🚀 Developing Rocketseat 's Next Level Week (NLW#05) Application using Swoole + Hyperf.
This is the app of the Elixir track.
I know PHP/Swoole | I know NLW#5 |
The Next Level Week is a sprint promoted by the education company Rocketseat to help in the learning of new technologies. Unfortunately they don't officially support a PHP track, but we love PHP specially when it comes with Swoole. | This is the following of the Elixir track, but using Swoole (instead of regular PHP-FPM), a high-performance server for PHP applications inspired on Erlang, and Hyper, a MVC framework analog to Phoenix, that supports Coroutines as first-class. |
Language | Runtime | Framework | ORM | |
From | Elixir | Processes (Tasks/GenServer) | Phoenix | Ecto |
To | PHP | Swoole Coroutines/Fibers | Hyperf | Hyperf-Eloquent |
For the REPL (iex) you can use gokure/hyperf-tinker.
The mail component for Elixir was based on the third-party Bamboo project, same here, it uses hyperf-ext/mail (both running locally with logs, but with a wide range of transports/adapters available).
for sent emails.
docker compose run --rm --service-ports app
This will start an interactive shell inside a container-based development environment.
The following commands should be executed inside this shell session.
If you don't want to use Docker you can skip this step, just make sure you have a running MySQL server, PHP 7.4 and Swoole 4.6.
composer install
Make sure to change .env
for proper values (like setting DB_HOST
to db
if in Docker) and adding passwords.
php bin/hyperf.php migrate
php bin/hyperf.php server:watch
php bin/hyperf.php mail:expiring
After that, see