- News around SAP Cloud Platform multi-cloud and NEO
- CAP and Multitenancy: probably one of the topics when you build applications - the blog post Getting your head into Cloud Application Programming model multitenancy might be useful for you
- CAP with PostgresSQL by Gregor Wolf.
- Christian Drumm is building up an end2end scenario with SAP's latest and greatest stuff including CAP. More information si available in his GitHub repo
- SAP Graph, API Sandbox Beta, after registration write operations are possible
- Coffee Corner Radio - New Episode on DevOps!
August's Azure Functions Live was a blast. A lot of cool news around Azure Functions like:
- Finally the Extension Bundles have been updated - hello Durable Entities without much ado
- Preview of Functions Extension for Dapr
- Serverless APIs -> Watch the video, it is worth it!
Orchestrating batches via Durable Functions - nice scenario Azure Durable Functions managing Azure Batch Jobs
Azure Managed Identities in Azure Functions or Secretless Azure Function Development
Security, always only half the fun ...
- but here is a nice read and hands-on lab about Principal Propagation between Azure and NetWeaver
- and another one on Principal propagation in a multi-cloud solution between Microsoft Azure and SAP Cloud Platform
- SAP's Devtoberfest
- Serverless September; see also Create:Serverless
- openSAP Course on Extending SAP Processes with Microsoft Azure ... postponed
- NDI support for Microsoft Teams is available/rolling out: Link
SAP on Azure Video Podcast on YouTube
In case you want to see some cool stuff on how to combine SAP and Microsoft you should follow Martin Pankraz.
Last but not least Roman Broich who is doing quite some nice incubator stuff in the area SAP and Microsoft integration
The podcast as well as the content of the repository represent my opinion and especially does not represent the one of my employer, SAP, Microsoft or DSAG.