Helix Check
(2)GitHub action for Sitecore projects which follow Helix principles - https://helix.sitecore.net/. Checks if solution complies with Helix rules.
- Feature layer projects can only reference Foundation
- Foundation layer projects can only reference other Foundations
- Project layer projects can reference Feature and Foundation but not other Projects
There are layer folders specified in the solution
- Feature
- Foundation
- Project
Projects are placed in correct folders, for example:
- correctsrc\Feature\ORM\website\Helixbase.Foundation.ORM.csproj
- incorrect
Input | Description | Usage |
solution-file |
Path to the solution that will be analyzed. | Required |
project-name |
The name of your project. | Required |
website-folder |
The name of the folder that contains the website project file. In older versions of Helix, this was named "code" Default "website" . |
Optional |
excluded-projects |
List of project names that won`t be analyzed. Due to the limitations of GitHub actions it has to be a string with comma delimited project names, e.g. 'NS.Project1,NS.Project2' | Optional |
Output | Description |
result |
Boolean result of the analysis. True if helix check is successful. |
time |
Time taken for check to complete. |
Create a yml file with the following contents (for example) in .github\workflows\
name: Helix Check
branches: [ develop, master ]
branches: [ develop, master ]
name: Helix check
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Helix Check
uses: ethisysltd/[email protected]
id: check
solution-file: 'Helixbase.sln'
project-name: 'Helixbase'
website-folder: 'website'
excluded-projects: 'Helixbase.Foundation.NotFollowingHelix,Helixbase.Feature.RatherNotFollowingHelix'
- name: Get the check result
run: echo "Check result - ${{ steps.check.outputs.result }}"
- name: Get the output time
run: echo "The time was - ${{ steps.check.outputs.time }}"
Solution file: Helixbase.sln
Project name: Helixbase
Solution file exists.
Solution is Helix compliant.
Solution file: invalid/Helixbase-Invalid.sln
Project name: Helixbase
Solution file exists.
##[warning]Issues with project Helixbase.Foundation.ORM
Folder incorrect: src\Feature\ORM\code\Helixbase.Foundation.ORM.csproj
##[warning]Issues with project Helixbase.Feature.Hero
Folder incorrect: src\Foundation\Hero\code\Helixbase.Feature.Hero.csproj
##[warning]Issues with project Helixbase.Project.Helixbase
Incorrect references:
- Helixbase.Project.Common
##[warning]Issues with project Helixbase.Feature.VersionTrim
Incorrect references:
- Helixbase.Project.Common
- Helixbase.Feature.ShowTitles
##[warning]Issues with project Helixbase.Foundation.Core
Incorrect references:
- Helixbase.Feature.Redirects
- Helixbase.Project.Common
##[error]Solution is not Helix compliant.
Helix Check is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.