This role facilitates the migration of an OpenShift Container Platform project from one cluster to another. In a test scenario, it can migrate the project to the same cluster.
At least one operational OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
The following variables can be found in defaults/main.yml.
# defaults file for kevensen.oc-project-migrator
# The Kubernetes Services to Migrate
services_to_migrate: []
# The Container Routes to Migrate
routes_to_migrate: []
# The Image Streams to Migrate
image_streams_to_migrate: []
# The Kubernetes Secrets to Migrate
secrets_to_migrate: []
# The Kubernetes Service Accounts to Migrate
service_accounts_to_migrate: []
# The Deployment Configurations to Migrate
deployments_to_migrate: []
# Add a string to the end of the project
# name. This is essential if you are migrating
# to the same cluster.
project_name_postpend: ''
# The Role Bindings to Migrate. This will
# include both users and groups with this binding.
- admin
# If the image stream you wish to pull from is insecure,
# this should be set as true. This value is only important
# when the source and destination clusters are not the same.
insecure_image_streams: false
# The default name of the cluster's container registry service
default_registry_service_name: docker-registry
# The default name of the cluster's container registry route
default_registry_route_name: docker-registry
# The default project role for the user
# migrating the project
project_role: 'view'
The following variables should be set as parameters.
# Whether or not to validate the TLS certs of the API endpoint
validate_certs: true
# The token of the service account with which to access the API
ansible_sa_token: abcdefg
This role requires the kevensen.oc role to be applied to a host as well.
The following example shows how one can use this role to create a project.
# file: migrate.yml
- hosts: oc
- kevensen.oc
- kevensen.oc-project-migrator
ansible_become: true
from_host: openshift
project_name: cake
project_name_postpend: '-test'
- cakephp-mysql-example
- mysql
- cakephp-mysql-example
- cakephp-mysql-example
- cakephp-mysql-example
- cakephp-mysql-example
- mysql
Ken Evensen is a Solutions Architect with Red Hat