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L2 Studio - PicaComic API

A library for PicaComic http web api


npm install --save @l2studio/picacomic-api
# or
pnpm i @l2studio/picacomic-api


Currently the API documentation for version 0.2.x. See also old documentation.

The v0.2.x is a breaking update, but more specific to type definitions. and code refactoring and optimization.

import { PicaComicAPI } from '@l2studio/picacomic-api'

class PicaComicAPI {
  public readonly fetch: Got
  public readonly appOptions?: Partial<PicaComicOptions>
  public readonly reauthorizationTokenCallback?: (self: this) => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>
  constructor (options?: PicaComicAPIOptions)

API Options

interface PicaComicOptions {
  api: string
  apiKey: string
  signatureKey: string
  accept: string
  channel: '1' | '2' | '3'
  version: string
  uuid: string
  platform: string
  buildVersion: string
  userAgent: string
  imageQuality: 'original' | 'low' | 'medium' | 'high'

interface PicaComicAPIOptions {
  // Got instance or options (optional)
  // See:
  fetch?: Got | ExtendOptions

  // PicaComic app client options (optional)
  // See above: PicaComicOptions
  appOptions?: Partial<PicaComicOptions>

  // Callback function used to re-authenticate and return a new token when the token is invalid. (optional)
  // Example:
  //   async reauthorizationTokenCallback (self) {
  //     console.log('Token invalid, re-authenticate...')
  //     const response = await self.signIn({
  //       email   : 'your picacomic account email',
  //       password: 'your picacomic account password'
  //     })
  //     return
  //   }
  reauthorizationTokenCallback?: (self: PicaComicAPI) => string | undefined | Promise<string | undefined>


class PicaComicError extends Error {
  readonly code: number
  readonly error: string
  readonly message: string
  readonly detail?: string


 * Register a PicaComic account with the given payload.
 * @param payload - RegisterPayload {
 *   name      - Nickname (2 - 50 characters)
 *   email     - Email (Allow: [0-9 a-z . _])
 *   password  - Password (Greater than 8 characters)
 *   question1 - Security Question 1
 *   question2 -                   2
 *   question3 -                   3
 *   answer1   - Security question 1 answer
 *   answer2   -                   2 answer
 *   answer3   -                   3 answer
 *   birthday  - Birthday ('YYYY-MM-DD' | Date | Milliseconds) Need to be 18 years or older
 *   gender    - Gender ('m' | 'f' | 'bot')
 * }
 * @return BaseResponse<undefined>
PicaComicAPI.register(payload: RegisterPayload): Promise<BaseResponse<undefined>>


 * Sign in to the PicaComic account with the given payload.
 * @param payload - SignInPayload {
 *   email    - Your PicaComic account email
 *   password -                        password
 * }
 * @return SignInResponse
PicaComicAPI.signIn(payload: SignInPayload): Promise<SignInResponse>


 * Punch in to the PicaComic account with the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload { token - Access token }
 * @return PunchInResponse
PicaComicAPI.punchIn(payload: AuthorizationPayload): Promise<PunchInResponse>


 * Fetch user profile using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload { token - Access token }
 * @return UserProfileResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchUserProfile(payload: AuthorizationPayload): Promise<UserProfileResponse>


 * Fetch user favourite comics using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & UserFavouritePayload {
 *   token - Access token
 *   page  - Page number (optional)
 *   sort  - Sorting type (optional)
 * }
 * @return UserFavouriteResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchUserFavourite(payload: AuthorizationPayload & UserFavouritePayload): Promise<UserFavouriteResponse>


 * Fetch all categories using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload { token - Access token }
 * @return CategoriesResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchCategories(payload: AuthorizationPayload): Promise<CategoriesResponse>


 * Fetch comics using the given payload.
 * @param payload -  AuthorizationPayload & ComicsPayload {
 *   token    - Access token
 *   category - Specify category name (e.g.: 'Cosplay')
 *   page     - Page number (optional)
 *   sort     - Sorting type (optional)
 * }
 * @return ComicsResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchComics(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicsPayload): Promise<ComicsResponse>


 * Fetch comic detail using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & ComicDetailPayload {
 *   token   - Access token
 *   comicId - Specify comic id
 * }
 * @return ComicDetailResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchComicDetail(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicDetailPayload): Promise<ComicDetailResponse>


 * Fetch comic episodes using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & ComicEpisodesPayload {
 *   token   - Access token
 *   comicId - Specify comic id
 *   page    - Page number (optional)
 * }
 * @return ComicEpisodesResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchComicEpisodes(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicEpisodesPayload): Promise<ComicEpisodesResponse>


 * Fetch pages of the specified comic episode using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & ComicEpisodePagesPayload {
 *   token   - Access token
 *   comicId - Specify comic id
 *   order   - Specify episode order of the comic
 *   page    - Page number (optional)
 * }
 * @return ComicEpisodePagesResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchComicEpisodePages(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicEpisodePagesPayload): Promise<ComicEpisodePagesResponse>


 * Fetch comic comments using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & ComicCommentsPayload {
 *   token   - Access token
 *   comicId - Specify comic id
 *   page    - Page number (optional)
 * }
 * @return ComicCommentsResponse
PicaComicAPI.fetchComicComments(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicCommentsPayload): Promise<ComicComments>


 * Search comics using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & SearchComicsPayload {
 *   token      - Access token
 *   keyword    - Keyword
 *   categories - Specify category name array (e.g.: ['Cosplay']) (optional)
 *   page       - Page number (optional)
 *   sort       - Sorting type (optional)
 * }
 * @return SearchComicsResponse
PicaComicAPI.searchComics(payload: AuthorizationPayload & SearchComicsPayload): Promise<Comics>


 * Switch the comic as like or unlike using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & ComicIdPayload {
 *   toke    - Access token
 *   comicId - Specify comic id
 * }
 * @return SwitchComicLikeResponse
PicaComicAPI.switchComicLike(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicIdPayload): Promise<SwitchComicLikeResponse>


 * Switch the comic as favourite or un_favourite using the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & ComicIdPayload {
 *   toke    - Access token
 *   comicId - Specify comic id
 * }
 * @return SwitchComicFavouriteResponse
PicaComicAPI.switchComicFavourite(payload: AuthorizationPayload & ComicIdPayload): Promise<SwitchComicFavouriteResponse>


 * Set the slogan of the user profile with the given payload.
 * @param payload - AuthorizationPayload & UserProfileSloganPayload {
 *   toke   - Access token
 *   slogan - Slogan (Cannot be blank)
 * }
 * @return BaseResponse<undefined>
PicaComicAPI.setUserProfileSlogan(payload: AuthorizationPayload & UserProfileSloganPayload): Promise<BaseResponse<undefined>>


 * Stringify the given image media data into image url.
 * @param payload - ImageMediaPayload = ImageMedia | {
 *   path       - Path name
 *   fileServer - File server (Optional)
 * }
 * @return string
PicaComicAPI.stringifyImageUrl(payload: ImageMediaPayload): string


 * Create an image request from the given image media data.
 * @param payload - ImageMediaPayload = ImageMedia | {
 *   path       - Path name
 *   fileServer - File server (Optional)
 * }
 * @return Request (Got request)
PicaComicAPI.createImageRequest(payload: ImageMediaPayload): got.Request


 * Create an image request and as buffer from the given image media data.
 * @param payload - ImageMediaPayload = ImageMedia | {
 *   path       - Path name
 *   fileServer - File server (Optional)
 * }
 * @return Buffer
PicaComicAPI.createImageRequestAsBuffer(payload: ImageMediaPayload): Promise<Buffer>


The client is just a wrapper for a single account operation, and does not need to handle the problem of token invalidation by itself.

Note: The client is similar to the API, but does not provide register and signIn methods. The payload parameters of other methods do not need to provide the token access token property.

import { PicaComicClient } from '@l2studio/picacomic-api'

export class PicaComicClient {
  public readonly email: string
  public readonly password: string
  public readonly api: PicaComicAPI
  public readonly onTokenIssued?: (token: string) => void | Promise<void>
  public token: string
  constructor (options: PicaComicClientOptions)

Client Options

interface PicaComicClientOptions extends Omit<PicaComicAPIOptions, 'reauthorizationTokenCallback'> {
  /// Extende PicaComicAPIOptions options
  /// See above
  fetch?: Got | ExtendOptions
  appOptions?: Partial<PicaComicOptions>

  // Owned options
  email: string         // PicaComic account email
  password: string      // PicaComic account password
  token?: string        // PicaComic account access token (Optional)

  // Callback function for re-authenticate and consuming a new token when the token is invalid. (Optional)
  // Example:
  //   onTokenIssued (token) {
  //     console.log('New token:', token)
  //     fs.writeFileSync('token.txt', token)
  //   }
  onTokenIssued?: (token: string) => void | Promise<void>


When the token expires, it will re-login and renew the token and persistence. No need to provide token every time.

import { PicaComicClient } from '@l2studio/picacomic-api'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'

const tokenFile = path.join(__dirname, '.token') // Persistent token
const picacomic = new PicaComicClient({
  email   : 'your picacomic email',
  password: 'your picacomic password',
  token: fs.existsSync(tokenFile) ? fs.readFileSync(tokenFile, 'utf8') : undefined,
  onTokenIssued (token) {
    console.log('New token:', token)
    fs.writeFileSync(tokenFile, token) // Update persistent token

;(async () => {
  const response = await picacomic.fetchComics({ category: 'Cosplay' })


How to configure http proxy

See also Got agent.

Please configure the fetch property of PicaComicAPIOptions or PicaComicClientOptions.

Example using tunnel:

import { PicaComicClient } from '@l2studio/picacomic-api'
import tunnel from 'tunnel'

const picacomic = new PicaComicClient({
  fetch: {
    agent: {
      https: tunnel.httpsOverHttp({
        // Your http proxy server host and port
        proxy: {
          host: '',
          port: 10809
      }) as any

