A small executable that removes the leading white space from Visual Studios XML Documentation, to make the content compatible with white-space significant formats e.g. Markdown.
This tool was built to solve issues when consuming Visual Studio produced comments as Markdown in tools like Swagger (via Swashbuckle) and ASP.NET Web Api Help Page.
The xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe
can be called via command line, or referenced and used just like any other .NET DLL.
When executing, it loads an XML file and iterates over well-known elements, detecting if the text content of the element has leading white-space and removes it.
The consistency of leading white space is important. Mixing tabs and spaces may prevent the a the white space pattern being found.
xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe "path\to\a\file.xml" [/replace] [/output:"path\to\a\new.xml"]
overwrite file.xml with a new version
xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe file.xml /replace
save changes to new.xml
xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe file.xml /output:new.xml
output the changes to console
xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe file.xml
The easiest approach, if you're using Visual Studio, is to set up a post-build event to enumerate the documentation files in your project, performing an in-place conversion on each file.
Available on NuGet. To install, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
PM> Install-Package CSharpVitamins.XmlDocumentation.Compatibility -Pre
Post-build event command line:
$(ProjectDir)post-build.bat $(SolutionDir) $(TargetDir)
Add a post-build.bat
to your project
echo off
set TRANSFORM="%SOLUTION_ROOT%packages\CSharpVitamins.XmlDocumentation.Compatibility.1.0.0-alpha\tools\xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe"
set BIN=%2
for /r "%BIN%" %f in (*.xml) do (
echo xmldoc-markdown-compat %%f
%TRANSFORM% %%f /replace
Post-build event command line:
powershell -file $(ProjectDir)post-build.ps1 -solutionRoot $(SolutionDir) -bin $(TargetDir)
Add a post-build.ps1
to your project
Param (
$transform = Join-Path $solutionRoot 'packages\CSharpVitamins.XmlDocumentation.Compatibility.1.0.0-alpha\tools\xmldoc-markdown-compat.exe'
$files = Get-ChildItem -path $bin -filter *.xml
foreach ($file in $files) {
Write-Host "xmldoc-markdown-compat $($file.Name)"
& $transform $file.FullName /replace