Machine Learning and Data Analytics Graphical User Interface
The MaD GUI is a framework for processing time series data. Its use-cases include visualization, annotation (manual or automated), and algorithmic processing of visualized data and annotations. More information:
In a python 3.8 environment, execute the following commands or use the section Development installation:
pip install mad_gui
This is just to get a first feeling of how the GUI looks like, you can test with our example data: You can download our example data to test our built-in exemplary importer, exemplary algorithms and exemplary label. To see how to open our example data within the GUI, please refer to our section about the User Interface.
Very short, you will create and inject plugins, similar to this:
from mad_gui import start_gui
from my_plugin_package imoprt MyAlgorithm
For more information on how to create your plugins, refer to our readme or our more extensive documentation.