Given developers identified A and B: A == B with respect to ability and desire to filter and sort the entity data.
The Doctrine entity to share contains
id integer,
name string,
startAt datetime,
endAt datetime,
Developer A or B writes the API. The resource is a single Doctrine Entity and the data
is queried using a Doctrine QueryBuilder $objectManager->createQueryBuilder()
This module gives the other developer the same filtering and sorting ability to the
Doctrine query builder, but accessed through request parameters, as the API author.
For instance, startAt between('2015-01-09', '2015-01-11');
and name like ('%arlie')
are not common API filters for hand rolled APIs and perhaps without this module the API
author would choose not to implement it for their reason(s). With the help of this
module the API developer can implement complex queryability to resources without
complicated effort thereby maintaining A == B.
Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to
$ composer require laminas-api-tools/api-tools-doctrine-querybuilder
Once installed, add Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder
to your list of modules inside
If you use laminas-component-installer, that plugin will install api-tools-doctrine-querybuilder as a module for you.
Copy config/
to config/autoload/
and edit the list of aliases for orm and odm to those you want enabled by default.
To enable all filters you may override the default query providers in api-tools-doctrine
Add this to your
config file and filters and order-by will be applied
if they are in $_GET['filter']
or $_GET['order-by']
request. These $_GET
keys are customizable
through api-tools-doctrine-querybuilder-options
'api-tools-doctrine-query-provider' => [
'aliases' => [
'default_orm' => \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Query\Provider\DefaultOrm::class,
'default_odm' => \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Query\Provider\DefaultOdm::class,
'factories' => [
\Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Query\Provider\DefaultOrm::class => \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Query\Provider\DefaultOrmFactory::class,
\Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Query\Provider\DefaultOdm::class => \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Query\Provider\DefaultOdmFactory::class,
Configuration example
'api-tools-doctrine-querybuilder-orderby-orm' => [
'aliases' => [
'field' => \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\OrderBy\ORM\Field::class,
'factories' => [
\Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\OrderBy\ORM\Field::class => \Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory::class,
'api-tools-doctrine-querybuilder-filter-orm' => [
'aliases' => [
'eq' => \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Filter\ORM\Equals::class,
'factories' => [
\Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Filter\ORM\Equals::class => \Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory::class,
Request example
$_GET = [
'filter' => [
'type' => 'eq',
'field' => 'name',
'value' => 'Tom',
'order-by' => [
'type' => 'field',
'field' => 'startAt',
'direction' => 'desc',
Resource example
$serviceLocator = $this->getApplication()->getServiceLocator();
$objectManager = $serviceLocator->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default');
$filterManager = $serviceLocator->get('LaminasDoctrineQueryBuilderFilterManagerOrm');
$orderByManager = $serviceLocator->get('LaminasDoctrineQueryBuilderOrderByManagerOrm');
$queryBuilder = $objectManager->createQueryBuilder();
->from($entity, 'row')
$metadata = $objectManager->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor(ENTITY_NAME); // $e->getEntity() using doctrine resource event
$filterManager->filter($queryBuilder, $metadata, $_GET['filter']);
$orderByManager->orderBy($queryBuilder, $metadata, $_GET['order-by']);
$result = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();
Filters are not simple key/value pairs. Filters are a key-less array of filter definitions. Each filter definition is an array and the array values vary for each filter type.
Each filter definition requires at a minimum a 'type'. A type references the configuration key such as 'eq', 'neq', 'between'.
Each filter definition requires at a minimum a 'field'. This is the name of a field on the target entity.
Each filter definition may specify 'where' with values of either 'and', 'or'.
Embedded logic such as and(x or y) is supported through AndX and OrX filter types.
Javascript Example:
$(function () {
url: "http://localhost:8081/api/db/entity/user_data",
type: "GET",
data: {
'filter': [
'field': 'cycle',
'where': 'or',
'type': 'between',
'from': '1',
'to': '100'
'field': 'cycle',
'where': 'or',
'type': 'gte',
'value': '1000'
dataType: "json"
It is possible to query collections by relations - just supply the relation name as fieldName
identifier as value
Assuming we have defined 2 entities, User
and UserGroup
* @Entity
class User {
* @ManyToOne(targetEntity="UserGroup")
* @var UserGroup
protected $group;
* @Entity
class UserGroup {}
find all users that belong to UserGroup id #1 by querying the user resource with the following filter:
['type' => 'eq', 'field' => 'group', 'value' => '1']
To match entities A that have entity B in a collection use ismemberof
Assuming User
has a ManyToMany (or OneToMany) association with UserGroup
* @Entity
class User {
* @ManyToMany(targetEntity="UserGroup")
* @var UserGroup[]|ArrayCollection
protected $groups;
find all users that belong to UserGroup id #1 by querying the user resource with the following filter:
['type' => 'ismemberof', 'field' => 'groups', 'value' => '1']
When a date field is involved in a filter you may specify the format of the date using PHP date
formatting options. The default date format is Y-m-d H:i:s
If you have a date field which is
just Y-m-d
, then add the format to the filter. For complete date format options see
'format' => 'Y-m-d',
'value' => '2014-02-04',
There is an included ORM Query Type for Inner Join so for every filter type there is an optional alias
The default alias is 'row' and refers to the entity at the heart of the REST resource.
There is not a filter to add other entities to the return data. That is, only the original target resource,
by default 'row', will be returned regardless of what filters or order by are applied through this module.
Inner Join is not included by default in the
This example joins the report field through the inner join already defined on the row entity then filters
for = 2
['type' => 'innerjoin', 'field' => 'report', 'alias' => 'r'],
['type' => 'eq', 'alias' => 'r', 'field' => 'id', 'value' => '2']
You can inner join tables from an inner join using parentAlias
['type' => 'innerjoin', 'parentAlias' => 'r', 'field' => 'owner', 'alias' => 'o'],
Inner Join is commented by default in the
There is also an ORM Query Type for LeftJoin. This join type is commonly used to fetch an empty right side of a relationship.
Left Join is commented by default in the
['type' => 'leftjoin', 'field' => 'report', 'alias' => 'r'],
['type' => 'isnull', 'alias' => 'r', 'field' => 'id']
['type' => 'eq', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']
Not Equals:
['type' => 'neq', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']
Less Than:
['type' => 'lt', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']
Less Than or Equals:
['type' => 'lte', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']
Greater Than:
['type' => 'gt', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']
Greater Than or Equals:
['type' => 'gte', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'matchValue']
Is Null:
['type' => 'isnull', 'field' => 'fieldName']
Is Not Null:
['type' => 'isnotnull', 'field' => 'fieldName']
Note: Dates in the In and NotIn filters are not handled as dates. It is recommended you use multiple Equals statements instead of these filters for date datatypes.
['type' => 'in', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'values' => [1, 2, 3]]
['type' => 'notin', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'values' => [1, 2, 3]]
['type' => 'between', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'from' => 'startValue', 'to' => 'endValue']
Like (%
is used as a wildcard):
['type' => 'like', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'like%search']
Is Member Of:
['type' => 'ismemberof', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 1]
In AndX queries, the conditions
is an array of filter types for any of those described
here. The join will always be and
so the where
parameter inside of conditions is
ignored. The where
parameter on the AndX filter type is not ignored.
'type' => 'andx',
'conditions' => [
['field' =>'name', 'type'=>'eq', 'value' => 'ArtistOne'],
['field' =>'name', 'type'=>'eq', 'value' => 'ArtistTwo'],
'where' => 'and',
In OrX queries, the conditions
is an array of filter types for any of those described
here. The join will always be or
so the where
parameter inside of conditions is
ignored. The where
parameter on the OrX filter type is not ignored.
'type' => 'orx',
'conditions' => [
['field' =>'name', 'type'=>'eq', 'value' => 'ArtistOne'],
['field' =>'name', 'type'=>'eq', 'value' => 'ArtistTwo'],
'where' => 'and',
['type' => 'regex', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => '/.*search.*/i']
['type' => 'field', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'direction' => 'desc']
In case you have custom mapping types
configured, you can substitute the supplied Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Filter\TypeCastInterface
implementation with your own implementation.
As an example, given a custom type caster implentation as follows:
namespace My\Custom;
class TypeCaster implements \Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Filter\TypeCastInterface
public function typeCastField($metadata, $field, $value, $format = null, $doNotTypecastDatetime = false)
// implement your type casting logic
You will then provide a factory for your implementation, and alias the package TypeCastInterface
to it:
// config/autoload/api-tools-doctrine-querybuilder-global.php
use Laminas\ApiTools\Doctrine\QueryBuilder\Filter\TypeCastInterface;
use Laminas\ServiceManager\Factory\InvokableFactory;
use My\Custom\TypeCaster;
return [
'service_manager => [
'aliases' => [
TypeCastInterface::class => TypeCaster::class,
'factories' => [
TypeCaster::class => InvokableFactory::class,