom->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue; - $matches = array(); - preg_match("/(\d) ((ne)?(eilinė)) Seimo sesija \((.*) - (.*)\)/u", $title, $matches); - $this->number = $matches[1]; - $this->type = $matches[2]; - $this->start_date = trim($matches[5]); - if ($matches[6] != '...') $this->end_date = trim($matches[6]); - else $this->end_date = false; - } - - public function getType() { - return $this->type; - } - - public function getNumber() { - return $this->number; - } -} - -?> diff --git a/classes/Updater.php b/classes/Updater.php deleted file mode 100755 index a7c0b16..0000000 --- a/classes/Updater.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -session = $session; - $this->last_time = microtime(true); - $this->start_time = $this->last_time; - } - - /* Surenkame sesijos posėdžių sąrašą ir viską išsaugome */ - /* Scrape the list of the sittings in the session and save */ - public function updateSittingList() { - $this->session->scrapeData(true); - $this->session->saveData(); - } - - /* Daugiausiai resursų reikalaujantis etapas: rekursiškai keliaujam per objektų medį, - * renkame visus duomenis ir viską saugome */ - /* The heavylifting part:Do the recursive object-tree scraping and save all the obtained data */ - public function obtainData() { - $this->session->initialise(); - $this->session->initialiseChildren(true); - } - - /* Seime.lt skaičiavimai: klausimai skaldomi į dalis ir apskaičiuojamas tikslus lankomumas */ - /* Seime.lt estimations: Participation data is estimated precisely, at sub-question level */ - public function estimateParticipation() { - foreach ($this->session->getChildren() as $sitting) { - foreach ($sitting->getChildren() as $question) { - if (false === $question->populateParticipation()) { - $question->estimateParticipation(); - $question->saveParticipation(); - } - } - } - } - - /* Nustatomi ryšiai tarp registracijų į balsavimus ir pačių balsavimų */ - /* Establish links between registrations for voting and voting themselves */ - public function linkRegistrations() { - foreach ($this->session->getChildren() as $sitting) { - foreach ($sitting->getChildren() as $question) { - foreach ($question->getChildren() as $action) - $action->InitialiseLink(); - } - } - } - - /* Pagalbinė funkcija, grąžinanti SQL užklausas iš aplanko 'sqls/' - /* Helper function: returns SQL commands from files in 'sqls/' folder */ - public function getSQL($script) { - $file = BASE_DIR . 'sqls/' . $script . '.sql'; - if (file_exists($file)) { - return file_get_contents($file); - } - else throw new Exception('SQL file is unavailable: ' . $file); - } - - /* Pagalbinė funkcija, spausdinanti žinutę ir laiką nuo paskutinės žinutės */ - /* Helper function: prints message and elapsed execution time since last message */ - public function announce($message) { - $c_time = microtime(true); - echo $message . ' for session #' . $this->session->getId() . - ' in ' . round(($c_time - $this->last_time), 3) . 's' . - ' (total time: ' . round(($c_time - $this->start_time), 3) . 's)

'; - $this->last_time = $c_time; - flush(); - } - - /* Seimo narių duomenų atnaujinimas - surenkamas aprašymas, vardas, nuotrauka. Išsiunčiamas pranešimas apie naują informaciją */ - /* Updates member info - scrapes description, get name & picture. Notifies via email if new info is added */ - public function updateMember(array $member) { - $url = 'http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=8801&p_k=1&p_a=5&p_asm_id=' . $member['id'] .'&p_kade_id=7'; - if($html = @file_get_contents($url)) { - //clean the HTML - $html = ScrapingUtilities::cleanHTML($html); - //parse the HTML - $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - @$dom->loadHTML($html); - //get the name - $name = $dom->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue; - $name = str_replace('-', ' - ', $name); - $member['name'] = trim(mb_convert_case($name, MB_CASE_TITLE)); - //get the image src & send email with details - $div = $dom->getElementById('divDesContent'); - $images = $div->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0); - if (is_object($images)) { - $member['image_src'] = $images->getAttribute('src'); - $this->sendPictureEmail($member); - } - //return the updated data - return $member; - } - else { - throw new Exception('Remote file fetching failed'); - } - } - - /* Išsiunčiamas el. laiškas apie naują Seimo narį - naudojama Seime.lt svetainėje */ - /* Sends an email about new member added - for Seime.lt purposes */ - public function sendPictureEmail(array $member) { - $subject = '[seime.lt] - naujas narys: '. $member['name']; - $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; - $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; - $text = ' Pridėtas naujas seimo narys
- Nuotraukos URL: %1$s
- Full dydžio nuotrauka (180x135): /images/people/full/%2$s.jpg
- Thumb (60x45): /images/people/thumbs/%2$s.jpg

- Mekeke!'; - $text = sprintf($text, $member['image_src'], $member['id']); - mail(NOTIF_EMAIL, $subject, wordwrap($text), $headers); - } - - /* Pagalbinis updateMember metodas */ - /* Wrapper for updateMember method */ - public function updateMembers(array $members) { - foreach($members as &$member) { - try { - $member = $this->updateMember($member); - } - catch(Exception $e) { - $this->announce("Updating data failed for $member: " . $e->__toString()); - } - } - return $members; - } - - /* Atnaujinama Seimo narių, kurie pradėjo kadenciją vėliau arba ją baigė per anksti, informacija */ - /* Update details on members who entered late of left early */ - public function getTermDetails() { - $list = array(); - if ($html = @file_get_contents('http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=6113&p_k=1')) { - //clean the HTML - $html = ScrapingUtilities::cleanHTML($html); - //parse the HTML - $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - @$dom->loadHTML($html); - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $r = $xpath->query('//td[a[contains(@href,"p_asm_id")] and (contains(., "iki") or contains(., "nuo"))]'); - if ($r instanceof DOMNodeList) { - foreach ($r as $node) { - preg_match('#p_asm_id=(\d+)#', DOMInnerHTML($node), $matches); - $id = $matches[1]; - $start = '0000-00-00'; - $end = '0000-00-00'; - if (preg_match('#nuo (\d{4} \d{2} \d{2})#', DOMInnerHTML($node), $matches)) { - $start = str_replace(' ', '-', $matches[1]); - } - if (preg_match('#iki (\d{4} \d{2} \d{2})#', DOMInnerHTML($node), $matches)) { - $end = str_replace(' ', '-', $matches[1]); - } - $list[] = array('id' => $id, 'cadency_start' => $start, 'cadency_end' => $end); - } - return $list; - } - else { - $this->announce('UPDATING TERM DETAILS FAILED - HTML not recognized!'); - } - } - } - -} - diff --git a/classes/Updater.php~ b/classes/Updater.php~ deleted file mode 100755 index 44472c7..0000000 --- a/classes/Updater.php~ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,167 +0,0 @@ -session = $session; - $this->last_time = microtime(true); - $this->start_time = $this->last_time; - } - - /* Surenkame sesijos posėdžių sąrašą ir viską išsaugome */ - /* Scrape the list of the sittings in the session and save */ - public function updateSittingList() { - $this->session->scrapeData(true); - $this->session->saveData(); - } - - /* Daugiausiai resursų reikalaujantis etapas: rekursiškai keliaujam per objektų medį, - * renkame visus duomenis ir viską saugome */ - /* The heavylifting part:Do the recursive object-tree scraping and save all the obtained data */ - public function obtainData() { - $this->session->initialise(); - $this->session->initialiseChildren(true); - } - - /* Seime.lt skaičiavimai: klausimai skaldomi į dalis ir apskaičiuojamas tikslus lankomumas */ - /* Seime.lt estimations: Participation data is estimated precisely, at sub-question level */ - public function estimateParticipation() { - foreach ($this->session->getChildren() as $sitting) { - foreach ($sitting->getChildren() as $question) { - if (false === $question->populateParticipation()) { - $question->estimateParticipation(); - $question->saveParticipation(); - } - } - } - } - - /* Nustatomi ryšiai tarp registracijų į balsavimus ir pačių balsavimų */ - /* Establish links between registrations for voting and voting themselves */ - public function linkRegistrations() { - foreach ($this->session->getChildren() as $sitting) { - foreach ($sitting->getChildren() as $question) { - foreach ($question->getChildren() as $action) - $action->InitialiseLink(); - } - } - } - - /* Pagalbinė funkcija, grąžinanti SQL užklausas iš aplanko 'sqls/' - /* Helper function: returns SQL commands from files in 'sqls/' folder */ - public function getSQL($script) { - $file = BASE_DIR . 'sqls/' . $script . '.sql'; - if (file_exists($file)) { - return file_get_contents($file); - } - else throw new Exception('SQL file is unavailable: ' . $file); - } - - /* Pagalbinė funkcija, spausdinanti žinutę ir laiką nuo paskutinės žinutės */ - /* Helper function: prints message and elapsed execution time since last message */ - public function announce($message) { - $c_time = microtime(true); - echo $message . ' for session #' . $this->session->getId() . - ' in ' . round(($c_time - $this->last_time), 3) . 's' . - ' (total time: ' . round(($c_time - $this->start_time), 3) . 's)

'; - $this->last_time = $c_time; - flush(); - } - - /* Seimo narių duomenų atnaujinimas - surenkamas aprašymas, vardas, nuotrauka. Išsiunčiamas pranešimas apie naują informaciją */ - /* Updates member info - scrapes description, get name & picture. Notifies via email if new info is added */ - public function updateMember(array $member) { - $url = 'http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=6113&p_k=1&p_a=5&p_asm_id=' . $member['id'] .'&p_kade_id=6'; - if($html = @file_get_contents($url)) { - //clean the HTML - $html = ScrapingUtilities::cleanHTML($html); - //parse the HTML - $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - @$dom->loadHTML($html); - //get the name - $name = $dom->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue; - $name = str_replace('-', ' - ', $name); - $member['name'] = trim(mb_convert_case($name, MB_CASE_TITLE)); - //get the image src & send email with details - $div = $dom->getElementById('divDesContent'); - $images = $div->getElementsByTagName('img')->item(0); - if (is_object($images)) { - $member['image_src'] = $images->getAttribute('src'); - $this->sendPictureEmail($member); - } - //return the updated data - return $member; - } - else { - throw new Exception('Remote file fetching failed'); - } - } - - /* Išsiunčiamas el. laiškas apie naują Seimo narį - naudojama Seime.lt svetainėje */ - /* Sends an email about new member added - for Seime.lt purposes */ - public function sendPictureEmail(array $member) { - $subject = '[seime.lt] - naujas narys: '. $member['name']; - $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; - $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; - $text = ' Pridėtas naujas seimo narys
- Nuotraukos URL: %1$s
- Full dydžio nuotrauka (180x135): /images/people/full/%2$s.jpg
- Thumb (60x45): /images/people/thumbs/%2$s.jpg

- Mekeke!'; - $text = sprintf($text, $member['image_src'], $member['id']); - mail(NOTIF_EMAIL, $subject, wordwrap($text), $headers); - } - - /* Pagalbinis updateMember metodas */ - /* Wrapper for updateMember method */ - public function updateMembers(array $members) { - foreach($members as &$member) { - try { - $member = $this->updateMember($member); - } - catch(Exception $e) { - $this->announce("Updating data failed for $member: " . $e->__toString()); - } - } - return $members; - } - - /* Atnaujinama Seimo narių, kurie pradėjo kadenciją vėliau arba ją baigė per anksti, informacija */ - /* Update details on members who entered late of left early */ - public function getTermDetails() { - $list = array(); - if ($html = @file_get_contents('http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=6113&p_k=1')) { - //clean the HTML - $html = ScrapingUtilities::cleanHTML($html); - //parse the HTML - $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - @$dom->loadHTML($html); - $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); - $r = $xpath->query('//td[a[contains(@href,"p_asm_id")] and (contains(., "iki") or contains(., "nuo"))]'); - if ($r instanceof DOMNodeList) { - foreach ($r as $node) { - preg_match('#p_asm_id=(\d+)#', DOMInnerHTML($node), $matches); - $id = $matches[1]; - $start = '0000-00-00'; - $end = '0000-00-00'; - if (preg_match('#nuo (\d{4} \d{2} \d{2})#', DOMInnerHTML($node), $matches)) { - $start = str_replace(' ', '-', $matches[1]); - } - if (preg_match('#iki (\d{4} \d{2} \d{2})#', DOMInnerHTML($node), $matches)) { - $end = str_replace(' ', '-', $matches[1]); - } - $list[] = array('id' => $id, 'cadency_start' => $start, 'cadency_end' => $end); - } - return $list; - } - else { - $this->announce('UPDATING TERM DETAILS FAILED - HTML not recognized!'); - } - } - } - -} - diff --git a/classes/abstractions.php b/classes/abstractions.php deleted file mode 100755 index 3bc7f9c..0000000 --- a/classes/abstractions.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ - true, - 'output-xhtml' => true, - 'wrap' => 200); - $tidy->parseString($html, $config, 'UTF8'); - $tidy->cleanRepair(); - $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); - @$dom->loadHTML((string) $tidy); - return $dom; - } - - final protected function clean($string) { - return trim(str_replace(array(' ', 'Â'), '', htmlentities($string, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'))); - } - - final protected function decode($string) { - $string = html_entity_decode($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); - return preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $string); - } - - final protected function getMemberId(DOMElement $dom) { - $variables = array(); - $a = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a')->item(0); - if (is_object($a)) { - $variables = array(); - $query = parse_url($a->getAttribute('href'), PHP_URL_QUERY); - parse_str($query, $variables); - if (isset($variables['p_asm_id'])) { - return $variables['p_asm_id']; - } else { - $member_id = str_replace('a', '', $a->getAttribute('name')); - if (!empty($member_id)) { - return $member_id; - } else { - log_f('parsing error: lankomumo lentele - person a asm_id . ', $this->getId()); - } - } - } - else - log_f('parsing error: lankomumo lentele - person a . ', $this->getId()); - } - -} - -abstract class HTMLObject extends Utilities implements Seimas { - - protected $parent = NULL; - protected $Factory = NULL; - protected $children = array(); - protected $id = ''; - protected $url = ''; - protected $PDO = 0; - - public function __construct($url, Seimas $parent = NULL, $params = NULL, Factory $Factory = NULL) { - /* Determine if not created via PDO */ - if (empty($this->PDO)) { - $this->url = $url; - $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); - $class_name = get_class($this); - $class = new ReflectionClass($class_name); - $token = $class->getStaticPropertyValue('url_token'); - $this->id = str_replace($token, '', $query); - } - /* Add reference to parent */ - $this->parent = $parent; - /* Add reference to Factory */ - $this->Factory = $Factory; - } - - final public function initialise() { - if (false === $this->getId()) { - throw new Exception('no URL defined!'); - } - elseif (false === $this->populateData()) { - try { - $this->scrapeData(); - $this->saveData(); - } - catch (Exception $e) { - '

Unexpected conditions met!
' . $e->getMessage(); - } - } - } - - public function populateChildren($initialiseSearch = false) { - $class = get_class($this); - $class_ = new ReflectionClass($class); - $child_class = $class_->getStaticPropertyValue('child_class'); - $this->children = $this->Factory->getObjectChildren($class, $child_class, $this->getId(), $this); - if (empty($this->children) && ($initialiseSearch)) { - $this->scrapeData(); - $this->saveData(); - } - } - - public function initialiseChildren($recursive = false) { - foreach ($this->children as $child) { - if ($child instanceof Seimas) { - $child->initialise(); - if ($recursive) { - $child->initialiseChildren(true); - } - } - else - throw new Exception('child does not implement Seimas Interface'); - } - } - - final protected function getParentInfo($function, $parameters = array()) { - if (NULL === $this->parent) { - throw new Exception('no parent available'); - } else { - return call_user_func_array(array($this->parent, $function), $parameters); - } - } - - final protected function getSiblingInfoById($sibling_id, $function, $parameters = array()) { - if (NULL === $this->parent) { - throw new Exception('no parent available'); - } else { - $sibling = $this->parent->getChild($sibling_id); - if (false === $sibling) { - throw new Exception('no sibling with such ID available'); - } else { - return call_user_func_array(array($sibling, $function), $parameters); - } - } - } - - final protected function getSiblingInfoByPosition($current_id, $sibling_position, $function, $parameters = array()) { - if (NULL === $this->parent) { - throw new Exception('no parent available'); - } else { - $sibling = $this->parent->getChildByPosition($current_id, $sibling_position); - if (false === $sibling) { - throw new Exception('no sibling with such ID available'); - } else { - return call_user_func_array(array($sibling, $function), $parameters); - } - } - } - - final protected function getChild($child_id) { - if (isset($this->children[$child_id])) - return $this->children[$child_id]; - else - return false; - } - - final protected function getChildByPosition($child_id, $relative_sibling_position) { - $children = array_keys($this->children); - $child_position = array_search($child_id, $children); - if (false === $child_position) { - return false; - } else { - $sibling_position = $child_position + $relative_sibling_position; - if (!isset($children[$sibling_position])) - return false; - else { - $sibling_id = $children[$sibling_position]; - return $this->getChild($sibling_id); - } - } - } - - final public function getChildren() { - return $this->children; - } - - public function getId() { - return $this->id; - } - - public function getUrl() { - return $this->url; - } - - public function show() { - $a = false; - if ($a = $this->__toString()) { - echo "Class " . get_class($this) . '
'; - print_f($a); - } - else - print_f($this); - } - - public function __toString() { - $array = get_object_vars($this); - unset($array['PDO']); - unset($array['Factory']); - unset($array['parent']); - unset($array['url_token']); - unset($array['additional_data']); - if (is_array($array['children'])) - $array['children'] = $this->cleanChildren($array['children']); - return $array; - } - - protected function cleanChildren($children) { - $array = array(); - foreach ($children as $id => $child) { - if ($child instanceof Seimas) { - $child->class_name = '' . get_class($child) . ' Object'; - $array[$id] = $child->__toString(); - } - } - return $array; - } - - abstract protected function populateData(); - - abstract protected function saveData(); - - abstract protected function scrapeData($reload = FALSE); -} - -Interface Seimas { - - public function initialise(); -} - -?> diff --git a/classes/utilities.php b/classes/utilities.php deleted file mode 100755 index d7468a3..0000000 --- a/classes/utilities.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -childNodes; - foreach ($children as $child) - { - $tmp_dom = new DOMDocument(); - $tmp_dom->appendChild($tmp_dom->importNode($child, true)); - $innerHTML.=trim($tmp_dom->saveHTML()); - } - return $innerHTML; - } - - function print_f($array) { - echo '
-		if ($array instanceof DOMNodeList) {
-		print_r($array->length);
-			foreach ($array as $node) {
-				echo $node->nodeValue;
-			}
-		}
-		elseif ($array instanceof DOMNode) {
-			echo $array->nodeValue;
-		}
-		else print_r($array);
-		echo '
'; - } - - function log_f($message, $object_id) { - echo '
' . $message . '
'; - } - - class ScrapingUtilities { - public static function cleanHTML($html) { - $html = @iconv('windows-1257', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $html); - $html = str_replace('charset=windows-1257"', 'charset=UTF-8"', $html); - $tidy = new tidy(); - $config = array('indent' => true, 'output-xhtml' => true, 'wrap' => 200); - $tidy->parseString($html, $config, 'UTF8'); - $tidy->cleanRepair(); - return (string) $tidy; - } - } - - function __ending($number, $endings = array('narių', 'narys', 'nariai')) { - $count = $number % 100; - if (($count > 9) && ($count < 20)) return $endings[0]; - elseif ($count % 10 == 0) return $endings[0]; - elseif ($count % 10 == 1) return $endings[1]; - else return $endings[2]; - } - diff --git a/code-docs/code-summary-ENG.md b/code-docs/code-summary-ENG.md deleted file mode 100755 index c68aa13..0000000 --- a/code-docs/code-summary-ENG.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -Seime.lt code is licenced under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence: -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ - -## DOCUMENTATION OF SEIME.LT CODE a.k.a BEWARE THERE BE DRAGONS ## - -Unfortunately, a full documentation of the code is not yet ready (and, to be honest, -chances are it will not be for a long time). Thus, the navigation through the -code will be mostly up to the reader. Nevertheless, we have a brief summary of what -you can expect. You are always welcome to shoot us an email to info@seime.lt and -we'll do our best to help you out! - -### STRUCTURE OF CODE ### - -- The core of the code is in the folder `classes/`. We note that it's the first -project where we practically tried to apply OOP concepts, so you'll find a lot of -high-coupling and low-cohesion examples. In any way, the following principles will -largely hold: - - - Factory class is responsible for manipulating objects' data in the dabatse, creating objects from DB as well as traversing the main object tree. - - Each of the Seimas work objects (session, sitting, question, action) has its own class. - - Each of the Seimas work objects is a child of the HTMLObject class (abstractions.php), which contains common methods as well defines the overall structure of the way the objects are constructed. - - utilities.php file contains various helper functions. - -- Folder `extensions/` contains classes that add extra functionality to the core object -classes. That is, classes in the `classes/` folder use only the oficial data from the -Lithuanian Seimas website, whereas `extensions/` classes add additional calculations -(such as participation data estimation on sub-question level). You can define which -classes are used in the tree on runtime, by passing parameters to Factory class. - -- Folder `cache/` contains all the HTML files downloaded from http://lrs.lt. -The caching mechanism is implemented in the Utilities class (classes/abstractions.php). - -- Folder `sqls/` contains SQL queries, which are used to populate some of the -SQL tables with additional data. They are used solely by `classes/Updater.php` class. - -### RUNNING THE CODE ### - -If you want to jump right away, all you need to do is create a session object -(you can, actually, start at sitting / question level, too) and initialise it: -```php -getObject('session', SESSION_URL); - //SESSION_URL looks like this: http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_sale.ses_pos?p_ses_id=91 - $s->scrapeData(true); // TRUE = force to redownload data - $this->session->initialise(); //Initialise the session object (populate the fields from HTML) - $this->session->initialiseChildren(true); //Recursively populate all children - $s->saveData(); -?> -``` -However, this will only collect and save to DB the main data. The additional calculations -will not be present. - -For a full information collection / update example, see the file `update-ENG.php` & -the Updater class located at `classes/Updater.php`. diff --git a/code-docs/code-summary-LT.md b/code-docs/code-summary-LT.md deleted file mode 100755 index 192a980..0000000 --- a/code-docs/code-summary-LT.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -Seime.lt kodas pateikiamas su Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 licencija: -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ - -## SEIME.LT KODO DOKUMENTACIJA a.k.a BEWARE THERE BE DRAGONS ## - -Pilnos Seime.lt dokumentacijos vis dar neprisiruošėme parengti. Tad naršyti po -kodą kol kas teks pusiau užrištomis akimis. Bet kokiu atveju, žemiau pateikiame -trumpą kodo struktūros santrauką ir kodo pavyzdžių. Sėkmės, o jei iškiltų -neišsprendžiamų klausimų - visada gali parašyti į info@seime.lt! - -### KODO STRUKTŪRA ### - -- Pagrindinis kodas laikomas aplanke `classes/`. Tai buvo pirmasis projektas, -kuriame Seime.lt komanda realiai išbandė OOP, tad jame pilna high-coupling ir -low-cohesion pavyzdžių. Pagrindiniai principai tokie: - - - `Factory` klasė atsakinga už objektų saugojimą / sukūrimą iš DB ir keliavimą objektų medžiu (sibling / parent / etc metodai). - - Kiekvienas Seimo darbo objektas (sesija, posėdis ir t.t.) turi savo klasę. - - Bendri Seimo darbo objektų metodai, veikimo struktūros griaučiai apibrėžti klasėje `HTMLObject (abstractions.php)` - - `utilities.php` faile saugomos pagalbinės klasės ir funkcijos. - -- Aplanke `extensions/` laikomos klasės, kurios prideda papildomo funkcionalumo -prie Seimo darbo klasių. T.y., `classes/` aplanke esančios klasės naudoja tik -"oficialius" Seimo svetainėje pateikiamus duomenis. `Extensions` aplanke esančios -klasės prideda papildomus skaičiavimus (kaip, pvz., sub-klausimų lygio dalyvavimo -statistiką). Tai, kurios klasės naudojamos, nustatoma perduodant Factory klasei -klasių pavadinimus, kaip antrą parametrą. - -- Aplanke `cache/` saugomi visi parsiųsti http://lrs.lt HTML dokumentai. Saugojimo -mechanizmas įgyvendintas Utilities klasėje, `classes/abstractions.php` dokumente. - -- Aplanke `sqls/` saugomos SQL užklausos, kurių pagalba sugeneruojamos kai kurios -SQL lentelės (papildomi duomenys). Jas naudoja `classes/Updater.php` klasė. - -### DARBAS SU KODU ### - -Praktiškai, norint susirinkti duomenis reikia susikurti sesijos objektą -ir jį (bei sub-objektus) inicijuoti: -```php -getObject('session', SESIJOS_URL); - //SESIJOS_URL pavyzdys: http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_sale.ses_pos?p_ses_id=91 - $s->scrapeData(true); // TRUE = iš naujo parsisiųsti HTML failą, net jei yra cache versija - $this->session->initialise(); //Inicijuojamas sesijos objektas (užpildomi laukai pagal HTML informaciją) - $this->session->initialiseChildren(true); //Rekursiškai inicijuojami visi sub-objektai. - $s->saveData(); -?> -``` -Tiesa, taip nebus užpildytos visos SQL lentelės, trūks kai kurios kitos informacijos. - -Pilnas informacijos surinkimo / atnaujinimo pavyzdys pateikiamas `update.php` -Jis naudoja `Updater` klasę, esančią `classes/Updater.php`, kuri sukurta būtent duomenų -surinkimui ar jų atnaujinimui. diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de43f00 --- /dev/null +++ b/composer.json @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +{ + "name": "laravel/laravel", + "description": "The Laravel Framework.", + "keywords": ["framework", "laravel"], + "license": "MIT", + "require": { + "laravel/framework": "4.2.*", + "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "4.*", + "xethron/migrations-generator": "dev-master", + "barryvdh/laravel-debugbar": "1.x" + }, + "autoload": { + "classmap": [ + "app/commands", + "app/controllers", + "app/models", + "app/database/migrations", + "app/database/seeds", + "app/tests/TestCase.php" + ] + }, + "scripts": { + "post-install-cmd": [ + "php artisan clear-compiled", + "php artisan optimize" + ], + "post-update-cmd": [ + "php artisan clear-compiled", + "php artisan optimize", + "php artisan debugbar:publish" + ], + "post-create-project-cmd": [ + "php artisan key:generate" + ] + }, + "config": { + "preferred-install": "dist" + }, + "minimum-stability": "stable" +} diff --git a/composer.lock b/composer.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..247b99a --- /dev/null +++ b/composer.lock @@ -0,0 +1,2432 @@ +{ + "_readme": [ + "This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state", + "Read more about it at http://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#composer-lock-the-lock-file", + "This file is @generated automatically" + ], + "hash": "439bd4c9b872a2915b577e7727414fbc", + "packages": [ + { + "name": "barryvdh/laravel-debugbar", + "version": "v1.6.7", + "source": { + "type": "git", + "url": "https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar.git", + "reference": "ccf9ababfb2b5ddbf8c3ece2ca3fc9989b11ec0d" + }, + "dist": { + "type": "zip", + "url": "https://api.github.com/repos/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/zipball/ccf9ababfb2b5ddbf8c3ece2ca3fc9989b11ec0d", + "reference": "ccf9ababfb2b5ddbf8c3ece2ca3fc9989b11ec0d", + "shasum": "" + }, + "require": { + "laravel/framework": "~4.0", + "maximebf/debugbar": "~1.9", + "php": ">=5.3.0", + "symfony/finder": "~2.3" + }, + "type": "library", + "extra": { + "branch-alias": { + "dev-master": "1.6-dev" + } + }, + "autoload": { + "psr-0": { + "Barryvdh\\Debugbar": "src/" + } + }, + "notification-url": "https://packagist.org/downloads/", + "license": [ + "MIT" + ], + "authors": [ + { + "name": "Barry vd. 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open_basedir=/ -d display_errors=true /home/aurimas/domains/lplius.lt/public_html/seime.lt-backend/update.php'; - exec($command, $output, $code); - - $o = implode("\n", $output); - - $new_sittings = $db->getVar('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sittings', array()); - $prefix = '[seime.lt] [' . date('Y-m-d') . '] '; - if ($old_sittings == $new_sittings) $subject = $prefix . 'Nepridėta posėdžių'; - else { - $subject = $prefix . 'Pridėta posėdžių: ' . ($new_sittings - $old_sittings); - exec('find /home/aurimas/domains/seime.lt/public_html/cache/ -name "*.cache" -type f | xargs rm'); - } - - $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; - $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; - - echo '' . $subject . '
'; - print_r($o); - - echo 'mail status:' . var_dump(mail('info@seime.lt', $subject, wordwrap($o), $headers)); - - file_get_contents('http://seime.lt/balsavimas'); - - $backup_command = 'mysqldump -u aurimas -pwindows1257 aurimas_seime | gzip -c > /home/aurimas/domains/seime.lt/public_html/downloads/seime.lt.gz'; - exec($backup_command); -} -else { - echo 'Access denied'; -} - diff --git a/db-docs/README-LT.md b/db-docs/README-LT.md deleted file mode 100755 index 11434eb..0000000 --- a/db-docs/README-LT.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -# SEIME.LT DUOMENŲ DOKUMENTACIJA # - -Šiame dokumente trumpai apibūdinsime Seime.lt SQL duomenų schemą. Tai nebus pilna -ir tiksli dokumentacija, bet jos turėtų užtekti suprasti pagrindinius duomenų -aspektus - visą kitą turėtų būti galima (gana) nesunkiai suprasti ir be tikslių -aprašymų. Bet kuriuo atveju - visada galima parašyti į info@seime.lt ir paprašyti -patikslinti vieną ar kitą detalę. Prieš pradedant skaityti šią dokumentaciją -rekomenduojame susipažinti su duomenų schemos brėžiniu, kuris pateikiamas seime.lt.pdf. - -Šios dokumentacijos struktūra tokia: - -* aptariamas pagrindinis objektų (sesijų, posėdžių, klausimų, veiksmų) medis -* aptariama įvairi oficiali informacija apie objektus -* aptariami papildomi Seime.lt komandos apskaičiuoti duomenys - -Seime.lt duomenys pateikiami su Creative Commons BY-NC-SA licencija: -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ - -## PAGRINDINIS OBJEKTŲ MEDIS ## - -Seimo darbas vyksta sesijomis - kiekvienais metais vyksta pavasario ir rudens -sesijos, taip pat pagal poreikį organizuojamos neeilinės sesijos. Duomenys apie -Seimo sesijas saugomi lentelėje `SESSIONS`. - -Kiekvienos sesijos metu antradieniais ir ketvirtadieniais vyksta eiliniai Seimo -posėdžiai. Taip pat pagal poreikį organizuojami neeiliniai posėdžiai. Duomenys -apie Seimo posėdžius saugomi lentelėje `SITTINGS`. Kiekvienas posėdis priklauso -vienai iš sesijų ir yra susietas su ja ryšiu `SITTINGS.SESSIONS_ID = SESSIONS.ID`. - -Kiekvieno posėdžio metu yra nagrinėjami darbotvarkėje numatyti klausimai. Duomenys -apie kiekvieną klausimą saugomi lentelėje `QUESTIONS`. Kiekvienas klausimas priklauso -vienam iš posėdžių ir yra susietas su juo ryšiu `QUESTIONS.SITTINGS_ID = SITTINGS.ID`. - -Kiekvieno klausimo metu yra vykdomi "veiksmai" - Seimo narys pasisako, vyksta -registracija į balsavimą, vyksta balsavimas ir t.t. Veiksmų tipai aptariami žemiau. -Duomenys apie kiekvieną veiksmą saugomi lentelėje `ACTIONS`. Kiekvienas veiksmas -priklauso vienam iš klausimų ir yra susietas ryšiu `ACTIONS.QUESTIONS_ID = QUESTIONS.ID`. - -## PAPILDOMA INFORMACIJA APIE POSĖDŽIUS ## - -Seimo Statuto numatyta tvarka yra nustatoma, ar Seimo narys dalyvavo posėdyje: - -> 11 straipsnis. Laikoma, kad Seimo narys dalyvavo Seimo posėdyje, jeigu jis -> užsiregistravo daugiau kaip pusėje iš anksto numatytų ir numatytu laiku įvykusių -> balsavimų dėl teisės akto priėmimo ir užsiregistravo visuose tos dienos Seimo -> posėdžiuose. Laikoma, kad Seimo narys dalyvavo Seimo komiteto ar komisijos posėdyje, -> jeigu jis užsiregistravo posėdžio protokolo priede pasirašytinai. - -Ši oficiali dalyvavimo statistika saugoma lentelėje `SITTING_PARTICIPATION` formatu -`(MEMBERS_ID, SITTINGS_ID, PRESENCE)`, kur pirmieji du laukai yra nuorodos į `SITTINGS` -ir `MEMBERS` lenteles, o `PRESENCE` turi reikšmę 0 (nedalyvavo) arba 1 (dalyvavo). - -## PAPILDOMA INFORMACIJA APIE KLAUSIMUS ## - -Kai kurie svarstomi klausimai turi su susijusius dokumentus (pvz., svarstomo įstatymo -tekstas). Ši informacija saugoma lentelėje `ITEMS`, kuri susieta ryšiu -`ITEMS.QUESTIONS_ID = QUESTIONS.ID`. Be to, kai kuriais atvejais šie dokumentai yra -pristatomi pranešėjų. Ši informacija saugoma lentelėje `PRESENTERS`, kuri susieta ryšiu -`PRESENTERS.ITEMS_ID` = `ITEMS.ID. PRESENTERS` lentelėje pranešėjų vardai saugomi tekstiniu -formatu ir nėra susieti su `MEMBERS` lentele (nes pranešėjai ne visada yra Seimo nariai). -Tačiau ryšys `PRESENTERS.PRESENTER` = `MEMBERS.NAME` dažniausiai veikia be klaidų. - -## PAPILDOMA INFORMACIJA APIE VEIKSMUS ## - -Išskiriami 5 veiksmų tipai: - -- Seimo narių pasisakymai (`ACTIONS.TYPE` = "speech"). Informacija apie tai, kuris -Seimo narys pasisakė saugoma lentelėje `SPEAKERS` su ryšiais `SPEAKERS.ACTIONS_ID = -ACTIONS.ID` ir `SPEAKERS.MEMBERS_ID = MEMBERS.ID`. - -- Registracijos į balsavimus (`ACTIONS.TYPE` = "registration"). Duomenys apie -registracijas saugomi lentelėje `REGISTRATIONS` formatu `(MEMBERS_ID, ACTIONS_ID, presence)`, -kur pirmieji du laukai yra nuorodos į `ACTIONS` ir `MEMBERS` lenteles, o `PRESENCE` turi -reikšmę 0 (neužsiregistravo) arba 1 (užsiregistravo). -- Balsavimai (`ACTIONS.TYPE` = "voting"). Duomenys apie balsavimus saugomi lentelėje -`VOTES` formatu `(MEMBERS_ID, ACTIONS_ID, FRACTION, VOTE)`, kur pirmieji du laukai yra -nuorodos į `ACTIONS` ir `MEMBERS` lenteles, `FRACTION` yra tekstinis laukas su Seimo nario -frakcijos santrumpa ir `VOTE`, kuris įgauna reikšmes "abstain" (susilaikė), "accept" -(balsavo už), "dissappeare" (užsiregistravo, bet nebalsavo), "not presen" -(neužsiregistravo ir nebalsavo) ir "reject" (balsavo prieš). Visos reikšmės, išskyrus -"dissappeare" yra oficialios. "Disappeare" reikšmės apskaičiavimas aprašome žemiau. -- Vienbalsiški balsavimai (`ACTIONS.TYPE` = "u_voting"). Papildomos infomacijos nėra. -- Kiti veiksmai (`ACTIONS.TYPE` = "other"). Visi kiti veiksmai. Tarp šių veiksmų yra -ir alternatyvieji balsavimai (ne už/prieš , bet už A/už B tipo balsavimai), kurių -balsavimo duomenys saugomi taip pat, kaip ir paprastų balsavimų. - -## SEIME.LT KOMANDOS APSKAIČIUOTI DUOMENYS ## - -Vienas pagrindinių Seime.lt projekto tikslų buvo apskaičiuoti tikslesnę nei oficiali -Seimo narių lankomumo statistiką. Tai buvo nuspręsta padaryti suskaidant posėdžių laiką -į mažas dalis tarp registracijų ir skaičiuoti buvimo laiką remiantis šiais intervalais. - -- Visų pirma, buvo identifikuoti laiko intervalai tarp registracijų kiekviename klausime, -kurie saugomi lentelėje `SUBQUESTIONS`, kuri susieta su lentele `QUESTIONS` ryšiu -`SUBQUESTIONS.QUESTIONS_ID = QUESTIONS.ID`. -- Tada buvo rasta, ar Seimo narys dalyvavo posėdyje konkrečiame laiko intervale. -Buvo laikoma, kad Seimo narys dalyvavo posėdžio dalyje tarp dviejų registracijų, jei -užsiregistravo bent vienoje jų. Šie duomenys saugomi lentelėje `SUBQUESTIONS_PARTICIPATION` -formatu `(MEMBERS_ID, SUBQUESTIONS_ID, PRESENCE)`, kur pirmieji du laukai yra nuorodos -į `SUBQUESTIONS` ir `MEMBERS` lenteles, o `PRESENCE` turi reikšmę 0 (dalyvavo) arba 1 (nedalyvavo). -- Visi šie duomenys suagreguojami posėdžių lygmenyje ir saugomi lentelėje `PARTICIPATION_DATA` -formatu `(MEMBERS_ID, SITTINGS_ID, OFFICIAL_PRESENCE, HOURS_AVAILABLE, HOURS_PRESENT)`, kur: - - `MEMBERS_ID` yra nuoroda į `MEMBERS` lentelę; - - `SITTINGS_ID` yra nuoroda į `SITTINGS` lentelę; - - `OFFICIAL_PRESENCE` yra oficiali informacija apie tai, ar Seimo narys dalyvavo -posėdyje (žr. PAPILDOMA INFORMACIJA APIE POSĖDŽIUS aukščiau); - - `HOURS_AVAILABLE` yra visa posėdžio trukmė valandomis; - - `HOURS_PRESENT` yra Seimo nario buvimo posėdyje laikas, apskaičiuotas pagal -`SUBQUESTIONS_PARTICIPATION` lentelės duomenis. - -Seime.lt komanda taip pat norėjo identifikuoti tuos atvejus, kai Seimo nariai -užsiregistruoja į balsavimą, tačiau jame nesudalyvauja (nors jie beveik visada vyksta iš -karto vienas po kito). Tai buvo padaryta identifikuojant pirmą registraciją prieš kiekvieną -balsavimą. Šie registracijų ir balsavimų ryšiai saugomi lentelėje `VOTING_REGISTRATION`, kur -`VOTE_ID` yra nuoroda į `VOTES.ID` lauką, o `REGISTRATION_ID` yra nuoroda į `REGISTRATIONS.ID` lauką. -Taip pat remiantis šiais duomenimis buvo papildyta lentelę `VOTES`, kur laukui `VOTE` nustatyta -reikšmė "dissapeare" tais atvejais, kai Seimo narys užsiregistravo, bet nedalyvavo balsavime. diff --git a/db-docs/seime.lt.mwb b/db-docs/seime.lt.mwb deleted file mode 100755 index 7517b8b..0000000 Binary files a/db-docs/seime.lt.mwb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/db-docs/seime.lt.new.pdf b/db-docs/seime.lt.new.pdf deleted file mode 100755 index 94dfdaa..0000000 Binary files a/db-docs/seime.lt.new.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/db-docs/seime.lt.pdf b/db-docs/seime.lt.pdf deleted file mode 100755 index c211124..0000000 Binary files a/db-docs/seime.lt.pdf and /dev/null differ diff --git a/db-docs/seime.new.lt.mwb b/db-docs/seime.new.lt.mwb deleted file mode 100755 index 88e180f..0000000 Binary files a/db-docs/seime.new.lt.mwb and /dev/null differ diff --git a/extensions/QuestionParticipation.php b/extensions/QuestionParticipation.php deleted file mode 100755 index bbc9bd3..0000000 --- a/extensions/QuestionParticipation.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,243 +0,0 @@ -cleanChildren($array['children']); - } - return $array; - } - - - /* - * Wrapper function to be called from outside - */ - public function estimateParticipation() { - //try to get the participation from registration actions - $participation = $this->extractParticipation(); - //if there were no registrations, call upon estimation based on siblings - if (false === $participation) { - $participation = $this->estimateParticipationBySiblings(); - } - $this->participation = $participation; - //$this->show(); - } - - /* - * tries to estimate participation based on its own children - * returns participation array or false, if not successful - */ - protected function extractParticipation() { - $start_time = $this->getStartTime(); - $participation = array(); - $i = 0; - $last_position = false; - //collect all registrations into array $participation - foreach($this->children as $index => $child) { - if ($child->getType() == 'registration') { - $data = array( - 'participation' => $child->getParticipation(), - 'start_time' => $start_time, - 'end_time' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_time)) . ' ' . $child->getEndTime(), //end time in action is only time! - 'number' => $i); - $participation[$i] = $data; - $i++; - $start_time = $data['end_time']; - $last_position = $index; - } - } - //if no registrations found - return false - if (false === $last_position) { - return false; - } - //else - extend the last registration effect till the end of question - else { - $participation[$i - 1]['end_time'] = $this->getEndTime(); - return $participation; - } - } - - /* - * tries to estimate participation based on sibling / parent data - */ - protected function estimateParticipationBySiblings() { - - $participation = array(); - $preceeding_participation = false; - $proceeding_participation = false; - - //first, try to get the question before with data - $a = $this->getSiblingParticipation(-1); - if (false !== $a) { - $a = end($a); - $preceeding_participation = $a['participation']; - } - //then, try to get the question after with data - $a = $this->getSiblingParticipation(1); - if (false !== $a) { - $a = reset($a); - $proceeding_participation = $a['participation']; - } - - if ((false === $preceeding_participation) && (false === $proceeding_participation)) { - //case when no questions had registrations - return Sitting participation data - $participation = $this->getParentInfo('getParticipation'); - echo 'OMFG! it exists!'; - echo $this->getId(); - } - elseif (false === $proceeding_participation) { - //if no data going forward, assume same participation as in question before - $participation = $preceeding_participation; - } - elseif (false === $preceeding_participation) { - //if no data going back, assume same participation as in question afterwards - $participation = $proceeding_participation; - } - else { - //merge data from siblings. If member present in at least one of siblings - assume presence here, too. - foreach ($preceeding_participation as $member => $presence) { - $participation[$member] = $presence; - } - foreach ($proceeding_participation as $member => $presence) { - if ($presence) { - $participation[$member] = 1; - } - elseif (!isset($participation[$member])) { - $participation[$member] = 0; - } - } - } - - $data = array( - 'participation' => $participation, - 'start_time' => $this->getStartTime(), - 'end_time' => $this->getEndTime(), - 'number' => 0); - return array($data); - } - - /* - * helper function for Question::estimateParticipationBySiblings() - */ - protected function getSiblingParticipation($direction) { - $i = 1; - $found = false; - while(!$found) { - try { - $sibling_participation = $this->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->getId(), $i * $direction, 'getParticipation'); - if (false !== $sibling_participation) { - //if found, return - return $sibling_participation; - } - else { - //else, keep searching - $i++; - } - } - catch(Exception $e) { - return false; //no such sibling found at all - } - } - } - - /* - * public function, returns participation if already estimated before - * OR - * tries to estimate based on internal data only (calls extractParticipation) - * else returns false; - */ - public function getParticipation() { - if (!empty($this->participation)) { - //provide data, if available - return $this->participation; - } - else { - //else try to extract, but do not go into siblings to avoid recursion - $participation = $this->extractParticipation(); - if (false === $participation) { - //if unlucky, return false - return false; - } - else { - //else save it properly and return it - $this->participation = $participation; - return $participation; - } - } - } - - public function saveParticipation() { - if (empty($this->participation)) return; - $id = NULL; - - foreach($this->participation as $subquestion) { - $participation_data = $subquestion['participation']; - $data = array(); - unset($subquestion['participation']); - - //saving of subquestion meta data - if (!isset($subquestion['id'])) { - $subquestion['questions_id'] = $this->getId(); - $id = $this->Factory->saveObject('subquestions', $subquestion, array('id', 'questions_id')); - } - else $id = $subquestion['id']; - - //saving of participation data - if (!empty($id)) { - foreach($participation_data as $member => $presence) { - $data[] = array('subquestions_id' => $id, 'members_id' => $member, 'presence' => $presence); - } - $this->Factory->saveObjects('subquestions_participation', $data, array('id')); - } - else { - echo 'error on saving - where is the ID?'; - } - } - } - - public function populateParticipation() { - - $subquestions = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$subquestions_sql, array($this->getId())); - if (empty($subquestions)) { - return false; - } - else { - foreach ($subquestions as $subquestion) { - $data = $subquestion; - $participation = $this->Factory->getArray(self::$subquestions_participation_sql, array($subquestion['id'])); - if (!empty($participation)) { - $data['participation'] = array(); - foreach ($participation as $row) { - $data['participation'][$row['members_id']] = $row['presence']; - } - } - $this->participation[$data['number']] = $data; - } - return true; - } - } - -} -?> diff --git a/extensions/QuestionStats.php b/extensions/QuestionStats.php deleted file mode 100755 index 7bae11e..0000000 --- a/extensions/QuestionStats.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -items[0])) && (!empty($this->items[0]['presenters']))) { - foreach($this->items[0]['presenters'] as $p) { - $presenters[$p['presenter']] = $p['members_id']; - } - return $presenters; - } - } - - public function getSpeakers() { - $members = array(); - foreach ($this->getChildren() as $action) { - if ($action->getType() == 'speech') { - $member = trim(mb_substr($action->getTitle(), 9)); - $length = strtotime($action->getEndTime()) - strtotime($action->getStartTime()); - (!array_key_exists($member, $members)) ? $members[$member] = $length : $members[$member] += $length; - } - } - return $members; - } - - public function getLastVoting() { - $voting = null; - foreach ($this->getChildren() as $action) { - if ($action->getType() == 'voting') { - $voting = $action; - } - } - return $voting; - } - - } diff --git a/extensions/RegistrationLink.php b/extensions/RegistrationLink.php deleted file mode 100755 index 1e27230..0000000 --- a/extensions/RegistrationLink.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -getType() != 'voting') return; - if (false == $this->populateLink()) { - $this->determineLink(); - $this->saveLink(); - } - } - - protected function determineLink() { - $i = 1; - $found = false; - $sibling_id = 0; - //try to find a registration - while(!$found) { - try { - $sibling_type = $this->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->getNumber(), -$i, 'getType'); - if ($sibling_type == 'registration') { - $found = true; - $sibling_id = $this->getSiblingInfoByPosition($this->getNumber(), -$i, 'getId'); - } - else { - $i++; - } - } - catch(Exception $e) { - $found = true; - } - } - $this->link = $sibling_id; - } - - protected function saveLink() { - $this->Factory->SaveObject('voting_registration', array('registration_id' => $this->link, 'voting_id' => $this->getId()), array('id')); - } - - protected function populateLink() { - $id = $this->Factory->getVar(self::$link_sql, array($this->getId())); - if (NULL === $id) { - return false; - } - else { - $this->link = $id; - return true; - } - } - -} - -?> diff --git a/extensions/SittingStats.php b/extensions/SittingStats.php deleted file mode 100755 index 4e3aa45..0000000 --- a/extensions/SittingStats.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ - 0'; - - protected $voting_results_sql = ' - SELECT outcome, count(actions.id) as count - FROM questions - JOIN actions ON actions.questions_id = questions.id - WHERE questions.sittings_id = ? AND actions.type = "voting" - GROUP BY outcome'; - - public function __construct($url, Seimas $parent = NULL, $params = NULL, Factory $Factory = NULL) { - parent::__construct($url, $parent, $params, $Factory); - $this->initialise(); - $this->initialiseChildren(true); - } - - public function getSpeakers($limit = 0) { - if (empty($this->speakers)) { - $members = array(); - foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { - //echo $child->getTitle() . "
"; - foreach ($child->getChildren() as $action) { - if ($action->getType() == 'speech') { - $member = trim(mb_substr($action->getTitle(), 9)); - $length = strtotime($action->getEndTime()) - strtotime($action->getStartTime()); - (!array_key_exists($member, $members)) ? $members[$member] = $length : $members[$member] += $length; - } - } - } - arsort($members); - $this->speakers = $members; - } - return ($limit == 0) ? $this->speakers : array_slice($this->speakers, 0, $limit); - } - - /* - public function getTopQuestions($limit = 3) { - $questions = array(); - $lengths = array(); - foreach ($this->getChildren() as $child) { - $questions[] = $child; - $lengths[] = strtotime($child->getEndTime()) - strtotime($child->getStartTime()); - } - arsort($lengths); - foreach($lengths as $key => &$v) { - $v = $questions[$key]; - } - return array_slice($lengths, 0, $limit); - } */ - - public function getTopQuestions($limit = 3) { - $sql = str_replace('{limit}', intval($limit), $this->topquestions_sql); - $db = Initialisator::getDB(); - $result = $db->getArray($sql,array($this->getId())); - $top = array(); - foreach($result as $row) { - $q = $this->children[$row['id']]; - $q->effective_presence = $row['e_presence']; - $top[] = $q; - } - return $top; - } - - public function getTitle() { - return implode( - " ", - array( - strftime('%Y m. %B %e d.', strtotime($this->date)), - $this->type,'posėdis') - ); - } - - public function getPeriod() { - return date('H:i', strtotime($this->getStartTime())) . ' - ' . date('H:i', strtotime($this->getEndTime())); - } - - public function getLength() { - $l = (strtotime($this->getEndTime()) - strtotime($this->getStartTime())) / 60; - $h = floor($l / 60); - $m = $l % 60; - return sprintf('%1$s val. %2$s min', $h, $m); - } - - public function getStartTime() { - if (empty($this->start_time)) return $this->start_time; - else { - reset($this->children); - $id = key($this->children); - return $this->children["$id"]->getStartTime(); - } - } - - public function getSessionID() { - return $this->sessions_id; - } - - public function getEndTime() { - return $this->end_time; - } - - public function getUrl($type = '') { - switch ($type) { - case '': return $this->url; - case 'protocol': return $this->protocol_url; - case 'transcript': return $this->transcript_url; - case 'recording': return $this->recording_url; - } - } - - public function participation($type) { - switch ($type) { - case 'participated': - return array_sum($this->participation); - case 'total': - return count($this->participation); - case 'percentage': - return round($this->participation('participated') / $this->participation('total') * 100, 0); - case 'time-based': - return $this->Factory->getVar($this->percentage_participation_sql, array($this->getId())); - } - } - - public function getMemberStats($type) { - switch($type) { - case 'full-attendance': - $c = $this->Factory->getVar($this->full_attendance_sql, array($this->getId())); - return (empty($c)) ? 0 : $c; - case 'short-attendance': - $c = $this->Factory->getVar($this->short_attendance_sql, array($this->getId())); - return (empty($c)) ? 0 : $c; - case 'speakers': - return count($this->getSpeakers()); - } - } - - public function getVotings($outcome) { - if (empty($this->votingOutcomes)) { - $this->votingOutcomes = array(); - foreach($this->Factory->getArray($this->voting_results_sql, array($this->getId())) as $row) { $this->votingOutcomes[$row['outcome']] = $row['count']; } - } - switch($outcome) { - case 'all': - return array_sum($this->votingOutcomes); - case 'accepted': - return $this->votingOutcomes['accepted']; - case 'rejected': - return $this->votingOutcomes['rejected']; - } - } - - public function getTopParticipants() { - $sql = ' - SELECT members.id, members.name FROM participation_data - JOIN members ON members_id = members.id - WHERE cadency_end = "0000-00-00" AND sittings_id = ? AND hours_present = hours_available - ORDER BY members.name ASC'; - $participants = array(); - $top = $this->Factory->getArray($sql, array($this->getId())); - if (!empty($top)) { - foreach ($top as $m) { - $participants[] = '' . $m['name'] . ''; - } - } - return $participants; - } - - public function getBottomParticipants() { - $sql = ' - SELECT hours_present FROM participation_data - JOIN members ON members_id = members.id - WHERE cadency_end = "0000-00-00" AND sittings_id = ? AND hours_present > 0 - ORDER BY hours_present ASC LIMIT 4,1'; - $cutoff = $this->Factory->getVar($sql, array($this->getId())); - $sql = ' - SELECT members.id, members.name, round(hours_present / hours_available * 100,0) as participation FROM participation_data - JOIN members ON members_id = members.id - WHERE cadency_end = "0000-00-00" AND sittings_id = ? AND hours_present <= ? AND hours_present > 0 - ORDER BY hours_present ASC, members.name ASC'; - $participants = array(); - $bottom = $this->Factory->getArray($sql, array($this->getId(), $cutoff)); - if (!empty($bottom)) { - foreach ($bottom as $m) { - $participants[] = '' . $m['name'] . ' (' . $m['participation'] . '%)'; - } - } - return $participants; - } - - public function getTopSpeakers() { - $sql = ' - SELECT members.id, members.name, members.notes - FROM members - WHERE name IN (?,?,?,?,?) - ORDER BY FIELD(members.name, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; - - $speakers = $this->getSpeakers(5); - $top = $this->Factory->getArray($sql, array_merge(array_keys($speakers),array_keys($speakers))); - $members = array(); - foreach ($top as $member) { - $members[] = '' . $member['name'] . ' (' . round($speakers[$member['name']] / 60, 0) . ' min)'; - } - return $members; - } - - public function TotalVotePie() { - $total_data = $this->Factory->getArray(' - SELECT vote, count(vote) as count FROM votes - JOIN actions ON actions.id = votes.actions_id - JOIN questions ON actions.questions_id = questions.id - WHERE vote != ? AND sittings_id = ? GROUP BY vote', array('not presen', $this->getId())); - $totals = array(); - $total_count = 0; - foreach ($total_data as $outcome) { - $total_count += $outcome['count']; - $totals[$outcome['vote']] = $outcome['count']; - } - $js_totals = array(); - foreach($totals as $name => $count) { - $data = array('name' => niceVoteName($name), 'y' => $count / $total_count * 100); - if ($name == 'disappeare') { - $data['sliced'] = 1; - $data['selected'] = 1; - } - $js_totals[] = $data; - } - usort($js_totals, array($this, 'sortPieChart')); - return $js_totals; - } - - protected function sortPieChart($a, $b) { - if ($this->getPieOrder($a['name']) > $this->getPieOrder($b['name'])) return 1; - elseif ($this->getPieOrder($a['name']) < $this->getPieOrder($b['name'])) return -1; - else return 0; - } - - protected function getPieOrder($name) { - $v = 1; - switch ($name) { - case 'Balsavo UŽ': $v = 2; break; - case 'Balsavo PRIEŠ': $v = 3; break; - case 'Susilaikė': $v = 4; break; - case 'Neužsiregistravo': $v = 1; break; - case 'Užsiregistravo, tačiau nebalsavo': $v = 5; break; - } - return $v; - } - - } diff --git a/phpunit.xml b/phpunit.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c330420 --- /dev/null +++ b/phpunit.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + ./app/tests/ + + + diff --git a/public/.htaccess b/public/.htaccess new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77827ae --- /dev/null +++ b/public/.htaccess @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ + + + Options -MultiViews + + + RewriteEngine On + + # Redirect Trailing Slashes... + RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301] + + # Handle Front Controller... + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d + RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f + RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] + diff --git a/public/favicon.ico b/public/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/public/index.php b/public/index.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f08822d --- /dev/null +++ b/public/index.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + */ + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Register The Auto Loader +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader +| for our application. We just need to utilize it! We'll require it +| into the script here so that we do not have to worry about the +| loading of any our classes "manually". Feels great to relax. +| +*/ + +require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php'; + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Turn On The Lights +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| We need to illuminate PHP development, so let's turn on the lights. +| This bootstraps the framework and gets it ready for use, then it +| will load up this application so that we can run it and send +| the responses back to the browser and delight these users. +| +*/ + +$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php'; + +/* +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| Run The Application +|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- +| +| Once we have the application, we can simply call the run method, +| which will execute the request and send the response back to +| the client's browser allowing them to enjoy the creative +| and wonderful application we have whipped up for them. +| +*/ + +$app->run(); diff --git a/public/packages/.gitkeep b/public/packages/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/public/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/laravel-debugbar.css b/public/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/laravel-debugbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dd6c8b --- /dev/null +++ b/public/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/laravel-debugbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +div.phpdebugbar { + font-size: 13px; + font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Sans", Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-header { + background: #efefef url(laravel-icon.png) no-repeat 4px 3px; + background-size: 20px; + line-height: 17px; +} +a.phpdebugbar-restore-btn { + background: #efefef url(laravel-icon.png) no-repeat 5px 3px; + background-size: 20px; + width: 16px; + border-right-color: #ccc; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-header > div > * { + font-size: 13px; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-header .phpdebugbar-tab { + padding: 5px 6px; +} + +div.phpdebugbar .phpdebugbar-header select{ + padding: 1px 0; +} + +dl.phpdebugbar-widgets-kvlist dt{ + width: 200px; +} + +dl.phpdebugbar-widgets-kvlist dd { + margin-left: 210px; +} + +ul.phpdebugbar-widgets-timeline li span.phpdebugbar-widgets-value { + height: 20px; + top: 0; + background-color: #f4645f; +} + +ul.phpdebugbar-widgets-timeline li span.phpdebugbar-widgets-label { + top: 2px; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-widgets-messages div.phpdebugbar-widgets-toolbar a.phpdebugbar-widgets-filter { + background-color: #f4645f; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-tab.phpdebugbar-active { + background: #f4645f; + color: #fff; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-tab.phpdebugbar-active span.phpdebugbar-badge { + background-color: white; + color: #f4645f; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-tab span.phpdebugbar-badge { + background: #f4645f; + color: #fff; +} diff --git a/public/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/laravel-icon.png b/public/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/laravel-icon.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ec0353 Binary files /dev/null and b/public/packages/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar/laravel-icon.png differ diff --git a/public/packages/maximebf/php-debugbar/debugbar.css b/public/packages/maximebf/php-debugbar/debugbar.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1da6937 --- /dev/null +++ b/public/packages/maximebf/php-debugbar/debugbar.css @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +div.phpdebugbar { + position: fixed; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + width: 100%; + border-top: 0; + font-family: arial, sans-serif; + background: #fff; + z-index: 10000; + font-size: 14px; + color: #000; + text-align: left; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-closed { + width: auto; +} + +div.phpdebugbar * { + + -moz-box-sizing: content-box; + box-sizing: content-box; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-restore-btn { + float: left; + padding: 5px 8px; + font-size: 14px; + color: #555; + text-decoration: none; + border-right: 1px solid #ddd; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-resize-handle { + display: none; + height: 4px; + margin-top: -4px; + width: 100%; + background: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; + cursor: n-resize; +} + +div.phpdebugbar-closed, div.phpdebugbar-minimized{ + border-top: 1px solid #ccc; +} + +/* -------------------------------------- */ + +div.phpdebugbar-header { + background: #efefef url(php-icon.png) no-repeat 5px 4px; + padding-left: 29px; + min-height: 26px; + line-height: 16px; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header:before, div.phpdebugbar-header:after { + display: table; + line-height: 0; + content: ""; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header:after { + clear: both; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header-left { + float: left; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header-right { + float: right; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header > div > * { + padding: 5px 8px; + font-size: 14px; + color: #555; + text-decoration: none; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header-left > * { + float: left; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header-right > * { + float: right; +} +div.phpdebugbar-header-right > select { + padding: 0; +} + +/* -------------------------------------- */ + +span.phpdebugbar-indicator, +a.phpdebugbar-indicator, +a.phpdebugbar-close-btn { + border-right: 1px solid #ddd; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-tab.phpdebugbar-active { + background: #ccc; + color: #444; + background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(173,173,173) 41%, rgb(209,209,209) 71%); + background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(173,173,173) 41%, rgb(209,209,209) 71%); + background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(173,173,173) 41%, rgb(209,209,209) 71%); + background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(173,173,173) 41%, rgb(209,209,209) 71%); + background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(173,173,173) 41%, rgb(209,209,209) 71%); + background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, color-stop(0.41, rgb(173,173,173)), color-stop(0.71, rgb(209,209,209))); +} + a.phpdebugbar-tab span.phpdebugbar-badge { + display: none; + margin-left: 5px; + font-size: 11px; + line-height: 14px; + padding: 0px 6px; + background: #ccc; + border-radius: 4px; + color: #555; + font-weight: normal; + text-shadow: none; + vertical-align: middle; + } + a.phpdebugbar-tab i { + display: none; + vertical-align: middle; + } + a.phpdebugbar-tab span.phpdebugbar-badge.phpdebugbar-important { + background: #ed6868; + color: white; + } + +a.phpdebugbar-close-btn { + background: url(icons.png) no-repeat 10px 7px; + width: 16px; + height: 16px; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-open-btn { + background: url(icons.png) no-repeat -14px 8px; + width: 16px; + height: 16px; +} + +a.phpdebugbar-restore-btn { + background: #efefef url(php-icon.png) no-repeat 5px 4px; + width: 16px; + height: 16px; +} + +.phpdebugbar-indicator { + position: relative; + cursor: pointer; +} + .phpdebugbar-indicator span.phpdebugbar-text { + margin-left: 5px; + } + .phpdebugbar-indicator span.phpdebugbar-tooltip { + display: none; + position: absolute; + top: -30px; + background: #efefef; + opacity: .7; + border: 1px solid #ccc; + color: #555; + font-size: 11px; + padding: 2px 3px; + z-index: 1000; + text-align: center; + width: 200%; + right: 0; + } + .phpdebugbar-indicator:hover span.phpdebugbar-tooltip:not(.phpdebugbar-disabled) { + display: block; + } + +select.phpdebugbar-datasets-switcher { + float: right; + display: none; + margin: 2px 0 0 7px; + max-width: 200px; + max-height: 23px; + padding: 0; +} + +/* -------------------------------------- */ + +div.phpdebugbar-body { + border-top: 1px solid #ccc; + display: none; + position: relative; + height: 300px; +} + +/* -------------------------------------- */ + +div.phpdebugbar-panel { + display: none; + height: 100%; + overflow: auto; + width: 100%; +} +div.phpdebugbar-panel.phpdebugbar-active { + display: block; +} + +/* -------------------------------------- */ + +div.phpdebugbar-mini-design a.phpdebugbar-tab { + position: relative; + border-right: 1px solid #ddd; +} + div.phpdebugbar-mini-design a.phpdebugbar-tab span.phpdebugbar-text { + display: none; + } + div.phpdebugbar-mini-design a.phpdebugbar-tab:hover span.phpdebugbar-text { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: -30px; + background: #efefef; + opacity: .7; + border: 1px solid #ccc; + color: #555; + font-size: 11px; + padding: 2px 3px; + z-index: 1000; + text-align: center; + right: 0; + } + div.phpdebugbar-mini-design a.phpdebugbar-tab i { + display:inline-block; + } diff --git a/public/packages/maximebf/php-debugbar/debugbar.js b/public/packages/maximebf/php-debugbar/debugbar.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23cf5ce --- /dev/null +++ b/public/packages/maximebf/php-debugbar/debugbar.js @@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@ +if (typeof(PhpDebugBar) == 'undefined') { + // namespace + var PhpDebugBar = {}; + PhpDebugBar.$ = jQuery; +} + +(function($) { + + if (typeof(localStorage) == 'undefined') { + // provide mock localStorage object for dumb browsers + localStorage = { + setItem: function(key, value) {}, + getItem: function(key) { return null; } + }; + } + + if (typeof(PhpDebugBar.utils) == 'undefined') { + PhpDebugBar.utils = {}; + } + + /** + * Returns the value from an object property. + * Using dots in the key, it is possible to retrieve nested property values + * + * @param {Object} dict + * @param {String} key + * @param {Object} default_value + * @return {Object} + */ + var getDictValue = PhpDebugBar.utils.getDictValue = function(dict, key, default_value) { + var d = dict, parts = key.split('.'); + for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { + if (!d[parts[i]]) { + return default_value; + } + d = d[parts[i]]; + } + return d; + } + + /** + * Counts the number of properties in an object + * + * @param {Object} obj + * @return {Integer} + */ + var getObjectSize = PhpDebugBar.utils.getObjectSize = function(obj) { + if (Object.keys) { + return Object.keys(obj).length; + } + var count = 0; + for (var k in obj) { + if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) { + count++; + } + } + return count; + } + + /** + * Returns a prefixed css class name + * + * @param {String} cls + * @return {String} + */ + PhpDebugBar.utils.csscls = function(cls, prefix) { + if (cls.indexOf(' ') > -1) { + var clss = cls.split(' '), out = []; + for (var i = 0, c = clss.length; i < c; i++) { + out.push(PhpDebugBar.utils.csscls(clss[i], prefix)); + } + return out.join(' '); + } + if (cls.indexOf('.') === 0) { + return '.' + prefix + cls.substr(1); + } + return prefix + cls; + }; + + /** + * Creates a partial function of csscls where the second + * argument is already defined + * + * @param {string} prefix + * @return {Function} + */ + PhpDebugBar.utils.makecsscls = function(prefix) { + var f = function(cls) { + return PhpDebugBar.utils.csscls(cls, prefix); + }; + return f; + } + + var csscls = PhpDebugBar.utils.makecsscls('phpdebugbar-'); + + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------ + + /** + * Base class for all elements with a visual component + * + * @param {Object} options + * @constructor + */ + var Widget = PhpDebugBar.Widget = function(options) { + this._attributes = $.extend({}, this.defaults); + this._boundAttributes = {}; + this.$el = $('<' + this.tagName + ' />'); + if (this.className) { + this.$el.addClass(this.className); + } + this.initialize.apply(this, [options || {}]); + this.render.apply(this); + }; + + $.extend(Widget.prototype, { + + tagName: 'div', + + className: null, + + defaults: {}, + + /** + * Called after the constructor + * + * @param {Object} options + */ + initialize: function(options) { + this.set(options); + }, + + /** + * Called after the constructor to render the element + */ + render: function() {}, + + /** + * Sets the value of an attribute + * + * @param {String} attr Can also be an object to set multiple attributes at once + * @param {Object} value + */ + set: function(attr, value) { + if (typeof(attr) != 'string') { + for (var k in attr) { + this.set(k, attr[k]); + } + return; + } + + this._attributes[attr] = value; + if (typeof(this._boundAttributes[attr]) !== 'undefined') { + for (var i = 0, c = this._boundAttributes[attr].length; i < c; i++) { + this._boundAttributes[attr][i].apply(this, [value]); + } + } + }, + + /** + * Checks if an attribute exists and is not null + * + * @param {String} attr + * @return {[type]} [description] + */ + has: function(attr) { + return typeof(this._attributes[attr]) !== 'undefined' && this._attributes[attr] !== null; + }, + + /** + * Returns the value of an attribute + * + * @param {String} attr + * @return {Object} + */ + get: function(attr) { + return this._attributes[attr]; + }, + + /** + * Registers a callback function that will be called whenever the value of the attribute changes + * + * If cb is a jQuery element, text() will be used to fill the element + * + * @param {String} attr + * @param {Function} cb + */ + bindAttr: function(attr, cb) { + if ($.isArray(attr)) { + for (var i = 0, c = attr.length; i < c; i++) { + this.bindAttr(attr[i], cb); + } + return; + } + + if (typeof(this._boundAttributes[attr]) == 'undefined') { + this._boundAttributes[attr] = []; + } + if (typeof(cb) == 'object') { + var el = cb; + cb = function(value) { el.text(value || ''); }; + } + this._boundAttributes[attr].push(cb); + if (this.has(attr)) { + cb.apply(this, [this._attributes[attr]]); + } + } + + }); + + + /** + * Creates a subclass + * + * Code from Backbone.js + * + * @param {Array} props Prototype properties + * @return {Function} + */ + Widget.extend = function(props) { + var parent = this; + + var child = function() { return parent.apply(this, arguments); }; + $.extend(child, parent); + + var Surrogate = function(){ this.constructor = child; }; + Surrogate.prototype = parent.prototype; + child.prototype = new Surrogate; + $.extend(child.prototype, props); + + child.__super__ = parent.prototype; + + return child; + }; + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------ + + /** + * Tab + * + * A tab is composed of a tab label which is always visible and + * a tab panel which is visible only when the tab is active. + * + * The panel must contain a widget. A widget is an object which has + * an element property containing something appendable to a jQuery object. + * + * Options: + * - title + * - badge + * - widget + * - data: forward data to widget data + */ + var Tab = Widget.extend({ + + className: csscls('panel'), + + render: function() { + this.$tab = $('').addClass(csscls('tab')); + + this.$icon = $('').appendTo(this.$tab); + this.bindAttr('icon', function(icon) { + if (icon) { + this.$icon.attr('class', 'fa fa-' + icon); + } else { + this.$icon.attr('class', ''); + } + }); + + this.bindAttr('title', $('').addClass(csscls('text')).appendTo(this.$tab)); + + this.$badge = $('').addClass(csscls('badge')).appendTo(this.$tab); + this.bindAttr('badge', function(value) { + if (value !== null) { + this.$badge.text(value); + this.$badge.show(); + } else { + this.$badge.hide(); + } + }); + + this.bindAttr('widget', function(widget) { + this.$el.empty().append(widget.$el); + }); + + this.bindAttr('data', function(data) { + if (this.has('widget')) { + this.get('widget').set('data', data); + } + }) + } + + }); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------ + + /** + * Indicator + * + * An indicator is a text and an icon to display single value information + * right inside the always visible part of the debug bar + * + * Options: + * - icon + * - title + * - tooltip + * - data: alias of title + */ + var Indicator = Widget.extend({ + + tagName: 'span', + + className: csscls('indicator'), + + render: function() { + this.$icon = $('').appendTo(this.$el); + this.bindAttr('icon', function(icon) { + if (icon) { + this.$icon.attr('class', 'fa fa-' + icon); + } else { + this.$icon.attr('class', ''); + } + }); + + this.bindAttr(['title', 'data'], $('').addClass(csscls('text')).appendTo(this.$el)); + + this.$tooltip = $('').addClass(csscls('tooltip disabled')).appendTo(this.$el); + this.bindAttr('tooltip', function(tooltip) { + if (tooltip) { + this.$tooltip.text(tooltip).removeClass(csscls('disabled')); + } else { + this.$tooltip.addClass(csscls('disabled')); + } + }); + } + + }); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------ + + /** + * Dataset title formater + * + * Formats the title of a dataset for the select box + */ + var DatasetTitleFormater = PhpDebugBar.DatasetTitleFormater = function(debugbar) { + this.debugbar = debugbar; + }; + + $.extend(DatasetTitleFormater.prototype, { + + /** + * Formats the title of a dataset + * + * @this {DatasetTitleFormater} + * @param {String} id + * @param {Object} data + * @param {String} suffix + * @return {String} + */ + format: function(id, data, suffix) { + if (suffix) { + suffix = ' ' + suffix; + } else { + suffix = ''; + } + + var nb = getObjectSize(this.debugbar.datasets) + 1; + + if (typeof(data['__meta']) === 'undefined') { + return "#" + nb + suffix; + } + + var filename = data['__meta']['uri'].substr(data['__meta']['uri'].lastIndexOf('/') + 1); + var label = "#" + nb + " " + filename + suffix + ' (' + data['__meta']['datetime'].split(' ')[1] + ')'; + return label; + } + + }); + + // ------------------------------------------------------------------ + + + /** + * DebugBar + * + * Creates a bar that appends itself to the body of your page + * and sticks to the bottom. + * + * The bar can be customized by adding tabs and indicators. + * A data map is used to fill those controls with data provided + * from datasets. + */ + var DebugBar = PhpDebugBar.DebugBar = Widget.extend({ + + className: "phpdebugbar " + csscls('minimized'), + + options: { + bodyPaddingBottom: true + }, + + initialize: function() { + this.controls = {}; + this.dataMap = {}; + this.datasets = {}; + this.firstTabName = null; + this.activePanelName = null; + this.datesetTitleFormater = new DatasetTitleFormater(this); + this.registerResizeHandler(); + }, + + /** + * Register resize event, for resize debugbar with reponsive css. + * + * @this {DebugBar} + */ + registerResizeHandler: function() { + var f = this.resize.bind(this); + this.respCSSSize = 0; + $(window).resize(f); + setTimeout(f, 20); + }, + + /** + * Resizes the debugbar to fit the current browser window + */ + resize: function() { + var contentSize = this.respCSSSize; + if (this.respCSSSize == 0) { + this.$header.find("> div > *:visible").each(function () { + contentSize += $(this).outerWidth(); + }); + } + + var currentSize = this.$header.width(); + var cssClass = "phpdebugbar-mini-design"; + var bool = this.$header.hasClass(cssClass); + + if (currentSize <= contentSize && !bool) { + this.respCSSSize = contentSize; + this.$header.addClass(cssClass); + } else if (contentSize < currentSize && bool) { + this.respCSSSize = 0; + this.$header.removeClass(cssClass); + } + }, + + /** + * Initialiazes the UI + * + * @this {DebugBar} + */ + render: function() { + var self = this; + this.$el.appendTo('body'); + this.$resizehdle = $('
').addClass(csscls('resize-handle')).appendTo(this.$el); + this.$header = $('
').addClass(csscls('header')).appendTo(this.$el); + this.$headerLeft = $('
').addClass(csscls('header-left')).appendTo(this.$header); + this.$headerRight = $('
').addClass(csscls('header-right')).appendTo(this.$header); + var $body = this.$body = $('
').addClass(csscls('body')).appendTo(this.$el); + this.recomputeBottomOffset(); + + // dragging of resize handle + var dragging = false; + this.$resizehdle.on('mousedown', function(e) { + var orig_h = $body.height(), pos_y = e.pageY; + dragging = true; + + $body.parents().on('mousemove', function(e) { + if (dragging) { + var h = orig_h + (pos_y - e.pageY); + $body.css('height', h); + localStorage.setItem('phpdebugbar-height', h); + self.recomputeBottomOffset(); + } + }).on('mouseup', function() { + dragging = false; + }); + + e.preventDefault(); + }); + + // minimize button + this.$closebtn = $('').addClass(csscls('close-btn')).appendTo(this.$headerRight); + this.$closebtn.click(function() { + self.close(); + }); + + // minimize button + this.$restorebtn = $('').addClass(csscls('restore-btn')).hide().appendTo(this.$el); + this.$restorebtn.click(function() { + self.restore(); + }); + + // open button + this.$openbtn = $('').addClass(csscls('open-btn')).appendTo(this.$headerRight).hide(); + this.$openbtn.click(function() { + self.openHandler.show(function(id, dataset) { + self.addDataSet(dataset, id, "(opened)"); + self.showTab(); + }); + }); + + // select box for data sets + this.$datasets = $('
') + .append('Uri:
') + .append('IP:
') + .append(searchBtn) + .appendTo(this.$actions); + }, + + handleFind: function(data) { + var self = this; + $.each(data, function(i, meta) { + var a = $('
') + .text('Load dataset') + .on('click', function(e) { + self.hide(); + self.load(meta['id'], function(data) { + self.callback(meta['id'], data); + }); + e.preventDefault(); + }); + + var method = $('') + .text(meta['method']) + .on('click', function(e) { + self.$table.empty(); + self.find({method: meta['method']}, 0, self.handleFind.bind(self)); + e.preventDefault(); + }); + + var uri = $('') + .text(meta['uri']) + .on('click', function(e) { + self.$table.empty(); + self.find({uri: meta['uri']}, 0, self.handleFind.bind(self)); + e.preventDefault(); + }); + + var ip = $('') + .text(meta['ip']) + .on('click', function(e) { + self.$table.empty(); + self.find({ip: meta['ip']}, 0, self.handleFind.bind(self)); + e.preventDefault(); + }); + + $('') + .append($('').append(a)) + .append($('').append(method)) + .append($('').append(uri)) + .append('' + meta['datetime'] + '') + .append($('').append(ip)) + .appendTo(self.$table); + }); + if (data.length < this.get('items_per_page')) { + 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floor flow fluidCacheInfo fluidEmitter fluidVoxelInfo flushUndo fmod fontDialog fopen formLayout format fprint frameLayout fread freeFormFillet frewind fromNativePath fwrite gamma gauss geometryConstraint getApplicationVersionAsFloat getAttr getClassification getDefaultBrush getFileList getFluidAttr getInputDeviceRange getMayaPanelTypes getModifiers getPanel getParticleAttr getPluginResource getenv getpid glRender glRenderEditor globalStitch gmatch goal gotoBindPose grabColor gradientControl gradientControlNoAttr graphDollyCtx graphSelectContext graphTrackCtx gravity grid gridLayout group groupObjectsByName HfAddAttractorToAS HfAssignAS HfBuildEqualMap HfBuildFurFiles HfBuildFurImages HfCancelAFR HfConnectASToHF HfCreateAttractor HfDeleteAS HfEditAS HfPerformCreateAS HfRemoveAttractorFromAS HfSelectAttached HfSelectAttractors HfUnAssignAS hardenPointCurve hardware hardwareRenderPanel headsUpDisplay headsUpMessage help helpLine hermite hide hilite hitTest hotBox hotkey hotkeyCheck 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manipScaleLimitsCtx marker match max memory menu menuBarLayout menuEditor menuItem menuItemToShelf menuSet menuSetPref messageLine min minimizeApp mirrorJoint modelCurrentTimeCtx modelEditor modelPanel mouse movIn movOut move moveIKtoFK moveKeyCtx moveVertexAlongDirection multiProfileBirailSurface mute nParticle nameCommand nameField namespace namespaceInfo newPanelItems newton nodeCast nodeIconButton nodeOutliner nodePreset nodeType noise nonLinear normalConstraint normalize nurbsBoolean nurbsCopyUVSet nurbsCube nurbsEditUV nurbsPlane nurbsSelect nurbsSquare nurbsToPoly nurbsToPolygonsPref nurbsToSubdiv nurbsToSubdivPref nurbsUVSet nurbsViewDirectionVector objExists objectCenter objectLayer objectType objectTypeUI obsoleteProc oceanNurbsPreviewPlane offsetCurve offsetCurveOnSurface offsetSurface openGLExtension openMayaPref optionMenu optionMenuGrp optionVar orbit orbitCtx orientConstraint outlinerEditor outlinerPanel overrideModifier paintEffectsDisplay pairBlend palettePort paneLayout panel panelConfiguration panelHistory paramDimContext paramDimension paramLocator parent parentConstraint particle particleExists particleInstancer particleRenderInfo partition pasteKey pathAnimation pause pclose percent performanceOptions pfxstrokes pickWalk picture pixelMove planarSrf plane play playbackOptions playblast plugAttr plugNode pluginInfo pluginResourceUtil pointConstraint pointCurveConstraint pointLight pointMatrixMult pointOnCurve pointOnSurface pointPosition poleVectorConstraint polyAppend polyAppendFacetCtx polyAppendVertex polyAutoProjection polyAverageNormal polyAverageVertex polyBevel polyBlendColor polyBlindData polyBoolOp polyBridgeEdge polyCacheMonitor polyCheck polyChipOff polyClipboard polyCloseBorder polyCollapseEdge polyCollapseFacet polyColorBlindData polyColorDel polyColorPerVertex polyColorSet polyCompare polyCone polyCopyUV polyCrease polyCreaseCtx polyCreateFacet polyCreateFacetCtx polyCube polyCut polyCutCtx polyCylinder polyCylindricalProjection polyDelEdge polyDelFacet polyDelVertex polyDuplicateAndConnect polyDuplicateEdge polyEditUV polyEditUVShell polyEvaluate polyExtrudeEdge polyExtrudeFacet polyExtrudeVertex polyFlipEdge polyFlipUV polyForceUV polyGeoSampler polyHelix polyInfo polyInstallAction polyLayoutUV polyListComponentConversion polyMapCut polyMapDel polyMapSew polyMapSewMove polyMergeEdge polyMergeEdgeCtx polyMergeFacet polyMergeFacetCtx polyMergeUV polyMergeVertex polyMirrorFace polyMoveEdge polyMoveFacet polyMoveFacetUV polyMoveUV polyMoveVertex polyNormal polyNormalPerVertex polyNormalizeUV polyOptUvs polyOptions polyOutput polyPipe polyPlanarProjection polyPlane polyPlatonicSolid polyPoke polyPrimitive polyPrism polyProjection polyPyramid polyQuad polyQueryBlindData polyReduce polySelect polySelectConstraint polySelectConstraintMonitor polySelectCtx polySelectEditCtx polySeparate polySetToFaceNormal polySewEdge polyShortestPathCtx polySmooth polySoftEdge polySphere polySphericalProjection polySplit polySplitCtx polySplitEdge polySplitRing polySplitVertex polyStraightenUVBorder polySubdivideEdge polySubdivideFacet polyToSubdiv polyTorus polyTransfer polyTriangulate polyUVSet polyUnite polyWedgeFace popen popupMenu pose pow preloadRefEd print progressBar progressWindow projFileViewer projectCurve projectTangent projectionContext projectionManip promptDialog propModCtx propMove psdChannelOutliner psdEditTextureFile psdExport psdTextureFile putenv pwd python querySubdiv quit rad_to_deg radial radioButton radioButtonGrp radioCollection radioMenuItemCollection rampColorPort rand randomizeFollicles randstate rangeControl readTake rebuildCurve rebuildSurface recordAttr recordDevice redo reference referenceEdit referenceQuery refineSubdivSelectionList refresh refreshAE registerPluginResource rehash reloadImage removeJoint removeMultiInstance removePanelCategory rename renameAttr renameSelectionList renameUI render renderGlobalsNode renderInfo renderLayerButton renderLayerParent renderLayerPostProcess renderLayerUnparent renderManip renderPartition renderQualityNode renderSettings renderThumbnailUpdate renderWindowEditor renderWindowSelectContext renderer reorder reorderDeformers requires reroot resampleFluid resetAE resetPfxToPolyCamera resetTool resolutionNode retarget reverseCurve reverseSurface revolve rgb_to_hsv rigidBody rigidSolver roll rollCtx rootOf rot rotate rotationInterpolation roundConstantRadius rowColumnLayout rowLayout runTimeCommand runup sampleImage saveAllShelves saveAttrPreset saveFluid saveImage saveInitialState saveMenu savePrefObjects savePrefs saveShelf saveToolSettings scale scaleBrushBrightness scaleComponents scaleConstraint scaleKey scaleKeyCtx sceneEditor sceneUIReplacement scmh scriptCtx scriptEditorInfo scriptJob scriptNode scriptTable scriptToShelf scriptedPanel scriptedPanelType scrollField scrollLayout sculpt searchPathArray seed selLoadSettings select selectContext selectCurveCV selectKey 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smoothTangentSurface smoothstep snap2to2 snapKey snapMode snapTogetherCtx snapshot soft softMod softModCtx sort sound soundControl source spaceLocator sphere sphrand spotLight spotLightPreviewPort spreadSheetEditor spring sqrt squareSurface srtContext stackTrace startString startsWith stitchAndExplodeShell stitchSurface stitchSurfacePoints strcmp stringArrayCatenate stringArrayContains stringArrayCount stringArrayInsertAtIndex stringArrayIntersector stringArrayRemove stringArrayRemoveAtIndex stringArrayRemoveDuplicates stringArrayRemoveExact stringArrayToString stringToStringArray strip stripPrefixFromName stroke subdAutoProjection subdCleanTopology subdCollapse subdDuplicateAndConnect subdEditUV subdListComponentConversion subdMapCut subdMapSewMove subdMatchTopology subdMirror subdToBlind subdToPoly subdTransferUVsToCache subdiv subdivCrease subdivDisplaySmoothness substitute substituteAllString substituteGeometry substring surface surfaceSampler surfaceShaderList swatchDisplayPort 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uvLink uvSnapshot validateShelfName vectorize view2dToolCtx viewCamera viewClipPlane viewFit viewHeadOn viewLookAt viewManip viewPlace viewSet visor volumeAxis vortex waitCursor warning webBrowser webBrowserPrefs whatIs window windowPref wire wireContext workspace wrinkle wrinkleContext writeTake xbmLangPathList xform",i:""}]},{cN:"preprocessor",b:"#",e:"$"},{cN:"class",b:"("+b.split(" ").join("|")+")\\b",e:"({|$)",k:b,l:c,c:[a.UTM]},{cN:"variable",b:"\\."+a.UIR,r:0}]}});hljs.registerLanguage("apache",function(a){var b={cN:"number",b:"[\\$%]\\d+"};return{cI:true,c:[a.HCM,{cN:"tag",b:""},{cN:"keyword",b:/\w+/,r:0,k:{common:"order deny allow setenv rewriterule rewriteengine rewritecond documentroot sethandler errordocument loadmodule options header listen serverroot servername"},starts:{e:/$/,r:0,k:{literal:"on off all"},c:[{cN:"sqbracket",b:"\\s\\[",e:"\\]$"},{cN:"cbracket",b:"[\\$%]\\{",e:"\\}",c:["self",b]},b,a.QSM]}}],i:/\S/}});hljs.registerLanguage("livecodeserver",function(a){var e={cN:"variable",b:"\\b[gtps][A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*\\b|\\$_[A-Z]+",r:0};var b={cN:"comment",e:"$",v:[a.CBLCLM,a.HCM,{b:"--",},{b:"[^:]//",}]};var d=a.inherit(a.TM,{v:[{b:"\\b_*rig[A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*"},{b:"\\b_[a-z0-9\\-]+"}]});var c=a.inherit(a.TM,{b:"\\b([A-Za-z0-9_\\-]+)\\b"});return{cI:false,k:{keyword:"after byte bytes english the until http forever descending using line real8 with seventh for stdout finally element word fourth before black ninth sixth characters chars stderr uInt1 uInt1s uInt2 uInt2s stdin string lines relative rel any fifth items from middle mid at else of catch then third it file milliseconds seconds second secs sec int1 int1s int4 int4s internet int2 int2s normal text item last long detailed effective uInt4 uInt4s repeat end repeat URL in try into switch to words https token binfile each tenth as ticks tick system real4 by dateItems without char character ascending eighth whole dateTime numeric short first ftp integer abbreviated abbr abbrev private case while if",constant:"SIX TEN FORMFEED NINE ZERO NONE SPACE FOUR FALSE COLON CRLF PI COMMA ENDOFFILE EOF EIGHT FIVE QUOTE EMPTY ONE TRUE RETURN CR LINEFEED RIGHT BACKSLASH NULL SEVEN TAB THREE TWO six ten formfeed nine zero none space four false colon crlf pi comma endoffile eof eight five quote empty one true return cr linefeed right backslash null seven tab three two RIVERSION RISTATE FILE_READ_MODE FILE_WRITE_MODE FILE_WRITE_MODE DIR_WRITE_MODE FILE_READ_UMASK FILE_WRITE_UMASK DIR_READ_UMASK DIR_WRITE_UMASK",operator:"div mod wrap and or bitAnd bitNot bitOr bitXor among not in a an within contains ends with begins the keys of keys",built_in:"put abs acos aliasReference annuity arrayDecode arrayEncode asin atan atan2 average avg base64Decode base64Encode baseConvert binaryDecode binaryEncode byteToNum cachedURL cachedURLs charToNum cipherNames commandNames compound compress constantNames cos date dateFormat decompress directories diskSpace DNSServers exp exp1 exp2 exp10 extents files 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bvec3 bvec4 case centroid coherent const continue default discard dmat2 dmat2x2 dmat2x3 dmat2x4 dmat3 dmat3x2 dmat3x3 dmat3x4 dmat4 dmat4x2 dmat4x3 dmat4x4 do double dvec2 dvec3 dvec4 else flat float for highp if iimage1D iimage1DArray iimage2D iimage2DArray iimage2DMS iimage2DMSArray iimage2DRect iimage3D iimageBuffer iimageCube iimageCubeArray image1D image1DArray image2D image2DArray image2DMS image2DMSArray image2DRect image3D imageBuffer imageCube imageCubeArray in inout int invariant isampler1D isampler1DArray isampler2D isampler2DArray isampler2DMS isampler2DMSArray isampler2DRect isampler3D isamplerBuffer isamplerCube isamplerCubeArray ivec2 ivec3 ivec4 layout lowp mat2 mat2x2 mat2x3 mat2x4 mat3 mat3x2 mat3x3 mat3x4 mat4 mat4x2 mat4x3 mat4x4 mediump noperspective out patch precision readonly restrict return sample sampler1D sampler1DArray sampler1DArrayShadow sampler1DShadow sampler2D sampler2DArray sampler2DArrayShadow sampler2DMS sampler2DMSArray sampler2DRect 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gl_Layer gl_LightModel gl_LightSource gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings gl_MaxAtomicCounterBufferSize gl_MaxClipDistances gl_MaxClipPlanes gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxCombinedAtomicCounters gl_MaxCombinedImageUniforms gl_MaxCombinedImageUnitsAndFragmentOutputs gl_MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits gl_MaxDrawBuffers gl_MaxFragmentAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxFragmentAtomicCounters gl_MaxFragmentImageUniforms gl_MaxFragmentInputComponents gl_MaxFragmentUniformComponents gl_MaxFragmentUniformVectors gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxGeometryAtomicCounters gl_MaxGeometryImageUniforms gl_MaxGeometryInputComponents gl_MaxGeometryOutputComponents gl_MaxGeometryOutputVertices gl_MaxGeometryTextureImageUnits gl_MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponents gl_MaxGeometryUniformComponents gl_MaxGeometryVaryingComponents gl_MaxImageSamples gl_MaxImageUnits gl_MaxLights gl_MaxPatchVertices gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxTessControlAtomicCounters gl_MaxTessControlImageUniforms gl_MaxTessControlInputComponents gl_MaxTessControlOutputComponents gl_MaxTessControlTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponents gl_MaxTessControlUniformComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounters gl_MaxTessEvaluationImageUniforms gl_MaxTessEvaluationInputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponents gl_MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponents gl_MaxTessGenLevel gl_MaxTessPatchComponents gl_MaxTextureCoords gl_MaxTextureImageUnits gl_MaxTextureUnits gl_MaxVaryingComponents gl_MaxVaryingFloats gl_MaxVaryingVectors gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounterBuffers gl_MaxVertexAtomicCounters gl_MaxVertexAttribs gl_MaxVertexImageUniforms gl_MaxVertexOutputComponents gl_MaxVertexTextureImageUnits gl_MaxVertexUniformComponents gl_MaxVertexUniformVectors gl_MaxViewports gl_MinProgramTexelOffsetgl_ModelViewMatrix gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse gl_ModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose gl_ModelViewMatrixTranspose gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixInverse gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixInverseTranspose gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrixTranspose gl_MultiTexCoord0 gl_MultiTexCoord1 gl_MultiTexCoord2 gl_MultiTexCoord3 gl_MultiTexCoord4 gl_MultiTexCoord5 gl_MultiTexCoord6 gl_MultiTexCoord7 gl_Normal gl_NormalMatrix gl_NormalScale gl_ObjectPlaneQ gl_ObjectPlaneR gl_ObjectPlaneS gl_ObjectPlaneT gl_PatchVerticesIn gl_PerVertex gl_Point gl_PointCoord gl_PointSize gl_Position gl_PrimitiveID gl_PrimitiveIDIn gl_ProjectionMatrix gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse gl_ProjectionMatrixInverseTranspose gl_ProjectionMatrixTranspose gl_SampleID gl_SampleMask gl_SampleMaskIn gl_SamplePosition gl_SecondaryColor gl_TessCoord gl_TessLevelInner gl_TessLevelOuter gl_TexCoord gl_TextureEnvColor gl_TextureMatrixInverseTranspose gl_TextureMatrixTranspose gl_Vertex gl_VertexID gl_ViewportIndex gl_in gl_out EmitStreamVertex EmitVertex EndPrimitive EndStreamPrimitive abs acos acosh all any asin asinh atan atanh atomicCounter atomicCounterDecrement atomicCounterIncrement barrier bitCount bitfieldExtract bitfieldInsert bitfieldReverse ceil clamp cos cosh cross dFdx dFdy degrees determinant distance dot equal exp exp2 faceforward findLSB findMSB floatBitsToInt floatBitsToUint floor fma fract frexp ftransform fwidth greaterThan greaterThanEqual imageAtomicAdd imageAtomicAnd imageAtomicCompSwap imageAtomicExchange imageAtomicMax imageAtomicMin imageAtomicOr imageAtomicXor imageLoad imageStore imulExtended intBitsToFloat interpolateAtCentroid interpolateAtOffset interpolateAtSample inverse inversesqrt isinf isnan ldexp length lessThan lessThanEqual log log2 matrixCompMult max memoryBarrier min mix mod modf noise1 noise2 noise3 noise4 normalize not notEqual outerProduct packDouble2x32 packHalf2x16 packSnorm2x16 packSnorm4x8 packUnorm2x16 packUnorm4x8 pow radians reflect refract round roundEven shadow1D shadow1DLod shadow1DProj shadow1DProjLod shadow2D shadow2DLod shadow2DProj shadow2DProjLod sign sin sinh smoothstep sqrt step tan tanh texelFetch texelFetchOffset texture texture1D texture1DLod texture1DProj texture1DProjLod texture2D texture2DLod texture2DProj texture2DProjLod texture3D texture3DLod texture3DProj texture3DProjLod textureCube textureCubeLod textureGather textureGatherOffset textureGatherOffsets textureGrad textureGradOffset textureLod textureLodOffset textureOffset textureProj textureProjGrad textureProjGradOffset textureProjLod textureProjLodOffset textureProjOffset textureQueryLod textureSize transpose trunc uaddCarry uintBitsToFloat umulExtended unpackDouble2x32 unpackHalf2x16 unpackSnorm2x16 unpackSnorm4x8 unpackUnorm2x16 unpackUnorm4x8 usubBorrow gl_TextureMatrix gl_TextureMatrixInverse",literal:"true false"},i:'"',c:[a.CLCM,a.CBLCLM,a.CNM,{cN:"preprocessor",b:"#",e:"$"}]}});hljs.registerLanguage("lasso",function(d){var b="[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*";var i="<\\?(lasso(script)?|=)";var c="\\]|\\?>";var g={literal:"true false none minimal 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return_value run_children soap_definetag soap_lastrequest soap_lastresponse tag_name ascending average by define descending do equals frozen group handle_failure import in into join let match max min on order parent protected provide public require returnhome skip split_thread sum take thread to trait type where with yield yieldhome"};var a={cN:"comment",b:"",r:0};var j={cN:"preprocessor",b:"\\[noprocess\\]",starts:{cN:"markup",e:"\\[/noprocess\\]",rE:true,c:[a]}};var e={cN:"preprocessor",b:"\\[/noprocess|"+i};var h={cN:"variable",b:"'"+b+"'"};var f=[d.CLCM,{cN:"javadoc",b:"/\\*\\*!",e:"\\*/"},d.CBLCLM,d.inherit(d.CNM,{b:d.CNR+"|-?(infinity|nan)\\b"}),d.inherit(d.ASM,{i:null}),d.inherit(d.QSM,{i:null}),{cN:"string",b:"`",e:"`"},{cN:"variable",v:[{b:"[#$]"+b},{b:"#",e:"\\d+",i:"\\W"}]},{cN:"tag",b:"::\\s*",e:b,i:"\\W"},{cN:"attribute",b:"\\.\\.\\.|-"+d.UIR},{cN:"subst",v:[{b:"->\\s*",c:[h]},{b:":=|/(?!\\w)=?|[-+*%=<>&|!?\\\\]+",r:0}]},{cN:"built_in",b:"\\.\\.?",r:0,c:[h]},{cN:"class",bK:"define",rE:true,e:"\\(|=>",c:[d.inherit(d.TM,{b:d.UIR+"(=(?!>))?"})]}];return{aliases:["ls","lassoscript"],cI:true,l:b+"|&[lg]t;",k:g,c:[{cN:"preprocessor",b:c,r:0,starts:{cN:"markup",e:"\\[|"+i,rE:true,r:0,c:[a]}},j,e,{cN:"preprocessor",b:"\\[no_square_brackets",starts:{e:"\\[/no_square_brackets\\]",l:b+"|&[lg]t;",k:g,c:[{cN:"preprocessor",b:c,r:0,starts:{cN:"markup",e:i,rE:true,c:[a]}},j,e].concat(f)}},{cN:"preprocessor",b:"\\[",r:0},{cN:"shebang",b:"^#!.+lasso9\\b",r:10}].concat(f)}});hljs.registerLanguage("mathematica",function(a){return{aliases:["mma"],l:"(\\$|\\b)"+a.IR+"\\b",k:"AbelianGroup Abort AbortKernels AbortProtect Above Abs Absolute AbsoluteCorrelation AbsoluteCorrelationFunction AbsoluteCurrentValue AbsoluteDashing AbsoluteFileName AbsoluteOptions AbsolutePointSize AbsoluteThickness AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTiming AccountingForm Accumulate Accuracy AccuracyGoal ActionDelay ActionMenu ActionMenuBox ActionMenuBoxOptions Active ActiveItem ActiveStyle AcyclicGraphQ AddOnHelpPath AddTo AdjacencyGraph AdjacencyList AdjacencyMatrix AdjustmentBox AdjustmentBoxOptions AdjustTimeSeriesForecast AffineTransform After AiryAi AiryAiPrime AiryAiZero AiryBi AiryBiPrime AiryBiZero AlgebraicIntegerQ AlgebraicNumber AlgebraicNumberDenominator AlgebraicNumberNorm AlgebraicNumberPolynomial AlgebraicNumberTrace AlgebraicRules AlgebraicRulesData Algebraics AlgebraicUnitQ Alignment AlignmentMarker AlignmentPoint All AllowedDimensions AllowGroupClose AllowInlineCells AllowKernelInitialization AllowReverseGroupClose AllowScriptLevelChange AlphaChannel AlternatingGroup AlternativeHypothesis Alternatives AmbientLight Analytic AnchoredSearch And AndersonDarlingTest AngerJ AngleBracket AngularGauge Animate AnimationCycleOffset AnimationCycleRepetitions AnimationDirection AnimationDisplayTime AnimationRate AnimationRepetitions AnimationRunning Animator AnimatorBox AnimatorBoxOptions AnimatorElements Annotation Annuity AnnuityDue Antialiasing Antisymmetric Apart ApartSquareFree Appearance AppearanceElements AppellF1 Append AppendTo Apply ArcCos ArcCosh ArcCot ArcCoth ArcCsc ArcCsch ArcSec ArcSech ArcSin ArcSinDistribution ArcSinh ArcTan ArcTanh Arg ArgMax ArgMin ArgumentCountQ ARIMAProcess ArithmeticGeometricMean ARMAProcess ARProcess Array ArrayComponents ArrayDepth ArrayFlatten ArrayPad ArrayPlot ArrayQ ArrayReshape ArrayRules Arrays Arrow Arrow3DBox ArrowBox Arrowheads AspectRatio AspectRatioFixed Assert Assuming Assumptions AstronomicalData Asynchronous AsynchronousTaskObject AsynchronousTasks AtomQ Attributes AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial AutoAction AutoDelete AutoEvaluateEvents AutoGeneratedPackage AutoIndent AutoIndentSpacings AutoItalicWords AutoloadPath AutoMatch Automatic AutomaticImageSize AutoMultiplicationSymbol AutoNumberFormatting AutoOpenNotebooks AutoOpenPalettes AutorunSequencing AutoScaling AutoScroll AutoSpacing AutoStyleOptions AutoStyleWords Axes AxesEdge AxesLabel AxesOrigin AxesStyle Axis BabyMonsterGroupB Back Background BackgroundTasksSettings Backslash Backsubstitution Backward Band BandpassFilter BandstopFilter BarabasiAlbertGraphDistribution BarChart BarChart3D BarLegend BarlowProschanImportance BarnesG BarOrigin BarSpacing BartlettHannWindow BartlettWindow BaseForm Baseline BaselinePosition BaseStyle BatesDistribution BattleLemarieWavelet Because BeckmannDistribution Beep Before Begin BeginDialogPacket BeginFrontEndInteractionPacket BeginPackage BellB BellY Below BenfordDistribution BeniniDistribution BenktanderGibratDistribution BenktanderWeibullDistribution BernoulliB BernoulliDistribution BernoulliGraphDistribution BernoulliProcess BernsteinBasis BesselFilterModel BesselI BesselJ BesselJZero BesselK BesselY BesselYZero Beta BetaBinomialDistribution BetaDistribution BetaNegativeBinomialDistribution BetaPrimeDistribution BetaRegularized BetweennessCentrality BezierCurve BezierCurve3DBox BezierCurve3DBoxOptions BezierCurveBox BezierCurveBoxOptions BezierFunction BilateralFilter Binarize BinaryFormat BinaryImageQ BinaryRead BinaryReadList BinaryWrite BinCounts BinLists Binomial BinomialDistribution BinomialProcess BinormalDistribution BiorthogonalSplineWavelet BipartiteGraphQ BirnbaumImportance BirnbaumSaundersDistribution BitAnd BitClear BitGet BitLength BitNot BitOr BitSet BitShiftLeft BitShiftRight BitXor Black BlackmanHarrisWindow BlackmanNuttallWindow BlackmanWindow Blank BlankForm BlankNullSequence BlankSequence Blend Block BlockRandom BlomqvistBeta BlomqvistBetaTest Blue Blur BodePlot BohmanWindow Bold Bookmarks Boole BooleanConsecutiveFunction BooleanConvert BooleanCountingFunction BooleanFunction BooleanGraph BooleanMaxterms BooleanMinimize BooleanMinterms Booleans BooleanTable BooleanVariables BorderDimensions BorelTannerDistribution Bottom BottomHatTransform BoundaryStyle Bounds Box BoxBaselineShift BoxData BoxDimensions Boxed Boxes BoxForm BoxFormFormatTypes BoxFrame BoxID BoxMargins BoxMatrix BoxRatios BoxRotation BoxRotationPoint BoxStyle BoxWhiskerChart Bra BracketingBar BraKet BrayCurtisDistance BreadthFirstScan Break Brown BrownForsytheTest BrownianBridgeProcess BrowserCategory BSplineBasis BSplineCurve BSplineCurve3DBox BSplineCurveBox BSplineCurveBoxOptions BSplineFunction BSplineSurface BSplineSurface3DBox BubbleChart BubbleChart3D BubbleScale BubbleSizes BulletGauge BusinessDayQ ButterflyGraph ButterworthFilterModel Button ButtonBar ButtonBox ButtonBoxOptions ButtonCell ButtonContents ButtonData ButtonEvaluator ButtonExpandable ButtonFrame ButtonFunction ButtonMargins ButtonMinHeight ButtonNote ButtonNotebook ButtonSource ButtonStyle ButtonStyleMenuListing Byte ByteCount ByteOrdering C CachedValue CacheGraphics CalendarData CalendarType CallPacket CanberraDistance Cancel CancelButton CandlestickChart Cap CapForm CapitalDifferentialD CardinalBSplineBasis CarmichaelLambda Cases Cashflow Casoratian Catalan CatalanNumber Catch CauchyDistribution CauchyWindow CayleyGraph CDF CDFDeploy CDFInformation CDFWavelet Ceiling Cell CellAutoOverwrite CellBaseline CellBoundingBox CellBracketOptions CellChangeTimes CellContents CellContext CellDingbat CellDynamicExpression CellEditDuplicate CellElementsBoundingBox CellElementSpacings CellEpilog CellEvaluationDuplicate CellEvaluationFunction CellEventActions CellFrame CellFrameColor CellFrameLabelMargins CellFrameLabels CellFrameMargins CellGroup CellGroupData CellGrouping CellGroupingRules CellHorizontalScrolling CellID CellLabel CellLabelAutoDelete CellLabelMargins CellLabelPositioning CellMargins CellObject CellOpen CellPrint CellProlog Cells CellSize CellStyle CellTags CellularAutomaton CensoredDistribution Censoring Center CenterDot CentralMoment CentralMomentGeneratingFunction CForm ChampernowneNumber ChanVeseBinarize Character CharacterEncoding CharacterEncodingsPath CharacteristicFunction CharacteristicPolynomial CharacterRange Characters ChartBaseStyle ChartElementData ChartElementDataFunction ChartElementFunction ChartElements ChartLabels ChartLayout ChartLegends ChartStyle Chebyshev1FilterModel Chebyshev2FilterModel ChebyshevDistance ChebyshevT ChebyshevU Check CheckAbort CheckAll Checkbox CheckboxBar CheckboxBox CheckboxBoxOptions ChemicalData ChessboardDistance ChiDistribution ChineseRemainder ChiSquareDistribution ChoiceButtons ChoiceDialog CholeskyDecomposition Chop Circle CircleBox CircleDot CircleMinus CirclePlus CircleTimes CirculantGraph CityData Clear ClearAll ClearAttributes ClearSystemCache ClebschGordan ClickPane Clip ClipboardNotebook ClipFill ClippingStyle ClipPlanes ClipRange Clock ClockGauge ClockwiseContourIntegral Close Closed CloseKernels ClosenessCentrality Closing ClosingAutoSave ClosingEvent ClusteringComponents CMYKColor Coarse Coefficient CoefficientArrays CoefficientDomain CoefficientList CoefficientRules CoifletWavelet Collect Colon ColonForm ColorCombine ColorConvert ColorData ColorDataFunction ColorFunction ColorFunctionScaling Colorize ColorNegate ColorOutput ColorProfileData ColorQuantize ColorReplace ColorRules ColorSelectorSettings ColorSeparate ColorSetter ColorSetterBox ColorSetterBoxOptions ColorSlider ColorSpace Column ColumnAlignments ColumnBackgrounds ColumnForm ColumnLines ColumnsEqual ColumnSpacings ColumnWidths CommonDefaultFormatTypes Commonest CommonestFilter CommonUnits CommunityBoundaryStyle CommunityGraphPlot CommunityLabels CommunityRegionStyle CompatibleUnitQ CompilationOptions CompilationTarget Compile Compiled CompiledFunction Complement CompleteGraph CompleteGraphQ CompleteKaryTree CompletionsListPacket Complex Complexes ComplexExpand ComplexInfinity ComplexityFunction ComponentMeasurements ComponentwiseContextMenu Compose ComposeList ComposeSeries Composition CompoundExpression CompoundPoissonDistribution CompoundPoissonProcess CompoundRenewalProcess Compress CompressedData Condition ConditionalExpression Conditioned Cone ConeBox ConfidenceLevel ConfidenceRange ConfidenceTransform ConfigurationPath Congruent Conjugate ConjugateTranspose Conjunction Connect ConnectedComponents ConnectedGraphQ ConnesWindow ConoverTest ConsoleMessage ConsoleMessagePacket ConsolePrint Constant ConstantArray Constants ConstrainedMax ConstrainedMin ContentPadding ContentsBoundingBox ContentSelectable ContentSize Context ContextMenu Contexts ContextToFilename ContextToFileName Continuation Continue ContinuedFraction ContinuedFractionK ContinuousAction ContinuousMarkovProcess ContinuousTimeModelQ ContinuousWaveletData ContinuousWaveletTransform ContourDetect ContourGraphics ContourIntegral ContourLabels ContourLines ContourPlot ContourPlot3D Contours ContourShading ContourSmoothing ContourStyle ContraharmonicMean Control ControlActive ControlAlignment ControllabilityGramian ControllabilityMatrix ControllableDecomposition ControllableModelQ ControllerDuration ControllerInformation ControllerInformationData ControllerLinking ControllerManipulate ControllerMethod ControllerPath ControllerState ControlPlacement ControlsRendering ControlType Convergents ConversionOptions ConversionRules ConvertToBitmapPacket ConvertToPostScript ConvertToPostScriptPacket Convolve ConwayGroupCo1 ConwayGroupCo2 ConwayGroupCo3 CoordinateChartData CoordinatesToolOptions CoordinateTransform CoordinateTransformData CoprimeQ Coproduct CopulaDistribution Copyable CopyDirectory CopyFile CopyTag CopyToClipboard CornerFilter CornerNeighbors Correlation CorrelationDistance CorrelationFunction CorrelationTest Cos Cosh CoshIntegral CosineDistance CosineWindow CosIntegral Cot Coth Count CounterAssignments CounterBox CounterBoxOptions CounterClockwiseContourIntegral CounterEvaluator CounterFunction CounterIncrements CounterStyle CounterStyleMenuListing CountRoots CountryData Covariance CovarianceEstimatorFunction CovarianceFunction CoxianDistribution CoxIngersollRossProcess CoxModel CoxModelFit CramerVonMisesTest CreateArchive CreateDialog CreateDirectory CreateDocument CreateIntermediateDirectories CreatePalette CreatePalettePacket CreateScheduledTask CreateTemporary CreateWindow CriticalityFailureImportance CriticalitySuccessImportance CriticalSection Cross CrossingDetect CrossMatrix Csc Csch CubeRoot Cubics Cuboid CuboidBox Cumulant CumulantGeneratingFunction Cup CupCap Curl CurlyDoubleQuote CurlyQuote CurrentImage CurrentlySpeakingPacket CurrentValue CurvatureFlowFilter CurveClosed Cyan CycleGraph CycleIndexPolynomial Cycles CyclicGroup Cyclotomic Cylinder CylinderBox CylindricalDecomposition D DagumDistribution DamerauLevenshteinDistance DampingFactor Darker Dashed Dashing DataCompression DataDistribution DataRange DataReversed Date DateDelimiters DateDifference DateFunction DateList DateListLogPlot DateListPlot DatePattern DatePlus DateRange DateString DateTicksFormat DaubechiesWavelet DavisDistribution DawsonF DayCount DayCountConvention DayMatchQ DayName DayPlus DayRange DayRound DeBruijnGraph Debug DebugTag Decimal DeclareKnownSymbols DeclarePackage Decompose Decrement DedekindEta Default DefaultAxesStyle DefaultBaseStyle DefaultBoxStyle DefaultButton DefaultColor DefaultControlPlacement DefaultDuplicateCellStyle DefaultDuration DefaultElement DefaultFaceGridsStyle DefaultFieldHintStyle DefaultFont DefaultFontProperties DefaultFormatType DefaultFormatTypeForStyle DefaultFrameStyle DefaultFrameTicksStyle DefaultGridLinesStyle DefaultInlineFormatType DefaultInputFormatType DefaultLabelStyle DefaultMenuStyle DefaultNaturalLanguage DefaultNewCellStyle DefaultNewInlineCellStyle DefaultNotebook DefaultOptions DefaultOutputFormatType DefaultStyle DefaultStyleDefinitions DefaultTextFormatType DefaultTextInlineFormatType DefaultTicksStyle DefaultTooltipStyle DefaultValues Defer DefineExternal DefineInputStreamMethod DefineOutputStreamMethod Definition Degree DegreeCentrality DegreeGraphDistribution DegreeLexicographic DegreeReverseLexicographic Deinitialization Del Deletable Delete DeleteBorderComponents DeleteCases DeleteContents DeleteDirectory DeleteDuplicates DeleteFile DeleteSmallComponents DeleteWithContents DeletionWarning Delimiter DelimiterFlashTime DelimiterMatching Delimiters Denominator DensityGraphics DensityHistogram DensityPlot DependentVariables Deploy Deployed Depth DepthFirstScan Derivative DerivativeFilter DescriptorStateSpace DesignMatrix Det DGaussianWavelet DiacriticalPositioning Diagonal DiagonalMatrix Dialog DialogIndent DialogInput DialogLevel DialogNotebook DialogProlog DialogReturn DialogSymbols Diamond DiamondMatrix DiceDissimilarity DictionaryLookup DifferenceDelta DifferenceOrder DifferenceRoot DifferenceRootReduce Differences DifferentialD DifferentialRoot DifferentialRootReduce DifferentiatorFilter DigitBlock DigitBlockMinimum DigitCharacter DigitCount DigitQ DihedralGroup Dilation Dimensions DiracComb DiracDelta DirectedEdge DirectedEdges DirectedGraph DirectedGraphQ DirectedInfinity Direction Directive Directory DirectoryName DirectoryQ DirectoryStack DirichletCharacter DirichletConvolve DirichletDistribution DirichletL DirichletTransform DirichletWindow DisableConsolePrintPacket DiscreteChirpZTransform DiscreteConvolve DiscreteDelta DiscreteHadamardTransform DiscreteIndicator DiscreteLQEstimatorGains DiscreteLQRegulatorGains DiscreteLyapunovSolve DiscreteMarkovProcess DiscretePlot DiscretePlot3D DiscreteRatio DiscreteRiccatiSolve DiscreteShift DiscreteTimeModelQ DiscreteUniformDistribution DiscreteVariables DiscreteWaveletData DiscreteWaveletPacketTransform DiscreteWaveletTransform Discriminant Disjunction Disk DiskBox DiskMatrix Dispatch DispersionEstimatorFunction Display DisplayAllSteps DisplayEndPacket DisplayFlushImagePacket DisplayForm DisplayFunction DisplayPacket DisplayRules DisplaySetSizePacket DisplayString DisplayTemporary DisplayWith DisplayWithRef DisplayWithVariable DistanceFunction DistanceTransform Distribute Distributed DistributedContexts DistributeDefinitions DistributionChart DistributionDomain DistributionFitTest DistributionParameterAssumptions DistributionParameterQ Dithering Div Divergence Divide DivideBy Dividers Divisible Divisors DivisorSigma DivisorSum DMSList DMSString Do DockedCells DocumentNotebook DominantColors DOSTextFormat Dot DotDashed DotEqual Dotted DoubleBracketingBar DoubleContourIntegral DoubleDownArrow DoubleLeftArrow DoubleLeftRightArrow DoubleLeftTee DoubleLongLeftArrow DoubleLongLeftRightArrow DoubleLongRightArrow DoubleRightArrow DoubleRightTee DoubleUpArrow DoubleUpDownArrow DoubleVerticalBar DoublyInfinite Down DownArrow DownArrowBar DownArrowUpArrow DownLeftRightVector DownLeftTeeVector DownLeftVector DownLeftVectorBar DownRightTeeVector DownRightVector DownRightVectorBar Downsample DownTee DownTeeArrow DownValues DragAndDrop DrawEdges DrawFrontFaces DrawHighlighted Drop DSolve Dt DualLinearProgramming DualSystemsModel DumpGet DumpSave DuplicateFreeQ Dynamic DynamicBox DynamicBoxOptions DynamicEvaluationTimeout DynamicLocation DynamicModule DynamicModuleBox DynamicModuleBoxOptions DynamicModuleParent DynamicModuleValues DynamicName DynamicNamespace DynamicReference DynamicSetting DynamicUpdating DynamicWrapper DynamicWrapperBox DynamicWrapperBoxOptions E EccentricityCentrality EdgeAdd EdgeBetweennessCentrality EdgeCapacity EdgeCapForm EdgeColor EdgeConnectivity EdgeCost EdgeCount EdgeCoverQ EdgeDashing EdgeDelete EdgeDetect EdgeForm EdgeIndex EdgeJoinForm EdgeLabeling EdgeLabels EdgeLabelStyle EdgeList EdgeOpacity EdgeQ EdgeRenderingFunction EdgeRules EdgeShapeFunction EdgeStyle EdgeThickness EdgeWeight Editable EditButtonSettings EditCellTagsSettings EditDistance EffectiveInterest Eigensystem Eigenvalues EigenvectorCentrality Eigenvectors Element ElementData Eliminate EliminationOrder EllipticE EllipticExp EllipticExpPrime EllipticF EllipticFilterModel EllipticK EllipticLog EllipticNomeQ EllipticPi EllipticReducedHalfPeriods EllipticTheta EllipticThetaPrime EmitSound EmphasizeSyntaxErrors EmpiricalDistribution Empty EmptyGraphQ EnableConsolePrintPacket Enabled Encode End EndAdd EndDialogPacket EndFrontEndInteractionPacket EndOfFile EndOfLine EndOfString EndPackage EngineeringForm Enter EnterExpressionPacket EnterTextPacket Entropy EntropyFilter Environment Epilog Equal EqualColumns EqualRows EqualTilde EquatedTo Equilibrium EquirippleFilterKernel Equivalent Erf Erfc Erfi ErlangB ErlangC ErlangDistribution Erosion ErrorBox ErrorBoxOptions ErrorNorm ErrorPacket ErrorsDialogSettings EstimatedDistribution EstimatedProcess EstimatorGains EstimatorRegulator EuclideanDistance EulerE EulerGamma EulerianGraphQ EulerPhi Evaluatable Evaluate Evaluated EvaluatePacket EvaluationCell EvaluationCompletionAction EvaluationElements EvaluationMode EvaluationMonitor EvaluationNotebook EvaluationObject EvaluationOrder Evaluator EvaluatorNames EvenQ EventData EventEvaluator EventHandler EventHandlerTag EventLabels ExactBlackmanWindow ExactNumberQ ExactRootIsolation ExampleData Except ExcludedForms ExcludePods Exclusions ExclusionsStyle Exists Exit ExitDialog Exp Expand ExpandAll ExpandDenominator ExpandFileName ExpandNumerator Expectation ExpectationE ExpectedValue ExpGammaDistribution ExpIntegralE ExpIntegralEi Exponent ExponentFunction ExponentialDistribution ExponentialFamily ExponentialGeneratingFunction ExponentialMovingAverage ExponentialPowerDistribution ExponentPosition ExponentStep Export ExportAutoReplacements ExportPacket ExportString Expression ExpressionCell ExpressionPacket ExpToTrig ExtendedGCD Extension ExtentElementFunction ExtentMarkers ExtentSize ExternalCall ExternalDataCharacterEncoding Extract ExtractArchive ExtremeValueDistribution FaceForm FaceGrids FaceGridsStyle Factor FactorComplete Factorial Factorial2 FactorialMoment FactorialMomentGeneratingFunction FactorialPower FactorInteger FactorList FactorSquareFree FactorSquareFreeList FactorTerms FactorTermsList Fail FailureDistribution False FARIMAProcess FEDisableConsolePrintPacket FeedbackSector FeedbackSectorStyle FeedbackType FEEnableConsolePrintPacket Fibonacci FieldHint FieldHintStyle FieldMasked FieldSize File FileBaseName FileByteCount FileDate FileExistsQ FileExtension FileFormat FileHash FileInformation FileName FileNameDepth FileNameDialogSettings FileNameDrop FileNameJoin FileNames FileNameSetter FileNameSplit FileNameTake FilePrint FileType FilledCurve FilledCurveBox Filling FillingStyle FillingTransform FilterRules FinancialBond FinancialData FinancialDerivative FinancialIndicator Find FindArgMax FindArgMin FindClique FindClusters FindCurvePath FindDistributionParameters FindDivisions FindEdgeCover FindEdgeCut FindEulerianCycle FindFaces FindFile FindFit FindGeneratingFunction FindGeoLocation FindGeometricTransform FindGraphCommunities FindGraphIsomorphism FindGraphPartition FindHamiltonianCycle FindIndependentEdgeSet FindIndependentVertexSet FindInstance FindIntegerNullVector FindKClan FindKClique FindKClub FindKPlex FindLibrary FindLinearRecurrence FindList FindMaximum FindMaximumFlow FindMaxValue FindMinimum FindMinimumCostFlow FindMinimumCut FindMinValue FindPermutation FindPostmanTour FindProcessParameters FindRoot FindSequenceFunction FindSettings FindShortestPath FindShortestTour FindThreshold FindVertexCover FindVertexCut Fine FinishDynamic FiniteAbelianGroupCount FiniteGroupCount FiniteGroupData First FirstPassageTimeDistribution FischerGroupFi22 FischerGroupFi23 FischerGroupFi24Prime FisherHypergeometricDistribution FisherRatioTest FisherZDistribution Fit FitAll FittedModel FixedPoint FixedPointList FlashSelection Flat Flatten FlattenAt FlatTopWindow FlipView Floor FlushPrintOutputPacket Fold FoldList Font FontColor FontFamily FontForm FontName FontOpacity FontPostScriptName FontProperties FontReencoding FontSize FontSlant FontSubstitutions FontTracking FontVariations FontWeight For ForAll Format FormatRules FormatType FormatTypeAutoConvert FormatValues FormBox FormBoxOptions FortranForm Forward ForwardBackward Fourier FourierCoefficient FourierCosCoefficient FourierCosSeries FourierCosTransform FourierDCT FourierDCTFilter FourierDCTMatrix FourierDST FourierDSTMatrix FourierMatrix FourierParameters FourierSequenceTransform FourierSeries FourierSinCoefficient FourierSinSeries FourierSinTransform FourierTransform FourierTrigSeries FractionalBrownianMotionProcess FractionalPart FractionBox FractionBoxOptions FractionLine Frame FrameBox FrameBoxOptions Framed FrameInset FrameLabel Frameless FrameMargins FrameStyle FrameTicks FrameTicksStyle FRatioDistribution FrechetDistribution FreeQ FrequencySamplingFilterKernel FresnelC FresnelS Friday FrobeniusNumber FrobeniusSolve FromCharacterCode FromCoefficientRules FromContinuedFraction FromDate FromDigits FromDMS Front FrontEndDynamicExpression FrontEndEventActions FrontEndExecute FrontEndObject FrontEndResource FrontEndResourceString FrontEndStackSize FrontEndToken FrontEndTokenExecute FrontEndValueCache FrontEndVersion FrontFaceColor FrontFaceOpacity Full FullAxes FullDefinition FullForm FullGraphics FullOptions FullSimplify Function FunctionExpand FunctionInterpolation FunctionSpace FussellVeselyImportance GaborFilter GaborMatrix GaborWavelet GainMargins GainPhaseMargins Gamma GammaDistribution GammaRegularized GapPenalty Gather GatherBy GaugeFaceElementFunction GaugeFaceStyle GaugeFrameElementFunction GaugeFrameSize GaugeFrameStyle GaugeLabels GaugeMarkers GaugeStyle GaussianFilter GaussianIntegers GaussianMatrix GaussianWindow GCD GegenbauerC General GeneralizedLinearModelFit GenerateConditions GeneratedCell GeneratedParameters GeneratingFunction Generic GenericCylindricalDecomposition GenomeData GenomeLookup GeodesicClosing GeodesicDilation GeodesicErosion GeodesicOpening GeoDestination GeodesyData GeoDirection GeoDistance GeoGridPosition GeometricBrownianMotionProcess GeometricDistribution GeometricMean GeometricMeanFilter GeometricTransformation GeometricTransformation3DBox GeometricTransformation3DBoxOptions GeometricTransformationBox GeometricTransformationBoxOptions GeoPosition GeoPositionENU GeoPositionXYZ GeoProjectionData GestureHandler GestureHandlerTag Get GetBoundingBoxSizePacket GetContext GetEnvironment GetFileName GetFrontEndOptionsDataPacket GetLinebreakInformationPacket GetMenusPacket GetPageBreakInformationPacket Glaisher GlobalClusteringCoefficient GlobalPreferences GlobalSession Glow GoldenRatio GompertzMakehamDistribution GoodmanKruskalGamma GoodmanKruskalGammaTest Goto Grad Gradient GradientFilter GradientOrientationFilter Graph GraphAssortativity GraphCenter GraphComplement GraphData GraphDensity GraphDiameter GraphDifference GraphDisjointUnion GraphDistance GraphDistanceMatrix GraphElementData GraphEmbedding GraphHighlight GraphHighlightStyle GraphHub Graphics Graphics3D Graphics3DBox Graphics3DBoxOptions GraphicsArray GraphicsBaseline GraphicsBox GraphicsBoxOptions GraphicsColor GraphicsColumn GraphicsComplex GraphicsComplex3DBox GraphicsComplex3DBoxOptions GraphicsComplexBox GraphicsComplexBoxOptions GraphicsContents GraphicsData GraphicsGrid GraphicsGridBox GraphicsGroup GraphicsGroup3DBox GraphicsGroup3DBoxOptions GraphicsGroupBox GraphicsGroupBoxOptions GraphicsGrouping GraphicsHighlightColor GraphicsRow GraphicsSpacing GraphicsStyle GraphIntersection GraphLayout GraphLinkEfficiency GraphPeriphery GraphPlot GraphPlot3D GraphPower GraphPropertyDistribution GraphQ GraphRadius GraphReciprocity GraphRoot GraphStyle GraphUnion Gray GrayLevel GreatCircleDistance Greater GreaterEqual GreaterEqualLess GreaterFullEqual GreaterGreater GreaterLess GreaterSlantEqual GreaterTilde Green Grid GridBaseline GridBox GridBoxAlignment GridBoxBackground GridBoxDividers GridBoxFrame GridBoxItemSize GridBoxItemStyle GridBoxOptions GridBoxSpacings GridCreationSettings GridDefaultElement GridElementStyleOptions GridFrame GridFrameMargins GridGraph GridLines GridLinesStyle GroebnerBasis GroupActionBase GroupCentralizer GroupElementFromWord GroupElementPosition GroupElementQ GroupElements GroupElementToWord GroupGenerators GroupMultiplicationTable GroupOrbits GroupOrder GroupPageBreakWithin GroupSetwiseStabilizer GroupStabilizer GroupStabilizerChain Gudermannian GumbelDistribution HaarWavelet HadamardMatrix HalfNormalDistribution HamiltonianGraphQ HammingDistance HammingWindow HankelH1 HankelH2 HankelMatrix HannPoissonWindow HannWindow HaradaNortonGroupHN HararyGraph HarmonicMean HarmonicMeanFilter HarmonicNumber Hash HashTable Haversine HazardFunction Head HeadCompose Heads HeavisideLambda HeavisidePi HeavisideTheta HeldGroupHe HeldPart HelpBrowserLookup HelpBrowserNotebook HelpBrowserSettings HermiteDecomposition HermiteH HermitianMatrixQ HessenbergDecomposition Hessian HexadecimalCharacter Hexahedron HexahedronBox HexahedronBoxOptions HiddenSurface HighlightGraph HighlightImage HighpassFilter HigmanSimsGroupHS HilbertFilter HilbertMatrix Histogram Histogram3D HistogramDistribution HistogramList HistogramTransform HistogramTransformInterpolation HitMissTransform HITSCentrality HodgeDual HoeffdingD HoeffdingDTest Hold HoldAll HoldAllComplete HoldComplete HoldFirst HoldForm HoldPattern HoldRest HolidayCalendar HomeDirectory HomePage Horizontal HorizontalForm HorizontalGauge HorizontalScrollPosition HornerForm HotellingTSquareDistribution HoytDistribution HTMLSave Hue HumpDownHump HumpEqual HurwitzLerchPhi HurwitzZeta HyperbolicDistribution HypercubeGraph HyperexponentialDistribution Hyperfactorial Hypergeometric0F1 Hypergeometric0F1Regularized Hypergeometric1F1 Hypergeometric1F1Regularized Hypergeometric2F1 Hypergeometric2F1Regularized HypergeometricDistribution HypergeometricPFQ HypergeometricPFQRegularized HypergeometricU Hyperlink HyperlinkCreationSettings Hyphenation HyphenationOptions HypoexponentialDistribution HypothesisTestData I Identity IdentityMatrix If IgnoreCase Im Image Image3D Image3DSlices ImageAccumulate ImageAdd ImageAdjust ImageAlign ImageApply ImageAspectRatio ImageAssemble ImageCache ImageCacheValid ImageCapture ImageChannels ImageClip ImageColorSpace ImageCompose ImageConvolve ImageCooccurrence ImageCorners ImageCorrelate ImageCorrespondingPoints ImageCrop ImageData ImageDataPacket ImageDeconvolve ImageDemosaic ImageDifference ImageDimensions ImageDistance ImageEffect ImageFeatureTrack ImageFileApply ImageFileFilter ImageFileScan ImageFilter ImageForestingComponents ImageForwardTransformation ImageHistogram ImageKeypoints ImageLevels ImageLines ImageMargins ImageMarkers ImageMeasurements ImageMultiply ImageOffset ImagePad ImagePadding ImagePartition ImagePeriodogram ImagePerspectiveTransformation ImageQ ImageRangeCache ImageReflect ImageRegion ImageResize ImageResolution ImageRotate ImageRotated ImageScaled ImageScan ImageSize ImageSizeAction ImageSizeCache ImageSizeMultipliers ImageSizeRaw ImageSubtract ImageTake ImageTransformation ImageTrim ImageType ImageValue ImageValuePositions Implies Import ImportAutoReplacements ImportString ImprovementImportance In IncidenceGraph IncidenceList IncidenceMatrix IncludeConstantBasis IncludeFileExtension IncludePods IncludeSingularTerm Increment Indent IndentingNewlineSpacings IndentMaxFraction IndependenceTest IndependentEdgeSetQ IndependentUnit IndependentVertexSetQ Indeterminate IndexCreationOptions Indexed IndexGraph IndexTag Inequality InexactNumberQ InexactNumbers Infinity Infix Information Inherited InheritScope Initialization InitializationCell InitializationCellEvaluation InitializationCellWarning InlineCounterAssignments InlineCounterIncrements InlineRules Inner Inpaint Input InputAliases InputAssumptions InputAutoReplacements InputField InputFieldBox InputFieldBoxOptions InputForm InputGrouping InputNamePacket InputNotebook InputPacket InputSettings InputStream InputString InputStringPacket InputToBoxFormPacket Insert InsertionPointObject InsertResults Inset Inset3DBox Inset3DBoxOptions InsetBox InsetBoxOptions Install InstallService InString Integer IntegerDigits IntegerExponent IntegerLength IntegerPart IntegerPartitions IntegerQ Integers IntegerString Integral Integrate Interactive InteractiveTradingChart Interlaced Interleaving InternallyBalancedDecomposition InterpolatingFunction InterpolatingPolynomial Interpolation InterpolationOrder InterpolationPoints InterpolationPrecision Interpretation InterpretationBox InterpretationBoxOptions InterpretationFunction InterpretTemplate InterquartileRange Interrupt InterruptSettings Intersection Interval IntervalIntersection IntervalMemberQ IntervalUnion Inverse InverseBetaRegularized InverseCDF InverseChiSquareDistribution InverseContinuousWaveletTransform InverseDistanceTransform InverseEllipticNomeQ InverseErf InverseErfc InverseFourier InverseFourierCosTransform InverseFourierSequenceTransform InverseFourierSinTransform InverseFourierTransform InverseFunction InverseFunctions InverseGammaDistribution InverseGammaRegularized InverseGaussianDistribution InverseGudermannian InverseHaversine InverseJacobiCD InverseJacobiCN InverseJacobiCS InverseJacobiDC InverseJacobiDN InverseJacobiDS InverseJacobiNC InverseJacobiND InverseJacobiNS InverseJacobiSC InverseJacobiSD InverseJacobiSN InverseLaplaceTransform InversePermutation InverseRadon InverseSeries InverseSurvivalFunction InverseWaveletTransform InverseWeierstrassP InverseZTransform Invisible InvisibleApplication InvisibleTimes IrreduciblePolynomialQ IsolatingInterval IsomorphicGraphQ IsotopeData Italic Item ItemBox ItemBoxOptions ItemSize ItemStyle ItoProcess JaccardDissimilarity JacobiAmplitude Jacobian JacobiCD JacobiCN JacobiCS JacobiDC JacobiDN JacobiDS JacobiNC JacobiND JacobiNS JacobiP JacobiSC JacobiSD JacobiSN JacobiSymbol JacobiZeta JankoGroupJ1 JankoGroupJ2 JankoGroupJ3 JankoGroupJ4 JarqueBeraALMTest JohnsonDistribution Join Joined JoinedCurve JoinedCurveBox JoinForm JordanDecomposition JordanModelDecomposition K KagiChart KaiserBesselWindow KaiserWindow KalmanEstimator KalmanFilter KarhunenLoeveDecomposition KaryTree KatzCentrality KCoreComponents KDistribution KelvinBei KelvinBer KelvinKei KelvinKer KendallTau KendallTauTest KernelExecute KernelMixtureDistribution KernelObject Kernels Ket Khinchin KirchhoffGraph KirchhoffMatrix KleinInvariantJ KnightTourGraph KnotData KnownUnitQ KolmogorovSmirnovTest KroneckerDelta KroneckerModelDecomposition KroneckerProduct KroneckerSymbol KuiperTest KumaraswamyDistribution Kurtosis KuwaharaFilter Label Labeled LabeledSlider LabelingFunction LabelStyle LaguerreL LambdaComponents LambertW LanczosWindow LandauDistribution Language LanguageCategory LaplaceDistribution LaplaceTransform Laplacian LaplacianFilter LaplacianGaussianFilter Large Larger Last Latitude LatitudeLongitude LatticeData LatticeReduce Launch LaunchKernels LayeredGraphPlot LayerSizeFunction LayoutInformation LCM LeafCount LeapYearQ LeastSquares LeastSquaresFilterKernel Left LeftArrow LeftArrowBar LeftArrowRightArrow LeftDownTeeVector LeftDownVector LeftDownVectorBar LeftRightArrow LeftRightVector LeftTee LeftTeeArrow LeftTeeVector LeftTriangle LeftTriangleBar LeftTriangleEqual LeftUpDownVector LeftUpTeeVector LeftUpVector LeftUpVectorBar LeftVector LeftVectorBar LegendAppearance Legended LegendFunction LegendLabel LegendLayout LegendMargins LegendMarkers LegendMarkerSize LegendreP LegendreQ LegendreType Length LengthWhile LerchPhi Less LessEqual LessEqualGreater LessFullEqual LessGreater LessLess LessSlantEqual LessTilde LetterCharacter LetterQ Level LeveneTest LeviCivitaTensor LevyDistribution Lexicographic LibraryFunction LibraryFunctionError LibraryFunctionInformation LibraryFunctionLoad LibraryFunctionUnload LibraryLoad LibraryUnload LicenseID LiftingFilterData LiftingWaveletTransform LightBlue LightBrown LightCyan Lighter LightGray LightGreen Lighting LightingAngle LightMagenta LightOrange LightPink LightPurple LightRed LightSources LightYellow Likelihood Limit LimitsPositioning LimitsPositioningTokens LindleyDistribution Line Line3DBox LinearFilter LinearFractionalTransform LinearModelFit LinearOffsetFunction LinearProgramming LinearRecurrence LinearSolve LinearSolveFunction LineBox LineBreak LinebreakAdjustments LineBreakChart LineBreakWithin LineColor LineForm LineGraph LineIndent LineIndentMaxFraction LineIntegralConvolutionPlot LineIntegralConvolutionScale LineLegend LineOpacity LineSpacing LineWrapParts LinkActivate LinkClose LinkConnect LinkConnectedQ LinkCreate LinkError LinkFlush LinkFunction LinkHost LinkInterrupt LinkLaunch LinkMode LinkObject LinkOpen LinkOptions LinkPatterns LinkProtocol LinkRead LinkReadHeld LinkReadyQ Links LinkWrite LinkWriteHeld LiouvilleLambda List Listable ListAnimate ListContourPlot ListContourPlot3D ListConvolve ListCorrelate ListCurvePathPlot ListDeconvolve ListDensityPlot Listen ListFourierSequenceTransform ListInterpolation ListLineIntegralConvolutionPlot ListLinePlot ListLogLinearPlot ListLogLogPlot ListLogPlot ListPicker ListPickerBox ListPickerBoxBackground ListPickerBoxOptions ListPlay ListPlot ListPlot3D ListPointPlot3D ListPolarPlot ListQ ListStreamDensityPlot ListStreamPlot ListSurfacePlot3D ListVectorDensityPlot ListVectorPlot ListVectorPlot3D ListZTransform Literal LiteralSearch LocalClusteringCoefficient LocalizeVariables LocationEquivalenceTest LocationTest Locator LocatorAutoCreate LocatorBox LocatorBoxOptions LocatorCentering LocatorPane LocatorPaneBox LocatorPaneBoxOptions LocatorRegion Locked Log Log10 Log2 LogBarnesG LogGamma LogGammaDistribution LogicalExpand LogIntegral LogisticDistribution LogitModelFit LogLikelihood LogLinearPlot LogLogisticDistribution LogLogPlot LogMultinormalDistribution LogNormalDistribution LogPlot LogRankTest LogSeriesDistribution LongEqual Longest LongestAscendingSequence LongestCommonSequence LongestCommonSequencePositions LongestCommonSubsequence LongestCommonSubsequencePositions LongestMatch LongForm Longitude LongLeftArrow LongLeftRightArrow LongRightArrow Loopback LoopFreeGraphQ LowerCaseQ LowerLeftArrow LowerRightArrow LowerTriangularize LowpassFilter LQEstimatorGains LQGRegulator LQOutputRegulatorGains LQRegulatorGains LUBackSubstitution LucasL LuccioSamiComponents LUDecomposition LyapunovSolve LyonsGroupLy MachineID MachineName MachineNumberQ MachinePrecision MacintoshSystemPageSetup Magenta Magnification Magnify MainSolve MaintainDynamicCaches Majority MakeBoxes MakeExpression MakeRules MangoldtLambda ManhattanDistance Manipulate Manipulator MannWhitneyTest MantissaExponent Manual Map MapAll MapAt MapIndexed MAProcess MapThread MarcumQ MardiaCombinedTest MardiaKurtosisTest MardiaSkewnessTest MarginalDistribution MarkovProcessProperties Masking MatchingDissimilarity MatchLocalNameQ MatchLocalNames MatchQ Material MathematicaNotation MathieuC MathieuCharacteristicA MathieuCharacteristicB MathieuCharacteristicExponent MathieuCPrime MathieuGroupM11 MathieuGroupM12 MathieuGroupM22 MathieuGroupM23 MathieuGroupM24 MathieuS MathieuSPrime MathMLForm MathMLText Matrices MatrixExp MatrixForm MatrixFunction MatrixLog MatrixPlot MatrixPower MatrixQ MatrixRank Max MaxBend MaxDetect MaxExtraBandwidths MaxExtraConditions MaxFeatures MaxFilter Maximize MaxIterations MaxMemoryUsed MaxMixtureKernels MaxPlotPoints MaxPoints MaxRecursion MaxStableDistribution MaxStepFraction MaxSteps MaxStepSize MaxValue MaxwellDistribution McLaughlinGroupMcL Mean MeanClusteringCoefficient MeanDegreeConnectivity MeanDeviation MeanFilter MeanGraphDistance MeanNeighborDegree MeanShift MeanShiftFilter Median MedianDeviation MedianFilter Medium MeijerG MeixnerDistribution MemberQ MemoryConstrained MemoryInUse Menu MenuAppearance MenuCommandKey MenuEvaluator MenuItem MenuPacket MenuSortingValue MenuStyle MenuView MergeDifferences Mesh MeshFunctions MeshRange MeshShading MeshStyle Message MessageDialog MessageList MessageName MessageOptions MessagePacket Messages MessagesNotebook MetaCharacters MetaInformation Method MethodOptions MexicanHatWavelet MeyerWavelet Min MinDetect MinFilter MinimalPolynomial MinimalStateSpaceModel Minimize Minors MinRecursion MinSize MinStableDistribution Minus MinusPlus MinValue Missing MissingDataMethod MittagLefflerE MixedRadix MixedRadixQuantity MixtureDistribution Mod Modal Mode Modular ModularLambda Module Modulus MoebiusMu Moment Momentary MomentConvert MomentEvaluate MomentGeneratingFunction Monday Monitor MonomialList MonomialOrder MonsterGroupM MorletWavelet MorphologicalBinarize MorphologicalBranchPoints MorphologicalComponents MorphologicalEulerNumber MorphologicalGraph MorphologicalPerimeter MorphologicalTransform Most MouseAnnotation MouseAppearance MouseAppearanceTag MouseButtons Mouseover MousePointerNote MousePosition MovingAverage MovingMedian MoyalDistribution MultiedgeStyle MultilaunchWarning MultiLetterItalics MultiLetterStyle MultilineFunction Multinomial MultinomialDistribution MultinormalDistribution MultiplicativeOrder Multiplicity Multiselection MultivariateHypergeometricDistribution MultivariatePoissonDistribution MultivariateTDistribution N NakagamiDistribution NameQ Names NamespaceBox Nand NArgMax NArgMin NBernoulliB NCache NDSolve NDSolveValue Nearest NearestFunction NeedCurrentFrontEndPackagePacket NeedCurrentFrontEndSymbolsPacket NeedlemanWunschSimilarity Needs Negative NegativeBinomialDistribution NegativeMultinomialDistribution NeighborhoodGraph Nest NestedGreaterGreater NestedLessLess NestedScriptRules NestList NestWhile NestWhileList NevilleThetaC NevilleThetaD NevilleThetaN NevilleThetaS NewPrimitiveStyle NExpectation Next NextPrime NHoldAll NHoldFirst NHoldRest NicholsGridLines NicholsPlot NIntegrate NMaximize NMaxValue NMinimize NMinValue NominalVariables NonAssociative NoncentralBetaDistribution NoncentralChiSquareDistribution NoncentralFRatioDistribution NoncentralStudentTDistribution NonCommutativeMultiply NonConstants None NonlinearModelFit NonlocalMeansFilter NonNegative NonPositive Nor NorlundB Norm Normal NormalDistribution NormalGrouping Normalize NormalizedSquaredEuclideanDistance NormalsFunction NormFunction Not NotCongruent NotCupCap NotDoubleVerticalBar Notebook NotebookApply NotebookAutoSave NotebookClose NotebookConvertSettings NotebookCreate NotebookCreateReturnObject NotebookDefault NotebookDelete NotebookDirectory NotebookDynamicExpression NotebookEvaluate NotebookEventActions NotebookFileName NotebookFind NotebookFindReturnObject NotebookGet NotebookGetLayoutInformationPacket NotebookGetMisspellingsPacket NotebookInformation NotebookInterfaceObject NotebookLocate NotebookObject NotebookOpen NotebookOpenReturnObject NotebookPath NotebookPrint NotebookPut NotebookPutReturnObject NotebookRead NotebookResetGeneratedCells Notebooks NotebookSave NotebookSaveAs NotebookSelection NotebookSetupLayoutInformationPacket NotebooksMenu NotebookWrite NotElement NotEqualTilde NotExists NotGreater NotGreaterEqual NotGreaterFullEqual NotGreaterGreater NotGreaterLess NotGreaterSlantEqual NotGreaterTilde NotHumpDownHump NotHumpEqual NotLeftTriangle NotLeftTriangleBar NotLeftTriangleEqual NotLess NotLessEqual NotLessFullEqual NotLessGreater NotLessLess NotLessSlantEqual NotLessTilde NotNestedGreaterGreater NotNestedLessLess NotPrecedes NotPrecedesEqual NotPrecedesSlantEqual NotPrecedesTilde NotReverseElement NotRightTriangle NotRightTriangleBar NotRightTriangleEqual NotSquareSubset NotSquareSubsetEqual NotSquareSuperset NotSquareSupersetEqual NotSubset NotSubsetEqual NotSucceeds NotSucceedsEqual NotSucceedsSlantEqual NotSucceedsTilde NotSuperset NotSupersetEqual NotTilde NotTildeEqual NotTildeFullEqual NotTildeTilde NotVerticalBar NProbability NProduct NProductFactors NRoots NSolve NSum NSumTerms Null NullRecords NullSpace NullWords Number NumberFieldClassNumber NumberFieldDiscriminant NumberFieldFundamentalUnits NumberFieldIntegralBasis NumberFieldNormRepresentatives NumberFieldRegulator NumberFieldRootsOfUnity NumberFieldSignature NumberForm NumberFormat NumberMarks NumberMultiplier NumberPadding NumberPoint NumberQ NumberSeparator NumberSigns NumberString Numerator NumericFunction NumericQ NuttallWindow NValues NyquistGridLines NyquistPlot O ObservabilityGramian ObservabilityMatrix ObservableDecomposition ObservableModelQ OddQ Off Offset OLEData On ONanGroupON OneIdentity Opacity Open OpenAppend Opener OpenerBox OpenerBoxOptions OpenerView OpenFunctionInspectorPacket Opening OpenRead OpenSpecialOptions OpenTemporary OpenWrite Operate OperatingSystem OptimumFlowData Optional OptionInspectorSettings OptionQ Options OptionsPacket OptionsPattern OptionValue OptionValueBox OptionValueBoxOptions Or Orange Order OrderDistribution OrderedQ Ordering Orderless OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess Orthogonalize Out Outer OutputAutoOverwrite OutputControllabilityMatrix OutputControllableModelQ OutputForm OutputFormData OutputGrouping OutputMathEditExpression OutputNamePacket OutputResponse OutputSizeLimit OutputStream Over OverBar OverDot Overflow OverHat Overlaps Overlay OverlayBox OverlayBoxOptions Overscript OverscriptBox OverscriptBoxOptions OverTilde OverVector OwenT OwnValues PackingMethod PaddedForm Padding PadeApproximant PadLeft PadRight PageBreakAbove PageBreakBelow PageBreakWithin PageFooterLines PageFooters PageHeaderLines PageHeaders PageHeight PageRankCentrality PageWidth PairedBarChart PairedHistogram PairedSmoothHistogram PairedTTest PairedZTest PaletteNotebook PalettePath Pane PaneBox PaneBoxOptions Panel PanelBox PanelBoxOptions Paneled PaneSelector PaneSelectorBox PaneSelectorBoxOptions PaperWidth ParabolicCylinderD ParagraphIndent ParagraphSpacing ParallelArray ParallelCombine ParallelDo ParallelEvaluate Parallelization Parallelize ParallelMap ParallelNeeds ParallelProduct ParallelSubmit ParallelSum ParallelTable ParallelTry Parameter ParameterEstimator ParameterMixtureDistribution ParameterVariables ParametricFunction ParametricNDSolve ParametricNDSolveValue ParametricPlot ParametricPlot3D ParentConnect ParentDirectory ParentForm Parenthesize ParentList ParetoDistribution Part PartialCorrelationFunction PartialD ParticleData Partition PartitionsP PartitionsQ ParzenWindow PascalDistribution PassEventsDown PassEventsUp Paste PasteBoxFormInlineCells PasteButton Path PathGraph PathGraphQ Pattern PatternSequence PatternTest PauliMatrix PaulWavelet Pause PausedTime PDF PearsonChiSquareTest PearsonCorrelationTest PearsonDistribution PerformanceGoal PeriodicInterpolation Periodogram PeriodogramArray PermutationCycles PermutationCyclesQ PermutationGroup PermutationLength PermutationList PermutationListQ PermutationMax PermutationMin PermutationOrder PermutationPower PermutationProduct PermutationReplace Permutations PermutationSupport Permute PeronaMalikFilter Perpendicular PERTDistribution PetersenGraph PhaseMargins Pi Pick PIDData PIDDerivativeFilter PIDFeedforward PIDTune Piecewise PiecewiseExpand PieChart PieChart3D PillaiTrace PillaiTraceTest Pink Pivoting PixelConstrained PixelValue PixelValuePositions Placed Placeholder PlaceholderReplace Plain PlanarGraphQ Play PlayRange Plot Plot3D Plot3Matrix PlotDivision PlotJoined PlotLabel PlotLayout PlotLegends PlotMarkers PlotPoints PlotRange PlotRangeClipping PlotRangePadding PlotRegion PlotStyle Plus PlusMinus Pochhammer PodStates PodWidth Point Point3DBox PointBox PointFigureChart PointForm PointLegend PointSize PoissonConsulDistribution PoissonDistribution PoissonProcess PoissonWindow PolarAxes PolarAxesOrigin PolarGridLines PolarPlot PolarTicks PoleZeroMarkers PolyaAeppliDistribution PolyGamma Polygon Polygon3DBox Polygon3DBoxOptions PolygonBox PolygonBoxOptions PolygonHoleScale PolygonIntersections PolygonScale PolyhedronData PolyLog PolynomialExtendedGCD PolynomialForm PolynomialGCD PolynomialLCM PolynomialMod PolynomialQ PolynomialQuotient PolynomialQuotientRemainder PolynomialReduce PolynomialRemainder Polynomials PopupMenu PopupMenuBox PopupMenuBoxOptions PopupView PopupWindow Position Positive PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ PossibleZeroQ Postfix PostScript Power PowerDistribution PowerExpand PowerMod PowerModList PowerSpectralDensity PowersRepresentations PowerSymmetricPolynomial Precedence PrecedenceForm Precedes PrecedesEqual PrecedesSlantEqual PrecedesTilde Precision PrecisionGoal PreDecrement PredictionRoot PreemptProtect PreferencesPath Prefix PreIncrement Prepend PrependTo PreserveImageOptions Previous PriceGraphDistribution PrimaryPlaceholder Prime PrimeNu PrimeOmega PrimePi PrimePowerQ PrimeQ Primes PrimeZetaP PrimitiveRoot PrincipalComponents PrincipalValue Print PrintAction PrintForm PrintingCopies PrintingOptions PrintingPageRange PrintingStartingPageNumber PrintingStyleEnvironment PrintPrecision PrintTemporary Prism PrismBox PrismBoxOptions PrivateCellOptions PrivateEvaluationOptions PrivateFontOptions PrivateFrontEndOptions PrivateNotebookOptions PrivatePaths Probability ProbabilityDistribution ProbabilityPlot ProbabilityPr ProbabilityScalePlot ProbitModelFit ProcessEstimator ProcessParameterAssumptions ProcessParameterQ ProcessStateDomain ProcessTimeDomain Product ProductDistribution ProductLog ProgressIndicator ProgressIndicatorBox ProgressIndicatorBoxOptions Projection Prolog PromptForm Properties Property PropertyList PropertyValue Proportion Proportional Protect Protected ProteinData Pruning PseudoInverse Purple Put PutAppend Pyramid PyramidBox PyramidBoxOptions QBinomial QFactorial QGamma QHypergeometricPFQ QPochhammer QPolyGamma QRDecomposition QuadraticIrrationalQ Quantile QuantilePlot Quantity QuantityForm QuantityMagnitude QuantityQ QuantityUnit Quartics QuartileDeviation Quartiles QuartileSkewness QueueingNetworkProcess QueueingProcess QueueProperties Quiet Quit Quotient QuotientRemainder RadialityCentrality RadicalBox RadicalBoxOptions RadioButton RadioButtonBar RadioButtonBox RadioButtonBoxOptions Radon RamanujanTau RamanujanTauL RamanujanTauTheta RamanujanTauZ Random RandomChoice RandomComplex RandomFunction RandomGraph RandomImage RandomInteger RandomPermutation RandomPrime RandomReal RandomSample RandomSeed RandomVariate RandomWalkProcess Range RangeFilter RangeSpecification RankedMax RankedMin Raster Raster3D Raster3DBox Raster3DBoxOptions RasterArray RasterBox RasterBoxOptions Rasterize RasterSize Rational RationalFunctions Rationalize Rationals Ratios Raw RawArray RawBoxes RawData RawMedium RayleighDistribution Re Read ReadList ReadProtected Real RealBlockDiagonalForm RealDigits RealExponent Reals Reap Record RecordLists RecordSeparators Rectangle RectangleBox RectangleBoxOptions RectangleChart RectangleChart3D RecurrenceFilter RecurrenceTable RecurringDigitsForm Red Reduce RefBox ReferenceLineStyle ReferenceMarkers ReferenceMarkerStyle Refine ReflectionMatrix ReflectionTransform Refresh RefreshRate RegionBinarize RegionFunction RegionPlot RegionPlot3D RegularExpression Regularization Reinstall Release ReleaseHold ReliabilityDistribution ReliefImage ReliefPlot Remove RemoveAlphaChannel RemoveAsynchronousTask Removed RemoveInputStreamMethod RemoveOutputStreamMethod RemoveProperty RemoveScheduledTask RenameDirectory RenameFile RenderAll RenderingOptions RenewalProcess RenkoChart Repeated RepeatedNull RepeatedString Replace ReplaceAll ReplaceHeldPart ReplaceImageValue ReplaceList ReplacePart ReplacePixelValue ReplaceRepeated Resampling Rescale RescalingTransform ResetDirectory ResetMenusPacket ResetScheduledTask Residue Resolve Rest Resultant ResumePacket Return ReturnExpressionPacket ReturnInputFormPacket ReturnPacket ReturnTextPacket Reverse ReverseBiorthogonalSplineWavelet ReverseElement ReverseEquilibrium ReverseGraph ReverseUpEquilibrium RevolutionAxis RevolutionPlot3D RGBColor RiccatiSolve RiceDistribution RidgeFilter RiemannR RiemannSiegelTheta RiemannSiegelZ Riffle Right RightArrow RightArrowBar RightArrowLeftArrow RightCosetRepresentative RightDownTeeVector RightDownVector RightDownVectorBar RightTee RightTeeArrow RightTeeVector RightTriangle RightTriangleBar RightTriangleEqual RightUpDownVector RightUpTeeVector RightUpVector RightUpVectorBar RightVector RightVectorBar RiskAchievementImportance RiskReductionImportance RogersTanimotoDissimilarity Root RootApproximant RootIntervals RootLocusPlot RootMeanSquare RootOfUnityQ RootReduce Roots RootSum Rotate RotateLabel RotateLeft RotateRight RotationAction RotationBox RotationBoxOptions RotationMatrix RotationTransform Round RoundImplies RoundingRadius Row RowAlignments RowBackgrounds RowBox RowHeights RowLines RowMinHeight RowReduce RowsEqual RowSpacings RSolve RudvalisGroupRu Rule RuleCondition RuleDelayed RuleForm RulerUnits Run RunScheduledTask RunThrough RuntimeAttributes RuntimeOptions RussellRaoDissimilarity SameQ SameTest SampleDepth SampledSoundFunction SampledSoundList SampleRate SamplingPeriod SARIMAProcess SARMAProcess SatisfiabilityCount SatisfiabilityInstances SatisfiableQ Saturday Save Saveable SaveAutoDelete SaveDefinitions SawtoothWave Scale Scaled ScaleDivisions ScaledMousePosition ScaleOrigin ScalePadding ScaleRanges ScaleRangeStyle ScalingFunctions ScalingMatrix ScalingTransform Scan ScheduledTaskActiveQ ScheduledTaskData ScheduledTaskObject ScheduledTasks SchurDecomposition ScientificForm ScreenRectangle ScreenStyleEnvironment ScriptBaselineShifts ScriptLevel ScriptMinSize ScriptRules ScriptSizeMultipliers Scrollbars ScrollingOptions ScrollPosition Sec Sech SechDistribution SectionGrouping SectorChart SectorChart3D SectorOrigin SectorSpacing SeedRandom Select Selectable SelectComponents SelectedCells SelectedNotebook Selection SelectionAnimate SelectionCell SelectionCellCreateCell SelectionCellDefaultStyle SelectionCellParentStyle SelectionCreateCell SelectionDebuggerTag SelectionDuplicateCell SelectionEvaluate SelectionEvaluateCreateCell SelectionMove SelectionPlaceholder SelectionSetStyle SelectWithContents SelfLoops SelfLoopStyle SemialgebraicComponentInstances SendMail Sequence SequenceAlignment SequenceForm SequenceHold SequenceLimit Series SeriesCoefficient SeriesData SessionTime Set SetAccuracy SetAlphaChannel SetAttributes Setbacks SetBoxFormNamesPacket SetDelayed SetDirectory SetEnvironment SetEvaluationNotebook SetFileDate SetFileLoadingContext SetNotebookStatusLine SetOptions SetOptionsPacket SetPrecision SetProperty SetSelectedNotebook SetSharedFunction SetSharedVariable SetSpeechParametersPacket SetStreamPosition SetSystemOptions Setter SetterBar SetterBox SetterBoxOptions Setting SetValue Shading Shallow ShannonWavelet ShapiroWilkTest Share Sharpen ShearingMatrix ShearingTransform ShenCastanMatrix Short ShortDownArrow Shortest ShortestMatch ShortestPathFunction ShortLeftArrow ShortRightArrow ShortUpArrow Show ShowAutoStyles ShowCellBracket ShowCellLabel ShowCellTags ShowClosedCellArea ShowContents ShowControls ShowCursorTracker ShowGroupOpenCloseIcon ShowGroupOpener ShowInvisibleCharacters ShowPageBreaks ShowPredictiveInterface ShowSelection ShowShortBoxForm ShowSpecialCharacters ShowStringCharacters ShowSyntaxStyles ShrinkingDelay ShrinkWrapBoundingBox SiegelTheta SiegelTukeyTest Sign Signature SignedRankTest SignificanceLevel SignPadding SignTest SimilarityRules SimpleGraph SimpleGraphQ Simplify Sin Sinc SinghMaddalaDistribution SingleEvaluation SingleLetterItalics SingleLetterStyle SingularValueDecomposition SingularValueList SingularValuePlot SingularValues Sinh SinhIntegral SinIntegral SixJSymbol Skeleton SkeletonTransform SkellamDistribution Skewness SkewNormalDistribution Skip SliceDistribution Slider Slider2D Slider2DBox Slider2DBoxOptions SliderBox SliderBoxOptions SlideView Slot SlotSequence Small SmallCircle Smaller SmithDelayCompensator SmithWatermanSimilarity SmoothDensityHistogram SmoothHistogram SmoothHistogram3D SmoothKernelDistribution SocialMediaData Socket SokalSneathDissimilarity Solve SolveAlways SolveDelayed Sort SortBy Sound SoundAndGraphics SoundNote SoundVolume Sow Space SpaceForm Spacer Spacings Span SpanAdjustments SpanCharacterRounding SpanFromAbove SpanFromBoth SpanFromLeft SpanLineThickness SpanMaxSize SpanMinSize SpanningCharacters SpanSymmetric SparseArray SpatialGraphDistribution Speak SpeakTextPacket SpearmanRankTest SpearmanRho Spectrogram SpectrogramArray Specularity SpellingCorrection SpellingDictionaries SpellingDictionariesPath SpellingOptions SpellingSuggestionsPacket Sphere SphereBox SphericalBesselJ SphericalBesselY SphericalHankelH1 SphericalHankelH2 SphericalHarmonicY SphericalPlot3D SphericalRegion SpheroidalEigenvalue SpheroidalJoiningFactor SpheroidalPS SpheroidalPSPrime SpheroidalQS SpheroidalQSPrime SpheroidalRadialFactor SpheroidalS1 SpheroidalS1Prime SpheroidalS2 SpheroidalS2Prime Splice SplicedDistribution SplineClosed SplineDegree SplineKnots SplineWeights Split SplitBy SpokenString Sqrt SqrtBox SqrtBoxOptions Square SquaredEuclideanDistance SquareFreeQ SquareIntersection SquaresR SquareSubset SquareSubsetEqual SquareSuperset SquareSupersetEqual SquareUnion SquareWave StabilityMargins StabilityMarginsStyle StableDistribution Stack StackBegin StackComplete StackInhibit StandardDeviation StandardDeviationFilter StandardForm Standardize StandbyDistribution Star StarGraph StartAsynchronousTask StartingStepSize StartOfLine StartOfString StartScheduledTask StartupSound StateDimensions StateFeedbackGains StateOutputEstimator StateResponse StateSpaceModel StateSpaceRealization StateSpaceTransform StationaryDistribution StationaryWaveletPacketTransform StationaryWaveletTransform StatusArea StatusCentrality StepMonitor StieltjesGamma StirlingS1 StirlingS2 StopAsynchronousTask StopScheduledTask StrataVariables StratonovichProcess StreamColorFunction StreamColorFunctionScaling StreamDensityPlot StreamPlot StreamPoints StreamPosition Streams StreamScale StreamStyle String StringBreak StringByteCount StringCases StringCount StringDrop StringExpression StringForm StringFormat StringFreeQ StringInsert StringJoin StringLength StringMatchQ StringPosition StringQ StringReplace StringReplaceList StringReplacePart StringReverse StringRotateLeft StringRotateRight StringSkeleton StringSplit StringTake StringToStream StringTrim StripBoxes StripOnInput StripWrapperBoxes StrokeForm StructuralImportance StructuredArray StructuredSelection StruveH StruveL Stub StudentTDistribution Style StyleBox StyleBoxAutoDelete StyleBoxOptions StyleData StyleDefinitions StyleForm StyleKeyMapping StyleMenuListing StyleNameDialogSettings StyleNames StylePrint StyleSheetPath Subfactorial Subgraph SubMinus SubPlus SubresultantPolynomialRemainders SubresultantPolynomials Subresultants Subscript SubscriptBox SubscriptBoxOptions Subscripted Subset SubsetEqual Subsets SubStar Subsuperscript SubsuperscriptBox SubsuperscriptBoxOptions Subtract SubtractFrom SubValues Succeeds SucceedsEqual SucceedsSlantEqual SucceedsTilde SuchThat Sum SumConvergence Sunday SuperDagger SuperMinus SuperPlus Superscript SuperscriptBox SuperscriptBoxOptions Superset SupersetEqual SuperStar Surd SurdForm SurfaceColor SurfaceGraphics SurvivalDistribution SurvivalFunction SurvivalModel SurvivalModelFit SuspendPacket SuzukiDistribution SuzukiGroupSuz SwatchLegend Switch Symbol SymbolName SymletWavelet Symmetric SymmetricGroup SymmetricMatrixQ SymmetricPolynomial SymmetricReduction Symmetrize SymmetrizedArray SymmetrizedArrayRules SymmetrizedDependentComponents SymmetrizedIndependentComponents SymmetrizedReplacePart SynchronousInitialization SynchronousUpdating Syntax SyntaxForm SyntaxInformation SyntaxLength SyntaxPacket SyntaxQ SystemDialogInput SystemException SystemHelpPath SystemInformation SystemInformationData SystemOpen SystemOptions SystemsModelDelay SystemsModelDelayApproximate SystemsModelDelete SystemsModelDimensions SystemsModelExtract SystemsModelFeedbackConnect SystemsModelLabels SystemsModelOrder SystemsModelParallelConnect SystemsModelSeriesConnect SystemsModelStateFeedbackConnect SystemStub Tab TabFilling Table TableAlignments TableDepth TableDirections TableForm TableHeadings TableSpacing TableView TableViewBox TabSpacings TabView TabViewBox TabViewBoxOptions TagBox TagBoxNote TagBoxOptions TaggingRules TagSet TagSetDelayed TagStyle TagUnset Take TakeWhile Tally Tan Tanh TargetFunctions TargetUnits TautologyQ TelegraphProcess TemplateBox TemplateBoxOptions TemplateSlotSequence TemporalData Temporary TemporaryVariable TensorContract TensorDimensions TensorExpand TensorProduct TensorQ TensorRank TensorReduce TensorSymmetry TensorTranspose TensorWedge Tetrahedron TetrahedronBox TetrahedronBoxOptions TeXForm TeXSave Text Text3DBox Text3DBoxOptions TextAlignment TextBand TextBoundingBox TextBox TextCell TextClipboardType TextData TextForm TextJustification TextLine TextPacket TextParagraph TextRecognize TextRendering TextStyle Texture TextureCoordinateFunction TextureCoordinateScaling Therefore ThermometerGauge Thick Thickness Thin Thinning ThisLink ThompsonGroupTh Thread ThreeJSymbol Threshold Through Throw Thumbnail Thursday Ticks TicksStyle Tilde TildeEqual TildeFullEqual TildeTilde TimeConstrained TimeConstraint Times TimesBy TimeSeriesForecast TimeSeriesInvertibility TimeUsed TimeValue TimeZone Timing Tiny TitleGrouping TitsGroupT ToBoxes ToCharacterCode ToColor ToContinuousTimeModel ToDate ToDiscreteTimeModel ToeplitzMatrix ToExpression ToFileName Together Toggle ToggleFalse Toggler TogglerBar TogglerBox TogglerBoxOptions ToHeldExpression ToInvertibleTimeSeries TokenWords Tolerance ToLowerCase ToNumberField TooBig Tooltip TooltipBox TooltipBoxOptions TooltipDelay TooltipStyle Top TopHatTransform TopologicalSort ToRadicals ToRules ToString Total TotalHeight TotalVariationFilter TotalWidth TouchscreenAutoZoom TouchscreenControlPlacement ToUpperCase Tr Trace TraceAbove TraceAction TraceBackward TraceDepth TraceDialog TraceForward TraceInternal TraceLevel TraceOff TraceOn TraceOriginal TracePrint TraceScan TrackedSymbols TradingChart TraditionalForm TraditionalFunctionNotation TraditionalNotation TraditionalOrder TransferFunctionCancel TransferFunctionExpand TransferFunctionFactor TransferFunctionModel TransferFunctionPoles TransferFunctionTransform TransferFunctionZeros TransformationFunction TransformationFunctions TransformationMatrix TransformedDistribution TransformedField Translate TranslationTransform TransparentColor Transpose TreeForm TreeGraph TreeGraphQ TreePlot TrendStyle TriangleWave TriangularDistribution Trig TrigExpand TrigFactor TrigFactorList Trigger TrigReduce TrigToExp TrimmedMean True TrueQ TruncatedDistribution TsallisQExponentialDistribution TsallisQGaussianDistribution TTest Tube TubeBezierCurveBox TubeBezierCurveBoxOptions TubeBox TubeBSplineCurveBox TubeBSplineCurveBoxOptions Tuesday TukeyLambdaDistribution TukeyWindow Tuples TuranGraph TuringMachine Transparent UnateQ Uncompress Undefined UnderBar Underflow Underlined Underoverscript UnderoverscriptBox UnderoverscriptBoxOptions Underscript UnderscriptBox UnderscriptBoxOptions UndirectedEdge UndirectedGraph UndirectedGraphQ UndocumentedTestFEParserPacket UndocumentedTestGetSelectionPacket Unequal Unevaluated UniformDistribution UniformGraphDistribution UniformSumDistribution Uninstall Union UnionPlus Unique UnitBox UnitConvert UnitDimensions Unitize UnitRootTest UnitSimplify UnitStep UnitTriangle UnitVector Unprotect UnsameQ UnsavedVariables Unset UnsetShared UntrackedVariables Up UpArrow UpArrowBar UpArrowDownArrow Update UpdateDynamicObjects UpdateDynamicObjectsSynchronous UpdateInterval UpDownArrow UpEquilibrium UpperCaseQ UpperLeftArrow UpperRightArrow UpperTriangularize Upsample UpSet UpSetDelayed UpTee UpTeeArrow UpValues URL URLFetch URLFetchAsynchronous URLSave URLSaveAsynchronous UseGraphicsRange Using UsingFrontEnd V2Get ValidationLength Value ValueBox ValueBoxOptions ValueForm ValueQ ValuesData Variables Variance VarianceEquivalenceTest VarianceEstimatorFunction VarianceGammaDistribution VarianceTest VectorAngle VectorColorFunction VectorColorFunctionScaling VectorDensityPlot VectorGlyphData VectorPlot VectorPlot3D VectorPoints VectorQ Vectors VectorScale VectorStyle Vee Verbatim Verbose VerboseConvertToPostScriptPacket VerifyConvergence VerifySolutions VerifyTestAssumptions Version VersionNumber VertexAdd VertexCapacity VertexColors VertexComponent VertexConnectivity VertexCoordinateRules VertexCoordinates VertexCorrelationSimilarity VertexCosineSimilarity VertexCount VertexCoverQ VertexDataCoordinates VertexDegree VertexDelete VertexDiceSimilarity VertexEccentricity VertexInComponent VertexInDegree VertexIndex VertexJaccardSimilarity VertexLabeling VertexLabels VertexLabelStyle VertexList VertexNormals VertexOutComponent VertexOutDegree VertexQ VertexRenderingFunction VertexReplace VertexShape VertexShapeFunction VertexSize VertexStyle VertexTextureCoordinates VertexWeight Vertical VerticalBar VerticalForm VerticalGauge VerticalSeparator VerticalSlider VerticalTilde ViewAngle ViewCenter ViewMatrix ViewPoint ViewPointSelectorSettings ViewPort ViewRange ViewVector ViewVertical VirtualGroupData Visible VisibleCell VoigtDistribution VonMisesDistribution WaitAll WaitAsynchronousTask WaitNext WaitUntil WakebyDistribution WalleniusHypergeometricDistribution WaringYuleDistribution WatershedComponents WatsonUSquareTest WattsStrogatzGraphDistribution WaveletBestBasis WaveletFilterCoefficients WaveletImagePlot WaveletListPlot WaveletMapIndexed WaveletMatrixPlot WaveletPhi WaveletPsi WaveletScale WaveletScalogram WaveletThreshold WeaklyConnectedComponents WeaklyConnectedGraphQ WeakStationarity WeatherData WeberE Wedge Wednesday WeibullDistribution WeierstrassHalfPeriods WeierstrassInvariants WeierstrassP WeierstrassPPrime WeierstrassSigma WeierstrassZeta WeightedAdjacencyGraph WeightedAdjacencyMatrix WeightedData WeightedGraphQ Weights WelchWindow WheelGraph WhenEvent Which While White Whitespace WhitespaceCharacter WhittakerM WhittakerW WienerFilter WienerProcess WignerD WignerSemicircleDistribution WilksW WilksWTest WindowClickSelect WindowElements WindowFloating WindowFrame WindowFrameElements WindowMargins WindowMovable WindowOpacity WindowSelected WindowSize WindowStatusArea WindowTitle WindowToolbars WindowWidth With WolframAlpha WolframAlphaDate WolframAlphaQuantity WolframAlphaResult Word WordBoundary WordCharacter WordData WordSearch WordSeparators WorkingPrecision Write WriteString Wronskian XMLElement XMLObject Xnor Xor Yellow YuleDissimilarity ZernikeR ZeroSymmetric ZeroTest ZeroWidthTimes Zeta ZetaZero ZipfDistribution ZTest ZTransform $Aborted $ActivationGroupID $ActivationKey $ActivationUserRegistered $AddOnsDirectory $AssertFunction $Assumptions $AsynchronousTask $BaseDirectory $BatchInput $BatchOutput $BoxForms $ByteOrdering $Canceled $CharacterEncoding $CharacterEncodings $CommandLine $CompilationTarget $ConditionHold $ConfiguredKernels $Context $ContextPath $ControlActiveSetting $CreationDate $CurrentLink $DateStringFormat $DefaultFont $DefaultFrontEnd $DefaultImagingDevice $DefaultPath $Display $DisplayFunction $DistributedContexts $DynamicEvaluation $Echo $Epilog $ExportFormats $Failed $FinancialDataSource $FormatType $FrontEnd $FrontEndSession $GeoLocation $HistoryLength $HomeDirectory $HTTPCookies $IgnoreEOF $ImagingDevices $ImportFormats $InitialDirectory $Input $InputFileName $InputStreamMethods $Inspector $InstallationDate $InstallationDirectory $InterfaceEnvironment $IterationLimit $KernelCount $KernelID $Language $LaunchDirectory $LibraryPath $LicenseExpirationDate $LicenseID $LicenseProcesses $LicenseServer $LicenseSubprocesses $LicenseType $Line $Linked $LinkSupported $LoadedFiles $MachineAddresses $MachineDomain $MachineDomains $MachineEpsilon $MachineID $MachineName $MachinePrecision $MachineType $MaxExtraPrecision $MaxLicenseProcesses $MaxLicenseSubprocesses $MaxMachineNumber 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