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liuggio edited this page May 15, 2012 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the HelpDeskTicketSystemBundle wiki!

The Idea of this bundle is provide a ticketing system for help the customer.

##The Use case

###Admin: an Admin can: CRUD Category, CRUD Operator account, CRUD ticket, Re-Open ticket Assign Categories to the Operators Move ticket on different categories

###Customer: could be a authenticated user, or anonymous ?(depends on configuration) A customer can can create, reply, close and rate ticket.

###Operator: The operator is authenticated, an operator can: reply, close ticket.

###Category: A category can be created, disabled, modified. can only respond to tickets that belong to the category

##The Flow

  1. A Customer create a ticket in a category

  2. The Operators of that category are notified

  3. An Operator reply to the ticket

  4. The Customer is notified

  5. The Customer continue the conversation(goto step.2) or close the ticket.

  6. The customer could rate the answer.

##The Ticket

The state has 4 states:

1 New a ticket is just created. The ticket is waiting an action from an operator

2 Replied the operator replied.

3 Pending the customer replied. The ticket is waiting an action from an operator

4 Closed nobody could reply to this comment

We could group the state of the ticket for the operator:

  1. Pending (New and Pending)

  2. Closed (Replied and Closed)

We could group the state of the ticket for the customer:

  1. Open (New, Replied and Pending)

  2. Closed (Closed)

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