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optimus-img-transform Build Status

An Optimus image transformation middleware.


  • Add [optimus-img-transform "0.3.1"] to :dependencies in your project.clj.
  • It requires Optimus version minimum 0.14.1.
  • It requires Java 7


Let's look at an example:

(ns example
  (:require [optimus-img-transform.core :refer [transform-images]]))

(transform-images assets {:regexp #"/photos/.*\.jpg"
                          :quality 0.7
                          :width 290
                          :progressive true})

This takes a list of assets and transform all that match the :regexp. They're resized to 290 width (maintaining proportions), and saved with quality 0.7 in progressive rendering mode.

You can also specify:

  • :height alone, or together with :width
  • :scale which will resize proportional to the scale.
  • :tmp-dir customizes the temporary location for cached images.
  • :prefix to create new images on a prefixed path, instead of replacing.
  • :crop to crop the image at {:offset [x y], :size [w h]}
  • :crop can also be set to :square

The only mandatory params are :regexp and :quality.

Here's another example:

(transform-images assets {:regexp #"/photos/.*\.jpg"
                          :quality 0.3
                          :scale 2
                          :prefix "2x/"
                          :progressive true})

This sets up the neat trick of Retina Revolution to serve retina-ready images with no increase in file size.

Take an image /photos/optimus.jpg that's 290x180 in size. After this, there's also an image /photos/2x/optimus.jpg that's at 580x360 with a low jpg quality.

How do I use it with Optimus?

Just add it to your asset middleware stack. Let's say you want to use all the optimizations that come with Optimus:

(ns example
  (:require [optimus.optimizations :as optimizations]
            [optimus-img-transform.core :refer [transform-images]]))

(defn optimize [assets options]
  (-> assets
      (transform-images {:regexp #"/photos/.*\.jpg"
                         :quality 0.3
                         :scale 2
                         :progressive true})
      (optimizations/all options)))

And plug that optimization function into optimus.core/wrap.

Can I create multiple versions of the same image?

Yes, just use :prefix to differentiate them.

One word of warning tho: transform-images won't touch images that it has already transformed, to avoid stacking jpg-compressions on top of each other. So if you want to both create multiple versions of the same image and transform the image in-place, do the in-place transformation last.

Change log

From 0.3 to 0.3.1

  • Fix asset duplication when prefix option is used. (Joel Sánchez López)

From 0.2 to 0.3

  • Add option :square to :crop option (Joel Sánchez López)


Yes, please do. And add tests for your feature or fix, or I'll certainly break it later.

Running the tests

lein midje will run all tests.

lein midje namespace.* will run only tests beginning with "namespace.".

lein midje :autotest will run all the tests indefinitely. It sets up a watcher on the code files. If they change, only the relevant tests will be run again.



Copyright © 2014-2017 Magnar Sveen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.