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Japanese Readme


Logo: by @otama_jacksy


  • Author: Baxter
  • 2024/Dec/30

The VRM avatar application without any special device.

  1. Features
  2. Download
  3. Contact
  4. (For Developers) Build
  5. Third-Party License
  6. About Localization Contribution

1. Features

  • Load your VRM and show bust up
  • Show the keyboard and mouse operation in realtime.
  • Change chromakey for your casting application.

The biggest feature is NO NEED for VR devices like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Leap motion.

It will be helpful in the following situations.

  • Casting with almost no preparation
  • Tech presentation with live coding
  • Desktop mascot

2. Download


Run on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Please see Manual for the detail.

3. Contact

note: Contact in English or Japanese is very helpful for the author.

4. (Developer) How to build

4.1. Folder structure

Put the repository on your local folder. folder path should not include space character.

Open Unity project with Unity 2022.3.x, and open WPF project with Visual Studio 2022.

Maintainer's environment is as following.

  • Unity 2022.3.7f1 Personal
  • Visual Studio Community 2022 (17.4.4)
    • Component ".NET Desktop Development" is required.
    • Also Component "C++ Desktop Development" is required, for Unity Burst compiler.

4.2. Asset install

Should be noted that FinalIK, Dlib FaceLandmark Detector, and OpenCV for Unity are paid assets.

NuGetForUnity is necessary to import NAudio.

"Fly,Baby." and "LaserLightShader" are available on BOOTH, and they are optional. If you do not introduce them, some of typing effects will not work correctly.

Dlib FaceLandmark Detector requires dataset file to be moved into StreamingAssets folder. Please check the file is in correct location by running Dlib FaceLandmark Detector example scenes like WebCamTexture Example.

Install SharpDX by following steps.

  • From 2 URLs get .nupkg file by Download package, and expand them as zip file.
  • In the expanded zip, see lib/netstandard1.3/ to get file SharpDX.dll and SharpDX.DirectInput.dll. Put these file in anywhere on the Unity project.

RawInput.Sharp can be installed with almost same work flow.

  • Get .nupkg from NuGet gallery and expand as zip to get lib/netstandard1.1/RawInput.Sharp.dll
  • Create RawInputSharp folder in Unity project's Assets folder, and put dll into the folder.

For OpenCVforUnity, edit DisposableOpenCVObject.cs:

    abstract public class DisposableOpenCVObject : DisposableObject

//        internal IntPtr nativeObj;
        //Change to public member
        public IntPtr nativeObj;

Also there are some UPM based dependencies.

You will get compile errors for the first time. To solve this, confirm NuGetForUnity is installed, and open NAudioLipSyncContext.cs to uncomment #define line at the start of the script. This will solve compile errors and NuGet download will start. After download completed, comment out the line to enable actual lipsync implementation.

//uncomment this line once, and comment out after NAudio is downloaded

4.3. Build

4.3.1. Build by Cmd Files

Build operation is available by .cmd files in Batches folder.

Please see what args are supported in each files.

For Unity build, you have to prepare required assets beforehand, and note that Unity Editor version is strictly specified in build_unity.cmd. If you have some reason to use different version of editor, you need to modify build_unity.cmd.

Note that, create_installer.cmd requires Inno Setup to be installed.

# Build WPF project
build_wpf.cmd standard dev

# Build Unity project
build_unity.cmd standard dev

# Call after building WPF and Unity project to make installer
create_installer.cmd standard dev v1.2.3

# Build and create installer, with version name written in "version.txt"

4.3.2. Build on Opened Project

Prepare output folder like Bin. Following instruction expects the folder name is Bin, but of course you can specify other name.

  • In Unity,
    • Specify Bin folder for the output.
  • To build WPF project, right click VMagicMirrorConfig project on the solution explorer and select publish.
    • Use following profile setting as Folder Profile.
      • Configuration: Release | x86
      • Target Framework: netcoreapp3.0
      • Deployment Mode: Self Contained
      • Target Runtime: win10-x86
      • Target Location: choose somewhere on your PC folder
    • By the publish you will get the files at target location folder. Then, copy the files to Bin/ConfigApp/ folder.

When you want to check right folder structure, please see the distributed app.

5. Third-Party License

5.1. OSS License

OSS license is listed in control panel GUI, and the resource text is this file.

This page is similar, but it also refers to the libraries which are used in past versions.

Note that some images are created with Otomanopee font. This is not license notice, since the font itself is not redistributed.

5.2. About Model data under Creative Commons Attribution

This repository includes following model data files under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

  • Gamepad.fbx (Author: Negyek)
  • CarSteering.glb (Author: CaskeThis)

VMagicMirror applies material for visual consistency, and allow texture replacement to support visual customize.

6. About Localization Contribution

Please check, when you plan to contribute by localization activity.