diff --git a/Manual.lean b/Manual.lean index 47bd7ca..6c651d7 100644 --- a/Manual.lean +++ b/Manual.lean @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ authors := ["Lean Developers"] :::progress ```namespace -String Char +String Char Nat ``` ```exceptions String.revFindAux String.extract.go₂ String.substrEq.loop String.casesOn @@ -46,6 +46,58 @@ String.one_le_csize ```exceptions String.sluggify ``` + +```exceptions +Nat.anyM.loop +Nat.nextPowerOfTwo.go +Nat.foldRevM.loop +Nat.foldM.loop +Nat.foldTR.loop +Nat.recAux +Nat.allTR.loop +Nat.allM.loop +Nat.anyTR.loop +Nat.anyM.loop +Nat.toSuperDigitsAux +Nat.casesAuxOn +Nat.forM.loop +Nat.repeatTR.loop +Nat.forRevM.loop +Nat.toSubDigitsAux +``` + +```exceptions +Nat.one_pos +Nat.not_lt_of_lt +Nat.sub_lt_self +Nat.lt_or_gt +Nat.pow_le_pow_left +Nat.not_lt_of_gt +Nat.le_or_le +Nat.le_or_ge +Nat.pred_lt' +Nat.pow_le_pow_right +Nat.lt_iff_le_and_not_ge +Nat.mul_pred_right +Nat.mul_pred_left +Nat.prod_dvd_and_dvd_of_dvd_prod +Nat.lt_iff_le_and_not_ge +Nat.mul_pred_right +``` + +```exceptions +Nat.binductionOn +Nat.le.rec +Nat.le.recOn +Nat.le.casesOn +Nat.le.below +Nat.le.below.step +Nat.le.below.rec +Nat.le.below.recOn +Nat.le.below.refl +Nat.le.below.casesOn +``` + ::: diff --git a/Manual/BuiltInTypes.lean b/Manual/BuiltInTypes.lean index d60a398..6c1cfe2 100644 --- a/Manual/BuiltInTypes.lean +++ b/Manual/BuiltInTypes.lean @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ import Verso.Genre.Manual import Manual.Meta +import Manual.BuiltInTypes.Nat import Manual.BuiltInTypes.String open Manual.FFIDocType @@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ set_option pp.rawOnError true Lean includes a number of built-in datatypes that are specially supported by the compiler. Some additionally have special support in the kernel. -# Natural Numbers +{include 0 Manual.BuiltInTypes.Nat} # Fixed-Precision Integer Types diff --git a/Manual/BuiltInTypes/Nat.lean b/Manual/BuiltInTypes/Nat.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d9773a --- /dev/null +++ b/Manual/BuiltInTypes/Nat.lean @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +import Verso.Genre.Manual + +import Manual.Meta + +open Manual.FFIDocType + +open Verso.Genre Manual + +#doc (Manual) "Natural Numbers" => + +The natural numbers are nonnegative integers. +Logically, they are the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, …, generated from the constructors {lean}`Nat.zero` and {lean}`Nat.succ`. +Lean imposes no upper bound on the representation of natural numbers other than physical constraints imposed by the available memory of the computer. + +Because the natural numbers are fundamental to both mathematical reasoning and programming, they are specially supported by Lean's implementation. The logical model of the natural numbers is as an inductive datatype, and arithmetic operations are specified using this model. In Lean's kernel, the interpreter, and compiled code, closed natural numbers are represented as efficient arbitrary-precision integers. Sufficiently small numbers are immediate values that don't require indirection through a pointer. Arithmetic operations are implemented by primitives that take advantage of the efficient representations. + +# Logical Model + +{docstring Nat} + +The Peano axioms are a consequence of this definition. +The induction principle generated for {lean}`Nat` is the one demanded by the axiom of induction: +```signature +Nat.rec.{u} {motive : Nat → Sort u} + (zero : motive zero) + (succ : (n : Nat) → motive n → motive n.succ) + (t : Nat) : + motive t +``` +This induction principle also implements primitive recursion. +The injectivity of {lean}`Nat.succ` and the disjointness of {lean}`Nat.succ` and `Nat.zero` are consequences of the induction principle, using a construction typically called “no confusion”: +```lean +def NoConfusion : Nat → Nat → Prop + | 0, 0 => True + | 0, _ + 1 | _ + 1, 0 => False + | n + 1, k + 1 => n = k + +theorem noConfusionDiagonal (n : Nat) : NoConfusion n n := + Nat.rec True.intro (fun _ _ => rfl) n + +theorem noConfusion (n k : Nat) (eq : n = k) : NoConfusion n k := + eq ▸ noConfusionDiagonal n + +theorem succ_injective : n + 1 = k + 1 → n = k := noConfusion (n + 1) (k + 1) + +theorem succ_not_zero : ¬n + 1 = 0 := noConfusion (n + 1) 0 +``` + +# Run-Time Representation + +:::TODO + +Look up and document + +::: + +## Performance Notes + +Using Lean's built-in arithmetic operators, rather than redefining them, is essential. +The logical model of {lean}`Nat` is essentially a linked list, so addition would take time linear in the size of one argument. +Still worse, multiplication takes quadradic time in this model. +While defining arithmetic from scratch can be a useful learning exercise, these redefined operations will not be nearly as fast. + +# Syntax + +Natural number literals are overridden using the {lean}`OfNat` type class. + +:::TODO +Document this elsewhere, insert a cross-reference here +::: + + +# API Reference + +## Arithmetic + +{docstring Nat.pred} + +{docstring Nat.add} + +{docstring Nat.sub} + +{docstring Nat.mul} + +{docstring Nat.div} + +{docstring Nat.mod} + +{docstring Nat.modCore} + +{docstring Nat.pow} + +{docstring Nat.log2} + +### Bitwise Operations + +{docstring Nat.shiftLeft} + +{docstring Nat.shiftRight} + +{docstring Nat.xor} + +{docstring Nat.lor} + +{docstring Nat.land} + +{docstring Nat.bitwise} + +{docstring Nat.testBit} + +## Minimum and Maximum + +{docstring Nat.min} + +{docstring Nat.max} + +{docstring Nat.imax} + +## GCD and LCM + +{docstring Nat.gcd} + +{docstring Nat.lcm} + +## Powers of Two + +{docstring Nat.isPowerOfTwo} + +{docstring Nat.nextPowerOfTwo} + +## Comparisons + +### Boolean Comparisons + +{docstring Nat.beq} + +{docstring Nat.ble} + +{docstring Nat.blt} + +### Decidable Equality + +{docstring Nat.decEq} + +{docstring Nat.decLe} + +{docstring Nat.decLt} + +### Predicates + +{docstring Nat.le} + +{docstring Nat.lt} + +{docstring Nat.lt_wfRel} + +## Iteration + +Many iteration operators come in two versions: a structurally recursive version and a tail-recursive version. +The structurally recursive version is typically easier to use in contexts where definitional equality is important, as it will compute when only some prefix of a natural number is known. + +{docstring Nat.repeat} + +{docstring Nat.repeatTR} + +{docstring Nat.fold} + +{docstring Nat.foldTR} + +{docstring Nat.foldM} + +{docstring Nat.foldRev} + +{docstring Nat.foldRevM} + +{docstring Nat.forM} + +{docstring Nat.forRevM} + +{docstring Nat.all} + +{docstring Nat.allTR} + +{docstring Nat.any} + +{docstring Nat.anyTR} + +{docstring Nat.allM} + +{docstring Nat.anyM} + +## Conversion + +{docstring Nat.toUInt8} + +{docstring Nat.toUInt16} + +{docstring Nat.toUInt32} + +{docstring Nat.toUInt64} + +{docstring Nat.toUSize} + +{docstring Nat.toFloat} + +{docstring Nat.isValidChar} + +{docstring Nat.repr} + +{docstring Nat.toDigits} + +{docstring Nat.toDigitsCore} + +{docstring Nat.digitChar} + +{docstring Nat.toSubscriptString} + +{docstring Nat.toSuperscriptString} + +{docstring Nat.toSuperDigits} + +{docstring Nat.toSubDigits} + +{docstring Nat.subDigitChar} + +{docstring Nat.superDigitChar} + +### Metaprogramming and Internals + +{docstring Nat.fromExpr?} + +{docstring Nat.toLevel} + +## Casts + +{docstring NatCast} + +{docstring Nat.cast} + +## Elimination + +The recursion principle that is automatically generated for {lean}`Nat` results in proof goals that are phrased in terms of {lean}`Nat.zero` and {lean}`Nat.succ`. +This is not particularly user-friendly, so an alternative logically-equivalent recursion principle is provided that results in goals that are phrased in terms of {lean}`0` and `n + 1`. + +:::TODO +Insert reference to section on how to do this +::: + +{docstring Nat.rec} + +{docstring Nat.recOn} + +{docstring Nat.casesOn} + +{docstring Nat.below} + +{docstring Nat.noConfusionType} + +{docstring Nat.noConfusion} + +{docstring Nat.ibelow} + +{docstring Nat.elimOffset} + +### Alternative Induction Principles + +{docstring Nat.strongInductionOn} + +{docstring Nat.caseStrongInductionOn} + +{docstring Nat.div.inductionOn} + +{docstring Nat.div2Induction} + +{docstring Nat.mod.inductionOn} + +# Simplification + +## Normal Form + +:::TODO + +Document! + +::: + +## Helpers + +{docstring Nat.isValue} + +{docstring Nat.reduceUnary} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBin} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBinPred} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBoolPred} + +{docstring Nat.reduceSucc} + +{docstring Nat.reduceAdd} + +{docstring Nat.reduceSub} + +{docstring Nat.reduceMul} + +{docstring Nat.reducePow} + +{docstring Nat.reduceDiv} + +{docstring Nat.reduceMod} + +{docstring Nat.reduceGcd} + +{docstring Nat.reduceLT} + +{docstring Nat.reduceLTLE} + +{docstring Nat.reduceLeDiff} + +{docstring Nat.reduceSubDiff} + +{docstring Nat.reduceGT} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBEq} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBeqDiff} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBneDiff} + +{docstring Nat.reduceEqDiff} + +{docstring Nat.reduceBNe} + +{docstring Nat.reduceNatEqExpr} + +{docstring Nat.applyEqLemma} + +{docstring Nat.applySimprocConst}