Hello World to incompressible Navier--Stokes. The basic features of this solver are:
- Two-dimensional flow
- Second-order finite difference, staggered grid
- Fractional-step method
- Pressure-Poisson equation solved via FFTs
- OpenMP acceleration
- Fully explicit Euler time-integration
- Uniform grid spacing
Various branches have been created in what is (generally) increasing order of implementation complexity:
: Doubly-periodic domain, Pressure-Poisson equation solved via 2D FFTswalls
: Implementation of wall-boundary conditions in one direction. The Poisson equation is solved with 1D FFTs in the periodic x-direction and a tridiagonal inversion in the remaining wall-normal direction. A scalar field is also added so that 2D Rayleigh-Benard flow can be simulated.implicit
: Implicit time-stepping treatment of the diffusive terms using an Alternating Direct Implicit (ADI) approach or Helmholtz solver.RK3
: Implementation of RK3 sub-stepping. Wall-normal viscous terms are always treated implicitly, while an option is available to treat the wall-parallel terms implicitly.non-uniform-grid
: Grid-stretching in the wall-normal direction.3d
: Full 3D Navier--Stokes, with a standard channel geometry configuration. Periodicity in xy and wall-normal grid-stretching in z. WIP
Fields are dumped as binary files. In the later branches, I have routines which dump additional XDMF instructions such that they can be conveniently imported into Paraview.
- Fortran compiler
- OpenMP
- Dr. Naoki Hori for his overall guidance in kick-starting this project
- My PhD advisor A/Prof. Daniel Chung, of which I have used his code as a reference for various intricacies related to incompressible flow solvers
- The contributors to AFiD, which I have also used as a reference