- Regenerated ARM sdk with Autorest autorest.0.17.0-Nightly20160519
- Updating gemspec files to use the correct homepage for each gem
- Regenerated ARM sdk with Autorest autorest.0.17.0-Nightly20160519
- Regenerated ARM sdk for newest published swagger specs from azure-rest-api-specs
- azure_mgmt_cdn 2015-06-01 -> 2016-04-02
- azure_mgmt_compute 2015-06-15 -> 2016-03-30
- azure_mgmt_network 2015-06-15 -> 2016-03-30
- azure_mgmt_resources 2015-11-01 -> 2016-02-01
- azure_mgmt_scheduler 2016-01-01 -> 2016-03-01
- azure_mgtm_storage 2015-06-15 -> 2016-01-01
- Updated tests to match new sdk
- Updated autorest location to point to environmental variable
- Updated min version of ms_rest_azure gem to 0.2.3
- Updated version of gems to 0.3.0 due to following breaking change:
- introduced sync and async versions of operations
- Initializing repo after split from azure-sdk-for-ruby