Download hebrew dataset from wikipedia
- Go to: https://dumps.wikimedia.org/hewiki/latest/
- Download
In linux this can be easily done using:
wget https://dumps.wikimedia.org/hewiki/latest/hewiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
pip install --upgrade gensim
(https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/install.html) -
Run create_corpus.py:
python create_corpus.py
- It will create
- It will create
train the model: from python prompt:
- import word2vec
- word2vec.train()
explore model using jupyter notebook. You can use the supplied playingWithHebModel.ipynb example as a starting point.
- Train (inp = "wiki.he.text", out_model = "wiki.he.word2vec.model")
pip install fasttext
- Train (inp = "wiki.he.text", out_model = "wiki.he.fasttext.model", alg = "skipgram")
Testing specific Hebrew analogies like:
פריז + גרמניה - צרפת = ברלין
גבר + מלכה - מלך = אישה