4 sample sketches are provided under the libraries/ir_messaging/samples sub-directory:
- ir_tx_onbutton: Transmits a hard-coded IR message when a button is pressed.
- ir_rx_sniff: Prints recieved signal to serial output (serial monitor).
- sparkfun_remote_test: Prints received signal to serial output (specific to "SparkFun IR Control Kit").
- ir_repeater: Simple sketch that re-transmits valid incomming IR messages.
- NOTE: Does not respect protocol-dependent periodicity (or signalling gap) between IR messages. Take the NEC volume up/down commands for example: The ir_repeater sketch will recieve the first volume message, then immediately re-transmit it (~68ms) once fully decoded. By the time the volume message re-transmission is complete, the receiver ISR will have already read in the trailing NEC "repeat" message (only ~11ms) - as per the 110ms periodicidy of messages in the NEC protocol. Thus, without enforcing protocol-dependent periodicity, the first "repeat" message will be re-transmitted too early for proper detection by the end-user equipment.