diff --git a/spec/datetimeformat.html b/spec/datetimeformat.html
index 2519a1cc..0af22d15 100644
--- a/spec/datetimeformat.html
+++ b/spec/datetimeformat.html
@@ -73,12 +73,22 @@
InitializeDateTimeFormat ( _dateTimeFormat_, _locales_, _options_ )
The abstract operation InitializeDateTimeFormat accepts the arguments _dateTimeFormat_ (which must be an object), _locales_, and _options_. It initializes _dateTimeFormat_ as a DateTimeFormat object. This abstract operation functions as follows:
+ The following algorithm refers to UTS 35's Unicode Locale Identifier grammar.
1. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_).
1. Let _options_ be ? ToDateTimeOptions(_options_, `"any"`, `"date"`).
1. Let _opt_ be a new Record.
1. Let _matcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"localeMatcher"`, `"string"`, « `"lookup"`, `"best fit"` », `"best fit"`).
1. Set _opt_.[[localeMatcher]] to _matcher_.
+ 1. Let _calendar_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"calendar"`, `"string"`, *undefined*, *undefined*).
+ 1. If _calendar_ does not match `type`, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _opt_.[[ca]] to _calendar_.
+ 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"numberingSystem"`, `"string"`, *undefined*, *undefined*).
+ 1. If _numberingSystem_ does not match `type`, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _opt_.[[nu]] to _numberingSystem_.
1. Let _hour12_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"hour12"`, `"boolean"`, *undefined*, *undefined*).
1. Let _hourCycle_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"hourCycle"`, `"string"`, « `"h11"`, `"h12"`, `"h23"`, `"h24"` », *undefined*).
1. If _hour12_ is not *undefined*, then
diff --git a/spec/numberformat.html b/spec/numberformat.html
index 979c8f53..07a72880 100644
--- a/spec/numberformat.html
+++ b/spec/numberformat.html
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ InitializeNumberFormat ( _numberFormat_, _locales_, _options_ )
The abstract operation InitializeNumberFormat accepts the arguments _numberFormat_ (which must be an object), _locales_, and _options_. It initializes _numberFormat_ as a NumberFormat object. The following steps are taken:
+ The following algorithm refers to UTS 35's Unicode Locale Identifier grammar.
1. Let _requestedLocales_ be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(_locales_).
1. If _options_ is *undefined*, then
@@ -49,6 +53,9 @@ InitializeNumberFormat ( _numberFormat_, _locales_, _options_ )
1. Let _opt_ be a new Record.
1. Let _matcher_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"localeMatcher"`, `"string"`, « `"lookup"`, `"best fit"` », `"best fit"`).
1. Set _opt_.[[localeMatcher]] to _matcher_.
+ 1. Let _numberingSystem_ be ? GetOption(_options_, `"numberingSystem"`, `"string"`, *undefined*, *undefined*).
+ 1. If _numberingSystem_ does not match `type`, throw a *RangeError* exception.
+ 1. Set _opt_.[[nu]] to _numberingSystem_.
1. Let _localeData_ be %NumberFormat%.[[LocaleData]].
1. Let _r_ be ResolveLocale(%NumberFormat%.[[AvailableLocales]], _requestedLocales_, _opt_, %NumberFormat%.[[RelevantExtensionKeys]], _localeData_).
1. Set _numberFormat_.[[Locale]] to _r_.[[locale]].