Releases: liamcottle/reticulum-meshchat
Releases · liamcottle/reticulum-meshchat
- Added new notification for incoming calls
- Added a red indicator to show if a conversation has messages that failed to send
- Added buttons to quickly open folder containing Reticulum config file and MeshChat database file
- Added button to app version section to quickly go to MeshChat releases
- Added dismissible section to interfaces tab with suggested community servers
- Added a crash info dialog when Electron fails to start Python executable on launch
- Changed incoming messages to show time ago instead of sender name
- Bottom left sections of UI can now be collapsed
- Tidied up Nomad Network browser
- Updated icon used for announces
- Prevent bug where it was possible to edit an interface name but it would instead create a new interface.
- Added new settings UI.
- Added setting to allow auto resending failed messages when the intended destination announces.
- Added setting to prevent auto resending failed messages if they have attachments.
- #4 Command line arguments passed to the release binaries are now passed to MeshChat
- Added support for viewing and managing
- Added support for viewing and managing
- Improved some UI for mobile sized screens
- Sending a message will now attempt to find a path for unknown destinations instead of immediately failing
- Added a button to retry sending a failed message.
- Added button to quickly relaunch electron app after you have made changes to interfaces.
- Fixed bug #5 on Windows where showing alerts would prevent input fields from working.
- Fixed a bug where deleting messages would break the UI and other messages would disappear.
- Messages now show how many sending attempts have been made.
- Messages are now sent over the HTTP API instead of the websocket for more reliable error handling.
has been renamed
- Added push notifications for new messages when electron app is not focussed.
- You may need to allow notifications in the prompt for macOS.
- Only supported on the compiled Electron app, not when running in a custom browser from source.
- The currently selected conversation now correctly marks itself as read even when on the announces tab.
- Fixed nullable variable in javascript
- This release renames the project from WebChat to MeshChat.
- The default storage directory will be migrated from
- Once you have installed the new version, and launched it at least once, you can safely uninstall the old WebChat app.
- Added ability to automatically announce at a configurable interval
- Added ability to see how long ago you last announced
- Added about page to view app version, config paths and addresses you will be announcing
- Tidied some UI
- Added new feature to view lxmf conversations and when a message was last received
- Added a label to sidebar to show unread messages count
- IFAC label on interfaces now shows full byte values
- IFAC label now shows entire signature when clicked