- Content-addressed: pulling from a DHT & verifying
- Distributed: agnostic to which gateway/node provided
- ipfs://bafybeidjtwun7gvpfjymhquloxzzwhpctgsw3vxampxr46du2we4yhiqje/reference/en/index.html
- Refers to immutable content/site
- Origin contains hash for root of Merkle tree
- ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dijv526o4z2z10ejylnel0bfvrtw53itcmsecffo8yf0zb4g9gi/links.html
- Mutable pointer to immutable data
- Origin contains public key to verify the 'pointer' record
- ipns://en.wikipedia-on-ipfs.org/wiki/Book
- DNSLink uses DNS TXT records to redirect to /ipns/ or /ipfs/
- Origin contains hostname
Returns: Content-Type: application/vnd.ipfs.ipns-record
Body (protobuf) contains:
Value: "/ipns/ipfs.tech"
... snip ...
Signature V2: "mKWg7Jv/T+7hhKE1d/9YY7JHWeAaBJ/yQI3C56xn5v7ld9MZO2InUIGE0vSpW+ZRw3nNMJJT+usye8Tt2GRqpCw"
Data: {"Sequence":0,"TTL":60000000000,"Validity":{"/":{"bytes":"MjAyMy0wOS0yOFQxMzo0MDoyMS4xMzI1NDQwMDFa"}},"ValidityType":0,"Value":{"/":{"bytes":"L2lwbnMvaXBmcy50ZWNo"}}}
Verify signature and continue.
_dnslink.ipfs.tech has TXT "dnslink=/ipfs/QmRE3dyFsbhC1dAthPBvgo4w15dGwppCAybgmJDB5m2SRy"
Request the root node in a verifiable format (see https://specs.ipfs.tech/http-gateways/trustless-gateway/)
Returns Content-Type: application/vnd.ipld.raw
directory with 26 entries.
Verify the hash matches and continue.
Or set header Accept: application/vnd.ipld.raw
instead of format parameter.
Note the recursive verification.
So just deserialize and return its content.
The HTML starts rendering, and requests a resource.
<img style="" class="max-w-40 mx-auto" src="/_nuxt/ipfs-logo.a313bcee.svg" data-v-6d12c5c1>
This is relative to the ipns root, so start over with a request for:
Request the file we're after. https://ipfs.fleek.co/ipfs/QmWTW21hadJGoAcmGZC18mCFq71UUVGPtJSX5PeBubnQCQ?format=raw
Request the file parts in parallel https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/Qm...1 https://jcsl.hopto.org/ipfs/Qm...2
Make the same request to multiple gateways in parallel. One will return first, if it passes verification, others are cancelled. Reduces worst-case times.
- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRE3dyFsbhC1dAthPBvgo4w15dGwppCAybgmJDB5m2SRy?format=raw
- https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmRE3dyFsbhC1dAthPBvgo4w15dGwppCAybgmJDB5m2SRy?format=raw
- https://jorropo.net/ipfs/QmRE3dyFsbhC1dAthPBvgo4w15dGwppCAybgmJDB5m2SRy?format=raw
- Design & implementation changes necessary for upstreaming
- User configuration (e.g. gateways to use & discovery enabled)
- IPFS HTTP /routing/v1 API
- Helping with missing data and exhausted known gateways
- Partial CAR (Content-addressed Archives) requests
- fewer network round-trips
- see https://specs.ipfs.tech/ipips/ipip-0402/
- IPFS-specific DevTools (e.g.: DAG explorer)
- Possibly connecting to webtransport IPFS peers
what | where |
John's Email | [email protected] |
ChromeStatus Feature | https://chromestatus.com/feature/5105580464668672 |
Tracking Issue | https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1440503 |
POC Repo | https://github.com/little-bear-labs/ipfs-chromium |
IPFS Specs | https://specs.ipfs.tech |