In the case you have previous information in the database used by Orion Context Broker and that database contains geo-located entities you need to apply the following procedure. Otherwise, you can use the default upgrading procedure.
Stop contextBroker
Remove previous contextBroker version
yum remove contextBroker
Take a backup of your DBs (this is just a safety measure in the case some problem occurs, e.g the swap_coords.js script gets interrupted before finished and your database data ends in a incoherent status)
Download the following script: swap_coords.js
Apply the script to your DBs, using the following (where 'db' is the database name). Note that if you are using multitenant/multiservice you need to apply the procedure to each per-tenant/service database.
mongo <db> swap_coords.js
Install new contextBroker version (Sometimes the commands fails due to yum cache. In that case, run "yum clean all" and try again)
yum install contextBroker
Start contextBroker
Note that the rpm command demand superuser privileges, so you have to run them as root or using the sudo command.