The SIG CI - aka KubeVirt CI Operations Group - maintains the KubeVirt CI infrastructure.
The group is primarily responsible for keeping the KubeVirt CI infrastructure operational, such that CI jobs are executed in a timely manner and PRs of any of the onboarded projects are not blocked.
Additional secondary responsibilities are:
- keeping an eye on prow job failures and notify members of the sig teams if required
- supporting and educating sig members in CI matters related to prow job configuration
- regularly updating the prow deployment (effectively meaning looking at the automated bump jobs)
- maintaining cluster nodes (in coordination with the KNI infrastructure team)
- maintaining cluster configuration (i.e. prow concertation, onboarding and updating other cluster configs inside the secrets repository, also adding secrets that folks can use in their jobs or actions)
The SIG is NOT responsible for
- fixing flaky tests, as long as those tests are not caused by the CI infrastructure itself
- fixing the overload of the CI infrastructure if it is caused by misuse of the infrastructure
- improving the runtime of specific lanes as long as the creators of the lane are capable of handling this themselves
- anything else that people outside this group are capable of handling on their own
This sig follows the Roles and Organization Management outlined in OARP
- Be welcoming to new contributors
- Resolve conflicts