v0.9.9 - 09/22/15
- Add ignoreErrors flag on global config to avoid tests error propagation
v0.9.8 - 04/08/15
- Update versions
- Remove Node 0.8 support
- Add support for Node 0.12 and IO.js
v0.9.7 - 12/02/14
- Updated dependencies
v0.9.6 - 12/02/14
- Updated dependencies
v0.9.5 - 12/02/14
- Added Coverage loader support
v0.9.4 - 11/30/14
- Update of reporter version adding custom loader configuration option (topLevel)
v0.9.3 - 11/29/14
- Added loader task
- Changed 'rule-book.js' and 'rule-book.json' as default values for a configuration file
- Renamed "decorator" to "decorators" in the task-options
- Added error logging to cucumber and mocha hooks
- Added Profile and Sub-profile
v0.9.2 - 11/10/14
- Added "report" property for task to turn on/off reporting for the task
v0.9.1 - 11/05/14
- Gave access to global configuration in client
v0.9.0 - Initial release 11/04/14