Millestone v1.2.0
- Create category for time #96
- Bug: Whet updating category color category-groups are reset #113
- Fix tab navigation in categories and statistic table #105
- Migrate to Angular 16 #104
- Create
module and createcolor-select
component #101 - Create statistic table controls #117
- Adaptive for all screens #107
- Create stubs for not-data: category-table, category-select, statistic-page... #114
Millestone v1.1.0
- Change
in all effects #99 - Bug: On add statistic item and go to statistic page, page show only 1 item #94
- On home page form create additional flag for show datetime input #93
- Fix reorder in category-select #90
- Fix change statistic bug #87
- Changelog: Add v1.0.1 and v1.0.2 to changelog #86
- Change footer #84
- Create category-groups #75
- Create checkbox for not-clean main form after submit #74
- Remove no-category from category-select #73
- Add dimension field to category #64
- Remove populating data from store #62
- Create categories reorder #20
Changed in production api-link from dev version to prod Pull request #83
Removed 'no category' from category select Pull request #78
Millestone v1.0.0
- Create versioning by requests to api #69
- Create pick category with find and scroll(ex Toggle) #49
- Create statistic edit data #27
- Fix add statistic record bugs #65
- Fix update-category-form bugs #61
- Create categories edit data #21
- Create not-sync icon in categories page #40
- Create buttons for force update categories and statistic #48
- Refactor and append functional header/user-panel #56
- Clean statistic and categories add form after submit #51
- Bug: On delete category and not delete statistic record -> error on frontend #50
- Fix bugs of adding statistic records #41
- Create usefull interface on home page for add statistic records #42
- Create logout button #43
- Create not-sync store statistic #44
Millestone v0.0.2
- Create statistic beautiful table #22
- Pre-fetch #23
- Think and create new store for sync data with sync icons #24
- Fix footer version in production #26
- Create statistic delete item #28
- Fix on add statistic record only the first one is added #32
- Fix allow empty comments for add categories and statistic #33
Millestone v0.0.1
- Fix authorization #1
- Move API host variables to env #2
- Create gh-actions for deploy and check commits/pull requests #3
- Create global store NgRx #5
- Fix router in #6
- Rework header #9
- Create footer #10
- Create temp certs for developing #11
- Fix statistic graph load #14
- Created authorization with google identity
- Created add statistic record form
- Created categories table with add and remove opportunity
- Created statistic chart
- Created basic statistic table