Contributions are always welcome! If you have discovered a bug or have a feature request, please create an issue on GitHub. Pull requests are also welcome when you find trivial bugs or typos.
We use English for all commit messages, code comments, issues, pull requests. For Japanese speakers, we have another repository: Please file an issue there.
(Translated in Japanese) 本リポジトリではコミットメッセージやコードコメント、issues、pull requests において英語を使用しています。 日本語話者向けに専用のリポジトリも用意しています: こちらに issue をご登録ください。
This repository is a monorepo using pnpm.
% cd js-sdk
% pnpm install
% cd js-sdk
% pnpm start
Before run lint
and test
scripts, you have to run build
% cd js-sdk
% pnpm build
% pnpm test
% pnpm lint
After you have approved a PR, please merge the PR using Squash and merge with Conventional Commits format. The commit message should include the target package name as the scope.
# rest-api-client is the scope of this commit
feat(rest-api-client): add record.getRecord()
- Verify the change log of the release PR
chore: release main
- Merge the PR using Squash and merge
When you create a new package, you must define the following npm-scripts, otherwise CI would be failed.
You have to define build
script to build source files.
In most cases, the script would be tsc --build --force
Actually, the script isn't run when releasing new versions of packages, so it's not necessary. But it might be helpful when you want to build only specific packages rather than all pacakges, I'm not sure there is any case it is necessary though.
But prebuild
and postbuild
are important.
is run before build
, so it's useful to clean build assets before running a new build.
In most cases, the script would be pnpm clean
, which runs rimraf
for build assets directories.
is run after build
, so it's useful to build other assets like ESM and UMD builds.
You have to define lint
script to lint source files.
In most cases, the script would be the eslint
You don't have to tsc --noEmit
as the lint
script because tsc
is run as the build
script that is run before the lint
You have to define test
script to test source files.
In most cases, the script would be the jest
You have to define test
script to test source files on CI environments.
In most cases, the script would be the jest --runInBand
GitHub Actions might not need the --runInBand
to run Jest successfully, so we might remove the script in the future.
You have to add the new package into the references
field in packages/tsconfig.json
, and its dependencies in kintone/js-sdk
have to be added into the references
field in the package's tsconfig.json
The tsconfig.json
has to extend packages/tsconfig-base.json
You can import an exsiting package with lerna import path/to/package
After the PR has been merged, you have to create a tag at the last commit where the package had been released.
The tag format is package-name@version