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Evergreen action

A GitHub Action to request dependabot enablement on eligible repositories in an organization
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GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Evergreen action

CodeQL Lint Code Base Python package

This is a GitHub Action that given an organization or specified repositories, opens an issue/PR dependabot is not enabled but could be. It also enables automated security updates for the repository.

This action was developed by the GitHub OSPO for our own use and developed in a way that we could open source it that it might be useful to you as well! If you want to know more about how we use it, reach out in an issue in this repository.

Example use cases

  • As a part of the security team for my company, I want to make sure that all of the repositories in the company organizations are regularly updating their dependencies to ensure they are using the most secure version of the dependency available.
  • As an OSPO or maintainer, I want to automate everything I can to keep maintaining my project(s) easy and efficient.


If you need support using this project or have questions about it, please open up an issue in this repository. Requests made directly to GitHub staff or support team will be redirected here to open an issue. GitHub SLA's and support/services contracts do not apply to this repository.

Use as a GitHub Action

  1. Create a repository to host this GitHub Action or select an existing repository.
  2. Select a best fit workflow file from the examples below.
  3. Copy that example into your repository (from step 1) and into the proper directory for GitHub Actions: .github/workflows/ directory with the file extension .yml (ie. .github/workflows/evergreen.yml)
  4. Edit the values (ORGANIZATION, REPOSITORY, EXEMPT_REPOS, TYPE, TITLE, BODY) from the sample workflow with your information. If running on a whole organization then no repository is needed. If running the action on just one repository or a list of repositories, then no organization is needed. The type should be either issue or pull representing the action that you want taken after discovering a repository that should enable dependabot.
  5. Optionally, edit the value (CREATED_AFTER_DATE) if you are setting up this action to run regularly and only want newly created repositories to be considered. Otherwise, if you want all specified repositories regardless of when they were created to be considered, then leave blank.
  6. Also edit the value for GH_ENTERPRISE_URL if you are using a GitHub Server and not using For users, don't put anything in here.
  7. Update the value of GH_TOKEN. Do this by creating a GitHub API token with permissions to read the repository/organization and write issues or pull requests depending on what you put in for the TYPE. Then take the value of the API token you just created, and create a repository secret where the name of the secret is GH_TOKEN and the value of the secret the API token. Then finally update the workflow file to use that repository secret by changing GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} to GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}. The name of the secret can really be anything. It just needs to match between when you create the secret name and when you refer to it in the workflow file.
  8. If you want the resulting issue with the output to appear in a different repository other than the one the workflow file runs in, update the line token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with your own GitHub API token stored as a repository secret. This process is the same as described in the step above. More info on creating secrets can be found here.
  9. Commit the workflow file to the default branch (often master or main)
  10. Wait for the action to trigger based on the schedule entry or manually trigger the workflow as shown in the documentation.


Below are the allowed configuration options:

field required default description
GH_TOKEN True "" The GitHub Token used to scan the repository or organization. Must have write access to all repository you are interested in scanning so that an issue or pull request can be created.
GH_ENTERPRISE_URL False "" The GH_ENTERPRISE_URL is used to connect to an enterprise server instance of GitHub. users should not enter anything here.
ORGANIZATION Required to have ORGANIZATION or REPOSITORY The name of the GitHub organization which you want this action to work from. ie. would be github
REPOSITORY Required to have ORGANIZATION or REPOSITORY The name of the repository and organization which you want this action to work from. ie. github/evergreen or a comma separated list of multiple repositories github/evergreen,super-linter/super-linter
EXEMPT_REPOS False "" These repositories will be exempt from this action considering them for dependabot enablement. ex: If my org is set to github then I might want to exempt a few of the repos but get the rest by setting EXEMPT_REPOS to ``github/evergreen,github/contributors`
TYPE False pull Type refers to the type of action you want taken if this workflow determines that dependabot could be enabled. Valid values are pull or issue.
TITLE False "Enable Dependabot" The title of the issue or pull request that will be created if dependabot could be enabled.
BODY False Pull Request: "Dependabot could be enabled for this repository. Please enable it by merging this pull request so that we can keep our dependencies up to date and secure." Issue: "Please update the repository to include a Dependabot configuration file. This will ensure our dependencies remain updated and secure.Follow the guidelines in creating Dependabot configuration files to set it up properly.Here's an example of the code:" The body of the issue or pull request that will be created if dependabot could be enabled.
COMMIT_MESSAGE False "Create dependabot.yaml" The commit message for the pull request that will be created if dependabot could be enabled.
CREATED_AFTER_DATE False none If a value is set, this action will only consider repositories created on or after this date for dependabot enablement. This is useful if you want to only consider newly created repositories. If I set up this action to run weekly and I only want to scan for repos created in the last week that need dependabot enabled, then I would set CREATED_AFTER_DATE to 7 days ago. That way only repositories created after 7 days ago will be considered for dependabot enablement. If not set or set to nothing, all repositories will be scanned and a duplicate issue/pull request may occur. Ex: 2023-12-31 for Dec. 31st 2023
PROJECT_ID False "" If set, this will assign the issue or pull request to the project with the given ID. ( The project ID on GitHub can be located by navigating to the respective project and observing the URL's end.) The ORGANIZATION variable is required
DRY_RUN False false If set to true, this action will not create any issues or pull requests. It will only log the repositories that could have dependabot enabled. This is useful for testing.
GROUP_DEPENDENCIES False false If set to true, dependabot configuration will group dependencies updates based on dependency type (production or development, where supported)
ENABLE_SECURITY_UPDATES False true If set to true, Evergreen will enable Dependabot security updates on target repositories. Note that the Github token need to have the administration:right permission on every repository in scope to successfully enable security updates.

Example workflows


name: Weekly dependabot checks
    - cron: '3 2 * * 6'

  issues: write

    name: evergreen
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Run evergreen action
        uses: github/evergreen@v1
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


name: Weekly dependabot checks
    - cron: '3 2 * * 6'

  issues: write

    name: evergreen
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - shell: bash
        run: |
          # Get the current date
          current_date=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')

          # Calculate the previous month
          previous_date=$(date -d "$current_date -7 day" +'%Y-%m-%d')

          echo "$previous_date..$current_date"
          echo "one_week_ago=$previous_date" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"

      - name: Run evergreen action
        uses: github/evergreen@v1
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          EXEMPT_REPOS: "org_name/repo_name_1, org_name/repo_name_2"
          TITLE: "Add dependabot configuration"
          BODY: "Please add this dependabot configuration so that we can keep the dependencies in this repo up to date and secure. for help, contact XXX"
          CREATED_AFTER_DATE: ${{ env.one_week_ago }}

Local usage without Docker

  1. Make sure you have at least Python3.11 installed
  2. Copy .env-example to .env
  3. Fill out the .env file with a token from a user that has access to the organization to scan (listed below). Tokens should have at least write:org access for organization scanning and write:repository for repository scanning.
  4. Fill out the .env file with the configuration parameters you want to use
  5. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run python3 ./, which will output everything in the terminal



More OSPO Tools

Looking for more resources for your open source program office (OSPO)? Check out the github-ospo repo for a variety of tools designed to support your needs.

Evergreen action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


A GitHub Action to request dependabot enablement on eligible repositories in an organization


GitHub has manually verified the creator of the action as an official partner organization. For more info see About badges in GitHub Marketplace.

Evergreen action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.