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forked from github/janky

Continuous integration server built on top of Jenkins and Hubot


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As of April 2022, this repository is no longer used or maintained.

This is Janky, a continuous integration server built on top of Jenkins, controlled by Hubot, and designed for GitHub.

  • Built on top of Jenkins. The power, vast amount of plugins and large community of the popular CI server all wrapped up in a great experience.

  • Controlled by Hubot. Day to day operations are exposed as simple Hubot commands that the whole team can use.

  • Designed for GitHub. Janky creates the appropriate web hooks for you and the web app restricts access to members of your GitHub organization.

Hubot usage

Start by setting up a new Jenkins job and GitHub web hook for a repository: [ORG]/[REPO]

hubot ci setup github/janky

The setup command can safely be run over and over again. It won't do anything unless it needs to. It takes an optional name argument: [ORG]/[REPO] [NAME]

hubot ci setup github/janky janky-ruby1.9.2

It also takes an optional template argument: [ORG]/[REPO] [NAME] [TEMPLATE]

hubot ci setup github/janky janky-ruby1.9.2 ruby-build

All branches are built automatically on push. Disable auto build with:

hubot ci toggle [REPO]

NOTE: If name was set you'll need to use it intested.

hubot ci toggle [NAME]

Run the command again to re-enable it. Force a build of the master branch:

hubot ci build [REPO]

NOTE: If name was set you'll need to use it intested.

hubot ci build [NAME]

Of a specific branch: [REPO]/[BRANCH]

hubot ci build janky/libgit2

Different builds aren't relevant to the same chat room and so Janky lets you choose where notifications are sent to. First get a list of available rooms:

hubot ci rooms

Then pick one:

hubot ci set room janky The Serious Room

Get the status of a build:

hubot ci status janky

Specific branch: [REPO]/[BRANCH]

hubot ci status janky/libgit2

All builds:

hubot ci status

Finally, get a quick reference of the available commands with:

hubot ci?



Janky requires access to a Jenkins server. Version 1.580 is recommended. Refer to the Jenkins documentation for installation instructions and install the Notification Plugin version 1.4.

Remember to set the Jenkins URL in Janky will still trigger builds but will not update the build status without this set.


Janky is designed to be deployed to Heroku.

Grab all the necessary files from the gist:

$ git clone git:// janky

Then push it up to a new Heroku app:

$ cd janky
$ heroku create --stack cedar
$ bundle install
$ git add Gemfile.lock
$ git commit Gemfile.lock -m "lock bundle"
$ git push heroku master

After configuring the app (see below), create the database:

$ heroku run rake db:migrate

NOTE: Ruby version 2.0.0+ is required to run Janky.


We strongly recommend backing up your Janky database before upgrading.

The general process is to then upgrade the gem, and then run migrate. Here is how you do that on a local box you have access to (this process will differ for Heroku):

gem update janky
rake db:migrate


Janky is configured using environment variables. Use the heroku config command:

$ heroku config:add VARIABLE=value

Required settings:

  • JANKY_BASE_URL: The application URL with a trailing slash. Example:
  • JANKY_BUILDER_DEFAULT: The Jenkins server URL with a trailing slash. Example: For basic auth, include the credentials in the URL: http://user:[email protected]/. Using GitHub OAuth with Jenkins is not supported by Janky.
  • JANKY_CONFIG_DIR: Directory where build config templates are stored. Typically set to /app/config on Heroku.
  • JANKY_HUBOT_USER: Login used to protect the Hubot API.
  • JANKY_HUBOT_PASSWORD: Password for the Hubot API.
  • JANKY_GITHUB_USER: The login of the GitHub user used to access the API. Requires Administrative privileges to set up service hooks.
  • JANKY_GITHUB_PASSWORD: The password for the GitHub user.
  • JANKY_GITHUB_HOOK_SECRET: Secret used to sign hook requests from GitHub.
  • JANKY_CHAT_DEFAULT_ROOM: Chat room where notifications are sent by default.

Optional database settings:

  • DATABASE_URL: Database connection URL. Example: postgres://user:password@host:port/db_name.
  • JANKY_DATABASE_SOCKET: Path to the database socket. Example: /var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock.

GitHub Enterprise

Using Janky with GitHub Enterprise requires one extra setting:

  • JANKY_GITHUB_API_URL: Full API URL of the instance, with a trailing slash. Example:

GitHub Status API

To update pull requests with the build status generate an OAuth token via the GitHub API:

curl -u username:password \
  -d '{ "scopes": [ "repo:status" ], "note": "janky" }' \

then set JANKY_GITHUB_STATUS_TOKEN. Optionally, you can also set JANKY_GITHUB_STATUS_CONTEXT to send a context to the GitHub API by default

username and password in the above example should be the same as the values provided for JANKY_GITHUB_USER and JANKY_GITHUB_PASSWORD respectively.

Chat notifications


Required settings:

  • JANKY_CHAT=hipchat
  • JANKY_CHAT_HIPCHAT_TOKEN: authentication token (This token needs to be an admin token, not a notification token.)
  • JANKY_CHAT_HIPCHAT_FROM: name that messages will appear be sent from. Defaults to CI.
  • JANKY_HUBOT_USER should be XMPP/Jabber username in format xxxxx_xxxxxx rather than email
  • JANKY_CHAT_DEFAULT_ROOM should be the name of the room instead of the XMPP format, for example: Engineers instead of xxxx_xxxxxx.


  • Add require "janky/chat_service/hipchat" to the config/environment.rb file before the Janky.setup(ENV) line.
  • echo 'gem "hipchat", "~>0.4"' >> Gemfile
  • bundle
  • git commit -am "install hipchat"


Required settings:

  • JANKY_CHAT=slack
  • JANKY_CHAT_SLACK_TEAM: slack team name
  • JANKY_CHAT_SLACK_TOKEN: authentication token for the user sending build notifications.
  • JANKY_CHAT_SLACK_USERNAME: name that messages will appear be sent from. Defaults to CI.
  • JANKY_CHAT_SLACK_ICON_URL: URL to an image to use as the icon for this message.


  • Add require "janky/chat_service/slack" to the config/environment.rb file before the Janky.setup(ENV) line.
  • echo 'gem "slack.rb"' >> Gemfile
  • bundle
  • git commit -am "install slack"


Sends notifications to Hubot via janky script.

Required settings:

  • JANKY_CHAT=hubot
  • JANKY_CHAT_HUBOT_URL: URL to your Hubot instance.
  • JANKY_CHAT_HUBOT_ROOMS: List of rooms which can be set via ci set room.
    • For IRC: Comma-separated list of channels "#room, #another-room"
    • For Campfire/HipChat: List with room id and name "34343:room, 23223:another-room"
    • For Slack: List with room names "room, another-room"


  • Add require "janky/chat_service/hubot" to the config/environment.rb file before the Janky.setup(ENV) line.


To restrict access to members of a GitHub organization, register a new OAuth application on GitHub with the callback set to $JANKY_BASE_URL/auth/github/callback then set a few extra settings:

  • JANKY_SESSION_SECRET: Random session cookie secret. Typically generated by a tool like pwgen.
  • JANKY_AUTH_CLIENT_ID: The client ID of the OAuth application.
  • JANKY_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret of the OAuth application.
  • JANKY_AUTH_ORGANIZATION: The organization name. Example: "github".
  • JANKY_AUTH_TEAM_ID: An optional team ID to give auth to. Example: "1234".


Install the janky script in your Hubot then set the HUBOT_JANKY_URL environment variable. Example: http://user:[email protected]/_hubot/, with user and password replaced by JANKY_HUBOT_USER and JANKY_HUBOT_PASSWORD respectively.

Custom build configuration

The default build command should suffice for most Ruby applications:

$ bundle install --path vendor/gems --binstubs
$ bundle exec rake

For more control you can add a script/cibuild at the root of your repository for Jenkins to execute instead.

For total control, whole Jenkins' config.xml files can be associated with Janky builds. Given a build called windows and a template name of psake, Janky will try config/jobs/psake.xml.erb to use a template, config/jobs/windows.xml.erb to try the job name if the template does not exit, before finally falling back to the default configuration, config/jobs/default.xml.erb. After updating or adding a custom config, run hubot ci setup again to update the Jenkins server.


Docker and docker-compose are required for hacking on this project.

Get your environment up and running:


Create the databases, tables, and seed data:


Start the server:

docker-compose run --service-ports app script/server

Open the app:

open http://localhost:9393/

Run the test suite:

docker-compose run --rm app script/test


Fork the Janky repository on GitHub and send a Pull Request. Note that any changes to behavior without tests will be rejected. If you are adding significant new features, please add both tests and documentation.



Copyright © 2011-2014, GitHub, Inc. See the COPYING file for license rights and limitations (MIT).


Continuous integration server built on top of Jenkins and Hubot



Code of conduct





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  • Ruby 89.4%
  • CSS 3.8%
  • JavaScript 3.5%
  • Mustache 1.1%
  • Groovy 0.9%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%
  • Shell 0.6%